Thalrik was born the son of a half-elven woman and a human man, orphaned, the moment he entered the world. His mother died giving birth to him, and as for his father, he had been simply a lover, not a husband, his identity lost with Thalriks mother. His only known relative was an old elven man by the name of Rindal, his great grandfather.
Rindal was a Wizard, a man of little emotion, though possessed of a kind heart and spirit. When his human wife had died of old age many years ago, he had retreated into his studies, and having to care for a child did not change that. As soon as Thalrik was of sufficient age, Rindal made him his apprentice, tutoring him in the ancient magical teachings of the elven people.
Living an isolated scholarly life, Thalrik became a mirror of his grandfather, aloof and cold on the surface, yet with a caring heart beating beneath.
However as the years went on, Thalriks human side steadily became as prominent in spirit as it was in body. He became restless, longing to travel and experience more than the walls of the library.
On his 25th birthday, he finally made his decision, thanked his grandfather for the years and education he had given him, and set out to make his own way.
Growing up in isolation, only rarely interacting with the people of the nearby town, Thalrik has little in the way of bias toward those he meets. While he knows from his books, that orcs are "evil" and dwarves are "good honest folk", he prefers to view such facts more as theories, weighing each as an individual. Even so, he initially tends toward suspicion of strangers, leaving them to prove themselves trustworthy.
Cautious and suspicious as he may be, Thalrik nonetheless posesses a healthy amount of curiosity. Owing this trait to his human genes, he personally dislikes it, as it is an instinct he would rather control. He prefers to approach any situation with his head rather than his heart, like his grandfather.
Living alone with a man of his grandfathers intellect, Thalrik has grown accustomed to such company, and has very little patience for people he regards as dull witted or stupid. He often ends up belittling such peoples opinions and actions, openly calling them stupid to their faces. He does not do so with the intent of hurting feelings, but his upbringing had little in the way of opportunities or reasons for being taught manners or proper conduct. He is no fool however, doing his best to keep his opinions to himself around those who might turn hostile when faced with the truth of their own inadequate minds. Even so, the more moronic or preposterous their statements, the more buffoonish their actions, the more he is likely to tell them as much, in spite of himself.
Thalrik hates necromancy and the monsters the black art produces. Although he has studied that foul art, as is required for any wizard, he has no intention of ever practicing it, doing so only if a great need would demand that he sullies himself in such a way.
Thalrik approaches his travels with practicallity, chosing to go where knowledge is to be gained. If he cannot defeat his inner urge to leave his beloved books behind and see the world, atleast he can give it some purpose.
You see a tall elven looking man garbed in simple traveling clothes. Those with a keen eye for such things may notice the roundness at the top of his ears, the slightly heavier frame and less sharp features and realize that elf is only half his parentage. The only thing marking him as more than simply another commoner, is the many component pouches at his waist. His violet eyes, shining black hair and fair elven complexion would have made him seem handsome to some, yet it is all spoiled by the haughty, disgruntled expression he wears upon his face.
Race/Class:Male Half-elf Wizard1
Size/Type:Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf)
Senses:Low-light Vision, Perception+9, Sense Motive+7