Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master dunebugg

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20 Point Buy
2 Traits (1 of choice, plus 1 from campaign)
All Paizo material (no advanced firearms, eidolon-focused summoners only)
Uncommon + Featured races okay, but you will need a strong backstory as to why you are in this part of the world.
Average starting gold.
Submission deadline: Friday the 17th, 5pm.

Even though this is JR, you will need a heck of a reason why anything asian-flavoured would be found in Sandpoint.

Looking for 5-6 characters with a strong story that can incorporate their crunch into their fluff.

Looking for a more active game, where you will be able to post at least once a day during the week, with some downtime over the weekends. If you slip below an average of 1/day for longer than a week, you'll likely be replaced (I want a campaign that can last longer than a few weeks).

We won't be using XP, instead you will be advanced when it is recommended by the book (allows me to make modifications, skip easy/uninteresting encounters, etc).

Full Disclosure:

I have had to drop a game I was GMing for out of the blue on these boards about a year ago; I had loaded myself too much with RL commitments and couldn't keep up. That was also Kingmaker, so it was a lot of work. I doubt this will happen again, but I just want to be up front that it's a possibility (you will at least be told, I won't just disappear).

Dotting for interest. First thought that comes to mind is a Varisian Pilgrim Cleric of Desna.

I'll put some meat on the concept later tonight or tomorrow.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Dotting. 1st level I'm assuming?

Yes, first level.

Some sweet books to check for character stuff: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends; and Champions of Purity.

Shadow Lodge

I've got a character I'd love to play through this, but its going to need some background modification first as I had created it to play through Rise of the Runelords. I'll have something tomorrow to submit.

Dotting. Are the variant Aasimar / Tiefling heritages available?

I'll get to work on my Dwarven Barbarian tonight.

A CR20 Seagull wrote:
Dotting. Are the variant Aasimar / Tiefling heritages available?

Yes, just see the note about uncommon races. And remember that the natives of Sandpoint may not have a very high trust level of Aasimar after recent history...


I would be very interested in playing. I'm looking at playing a human magus or possibly a half orc barbarian, depending on what people want. Working on the character concepts now.

interested as well

see profile

I might throw a character together later tonight. I already have an idea...

Lou Kasuri wrote:

interested as well

see profile

Good story - but you're sitting at about 28PB on the hero lab output.

I hear ye be wantin' some close in support. I kin help ye out there.

I can easily redo traits for this if you like

dunebugg wrote:
Lou Kasuri wrote:

interested as well

see profile

Good story - but you're sitting at about 28PB on the hero lab output.

oops better fix thought that was my original 20 pb sheet

EDIT: updated to 20 PB

Id be interested in joining with this character.

Id probably take Friend of the Family to replace Eyes and Ears of the City, although truth be told, its function being based on an NPC being alive or dead kinda irks me.

I imagine Thalriks grandfather knows the family and has told him to go see Koya, that he could probably stay with them for a bit before deciding where to go next. So Thalrik wouldnt be a direct friend of the family in that regard.

"Greetings, I am Thalrik Korun, apprentice to Rindal Korun. He told me you would know his name?"

Would a halfling Oracle of Gozreh interest you? (Wind mystery, tongues curse, Auran language). Information in profile, I'd change the backstory to fit.

Grand Lodge

I present Khelvor De'Mortis for your approval. Halfling Paladin of Erastil.

On a side note, I spend my days on a computer at work, so I'm a frequent poster since I joined the site. You won't have to worry about getting a prompt response from me!


If I may, I present the(nearly finished) Notus Eyvendr. The alias I will use will have the same name, and is already set up.

Ill have somthing ready at some point.. Busy today though..

I'm thinking about a Dwarven Cavalier.

As a side note, JR will likely be played RP heavy. There are a lot of static NPCs (the main four plus more) so incorporating your trait NPC into your backstory help will make your character stand out a bit.

One thing to note for a few players here... Make a GM feel special; submitting the same character to multiple pbp's at a time (all for different APs, too) really hurts your chances at being picked. What happens if you get picked for two games? Will you leave one? Play both and burn out on that character? Lots of questions that not a lot of people will care enough to ask and will instead just look you over.

I will follow up on individual stuff this afternoon when I'm home.

Submitting Caerwyn Callandriil, Half-elf Rogue (Scout), for your consideration.

