Step 1: Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character.
1. Denlin was raised by a small tribe in the Wulfwolde Mountains and wanted to leave home from an early age.
2. He showed great promise in fighting and killed his first enemy at the age of 14. He loves the thrill of battle and will jump into a fight whenever he sees the chance.
3. His family did not want him to leave the village. His mother had a marriage arranged to a beautiful local girl, but Denlin refused to be tied down and left home after arguing with her about it.
4. Denlin is a large man, standing 6 feet tall, moderately heavyset. He has a fair complexion and long dark hair.
5. Derlin has a wicked temper. He can be friendly, but doesn't stand for insults, and doesn't take well to being bullied. This has led him into many fights that might have better been avoided.
Step 2: List at least two goals for the character.
1. Denlin wants to become free. Free to wander the world and experience everything it has to offer.
2. As a player I would love a chance to see Denlin return to his clan in the Wulfwolde mountains at some point, at least for a while.
Step 3: Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1. Denlin still remembers vividly the first time he fought in battle. He ended up pursuing an orc raiding band with his tribe's warriors and harried them for 2 days before finally fighting them in a clearing in the woods.
2. Denlin challenges almost anyone who insults him to a wrestling match, something that's left over from his tribal upbringing, and has gotten him into trouble a few times when he did so inappropriately.
3. Occasionally Denlin will slip out of the city and spend a few days in the quiet of the surrounding countryside to find a little peace. He enjoys cities because of their life and excitement, and the copious amounts of booze, but he can never resist the quiet peace of the woods for long.
RP Sample:
Denlin settles a bit deeper into his chair and takes a sip from his tankard. "So that's how my aunt Molly got this sword. Well, that's the story she told me. By the time she gave it to me the local bard had spun a story about how it was TWO ogres, and a lich! Far cry from 2 goblins and a skeleton. Hahahaha!"