Orslaw grew up in a long line of naval guardsmen from Egorian in Cheliax. While most of his time was spent on the Adivian River, he loved the weeks his ship Devil's Delight spent on the Inner Sea patrolling their borders. Still young in his service, he volunteered for a longer expedition down to the Shackles. Orslaw begrudgingly took the position of ship's surgeon, but found he didn't take to it well and had no real talent at healing. He did great at the 2 amputations he had to perform, but he was unfortunately unable to stop the bleeding afterwards on either sailor. Unfortunately, one was the second cousin (twice removed) of Captain Renfield. This led to an unfortunate dismissal from the Chelaxian ship leaving him stranded at Port Peril.
Thankfully, he was able to get some basic work doing repairs on some of the smaller vessels that regularly came through. Orslaw was at the docks and managed to get a position on a merchant vessel as a ship surgeon, hoping that his services wouldn't be needed. Unfortunately, he's one more botched surgery away from the brig... or worse.