![]() not sure what you mean by classes of focus... If I played a paladin, I'd probably do a ranged build but honestly I find them a bit boring, if powerful. I might be interested in a Warpriest though. And yeah.. does good mean only good, or does it mean non-evil? I'm fine either way. Typically I don't mind neutral characters as long as no one is making a character to purposely disrupt the party..i.e. I'm technically CN but I'll play like I'm CE. I think the point buy at 15 for WoR is probably just because it's what is recommended by the AP. I usually do 20... really 15 just limits MAD classes in my experience. We definitely need at least a couple more. Maybe even up to 5 or 6 total players because of the almost inevitable quits in an online game. It's kind of odd for me.. I'm used to filling gaps in a party... in the absence of other players, I'm not really sure what kind of character I want to play. ![]()
![]() Sure! I like the mythic rules. My last online game was actually just starting Wrath of the Righteous when the GM had to can the game. So, I've played maybe three sessions of it. Sounds like we have 1 maybe here as well... should be easy enough to fill out the group if we make a proper recruitment post. ![]()
![]() Space Butler wrote:
Awesome! You looking to GM or play? I am pretty firmly looking to play, as I'm currently running 2 games and I think that's my max. ![]()
![]() I am looking for a regular pathfinder game to play, ideally on a Tuesday or Thursday evening. I am in the Central time zone, so a start time around 7 or 8 pm central is perfect. I am an experienced player, and I don't mind helping out new players or otherwise assisting the GM if needed. I enjoy making characters to fit a group so while I have a few ideas floating around, I'd love to hear what you think your party is missing. I'm open to playing just about anything but fair warning, I've played the first three books of Kingmaker and am currently DM'ing RotRL. ![]()
![]() Gauss, in your example that you've stated a few times... How can the wizard ready an action to both 5-foot step AND cast a spell? Doesn't the readied action have to be for only one action? If he's readied an action to cast a spell at anyone that attacks him, then once the fighter declares his attack, the wizards readied action triggers, he starts casting and triggers the AOO. How can he 5-foot step in there as well as cast? ![]()
![]() Alchemical allocation extract plus Acccelerated drinker plus a prehensile tail (tiefling) = pull a potion, drink it, then spit it out to use it again later all in a single round. Only resource expended is the level 2 extract. Buy or craft some high level potions... cure serious wounds, greater magic fang (if vivisectionist with feral mutagen), invisibility, etc. Make a single one and be able to use it over and over and over. :) ![]()
![]() You need to distiguish between "spells per day" and "spells known" For the bard, His spells known are fixed and are listed in the table "Table: Bard Spells Known". While his spells per day are laid out in "Table: Bard" and he can get bonus spells per day based on Charisma score as laid out in "Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells". ![]()
![]() Take Fiend Totem instead of Beast Totem, take Feral Mutagen as your first discovery. To do this, by level 4 you have two levels of each barbarian (vanilla or drunken brawler for quicker potion quaffing) and alchemist (vivisectionist and beastmorph). Now, when you use your mutagen and rage, you have 4 natural primary attacks, all getting your full attack bonus with the total of +4 STR mod on top of your normal bonus. Forget bleeding attack, but get them sneak attack bonuses when you can. At this point you are a monster. ![]()
![]() Lincoln Hills wrote:
I think the idea behind the bludgeoning exception is that you can wack someone with a lump of silver just as well as a lump of steel... but it's quite difficult to maintain a sharp edge on a silvered blade. ![]()
![]() P33J wrote: Do you get to count double for your char to reflex then? because that makes a Ring of Evasion the number one ring you should buy. Not necessarily... as a paladin with swift action healing, you don't mind taking half damage after making a reflex save. A nice item, to be sure, but I'd rather have Bracers of the Merciful Knight for ~9k less gold. ![]()
![]() Soul wrote: honestly with a dex like that his init shouldn't be aweful, but if you find you're not going before monsters in every combat you could take Improved Init to help with that. i personally would take Magical Knack as a trait hands down, there are plenty of nice feats you can take that would give you a pretty stellar bonus to casting defensively, if it comes up enough. on a side note unless im doing it wrong when you're hit while casting the dc is 10+spell level+damage recieved=dc, which at higher levels can = as much as 40-70 dc to hold the spell if you are hit. I believe Magical Knack doesn't do anything for a single classed character. It can't boost your caster level higher than your character level. ![]()
![]() My submission,Lipp Vishki. He is a Dawnflower Dervish / Sound Striker Bard, and a Halfling. I am still making small tweaks to his crunch but the bulk is there. He will be waiting at the Rusty Dragon watching his hero serve her guests and entertaining folks when he finds a few who will pay him some attention, until such time that he might be lucky enough to be chosen for this adventure. edit: I can definitely check in multiple times per day on weekdays, and at least once a day on weekends most of the time. ![]()
![]() If he didn't have proficiency with all martial weapons, and just took the exotic prof, I would say that no, he couldn't use it for the overhand chop ability (pretending that those fighter levels didn't give him the martial prof). But he does have the martial proficiency as well. If he never took the exotic prof feat, he'd be wielding it as a two handed martial weapon and I would definitely allow the Overhand Chop ability to function. I see no reason to not allow it. So, does taking the exotic prof feat change that? I don't think it does. He could be using a different two handed weapon and it would function fine, but he wants the versatility and he spent a feat to get it. I see no issue, personally. ![]()
![]() +1 to fast study. As Ansel says, use it immediately after a battle to replace spells spent, or use it to take a minute to prep that key utility spell to get passed the obstacle. My diviner makes great use of it... I don't even prep my divination school slots anymore since they are basically entirely out of combat spells and rarely need to be cast on the spot. ![]()
![]() If it works then, I've decided on a half-orc ranger, with trapper and infiltrator archetypes. He'll be a hunter and dungeoneer (for profit). He could be in these catacombs now, perhaps hunting goblins or other nasties, or maybe looking for other spoils. I figure he could fill the "treasure hunter" role in the original recruitment thread if you still wanted to go with that. Would definitely be interested on input as to my favored enemy, but I have a few options in mind. If this is all sounding good I can work up the rest of the fluff but I figured you might want some input in how exactly to introduce and integrate. He would be very comfortable and adept in their current environment so maybe the party recognizes his skill set would be valuable? Just an initial thought, I'm open to whatever. I have a good handle on the crunchy bits, just finishing that up now. ![]()
![]() I've read that linked thread and some of the helpful intro to PbP posts. I do play PF with a group so I'm familiar in that way. So far I am thinking of an urban ranger, to provide trapfinding, though I'm not sure about melee vs ranged, also not sure about race and who this guy might actually be. Any limitation on races? edit: could consider an actual rogue if you think trapfinding is necessary from level 1 instead of waiting until 3. ![]()
![]() There are a couple of apps out there but honestly I don't like using them at the table very much. I bought a spreadsheet app for android and just made my own character sheet. That way you can create the sheet on your pc and then send it down to the tablet for game time. Things like dropbox or google drive are great for this. ![]()
![]() Glitterdust was basically a "win" button for some encounters for my wizard. Web is far more situational... it depends on what you are playing. In Kingmaker, it doesnt help much when yer out on the open plains... but in a forest, or some kind of interior it can be very useful. Scorching Ray is a good blast, to be sure, but are you blasty? My wizard really isn't so I only just picked this up 3 levels later. ![]()
![]() It's definitely way more fun when things are challenging. Who wants to play a cake walk? Some folks maybe, but not me. That said, I don't think that *every* encounter needs to be really difficult. It is fun to blow through an encounter once in a while, while having other encounters be down to the wire.