Dunebugg wrote:
One thing to note for a few players here... Make a GM feel special; submitting the same character to multiple pbp's at a time (all for different APs, too) really hurts your chances at being picked.

Yeah sorry about that, due to some PM miss understanding, I thought I was out of the running for the other recruitment im in. Turns out I was selected, so disregard my application.

I understand, dunebugg. I certainly wouldn't want you to feel like I was just applying to a bunch of different PbPs. The truth is that I created this little halfling for an application for a homebrew campaign, and I sort of fell in love with the character concept, a halfling who possesses mastery of the wind through being a divine conduit. The homebrew campaign fizzled before it even started, and I was left without even being able to play Terry once. I saw this recruitment post right after I found out the homebrew wasn't happening, and I've wanted to play Jade Regent for awhile, so I counted it as serendipitous.

I'm more than happy to tailor my halfling to this campaign (which is the only application with this character I have active), as soon as I have a bit of spare time. I was mainly just gauging your willingness to have a character like mine in your campaign.

Very interested, I believe I'll get back later with a character submission.

Terry Listantabulous wrote:

I understand, dunebugg. I certainly wouldn't want you to feel like I was just applying to a bunch of different PbPs. The truth is that I created this little halfling for an application for a homebrew campaign, and I sort of fell in love with the character concept, a halfling who possesses mastery of the wind through being a divine conduit. The homebrew campaign fizzled before it even started, and I was left without even being able to play Terry once. I saw this recruitment post right after I found out the homebrew wasn't happening, and I've wanted to play Jade Regent for awhile, so I counted it as serendipitous.

I'm more than happy to tailor my halfling to this campaign (which is the only application with this character I have active), as soon as I have a bit of spare time. I was mainly just gauging your willingness to have a character like mine in your campaign.

Oh, that kind of thing is usually more than fine. I have a few characters I've created that I will recycle from time to time (my favorite was a tiefling dragon disciple for Skulls and Shackles that fell through) so I understand. Just submitting the same guy to multiple PbP at a time is kind of sketchy.

To those who ask what kind of character I want: I want you simply to play something you'll enjoy. Don't make a character to impress me, make a character to impress yourself. If you've put effort into the idea and story, it'll show. And THAT will impress me.

I will check back in later today to do a count of submissions.

i can that Lou was active in few other games but no longer. The only active application right now is this one.

Lou shows up as active in another game but he dropped that game so he really is not active in that game.

I'd like to apply. i'm looking to get some experience as a player under my belt. i have the basics of my character as my paizo profile, by i cam send you a word doc. or put it on a certain web site if that what you would prefer. or would you rather i post it all here? also, i didn't see the day or time this would be happening at.

Hmm, Well since I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of how to make an Aasimar work. I think I'll be using another character I made a while back, but never got a chance to play. I'll just need to work on her stats a bit to make sure they fit with the different point buy. Although first I need to make sure that you're ok with someone reflavoring classes.

I would also like to apply for this game.

I made Eden years ago as a character for a Dungeons and Dragons Ghost Walk game that never really went anywhere, and since then I have been pulling him out from time to time changing his back story slightly to make it fit in the particular universe, but when I made his back story for JR I fell in love with it and decided that this was the adventure he belonged in.

Sadly each and every one of my attempts to play him in JR have all died just after the first encounter. So I again submit him here.

Also been a while since I looked at his sheet, may need to change up his stats some for a 20 point build. Not sure - but will go back and proofread his sheet to make sure it is all good, but his background is fully fleshed out and ready to be seen.

I'll be submitting a Dwarven Freebooter Ranger later today.

I have been looking forward to getting into a JR game. I will work something up and post it this evening.

My submission,Lipp Vishki.

He is a Dawnflower Dervish / Sound Striker Bard, and a Halfling. I am still making small tweaks to his crunch but the bulk is there. He will be waiting at the Rusty Dragon watching his hero serve her guests and entertaining folks when he finds a few who will pay him some attention, until such time that he might be lucky enough to be chosen for this adventure.

edit: I can definitely check in multiple times per day on weekdays, and at least once a day on weekends most of the time.

Kriv Sanguinarius wrote:
... also, i didn't see the day or time this would be happening at.

Hi Kriv, this is actually a play by post game. Which means you will be playing via text over these forums.

@All: I will be extending application deadline until sometime Saturday afternoon. I don't have time today to go through all the applications today as I have to evict my room mate and then prep for a Geography midterm tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

I'll likely be posting a character for this tonight or tomorrow, trying to figure out who the character I want to play is, largely leaning towards a cavalier of some sort.

