
Bessie Rodgers's page

537 posts. Alias of Grenfax.

Full Name

Bessie Rodgers




Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5















Strength 12
Dexterity 12
Constitution 11
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 19
Charisma 14

About Bessie Rodgers

Bessie Rodgers AKA Bones/Doc/Mule
Chaotic Neutral Human (f)
Level 5 Cleric of Besmara (Favored Class-cleric)
Init +1; Perception +5

AC 13 (Armor +2,+1 Dex), touch 11, flat-footed 12
hp 28/28 (1d8)| 8+5+5+5+5

4-crossbow/shoulder; 2-cutlass/forearm; 5-grindyglow spear left thigh; 5-cutlass/lonnegan-location?;

Fort +4+0, Ref +1+1, Will +4+4

Speed 30ft.
Special Attacks:

Str 12, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 19(18+1), Cha 14
Base Atk+3; melee+4; ranged+4; CMB=4; CMD=15
Rapier - +4 1d6 18-20/X2 L Crossbow - +4 1d8 19-20/X2 80'


Ship's Surgeon: Craft (Carpentry) +1 trait; Heal +1 trait; Healers kit at no cost.
Seafarer: Knowledge Nature +1 trait; Knowledge Geography +1 trait; Swim +1 trait; Swim is class skill.


(H) Selective Channeling (Exclude # Cha mod)
(1) Extra Channel (+2/day)
(3) Combat Casting +4 Cast Defensively
(5) Quick Channel (2 uses to Channel as a Move Action)


Skill = # (# Ranks[+3Class]/# Ability; +#Bonus)
2+2(INT)+1(Skilled)= 5/Level +1 Favored Class (1,2,3,4,5)

Adventuring Skills
+1 Acrobatics* (Dex) | +1a
+2 Bluff (Cha) | +2a
+1 Climb* (Str) | +1a
+2 Craft: (Int) | +2a
+10 Diplomacy (Cha) | +2a +5r +3cs
X Disable Device* (Dex) | +1a
+2 Disguise (Cha) | +2a
+1 Escape Artist* (Dex) | +1a
+0 Fly* (Dex) | +1a
+13 Heal (Wis) | +4a +5r +3cs +1t
+2 Intimidate (Cha) | +2a
Knowledge: (Int)
+8 Arcana | +2a +3r +3cs
Dungeoneering |
Local |
+3 Nature | +2a +1t
+6 Planes | +2a +1r +3cs
+10 Religion | +2a +5r +3cs
+6 Perception (Wis) | +4a +2r
+1 Ride* (Dex) | +1a
+9 Sense Motive (Wis) | +4a +2r +3cs
+10 Spellcraft (Int) | +2a +5r +3cs
+1 Stealth* (Dex) | +1a
+4 Survival (Wis) | +4a
+7 Swim* (Str) | +1a +2r +3cs +1t
X Use Magic Device (Cha) | +2a

Background Skills
+6 Appraise (Int) | +2a +1r +3cs
+0 Artistry (Int) | +2a
+8 Craft (Carpentry): (Int) | +2a +1t +2r +3cs
X Handle Animal (Cha) | +2a
Knowledge: (Int)
+3 Geography | +2a +1t
+6 History | +2a +1r +3cs
+6 Nobility | +2a +1r +3cs
+0 Linguistics (Int) | +2a
X Lore (Int) | +2a
+0 Perform: (Cha) | +2a
+12 Profession (Sailor): (Wis) | +4a +5r +3cs
X Sleight of Hand (Dex) | +1a

* Armor check penalty applies X- Trained only

Languages: Common, Polyglot, Aquan,

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

Weapons:All simple weapons, and the favored weapon of their deity (Rapier).
Armor: light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Class Skills:

Arua: Chaos
Channel Energy: Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cleric levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channeled energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cleric may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cleric must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.

DomainsWeather+Oceans (Water Subdomain)
Weather Domain :Granted Powers

Storm Burst (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of nonlethal damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Lightning Lord (Sp): At 8th level, you can call down a number of bolts of lightning per day equal to your cleric level. You can call down as many bolts as you want with a single standard action, but no creature can be the target of more than one bolt and no two targets can be more than 30 feet apart. This ability otherwise functions as call lightning.

Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—call lightning, 4th—sleet storm, 5th—ice storm, 6th—control winds, 7th—control weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—storm of vengeance.

Ocean Subdomain of Water Domain Granted Powers

Surge (Su): As a standard action, you can cause a mighty wave to appear that pushes or pulls a single creature. Make a combat maneuver check against the target, using your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier as your CMB. If successful, you may pull or push the creature as if using the bull rush or drag combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Cold Resistance (Ex): At 6th level, you gain resist cold 10. This resistance increases to 20 at 12th level. At 20th level, you gain immunity to cold.

Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—slipstream, 3rd—water walk, 4th—control water, 5th—ice storm, 6th—cone of cold, 7th—elemental body IV (water only), 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—tsunami.

