
A CR20 Seagull's page

236 posts (304 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 aliases.


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Dotting. Thinking of an Oracle going into Hellknight Signifer if the dice are kind to me. Focus would be Cha, foible would be str.

Dex. 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Con. 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Int. 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Wis. 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

So, After losing track of this thread for a while, And coming back to find both the amazingly epic Sephirah and a lack of new suggestions... How about more Celestials in that class? Something in the CR 12-15 range that functions kinda like a living Celestial tank. Maybe similar in theme to the Colossus from Starcraft.

Hmm, Well since I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of how to make an Aasimar work. I think I'll be using another character I made a while back, but never got a chance to play. I'll just need to work on her stats a bit to make sure they fit with the different point buy. Although first I need to make sure that you're ok with someone reflavoring classes.

Dotting. Are the variant Aasimar / Tiefling heritages available?

Dotting. Any limit on what 3.5 books are allowed?

Backstory is giving me a little more trouble then I thought. Annnnnnnd, I was thinking either Order of the Nail, or Order of the Pike, Trying to pick which one would be better for the setting.

How about an ascended Qlippoth? A LG CR 18ish mass of madness inducing Celestial goodness.

One more question. Are we doing max HP at first level?

After messing around with a couple of builds. I think I'll be going just plain Oracle until I can get to the Hellknight class. As for what kind of Oracle, I'm not entirely sure. Flame seems to be the most logical choice. But I can't help but wonder if something else would be more interesting without getting to weird.

Also. I'm not entirely sure if the Signifer initiation thing can be done before the party gets carried off into the cosmos.

Dotting, And working on a couple character concepts. Possibly going with an Inquisitor / Oracle going to Hellknight Signifer if that's alright? I've been wanting to give one a go for a while, and since the campaign starts in Cheliax it seems fitting.

Dotting. And any chance you'd be willing to allow a Ninja? The concept I have could work with a multiclass Rogue, but Ninja seems to be a more effective route.

Cortana and EDI could work for CG or NG. And I always saw GLaDOS as more CN then CE. As for the other alignments... No idea.

Dotting. And as for races, Would you happen to allow a Samsaran?

Tried it once, Was promptly glared at by the entire group and asked to never do it again. Apparently my voice acting skills are lacking.

Ultimate Magus and Master of the Unseen Hand.

Defiantly interested in this one. Probably going to go with an Air Elemental Bloodline Sorcerer.

One question though. How extensive is the amnesia? Is it just personal details or is it everything?

I'd make it a Martial Artist Monk for the lulz. The image of a random disembodied hand flying around the room smacking the PCs is too amazing to pass up.

I'm surprised no one mentioned this one yet. Skyline.

Well. Looks like the Wii U is going to be my main console for the next generation.

Hmm, Gunslinger 2 / Alchemist 2 / Wizard 2 / Rogue ( Detective Archetype ) 1.

And now. If I remember the results of the "What D&D character would you be" test...

Str. 6
Dex. 17
Con. 6
Int. 17
Wis. 13
Cha. 9

Not 25 point buy I don't think. But it sums me up so much better then a point buy would.

As for items... Masterwork Blunderbuss via Heirloom weapon. Rod of Wonder, And Ioun stones, Lots and lots of Ioun stones. And a bag of Holding at the first available moment.

No >.> The 2010 one. *Shudders* That movie would probably be considered psychological torture in some countries.

Tangled. By far the worst P.O.S I've ever seen in my entire life. I've seen the original D&D movie, All the Scary Movie clones, and none of them come close to that level of suck. There was a guy that owned a Comic store in my town that would chase out people that loitered during MtG games with that movie. It made hardcore MtG plays drop their cards and flee.

That movie was pretty awesome. I didn't know it was on DVD though o.o

Scratch that. Didn't see that there was already someone wanting to play one.

Dotting. I have a character in mind but I have to ask something first. Would a non-cheese Synthesist be allowed?

According to This site My stats are

NG Wizard


I'd have switched the int and the dex, but *shrug*

Wolfsbane and Belladonna are the same plant. Probably just an oversight in the editing.

I'd say solidly LN

Dotting. And I don't suppose a Synthesist would be allowed?

You could go the route Bastion took with the gods. Where each one is dualistic in opposing elements. Like you have the god of Health / Illness. One for Battle / Peace. ect.