Here's a character I have in the wings for a future Jade Regent game that is at least a year away IRL.

(Copy-Pasta'd and Edited from a backstory write-up for my GM)

Ichiro Saito (or Saito Ichiro if going traditional Japaaaa...Minkaian), half-elven samurai (sword saint)

Wall of Text:
Born in the far off country of Minkai within the wealthy Kasai province in the south-west as the first, and only son of Lord Kazuo Saito and his wife Kasumeia, an elven beauty from Jinin, Ichiro spent the first nine years of his life living in the lap of luxury as the son of a successful and well respected samurai. Lord Kazuo was one of Daimyo Tadao's most loyal retainers and was envied for his beautiful wife and expansive lands and troops for a samurai. When his daughter reached the young age of 14 she caught his lord's eye. Daimyo Tadao had a reputation as an honorable, tactical genius, who had great appetites for women, and the women normally were not well treated. While Lord Kazuo was a loyal man, he did not want to see his only daughter become one of his lord's whore so caught between his love of his family, and his loyalty to his lord, he sealed his fate by choosing his family. The Daimyo's response was immediate and brutal. Lord Kazuo was ordered to kill his family, release his retainers, and finally commit seppuku. He decided to fight. He sent his wife, children, and a small group of loyal retainers out of the castle and prepared for a siege. That was the last that Ichiro saw his father and his ancestral home. They were sent out during the night and stowed away on a merchant caravan heading towards the Path of Aganhei and across the Crown of the World.

Ichiro barely remembers the journey as he spent most of it either sick or hidden away in the caravans until they reached the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, his mother afraid of assassins sent by the daimyo to finish the job. It wasn't until they had reached the country of Varisia that his mother started letting down her guard and they eventually settled down in the city of Magnimar. With the last bit of their fortune that they left with, his mother purchased a small shop where she has made a comfortable living making clothes and an expecially lucrative side business making traditional kimono, which she found she could sell to those interested in the exotic arts of far off Minkai. They have been travelling to the small town of Sandpoint for years now to purchase the beautiful glasswork done by the Kaijitsu family. It was on their first trip that Ichiro first laid eyes on Ameiko and has crushed on her ever since, and his feelings have slowly matured into unrequieted love, even while she dated Alder Vhiski.

As he's grown older, he has been trained in the ways of the samurai, including the intricacies of Ichimeiyo by his father's loyal retainer and former head guard, and is chafing under the sedentary, merchant life of his family and is essentially working as a stockboy, as he has no skill with, or desire to, create clothes. He is proud of his bushi heritage but has been cautioned to keep it to himself. While they are far from Minkai, the daimyo was a man who would stop at nothing for vengeance.

As the campaign begins he is in Sandpoint for the week with his family as they negotiate prices on various beautiful pieces of glassworks, as well as to commission a few pieces, and is becoming more and more restless. Though he should have set out on his own, he feels a sense of responsibility to his family to protect them from any possible threat from their past, no matter how remote it may seem. Still, he longs to not only use his skills but secretly wishes to avenge his family honor and has often dreamed of signing up to work on one of the many caravans to follow the Path of Aganhei and return to his homeland to find out what happened to his father and all his friends, but his sense of responsibility and honor to his family have prevented him from doing so until now. The chance to impress the woman he's loved for over a decade now may be just the push he needs.

Good luck on the midterm.

Here's the Oracle of Heavens I worked up. The basics of the background are there, but needs some work since I do not have time right now to edit it.

