Jack's Skulls & Shackles
Game Master
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What is Shuriken going to do.
M Human Fighter 1

male Human Gunslinger (Buccaneer) 1
I feel this is as good a place as any to put this, but anyone that is familiar with piracy in general, or especially Shackles piracy, would likely be familiar with the name Rayick Atmor. You can know as much as you choose, but he was awell known pirate captain operating out of Drenchport. One thing that is out of the ordinary about him was that he was surprisingly moral and respectful of others property, well, the property he didn't steal, anyway. He always made an effort to strike in major shipping lanes, where the ships he attacked could be found quickly, and he tried to minimize damage to the ships he attacked, after all, repeat business was in his best interest. Anyway, his last known location was that earlier in the year, his ship and crew dissapeared and were assumed lost in the Eye of Abendego.
That Rayick is Icero's father is what he was going on about with the 'don't you know who I am' bit, which will be revealed shortly.
Anyone have anything about their characters that anyone might know ahead of time?
female Tian Rogue 1
Shuriken Here. i hope you don't mind my bit of backstory as a former agent of Queen Ileosa before being exiled when her majesty was overthrown.
M Human Fighter 1
Gad to see you Yamiko
Henk is a harpooner that worked the fishing lanes as long as he has been able to hold a harpoon. If you ever saw him, it was probably knee deep in whale guts and blubber.
No the backstory was fine Yamiko.
M Human Fighter 1
Giving lip to the captors is a quick way to get beaten down. :)
male Human Gunslinger (Buccaneer) 1
I know, but Icero doesn't really see it as giving lip, and I'm really hoping that they don't see it that way either.
I need all of you to roll a d20 five times and then tell me what the total number is.
M Human Fighter 1
This a skill roll or just a straight d20?
Roll a climb skill roll 5 times and total them up.
M Human Fighter 1
Ok, got everything rolled
CN Female Tiefling Sorcerer (Sanguine bloodline) 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +0, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, | Speed 30ft |Spells: 1st 2/5| Active conditions: None
M Human Fighter 1
Sorry I cannot post everyday but it seems that the first to reach the top and thereby winner of this test is Henk. Now can any of the PCs cook?
male Human Gunslinger (Buccaneer) 1
If no one else will volunteer, then I can say that Icero's dad had him learn to be the ship's cook to keep him out of trouble.
M Human Fighter 1
CN Female Tiefling Sorcerer (Sanguine bloodline) 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +0, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, | Speed 30ft |Spells: 1st 2/5| Active conditions: None
I believe that makes the rest of us swabbies
M Human Fighter 1
M Human Fighter 1
Since posting is slow I have a suggestion to help speed things up. I believe doing things 'roleplay lite' can help. While we will no doubt want to ask questions, we should try to focus more on moving along. RP between the PCs is fine and should be encouraged
I am out of town for the week and I don't have my books with me so I can't do much to progress the game this week.
Ok I am back. Would the group like to play out everyday or just run a few days and the major events. I am asking this because there are 20 days on this ship and not all of them have major events.
M Human Fighter 1
M Human Fighter 1
Lets just have a roll call of who is still here.
male Human Gunslinger (Buccaneer) 1
I'm here, hitting the major events sounds good to me.
CN Female Tiefling Sorcerer (Sanguine bloodline) 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +0, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, | Speed 30ft |Spells: 1st 2/5| Active conditions: None
Sasha is still here.
I think we should do the days in blocks. everyday can slow the pace and may loose players.
M Human Fighter 1
CN Female Tiefling Sorcerer (Sanguine bloodline) 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +0, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, | Speed 30ft |Spells: 1st 2/5| Active conditions: None
like we post actions for a set gnumber of sailing days then we advance the story that time frame then we can repeat unless there is some special encounter that would warrent the whole party involvement.
M Human Fighter 1
That sounds good to me, list what we can do for say 5 days or so and we tell you our actions and you roll them.
M Human Fighter 1
CN Female Tiefling Sorcerer (Sanguine bloodline) 2 | HP: 14/14 | AC: 12 (12 Tch, 10 Ff) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +0, R: +2, W: +4 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, | Speed 30ft |Spells: 1st 2/5| Active conditions: None
Henk wrote: I think we lost someone who?
M Human Fighter 1
Yamiko and Charles. I sent some PMs asking if they were still here after our DM returned and haven't seen them pop up
M Human Fighter 1
Well.. With the seeming loss of two members and the very slow pace of any advancement of the game I will be dropping out. Sorry, but 2+ weeks and we are still on the main deck does not bode well.
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