Bessie Rodgers |

@Guillaume - I took Bear's endurance as a 2nd lvl spell. If we have time to prepare I can use that to boost your con.
All - I also took Aid. If there are spells/buffs that people like, let me know. I can always spontaneously cast cure light and cure mod now which will be my focus.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

The sword doesn't benefit me much. I'm a ranged blaster. If I'm using a melee weapon at all there's a problem. Especially at this low level I'd hate to take our only magic blade for my emergency back-up. The amulet I can use just fine, but others may still have more need of it.

Nasifi Calaso |

Nasifi level 3:
+1 BAB
+8 HP
+1 INT
Feat: Precise Shot
Bombs: 7/day with damage 2d6
Alchemist: Swift Alchemy.
Skills: +13 Points, (+4 INT, +4 Class, +1 Skilled, +2 Background, +2 Retro points for INT increase.)
+2 points to Stealth, K Arcana.
+1 Point to Acrobatics, Climb, Disable Device, K Nature, Perception, Swim.
Background Points to Craft Alchemy, Profession Sailor.
New Formulae: Longshot, Tears to Wine.

Nasifi Calaso |

Nasifi isn't proficient with short swords so the sword of no use to her. The amulet is nice, but it should go to a front liner who needs the extra protection more than her.
Actually I don't think she can use the amulet with her mutagen anyway since the mutagen gives her a natural armor bonus.

Bessie Rodgers |

@Iron - I have not selected my 3rd level feat and may wind up taking toughness... we will see after I have a chance to look at the lists. If I do, I will point it out.
Do you have a list of items (or post number where they are listed) available from the quartermaster?

Orslaw |

I believe I’ve got everything taken care of for Orslaw except his feat. I added the stat bonus to Strength. For the feat, I’m torn between Dodge for the AC or something else to boost up his offensiveness. Thoughts?

Ironperenti |

Orslaw being a fighter has enough feats to go a lot of directions. I like things that takeaway from the enemy and give you free attacks.
A rather long feat chain but a good one in my opinion for strong fighters is the overrun chain.
Power Attack > Improved Overrun > Bulette Charge > Bulette Leap > Bulette Rampage > Greater Overrun
When you overrun they cannot dodge. +2 from Improved, up to +4 from Bulette charge, +2 from Greater. Add strength bonus to your jump rolls and cause 1d8+1/2 your armor bonus+1.5*STR bonus when you overrun. Also, with greater overrun you get an attack of opportunity against those you knock over. As a fighter you could have the whole chain done by 7th level.
Another feat chain, though I prefer using a weapon with the trip special ability, is the improved trip chain combined with combat reflexes.
Power attack > Improved Trip > Fury's Fall > Felling Smash(6) > Greater Trip(6)
Combat Reflexes > Pin Down (11)
Stand Still > Steady Engagement
Technically speaking, I think the halberd is the best weapon for this because it is a two handed martial weapon with trip. Trip special ability is nice because then, anything that increases your attack bonus with that weapon increases your ability to trip with that weapon. Otherwise they don't. A more thematic choice could be the boarding pike. The only drawback is that it has reach. Anyway, Fury's Fall allows you to add your Sex to your trip attempt, felling smash allows you a free trip attempt every time you power attack (as a standard action so no full attack), greater trip gives you an AoO when you trip a target. Stand still makes someone stop their move if they are attempting to move past you. Steady engagement allows you to make a trip attack when stopping their move. Last but not least, Pin Down makes enemies draw attacks of opportunity even with a 5' step. As long as you power attack all the time you probably don't need stand still as you would get to trip them when you power attack as part of your AoO.

Nasifi Calaso |

@Orslaw: I've never built a fighter so all of this is hearsay from reading about builds, but this may be a good campaign for looking at maneuvers. Combat maneuvers are often criticized for becoming overly difficult to pull off at higher levels so not worth the investment. As enemies get bigger and less commonly humanoid in form it's harder to beat CMD. But this is a shipboard campaign so my prediction is for enemies to remain more humanoid and less large as time passes. Of course there will always be stuff like kraken and so forth to consider, but I doubt we'll come across a ship crewed by huge or colossal creatures for example.
@ Vlad: Nasifi currently has 10 vials spread across acid, alkali, and alchemists fire besides her daily bombs, and it's not enough! She can also apply alchemical weapons to melee weapons for an extra damage rider but hasn't done so yet because of scarcity. Nasifi can make more in a limited capacity now, but her craft bonus isn't yet high enough to guarantee success and they go fast. Grab all you can everyone!

Orslaw |

Thanks all! I actually think I’m going to try to go for criticals to boost damage. No critical feats for the next bit, so a I’m going to go Furious Focus for a +1 on attacks. Well, it removes the Power Attack penalty on the first attack. I’ve never done anything with the Critical Feats but they look like they’ll be extremely powerful despite the opponent. (Especially with an 18-20, x2, 2 handed Falchion.)