Sometimes there are just people who aren't cut out for being really good roleplayers. No matter what kinda of scenarios you throw at them. I've been playing RPGs in various forms for about ten years, and I'm still a horrible roleplayer.

Ah well. Good luck with the game.

I have to try to get in on this. I'll have a character ready by tomorrow. Thinking Human Aristocrat / Alchemist.

Would you mind posting the modified rules for Kalashtar? I'm kinda interested in playing one.

I'd love to see some early 1900's Science fiction monsters get a write up too.

The Thin Men from Nuat island in Rahadoum

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think the real question that needs to be asked here is...Is it rollplaying or roleplaying for my cha 7 Gunslinger Paladin to kill an entire village with the dark blade of Rovagug, and is he still LG?

Compared to how powerful PF PCs are though. I don't think a straight conversion of either the Warlock or the Swordsage would be too overpowered anymore.

I'm not sure if this would help you all that much. But something that gave me a bit of help was writing out a couple of different ways the plot could branch out if the PCs did something unexpected. Helped me keep the story more focused in the event of PC randomness.

All of Spelljammer, and Planescape...and Mystara....

Thassilonian Specialist Wizard. Possibly a Lich with some disguise spells.

In an old game, There was someone who played a Guard named Ash, who was from the town of Ashguard.

I'm in no way an expert on design or balance. But as far as basic ideas...

I'd add an effect to Tannaris's aura that would make targets under its affect attempt to steal / disarm from their ally's every round they're under it

For Ungarato. I'd have it give the wielder a Barghest's feed ability, that also gives some other buffing effect. Like Hero's feast.

And finally for Shin-Tari. I'd add a Crushing Despair effect to its strikes. reflavored as severe apathy. And maybe the ability to cast Waves of Exhaustion 3/day.

And one last thing, I could see Baraket having maybe a once daily use of Repel Metal or Stone. Seems kinda fitting for the sword of pride to be able to be able to force back "unworthy" weapons.

Hope some of these ideas helped.

Question, Would you happen to allow the White Necromancer from Kobold Quarterly 19?

Hmm... Let's see.

I'd probably be a Gunslinger / Alchemist.

Now for the stats.

Str 6. Yeah... Doesn't need much explaining.

Dex 16. I do have fairly good hand / eye coordination. And I was able to bullseye a target my first time ever shooting a bow, and do it consistently afterwords.

Con 8. I seem to be following in the footsteps of the previous posters with having a ton of medical issues and getting sick alot. but I tend to recover pretty quick. Maybe I have endurance and diehard as bonus feats?

Int 14. I read alot. and my mind is almost always buzzing with some sort of (usually random and useless) information...

Wis 7. ...But sadly my common sense and awareness suffer from it.

Cha 14? I'm not really social or anything. But I'd like to think my willpower and personality are a bit stronger then normal.

Ugh, Well this might be a problem. After doing a bit of checking, in order to make this character how I want...I may have to engage in what some may consider cheese.

The idea was for an Air bloodline Sorcerer that uses int instead of cha for her casting. Which I can do if I take the Wildblooded and Crossblooded Archetypes. Would this be ok, or is it pushing it? I can rework the character if it's too much.

You forgot the one level dip into Witch for the prehensile hair hex too.

And just to be clear. Archetypes are good, right?

Alright! Sounds about like how I'd play it normally. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

Dotting while I work on a backstory. Also. Would you mind explaining what you'd want out of a LE character a bit more? Seems a little vague as it is.




Sorceress (Stormborn) 14 Mythic Tier 3rd: Archmage. HP: 80/80. AC: 22 touch 20 FF: 16. Fort: +7 Reflex: +7 Will: +9. Electricity res: 5 Sonic res:5




5'4 104lbs






Common, Sylvan, Auran


former Mercenary /Blackwater Operative currently Adventurer/Hero

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Rhadaya Stormbringer

Max HP: 80 Current HP:80 Death threshold: -24
STR 10 (+0) DEX 16 (+3) CON 12 (+1) INT 12 (+1) WIS 10 (+0) CHA 23 (+6)

Bracers of armor +4

AC: 20 Currently
Touch: 20
Flat footed: 16
CMD: 18
Electricity res: 5 Sonic res:5
Special: Treat all wind effects as 2 steps lower.
Blindsense 60' Fog, mist, weather
Exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit
Darkvision 60'

Fort: +7 Reflex: +7 Will: +9

Speed: 35 Initiative +4
BAB:+7/+2 CMB: +7

+1 Longsword +8/+3 Damage 1d8+1 (+1d6 electricity, Thunderstaff/ Shocking Burst)
Ranged: Spell +10 (+13 Shocking grasp if wearing metal)
Daggers +7/+2 ranged +10 Damage 1d4

Special Abilities:

Bloodline (Stormborn)
Bloodline Arcana (Whenever you cast a spell with the
electricity or sonic descriptor, increase the save DC by 1.)