Male Human (Shoanti) Oracle 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +5
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +3
Weakness oracle's curses (haunted)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Heavy Shield Bash -2 (1d4+2/x2) and
. . Heavy mace +2 (1d8+2/x2)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (4/day) Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Obscuring Mist
0 (at will) Create Water, Read Magic, Ghost Sound (DC 14), Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Stabilize
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 19
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Improved Initiative, Toughness +3
Traits Harrow Born (Varisian) Deck was left to Krojun by Niska Mvashti, Hoya’s mother.
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 jump), Climb -4, Diplomacy +8, Escape Artist -6, Fly -6, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +5, Ride -6, Sense Motive +5, Stealth -6, Swim -4
Languages Common, Shoanti
SQ mysteries (heavens), revelations (awesome display -4)
Other Gear Scale mail, Heavy steel shield, Heavy mace, Belt pouch (1 @ 0.5 lbs), Belt pouch (2 @ 0 lbs), Blanket, Desna, Ink, black, Inkpen, Parchment (2), Scroll case (2 @ 0 lbs), Soap, 9 GP, 9 SP, 9 CP
Special Abilities
Awesome Display -4 (Su) Your Illusion (pattern) spells treat observers as 4 HD lower than their actual HD.
Haunted Retrieving stored gear is a Standard action or worse, dropped items land 10' away.
Although Krojun is Shoanti, he is far removed from the typical tribesman. When he was 12, Krojun's family was wiped out by Cheliaxian soldiers. They had traveled to the Chelaxian claimed lands that formerly belonged to their clan seeking a long lost burial ground in which their ancestors were buried. They had just found the standing stones marking the burial site when the Cheliaxian attacked them without provocation.
Krojun managed to run from the Chelaxians and returned to the burial grounds after the soldiers had left. When he arrived back at the burial grounds, Krojun felt like he was not alone. At first he felt a surge of terror as an unseen force threw him to the ground. A vengeful spirit of one of his ancestors manifested and attacked him. It was angered that his resting place had been tainted by his descendant’s spilled blood and further angered that one of them had ran from the fight. The spirit would have killed him, had another spirit not also manifested itself. Krojun’s own father, a shaman in his tribe, drove the angry spirit back to the other side, and then disappeared without further acknowledging his son. Krojun was found by Koya Mvashti. His face was streaked from tears and he ranted about the spirits that surrounded him. Koya sensed that the boy had been touched by otherworldly powers, but she also sensed that Desna had plans to use him to further her goals. She took pity on the young boy and adopted him as her son.
Krojun loves Koya and appreciates all that she has done for him. At the same time he remembers all the teachings of his people, and he is ashamed at how far he has wandered from them. He has never gone through his rite of passage, earned his first tattoo, or been given his full name. Krojun knows that he would have been shaman among his people, and looks to learn to fill that kind of role when traveling in caravans with Koya.

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Here is the crunch heavy part of the submission. It is a work in progress, but the general gist is there.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to submit Farak Clarok, wandering barbarian who has been taken under the wing of Shalelu, and spends most of his time in the woods outside of sandpoint where he still mourns the loss of his family.

Crunch is in the character's bio.

Keros Copperkettle reportin for Duty!

I tried something a bit different for the background by building it into a narrative. Hope you like it. I even invested points into Profession and craft to make him more the humble villager type...

All right, i worked out the alias thing and got my character on it proper. May i Present to you, Kriv Sanguinarius, The Cackling Skull Sorcerer!

Okay I'm new! But I've done similar stuff before and I'm up for this so here goes!

Nakitu Jiyoki
Male Kitsune (Cleric Evangelist)
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +0; Senses: Perception +4 Low-Light Vision 60 ft
Age 20, Eyes Gold, Hair Red, Height 5'2, Weight 125
Deity Shelyn, Domian Love
AC 10, touch 10, Flat footed 10
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +6
Speed 30 ft
Melee -5 Unarmed (1d3 -3) Bite (1d4 -3)
Cleric Spells known
Adoration 7/day
Fascinate 6/day
1 Charm person 3/day
0 Detect Magic 1/day
0 Detect Poison 1/day
0 Stabilize 1/day
1 Cure light wounds 2/day
1 Command 0-2/day
0 Disguise Self 2/day
Str 5, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Char 17
BAB +0 CMB -3
Traits: Best Friend Ameiko, Ease of Faith
Feats: Magic tail 2, Armor Prof light/Med, Sheild prof, Simple Weapon prof, Spell Focus Enchantment
Flaws: Noncombatant, Shaky
Skills: Acrobatics +0, Appraise +5, Bluff +3, Climb -3, Diplomacy +9, Disguise +3, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Handle Animal +4, Heal +4, Intimidate +3, Perception +4, Preform (oratory) +3, Ride +0, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +0, Survival +4, Swim -3
Languages: Common, Samsaran, Senzar, Tien
Other gear: Cart, Donkey, Cleric's Vestments, Firewood 7, Trail Rations 5, Fishing Net, Flask, Flint and Steel, Rope, Medium Tent, Bedroll, 13 GP
Namkitu was never meant to be a citizen of Sandpoint, and he well knew it. As a member of the shapeshifting kitsune folk, Namkitu Jiyoki's mother commonly traveled from place to place in clever disguises seeking out all the pleasures and entertainments such magical folk are used to, meeting up with other members of there kind and rejoicing or in many cases simply deceiving traveling humans into believing a common friendship had blossomed, good naturedly pranking them all the while. It was on one of these various trips and one random encounter with a charming young kitsune rogue that Namkitu, came to be. The tryst didn't last more than a week, however, before the two comfortably parted ways. It was weeks later that the vixen realized she was with child and, try desperately as she might, she would never find her young rogue again. Namkitu's mother settled well into the role however, she always treated her child with the utmost respect and love after he was born, taking him everywhere with her. But it was her unquenchable wanderlust that would lead to her inevitable fate.

