Vladimir Oleg |

Hey folks, A dear friend of mine died and I will be traveling to attend a funeral over the next few days. I'll check in when I can.

Beket Runetooth |

Hey there everyone!
Still here and wanting to post, just my laptop and Paizo's shutdowns are working really well to screw me over. I'll try to get a post up tonight!

Ironperenti |

Please make all Rum rolls. As stated on Page 180 of the core rulebook
Automatic Failures and Successes: A natural 1 (the d20 comes up 1) on a saving throw is always a failure (and may cause damage to exposed items; see Items Surviving after a Saving Throw on page 217). A natural 20 (the d20 comes up 20) is always a success.
Just like my all-star athlete who went down with a heat injury. Never would have suspected it, but crap can happen to anyone.

Bessie Rodgers |

I have not heard from Chess/Bleepos - hoping for his return.
Question -
- For those of us that do not have a swim speed... we "Make a Swim check once per round while you are in the water." Success means we can typically move at 1/2 speed as a full round action or 1/4 speed as a move. Fail by less than 5, no progress and failure by 5 or means you go under.
Is it an accurate interpretation that "treading water" is not an action, and we would be able to take "full round actions" and/or cast spells normally as long as we make our swim check?
Also for submerged creatures fighting swimming creatures - are the swimmers considered submerged or on land? The underwater combat rules specify "from land" against submerged - but not really the in the water with the thing.

Ironperenti |

You are both considered in the water but not submerged. The real difference for being submerged would be breathing. Because of the depth, you take the same penalties as if you were underwater. Standing on the shallow parts of the reef you are considered to have firm footing. You may tread water with a DC 10 swim check to take actions with your hands or you can stand on the reef.

KingHotTrash |

Hey there guys. I'm posting this on my phone so I apologize for any mistakes. My laptop has given up the ghost so for now, I will be not be able to post. I do not know how soon can get a new one up and running but I'll do what I can as soon as i can.
I'd like to keep playing but if you have to replace me for a more consistent player, I understand. If that is the case, it has been a pleasure. I'll keep you guys updated as best I can.

Beket Runetooth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good news! It seems to be working (for now). With trepidation, I saw that I am here? I'm going to try and grab a new one next paycheck or two.

Bessie Rodgers |

Glad to hear Beket!
@all-I for one would like to just bot Beket as needed until the pc situation has resolved.. I am fine with it taking a couple weeks. Beket has been an active and colorful poster.

Bessie Rodgers |

13th time is the charm!!! rolls eyes.....
It got to the point I wanted to see how long it would actually take...
And assuming that Scourge or Pugg didn't call "mercy" - and lets be honest, they don''t know the meaning of the word, Bessie would have kept trying until she made it - giving up is not in her nature. Especially if it would have made those two happy.

KingHotTrash |

Hey there everyone. I'm so sorry for the terrible silence over on my end here, I usually pride myself on my communication skills. This past week though has been probably one of the hardest weeks I've had and been a huge eye-opener for me about the state of my mental health. For that reason, I've decided that I'm going to back off away from online gaming at the moment and focus on taking care of myself.
This is easily one of the games that leaving for now pains me the most since I had poked Chess into getting it running and I absolutely adore the adventure path. I am fine with whatever Iron wants to do with my character; preferably whatever creates the best kind of story. I do apologize for making you all sit as long as you have while I dealt with things in real life.
It has been an absolute pleasure playing with all of you and hopefully, once things are sorted out, I'll be able to come back to this account and meet up with you fine folks again. You all have an exquisite day and take care of yourselves. <3

Bessie Rodgers |

It takes infinitely more strength to ask for help than suffer in silence. I hope that you find peace and good things come for you.
I will miss your Beket and hope that we do one day cross paths again. Until then, best wishes, stay strong and take good care of yourself!

Ironperenti |

No worries, take care of yourself. God bless.
To everyone: that leaves us with 4. I have a buddy who applied earlier but was one of those not selected. I'm sure he would hop in and I have a decent place where I can add him in. Do you want an additional PC or move forward with only 4?

Bessie Rodgers |

I am good with adding another... I personally like having multiple PCs to interact with, and we have lost Beket and (probably) Bleepos.
Also - just my personal opinion - I would love to have either or both rejoin later if life allows.
We have a cleric, skald, hydrokineticist, and alchemist... I hope the buddy you have in mind had a "fighter" type in mind. I will defer to the majority and ultimately your decision Iron.

Nasifi Calaso |

@King: It's been great to play with you and I'm sorry to see you go. Take care, and hopefully see you around.
@Ironperenti: I agree with Bessie straight down the line. I'd prefer to pick up a 5th player, and think a more martially inclined sort would be best. I'd also love to have Beket and Bleepos back in the game should future circumstances permit it.

Ironperenti |

Happy thanksgiving!
NO to the corsair, he said he has too many games going. I invited someone else who was looking at bloodrager. He was supposed to have hopped on the recruitment page already so I could pull him in and he has not done so. I was going to have the new person be a prisoner in the hold so we can still shop for someone. I will reach out to the last friend of mine and see what the deal is.

Vladimir Oleg |

to y'all as well
and a quick question for folks: at 3rd level, I get a rage power to share among comrades who accept the raging song. I'm thinking about the lesser beast totem (2 claw attacks) because of the future powers the totem provides (AC bonus, pounce), but I'm willing to consider any requests. Does any one have preferences?

Bessie Rodgers |

Vlad- Bessie probably won't accept the rage powers often as they will interfere with her spellcasting. However, claws would give Nasifi and Guillaume a melee attack without making them hold/draw a weapon - not sure how rage would impact any of their abilities....

Vladimir Oleg |

spent a little while trying to figure this out- it DOES appear that rage would prevent the use of SLAs, but you get to choose at the start every round whether or not you want to benefit from the raging song. So, you can choose to use it if you like, or let it go if you want to use your blasts. I'm sad that I can't boost your CON tho for your blasts

Nasifi Calaso |

Nasifi would only rarely want to accept rage. She's Dex based and ranged. If I remember correctly we're using the Elephant in the Room rules, so I believe she can finesse her machete. So really she'd need to be out of bombs and other throwables, without her crossbow, and without her machete before she'd be using claws.
It could come up, but not enough to take her into consideration when picking rage powers Vlad.

Vladimir Oleg |

in that case, I'm gonna grab guarded life which will let folks auto stabilize if they fall below 0 hp.
We should chat about who gets the amulet and sword