Thunderstaff (Sp):12/day At 1st level, you can touch a weapon as a
standard action, giving it the shock property for a number
of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (6).
At 9th level, you can confer the shocking burst property
instead, but the duration of the power is halved. You can
use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
Charisma modifier.

Stormchild (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist electricity 5 and resist sonic 5, and treat wind effects as being one step less severe. At 9th level, you treat wind effects as being two steps less severe and gain blindsense 60 feet against concealment from natural or magical fog, mist, or weather effects.

Thunderbolt (Sp): At 9th level, you can command a stroke of lightning to strike from above in a 5-foot-radius cylinder 60 feet high. The thunderbolt inflicts 1d6 points of damage per sorcerer level; half of this damage is electricity and half is sonic. A Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier) DC22 halves this damage. Creatures failing their saves are deafened for 1 round. At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day, at 17th twice per day, and at 20th three times per day. This power has a range of 120 feet.

Bonus Spells: shocking grasp (3rd), gust of wind (5th),
lightning bolt (7th), shout (9th), overland flight (11th), chain
lightning (13th),
control weather (15th), whirlwind (17th), storm
of vengeance (19th).

Bonus Feats: Deadly Aim, Dodge, Enlarge Spell, Far
Shot, Great Fortitude, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Fly),
Wind Stance

Mythic Abilities Mythic Event: Slaying the Myrmecoleon
Hard to Kill (Automatic stabilization, don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.)
Mythic Power 7/day (Used:0 )
Surge 1d6
Mythic Feat: Spell Focus (Mythic:Evocation) +1 to DC's, spend 1 Mythic power to make targets roll saves twice and take lower result.
Archmage Arcana: Arcane Surge (Su). As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. If you prepare spells, this spell must be one you prepared today (even if you have already cast it); if you're a spontaneous caster, this spell must be one of your spells known. If the spell requires a saving throw, any non-mythic creatures affected by the spell roll twice and take the lower result.

If you must attempt a caster level check for the spell to overcome a creature's spell resistance, you can roll your caster level check twice (adding your tier to each) and take the higher result. You can't add a metamagic feat to a spell you cast using this ability.
Path Ability: Bloodline intensity (Stormborn) Select an additional bloodline feat from your bloodline's list of feats. You must meet the prerequisites for that feat. You can also cast each of your bloodline spells once per day without them counting toward the number of spells you can cast per day. You must have the bloodline class feature to select this ability.
Amazing initiative
Mythic Feat: Mythic Spell Lore
Eldritch Breach (Su)
You are adept at breaching magical defenses and overcoming resistance to your magic. When attempting a caster level check to dispel an effect, overcome spell resistance, or otherwise determine whether your magic affects a target (such as with knock or neutralize poison), roll twice and take the higher result.
Bloodline Intensity (Su)
Your mythic power intensifies your sorcerer bloodline. Select an additional bloodline feat from your bloodline’s list of feats. You must meet the prerequisites for that feat. You can also cast each of your bloodline spells once per day without them counting toward the number of spells you can cast per day. You must have the bloodline class feature to select this ability (Wind Stance (Combat))
Wind Stance (Combat)
Your erratic movements make it difficult for enemies to pinpoint your location.
Prerequisites: Dex 15, Dodge, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: If you move more than 5 feet this turn, you gain 20% concealment for 1 round against ranged attacks..

Skills: 2+1 Int mod+1 sorceress:

Acrobatics +4
Climb +0
*Fly +15 (+20 with Overland flight)
*Intimidate +14
Jump +
Handle Animal +6
Knowledge Arcana +12
Knowledge History+
Knowledge Nature+4
Perception +3
Sense motive +1
Ride +5
Stealth +4
Swim +1


Dodge (Bl), Eschew Materials(bonus), Elemental Focus (Electricity), Spell Focus (Evocation)(b), Weapon proficiency Longsword, Spell penetration, Spell Focus Greater (Evocation), Spell penetration Greater, Spell Focus (Mythic:Evocation), Skill Focus: Fly (Bl), Inner Breath (Sylph), Intensified spell


Light Sleeper: You always sleep with one eye open.