One fateful afternoon, in her wayward youth, the young mother stumbled across a band of ninja, completing their devilish task of dispatching a small time lord of his life over some petty dispute over the quality of one man's art and the value at which each man perceived it, leading to grave insult which brought on, in quick succession, grave consequences. Namkitu's mother stood terrified at the bloody scene outside the lord's carriage, her infant son clinging to her and sobbing desperately as he could feel his mother trembling. The cries brought the attention of the ninja and by the time their eyes were set on the innocent woman, desperately attempting to flee for her life, it was already too late there could be no witnesses. A dart, laced in purple wyrm poisoning embedded itself in the young mother's neck and she almost instantaneously dropped to the floor, weakly squeezing her son's hand before she passed, her tears of love and fear forever frozen in her eyes once radiant eyes. The ninja left soon thereafter deciding that the kitsune infant would pass soon enough left a slow death of bitter exposure.

Fortunately, this was not the case of Namkitu. Just as dusk set in, and the bitter cold of night began to spread its wings over the weeping child, as though death were opening her arms to embrace him, a man swept him up instead. The man was a humble woodsman known by the name of Gui Jiyoki, he was an earnest man and when he saw the hapless child on his return trip from a hard day's labor, he knew he couldn't just leave the infant to die, even though he had no desire for a child nor any means of caring for one. Thus, upon his stop at the border of Sandpoint, the woodsman dropped the child off in the caring hands of the old priest of Sheyln that lived in the small town.

As time went on the old man became, not quite as a father, but as a mentor and caretaker to the child who sheltered him from the prying and judgmental eyes of the world around him until he could master his disguise as a full human with red hair, golden eyes, a slim physique, pale skin, and most of all a charming smile. As he grew older Namkitu learn of the ways of art, beauty, and religion from his mentor and took on the name of his rescuer as a badge of honor. But he never did seem to quit quaking from the moment his mother let him go. The startling truth is, however, that that was not the quality most people remembered about Namkitu, what they remembered most was his charming, bashful smile, good looks, and most of all his stories, oh the stories he told! Epic ballads and tales of long heroic quests, the boy could simply go on and the world hung at his every word. He loved telling the story's and often strove to hear more in his free time and the people loved him for it but through it all, he was lonely.

While the whole town loved his stories, he never seemed to truly connect with anyone and by and large remained to himself, until he met a girl. When he had finished a long tale one day and the applause had ended and the crowd began to clear, leaving Namkitu to his isolation, one girl hung back as everyone else left to carry on about their day, as Namkitu's golden eyes began to gaze at his feet his attention was suddenly called right back up by this girl , a few years older than himself but in kitsune years relatively the same though still slightly older, by promptly calling his story a load of hogwash and asking his name with a quaint smile. The two have been best friends ever since. Ameiko Kaijitsu! She was everything that Namkitu, or just Kit as she had taken to calling him, was not! She was everyone's true friend and was not only emotionally, but physically tough as well! The two did everything together, running and playing in the town causing all kinds of mischief but even she did not know his secret. Still the experience was devastating for him when she first left on her journey and left him behind to once again be alone in the world as his kind make true attachments to others very firmly. When she came back, however, he was elated and happily greeted her home! But she never did tell him what had happened out there. He supposed it was only fair though, now they both had their own secret.

As the time grows to the present, the young cleric can feel a string in the air and through his connection with his goddess, an ancient rumbling has begun to stir inside him, a code buried in his genetics by his mother perhaps, a great wanderlust and the urge to add stories of his own to the great tales of old! Though he could never abandon his truest of friends, perhaps fortune shall settle that matter for him? Only time will tell.

And here comes my wizard submission.