-----Spells Per Day-----:

Level 0 = 4 | Orisons do not consume any slots and may be used again.
Level 1 = 5 | 3+1 Domain + 1 WIS Bonus
Level 2 = 4 | 2+1 Domain + 1 WIS Bonus
Level 3 = 3 | 1+1 Domain + 1 WIS Bonus
Level 4 = 0 | 0+1 Domain + 1 WIS Bonus


0= Detect Magic
0= Guidance
0= Light
0= Stabalize

Level One 2+1D+1B
D1= Obscuring Mist
1= Summon Monster 1
1= Bless
1= Hedging Weapons
B1= Shield of Faith
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Light Wounds 1d8+CL/max+5

Level Two 1+1D+1B
D2= Fog Cloud
2= Bear's Endurance
2= Spiritual Weapon (Rapier damage 1d8+1)
B2= Aid
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+CL/max+10

Level Three 0+1D+1B
D3= Call Lightning
3= Water Breathing
B3= Prayer
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Serious Wounds 3d8+CL/max+15

0= Detect Magic
0= Purify Food and Water
0= Mending
0= Stabalize

Level One 2+1D+1B
D1= Obscuring Mist
1= Air Bubble
1= Bless
1= Divine Favor
B1= Remove Sickness
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Light Wounds 1d8+CL/max+5

Level Two 1+1D+1B
D2= Fog Cloud
2= Bear's Endurance
2= Spiritual Weapon (Rapier damage 1d8+1)
B2= Aid
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Moderate Wounds 2d8+CL/max+10

Level Three 0+1D+1B
D3= Call Lightning
3= Prayer
B3= Dispel Magic
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Serious Wounds 3d8+CL/max+15
Alt- For down time/healing – nap stack; Remove =Blindness/Deafness, Curse, Disease; Curative Distillation; continual flame; Glyph of Warding;
Symbol of Healing-$

Level Four 0+1D
~Spontaneous Cast Cure Critical Wounds 4d8+CL/max+20


Combat Gear:
Holy Symbol Tattoo (100gp) Located on outer right forearm
Rapier 20gp
Dagger 2 2gp/ea
MWK Leather Armor (+2)
Hvy St Shield (+2) 20gp
Crossbow- Light 35 gp
Bolts (20) 1gp

Carried Gear
Healers Kit [9|10 uses](*50gp/1lb): Collection of bandages and herbs provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks. A healer's kit is exhausted after 10 uses. (*no cost/trait)

Suregeon Kit (20gp/5lb): When used in conjunction with a healer's kit, surgeon's tools raise the kit's bonus to a +3 circumstance bonus on Heal checks to treat wounds or deadly wounds.

Pathfinder Kit (12gp/10 lbs*):backpack, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, two fishhooks, a flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 feet of string, 50 feet of thread, a waterskin, and a whetstone. *10lbs if bedroll-rations left on mount/camp.

Grooming Kit (1gp/2 lb) pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.

Hammock (1sp)
Flag- Nautical - Small (Jolly R0dger) (2gp/ea=4gp)
Holy Text - (25gp)


Physical Description:
Bessie has dark har, bleached by the sun and tanned skin. Wearing a bandana, simple linen and breaches, with a sack slung over one shoulder. She looks every bit the pirate.

Carefree, but devoutly religious, Bessie follows the Code and keeps her crews safe when Besmara allows it, and officiates the services those who fall beneath the waves.

Bessie was found as the sole survivor of a pirate raid on a merchant ship. Absolutely nothing was known about the little girl that the pirate crew of Ozzori's Dream found, not even her name, but the pirates took her in and raised her. Around the age of 12, the last of the original crew left the Ozzori's Dream and the little girl who had been a helper to the ship's healer left too. Since then she has sailed with a dozen crews on twice as many ships and as a devout Besmaran she goes by the only name she remembers - Bessie Rodgers after her goddess and her flag.

Campaign Notes:

Ship - Wormwood
Captain - Barnabas Harrigan=a broad, muscular Garundi man with a shaven head, a long beard bound with gold rings, and an eye patch.
First Mate? - Mr. Plugg =a younger, balding man with a long black ponytail, wearing a long coat and carrying a well-used cat-o’-nine-tails
whipmaster - a bearded man with a menacing grin and a whip
Fishguts? Cook?

Spell - Verbal - manifestation

Air Bubble - S/DF only - Blue symbols swirl upwards around her head /Iphakethe lomoya
Bless - Izibusiso - presents her forearm, a reddish flare flashing across the symbol
Bears Endurance - Ibekezelela Ukubekezela A spiral of brown sigils
Call Lightning - Shayela Umbani – Arcing Blue white sigils
CLW - Amanxeba alula -
CMW - Amanxeba okulinganisela - White tendrils sparkle flowing out
CMW - Amanxeba abucayi - White tendrils sparkle flowing out
channel energy - amandla wesiteshi - golden glow
Detect magic - Umlingo - blue sigils swirl around hand
Enhance Water - Ukuthuthukisa amanzi -
Remove Sickness - Susa ukugula - Green sigils wisp upwards from the spot she touches
Storm Burst (Domain ability) Ukushisa kwesiphepho
Prayer (black sigil flutter) Umkhuleko