Benefit(s) You need to sleep only 4 hours to get a full night's rest (restoring 1 hit point per character level). You do not receive extra benefits for sleeping additional hours, and you must still rest for 24 hours to receive the benefits of complete bed rest.

Arcane Temper: You have quick reactions and fierce concentration.

Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on concentration and initiative checks.


Ability Score Racial Traits: Sylphs are quick and insightful, but slight and delicate. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and –2 Constitution.
Type: Sylphs are outsiders with the native subtype.
Size: Sylphs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Sylphs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Sylphs begin play speaking Common and Auran. Sylphs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Aquan, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Ignan, and Terran. See the Linguistics skill loopage for more information about these languages.
Like the Wind: A Sylph with this racial trait gains a +5 foot bonus to her base speed. This racial trait replaces energy resistance.
Storm in the Blood: A Sylph with this racial trait gains fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime she takes electricity damage (whether or not this electricity damage gets through her electricity resistance). The Sylph can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function. This racial trait replaces air affinity.
Sylphs can use feather fall 1/day (caster level equals the sylph's total level).
Darkvision: Sylphs can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.

Spells: (CL 14):

Concentration check +20
Caster level check +18

Cantrips:(8 known)
Detect Magic, Drench, Read Magic, Dancing Lights, Ray of Frost, Breeze, Prestidigitation, Spark

1st (5 known+1/ 7 per day +1 Free Shocking grasp Cast:1 )
Shocking Grasp* (5d6/ 10d6 intensified 2nd level slot), Shock Shield (+2 AC/ 1d6 5ft burst), Obscuring mist, Ear piercing scream (DC 21), Air bubble, Windy Escape

2nd (5 Known+1 / 7 per day +1 Free Gust of Wind Cast: )
Gust of Wind*, Frigid Touch (4d6), Defensive Shock (4d6/2d6/1d6), Ice Slick, Gusting Sphere (Bullrush +12 CMB/ 1d6 non lethal bludgeoning. If bullrush fails, –4 penalty on ranged weapon attacks that pass through it.), Endure Elements (communal), Whispering Wind

3rd(4 Known/ 7 per day +1 Free Lightning bolt Cast: )
Lightning Bolt (DC 24, 10d6/ 12d6 intensified 4th level slot) *, Storm step (move 40ft, DC23 4d8 to all in line), Thunderstomp, Greater (+14 CMB trip in a 60ft line), Ice Spears, Resist Energy (communal), Fly

4th (3 Known *+1 /7 per day +1 Free Shout Cast:1 )
Shout* [DC 24](5d6, deaf for 2d6 rounds),Ice Storm DC 23(5d6), Aggressive Thundercloud, Greater (6d6 sonic, DC 24 1st target stunned 1 round), Wall of Ice

5th (3 Known+1 / 5 per day.+1 Free Overland Flight Cast: )
Fickle Winds, Geyser (up to 50 ft high. 3d6 points of fire damage, 5d6 falling damage/ prone +1d6 fire damage in 25ft radius),Overland Flight*(12 hrs), Lightning Arc (12d6 DC 26), Calm Air

6th (2+1* Known/ 4 per day. Cast:3 )
Cold Ice Strike (Swift action. 30ft line 14d6 cold), Chain lightning (12d6,up to 12 secondary targets. DC 26/24), Greater Eldritch Conduit (up to 14 creatures can be point of origin for any cone, cylinder, line, or sphere)

7th (1 Known/ 3 per day. Cast )
Ki Shout (14d6 sonic, stunned for 1 round, DC 28)

Mythic spells.

Elemental Bombardment

Mythic Shocking Grasp
The spell’s damage increases to 1d8 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 5d8). If the target is wearing metal armor or is made of metal, you may attempt a free grapple combat maneuver against the target.

Alternatively, if the target is carrying a metal weapon, you may attempt a free disarm combat maneuver against that weapon. This free combat maneuver doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Augmented: If you expend two uses of mythic power and the free grapple or disarm combat maneuver is successful, the target is staggered until your next turn.

Mythic Lightning bolt
The damage dealt increases to 1d8 points of electricity damage per caster level (maximum 10d8). Any creature that fails its save is staggered for 1 round.