Sandpoint was the birth place of many peculiar characters and Hegfy might just one of those. He, unlike his childhood friend Ameiko he was more of a wimpy type always in need of her protection when the other kids were in mood for bullying. Since then Hegfy had always looked up to Ameiko, but he could never understand why a noble's daughter would bother with him.

As he grew older he only became more restless, he could not protect the people he cared for and after hearing that Ameiko had left adventuring with Sandru Vhisky he was so heart broken that he decided to leave the town having a plan of his own. He would study at the Twilight Academy and become one of he great mages maybe even one of the magi he had been hearing about and someday would return to Sandpoint on a white horse and would show his true worth.

Apon arriving at the Academy Hegfy just found how ill prepared he was. He was not expecting the fees that the Academy requested of its students nor the housing fees that the city was charging the new scholars. Just when he was going to give up and return to Sandpoint he saw a pamphlet in one corner of the academy's notice board. Old archmage fallen sick in bed, requires young student to tidy up the home. Will pay good. Hegfy smiled and grabbed the paper off the board asking about the place where the archmage lived. As soon as he got to his home the young man was startled of all the mess around that place: something that he supposed were alchemy ingredients scattered all over the floor , webs covering entry walls, pentagrams with blood stains and in one dark room a skinny man barely breathing was feeding his bat.

Although tempted Hegfy had not run away and decided to take care of the man in hopes that he would gain enough money to go to the Academy. As months passed by the old man's condition worsen and Hegfy had to read his books to him an activity that always wormed the retired archmage's heart. In his good days he even gave instructions to his caretaker on how certain spells should be cast but one day the unavoidable happened and Hegfy was left with just a piece of paper and a stash in front of him. After dropping a couple of tears for his mentor and friend he opened the stash and noticed a brown robe and a spellbook probably belonging to the archmage in his youth and left the piece of paper at the Twilight Academy. He did not felt he deserved the deed for that place and upon hearing news from Sandpoint and about Ameiko's condition he decided to return buying some books to keep him company on the way. He knew Ameiko... she would just leave again but this time he would not just let fate take its course, this time he would be prepared.


Male human wizard
Alignment: good neutral
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Teran, Varisian, Infernal, Goblin


Dex:14 (+2)
Con:14 (+2)
Int:18 (+4)
Wis:12 (+1)

Fortitude +2
Reflex +2
Will +3

Touch AC:12
Flat footed AC:10
Base attack: +0
CM Bonus -1,
CM Defense 11


light crossbow both hands+2 1d8 (19-20*2)


Acrobatics -1,Appraise +8,Bluff +0, Climb -4, Diplomacy +0,Disguise +0, Escape Artist -1,Heal +6, Fly -1, Intimidate +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Geo) +8,Perception +1, Ride -1, Stealth -1,Spellcraft +8, Sense Motive +1,Survival +1, Swim -4, Use magic device +1

Combat casting, Scribe school, Wizard Weapon Proficiency, Focus Conjuration

Traits:Caretaker,Childhood crush

Earth Elementalist

Special Abilities:Earth supremacy, Acid cloud

Artisan outfit
Crossbow bolts,

spell component pouch,
trail rations x3
Tent small

Famliar: owl


0: (Acid splash), Light, Detect Magic, Mending
1: (grease),color spray,enlarge person

Kinda last minute I suppose, here's my submission, Louise Van Andel.

When Louise was born, his parents had hoped they would have a daughter, as beautiful as his mother, instead they were blessed with a son whose beauty rivaled that of his mother. Often mistaken as a girl as a small child, his name did not help persuade others of his gender, and his unique heritage from his Tian mother and his Taldan father did not help him to appear any more masculine. He was so beautiful in fact that his mother would often dress her young son in frilly dresses and bows, his father did not appreciate this, but because of his love for his wife did not protest in the harmless fun.

At the age of nine, Louise's parents decided to leave his birthplace in Qadira for Varisia, where his mother claimed to have distant relatives. The plan was to travel for nearly two years by sea to reach Magnimar in Varisia before continued to Sandpoint by foot, however days before reaching the port in Magnimar, the passenger ship they were aboard was ambushed by pirates, and both of Louise's parents died protecting him, though the ship and many of the other passengers survived the assault, Louise would arrive in Magnimar heartbroken and alone. Though Louise had lost his parents only days earlier, he managed to meet up with his mother's relative who was waiting for his family in Magnimar to escort them to Sandpoint, this relative was Louise's distant cousin, Ameiko Kaijitsu. Having not known much about Louise, Ameiko assumed that he was actually a she upon their meeting, and miraculously after six years of knowing him, still hasn't figured out that he is actually male.

Ameiko helped Louise get settled down, and was there for him as he mourned the loss of his parents, however, Louise never thought of Ameiko as a relative, after all they looked nothing alike, and their common ancestor was generations deceased. Instead, Louise found himself attracted to Ameiko, maybe because she reminded him of his mother, or maybe because she just happened to be in the right place at the right time, but regardless he developed feelings for her over the years. However, the young man had to do something to keep his mind off the loss of his parents, and began to practice riding. As the young man matured, he found himself looking less and less like a man, he wouldn't even try to look like a girl on most days, and yet men would flirt with him without a second thought, thinking he a she.

Eventually, Louise would take up sword play, both in an attempt to attract Ameiko's attention, and to skirt the unwanted attention of almost every male in Sandpoint. However, these plans backfired, and the men around him were impressed with his dedication, while Ameiko seemed only supportive of his efforts. To this day, most of Sandpoint still thinks of Louise as a female rather then a male, even when he is fully armored and ready for a fight.

Character sheet

If allowed to submit slightly late here is Magnauk.

If you decide I am too late it is understood.

thank you.

Long Back Story:
When Cheliax was even more powerful than it is today; when it was in the last years of its Imperial glories; Roknaug Hailstraum and several other Half-Orc familes moved to just outside of Barrowood. Their dream was to build a sepertist community of Half-Orcs where they could feel safe and live a peaceful life tending the land and trading in lumber of barroak wood for ship building and shade maple used for arcane implements. They freely worshiped Erastil the god of family, farming, hunting, and trade and they lived with out insident for years. But then the Civil War spun all of Cheliax out of control for thirty years.

Roknaug was able to keep his small community out of the troubles but that may have been only because of the logging his little clan could produce. The clan was not bothered and were left alone but that didn't mean they didn't notice the changes. They were able to see the power shifts and how the new laws and diabolical followings effected the people. Being removed from the cities the clan was not effected dirrectly by the surrendering of morality to the law and order of fiends and House Thrune. They kept their worship of Erastil hidden but it did not wane.

Ragnauk Hailstraum son of Roknaug had a heart of good. He secretly hated what he saw around him. Yes there was Law and Order but at what cost. What evils were being allowed to support the rule. Ragnauk became outraged at what Cheliax had become. Several people of the clan and Ragnauk started to secretly support Revolutionaries that wanted to return Cheliax to its heyday before the rise of the House Thrune. Maybe do what Andoran had done and establish a common rule. Ragnauk had even started to help in the Bellfower Network as a tiller. It took time for him to prove himself to the mostly hafling freedom fighters but after he did he used his cover as a logger to help sneak slaves to their final destination in Andoran.

Magnauk Hailstraum, son of Ragnauk son of Roknaug, grew up learning to help others less fortunate than he was. He loved his father and knew where his family came from and believed that Cheliax could be something more something better. Magnauk knew the risks of helping others and the worshiip of Erastil, but he never thought of the costs. He learned what the costs were and they were more than steep. He never saw so many Hellknights at once as they decended upon the clans meager settlement. They were there to hand out their justice to those that went against the law. And being a secret revolutionary, a Bellfower agent, and a worshiper of Erastil was about as far as you could go against the law.

Magnauk faught with his clan and as he did a rage burst from deep inside of him for the first time ever. He faught as ferocious as a caged animal using a great axe to carve into any Hellknights that stood in his way, but there were too many for the small clan. Magnauk turned after taking down a Hellknight and never saw the metal barbed whip coming towards him. He got hit squarely in the face with the whip ripping a deep gash from the top of his forehead down to and through his upper lip. The wound barely missing his left eye as it cut through his flesh. As he fell he heard one of the Hellknights yell for the Order of the Rack before he passed out.

Magnauk was left for dead as the clans houses were burned and the dead left for the vultures to gorge themselves. But Magnauk did not die, because of the kindness of a person just passing through Cheliax. Koy found him barely alive and healed him and took Magnauk out of Cheliax. Koya took him to Sandpoint and he stayed there a short time healing and deciding what he was to due without family or clan. Koya convinced him he should seek out a temple of Erastil and find his purpose.