Augmented (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic power, you can bend the line of the spell once up to 90 degrees. Any creature that fails its save is stunned for 1 round.


Light:50 lbs
Medium: 100 lbs
Heavy: 130 lbs


Belt pouch
1 lb Soap
10 day's rations
Explorer's outfit
Flint & steel
2 Fish hooks

Wand of Flare

Potion Belt: 2 potions CMW


Rod of Lesser Persistent spell (2 saves 3x per day 3rd or lower)
Rod of Lesser Selective spell (exclude allies 3x per day 3rd or lower)

Head: Headband of Alluring Charisma+2
Hand: Ring of Protection +2
Chest: Corset of Careful casting +2 Concentration
Boots: Boots of the Winterlands. Permanent endure elements, move normal speed/ no tracks in snow and ice)


Born to a poor barmaid mother, the result of some passing adventurer’s charm, Rhadaya grew up in the slums of Icathia fighting and scratching for everything she ever had. After losing her mother at age 14, the young girl realized that safety only came with power and authority. Lying about her age, and charming the hell out of the recruiter, she managed to sign up for the Royal Icathian Army, changing her fate in that single moment.

During her training in hand to hand combat, a bully of a recruit three times her size decided to prove his dominance, grabbing her by the throat and holding her aloft, grinning as the color drained from her face as she struggled for air, kicking and flailing in futility. Desperate and terrified, seeing the elitist noble of an instructor’s amusement at the “gutter rat” being taught her place, Rhadaya felt the storm building within, her eyes going white as electricity arced off of her grasping hands, shocking the arrogant bastard and putting him in the infirmary.

Immediately transferred to the magic division, the young girl found her lot at once improved and made infinitely more difficult as the taskmasters worked to draw her budding skills as a sorceress to the surface. Through a combination of raw talent, hard work and determination, the young girl excelled, quickly moving to the top of her class. Embracing her new life, she took on the last name Stormbringer, reflecting her true spirit. Her innate fury drew the attention of the elite, her skills and capacity for devastation culminating in her becoming the youngest member of Blackwater at the age of 16.

Surrounded by some of the most ruthless and violent soldiers the Icathian Army had ever produced, Rhadaya changed, her already defiant and volatile nature becoming jaded and slightly embittered, her disdain for her teammates fueled by the part of her that desperately hoped that she was doing good, while at the same time descending into darkness as the war raged on.

She found herself as a part of the squadron led by the psychopath Sefirous and was among the small contingent starting to suspect the man’s motives when her turned on them in a bloodbath that ended with 93 dead between the Icathian Army soldiers sent to apprehend him, the Baron he framed and his daughter, and her own squad mates, who found themselves being butchered by their leader. She stayed with Blackwater for six years after that, trying to create some sort of purpo9se that could in some way atone for working for the homicidal lunatic who’d steered them all wrong, but eventually the guilt and the nightmares took their toll.

Yet civilian life was not for her. Time and time again she tried settling down, opting for an easier life, only to find herself in the midst of something violent. She resigned herself to her fate, becoming a mercenary for a time, occasionally encountering old comrades. It was from one of them that she’d heard of Valwick, an outpost on the supposedly cursed land of Zahvroma. Supposedly it was a place people were flocking to seeking to start over, leaving their old lives behind. With nothing to lose, she found herself a ship headed to this strange new place, trying to outrun the demons of her past.

Appearance and Personality:


Rhadaya is a beautiful woman with a decidedly supernatural air about her. Of average height, her pale delicate complexion and slight frame lend an air of fragility to her that is most certainly at odds with her tough demeanor. Her blond hair seems to always be kept in an unrestrained free-flowing halo around her head, strands of it constantly moving as if tossed by a slight breeze.

One of the most impressive yet unnerving aspects of her is her calm in the midst of utter chaos and violence. Unfazed by the intensity of battle, Rhadaya can deliver a brutal assault with as much emotion as ordering a drink, so desensitized has she become to violence.

A conflicted and somewhat tortured soul, her aura of quiet confidence covers a wealth of remorse, and an inability to settle into everyday society. As much as she regrets many of the actions of her past and seeks to make amends, she feels most alive when in battle, the fury of the storm raging around and within her.


Tesia Birthday- 16th of Blossoming, Rhadaya's Birthday - 14th of Sunsheight, We got married on 20th of Cooling. Children - Undecided.

Find Tes' mom

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