Magnauk followed her advice and found a temple not far from Sandpoint. He studied and found favor from Erastil in small amounts of divine power but he grew in strength even more. Magnauk has become grim yet determined to gain justice for his lost clan by enacting justice on those that deserve it. But that will have to wait because what he has learned has put a burden on his soul that must be relieved. So he has not returned to Sandpoint simply to thank Koya for saving his life or helping him find purpose, but he has come to repay her for the debt he now owes her. He is honor bound to use his life for hers until he has fully paid her back for what she has done for him. He must find a way to repay Koya for the kindness that was given to him no matter how long it takes. His life is hers and he shall spend his life in Sandpoint until his debt has been paid in full no matter how long it takes.

Magnauk Hailstraum
Half-Orc Inquisitor 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human, orc)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7
Aura enlarge (6/day)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8); judgement of sacred healing 1
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities judgement of sacred protection +1, orc ferocity (1/day); DR judgement of sacred resiliency 1: magic; Resist judgement of sacred purity +1, judgement of sacred resistance 2 (cold)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Greataxe +4 (1d12+6/x3)
Ranged Shortbow +2 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks judgement of sacred destruction +1, judgement of sacred justice +1, judgement of sacred piercing +1, judgement of sacred smiting (magic)
Inquisitor Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds, Magic Weapon
0 (at will) Guidance, Daze (DC 13), Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative
Traits Reactionary, Rescued (Koya) (Ex)
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 jump), Climb +0, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Heal +7, Intimidate +1, Knowledge (nature) +3 (+6 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Knowledge (religion) +3 (+6 to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures), Perception +7, Ride -2, Sense Motive +8, Stealth -2, Survival +7, Swim +0; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, monster lore
Languages Common, Orc
SQ domains (growth), judgement (1/day)
Other Gear Scale mail, Arrows (40), Greataxe, Shortbow, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt pouch (empty), Blanket, Flint and steel, Grappling hook, Erastil, Silk rope, Trail rations (10), Waterskin, Whetstone, 16 GP, 2 SP, 8 CP
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Enlarge (6/day) (Su) Swift action: Enlarge person on yourself.
Inquisitor Domain (Growth) Associated Domain: Plant
Judgement (1/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Judgement of Sacred Destruction +1 (Su) Weapon Damage bonus.
Judgement of Sacred Healing 1 (Su) Fast Healing
Judgement of Sacred Justice +1 (Su) Attack bonus
Judgement of Sacred Piercing +1 (Su) Concentration and vs. SR bonus
Judgement of Sacred Protection +1 (Su) AC bonus
Judgement of Sacred Purity +1 (Su) Save bonus
Judgement of Sacred Resiliency 1: Magic (Su) DR/magic
Judgement of Sacred Resistance 2 (Cold) (Su) Energy Resistances
Judgement of Sacred Smiting (Magic) (Su) DR bypass
Monster Lore +3 (Ex) +3 to Knowledge checks when identifying the weaknessess of creatures.
Orc Ferocity (1/day) If brought below 0 Hp, can act as though disabled for 1 rd.
Rescued (Koya) (Ex) +2 hp healed by your cure spells. +1 vs foes threatening rescuer.

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Dunebugg, I've updated my backstory to better suit your setting. Really excited for a chance to play :)

Hello lovely people! Applications are officially closed. Here is the list of applicants in this thread:

Lou Kasuri - Human Monk
Firebeard - Dwarf Monk
Terry Listantabulous - Halfling Oracle
Kelvor De'Mortis - Halfling Paladin
Notus Eyvendr - Half-Elf Ranger (Switch hitter?)
Caerwyn Callandriil - Half-elf Rogue
Eden Nightseed - Half-Elf Druid
Lipp Vishki - Halfling Bard
Ichiro Saito - Half-Elf Samurai
Farak Cloak - Human Barbarian
Keros Copperkettle - Dwarf Ranger
Kriv Sanguinarius - Human Sorcerer
Nakitu Jiyoki - Kitsune Cleric
Hegfy - Human Wizard
Louise Van Andel - Human Cavalier
Magnauk Hailstraum - Half-Orc Inquisitor

If you don't see your character in there please let me know, I went over the thread twice so hopefully I didn't miss anything. Half-elves and halflings are surprisingly abundant. I'm going to review all the applications carefully, and I will comment on any issues I see but they shouldn't affect chance for submission unless you've missed the campaign trait + backstory tie in. I will be picking characters at the end of the day today!

Krojun the human oracle is not on the list :-)

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