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

A fun build might be to aim for the Stalwart Defender, which can be a pretty powerful battlefield control option in the confined spaces of a ship's deck. Especially with a reach weapon, like the very thematic boarding pike. If you wanted to go that route, I'd suggest retroactively adding the Phalanx Soldier fighter archetype, which will let you one-hand your pike and hold a shield in the other hand. On the other hand, building for a heavily armored guy on a boat is an odd choice, thematically. Make sure and get that Buoyant enchantment on your armor. lol

Bessie Rodgers |

Bessie is going to take Healer's Hands as her feat
Your healing efforts are bolstered by positive energy.
Prerequisite(s): Heal 1 rank, Knowledge (planes) 1 rank.
Benefit(s): You can use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds as a full-round action. You do not take a penalty for not using a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds this way, and you can do so on a given creature more than once per day. When treating deadly wounds this way, if your result exceeds the DC by 10 or more, add your ranks in Knowledge (planes) to the damage healed. These benefits do not apply to creatures that are not healed by positive energy.
You can use this feat’s benefit a number of times per day equal to your ranks in Knowledge (planes).
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Planar Adventures

Ironperenti |

Isn't that essentially the something as stabilize? If so, stabilize is an orison so you can cast it an unlimited number of times per day. I think you would be wasting a feat by doing that.
I'd recommend something like:
Blazing Channel
Improved Channel
Extra Channel
Quick Channel (at 5th level)
Versatile Channeler

Bessie Rodgers |

Hmmm...thanks for the input Iron - appreciate it! Re-read and based on the way it is written, Healer's Hands is a bit limited..
@all - input ?
I have Extra Channel already...Quick Channel is on my list, but I do need be 5th level.
Had not considered the undead aspect...
Versatile doesn't help much now given the -2 level penalty, and if I am blasting living foes and far enough away from the rest of the Peril Crew to do so -I would be in really big trouble...
Blazing requires the Turn Undead feat as a pre-requisite. While Turn Undead seems pretty weak - blazing Channel is pretty cool. The problem I run into there is that I do want quick Channel as my 6th lvl feat...meaning blazing wouldn't be available until 9th level and I should be spelled up by then...
Leaning to Improved Channel...
So - Any thoughts from Iron or the Peril Crew

Vladimir Oleg |

improved channel might not be bad, or maybe bless equipment if you want to stick with channel feats. You might also go for something like deific obedience (not sure if Besmara gives a good bonus though), weapon focus:rapier (useful for a number of feats), or point blank shot. Spell focus might also make sense if you've got any spells you'd like to improve the DCs of

Nasifi Calaso |

If you're looking at using some feats on channeling, Quick Channel leads to Reactive Healing, which looks like a very nice contingency to have. On the other hand, clerics don't get any bonus feats so 4 devoted to channeling might be too much to spend.

Ironperenti |

@Bessie: Another option could be pursuing a boost of Sanctuary. You could focus and later greater focus on Abjuration boosting the save needed to break Sanctuary. Then, against most scrubs anyway, you should be able to move about the battlefield and heal or buff without being attacked.

Orslaw |

Here's the feat progression I'm looking to take for Orslaw. I think it'll be decently powerful overall.
1. Power Attack(1st), Dodge(Fighter1),WeaponFocus(Falchion)(Human)
F2. Cleave (w/ no AC penalty thanks to Corsair)
3. Furious Focus (no P.A. penalty on first attack)
F4. Weapon Specialization (Falchion) (+2 damage)
5. Improved Overrun (+2 on Overrun manuevers)
F6. Greater Overrun (+2 on Overrun and they provoke AoO)
7. Bulette Charge Style (+3 on Overrun due if medium armor)
F8. Improved Critical (Falchion with 15-20,x2 Crits!)
9. Critical Focus (+4 to confirm crits)
F10. Greater Weapon Focus (Falchion) (+1 to hit)
11. Critical Versatility (Flexible crit feat)
F12. Greater Wpn Specialization (Falchion) (+2 damage)
13. Staggering Critical
F14. Critical Mastery
This should make good use of the Overrun maneuver as well as get me set to do some nasty crits by mid-levels.

Vladimir Oleg |

quick update: I have to travel for the next few days (3/11-3/15) and I'm unsure of internet access. I'll do my best to check in when I can. Please bot me as needed.

Guillaume Coeur-de-Lion |

Orslaw still had a couple hundred of the little blood suckers on him but they were mostly washed off as he jumped into the shallow pool. Nasifi's fireball worked quite well but Guillaume's water blast seemed to be too narrow and barely affects the swarm as a whole, he may have gotten a fly or two. Bessie recognizes them as bot flies but especially aggressive ones. She also recalls swatting at an angry swarm amounts to little but smoke and area attacks are useful. Nasifi runs around the north side of the shack, Guillaume and Bessie go along the south.
Now, hang on a minute. Is that meant to mean I just missed? Because if I hit I should do full damage. From the Kineticist's class details:
Kinetic Blast (Sp): At 1st level, a kineticist gains a kinetic blast wild talent of her choice. This kinetic blast must be a simple blast that matches her element. As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands). All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Kinetic blasts count as a type of weapon for the purpose of feats such as Weapon Focus. The kineticist is never considered to be wielding or gripping the kinetic blast (regardless of effects from form infusions; see Infusion on page 12), and she can’t use Vital Strike feats with kinetic blasts. Even the weakest kinetic blast involves a sizable mass of elemental matter or energy, so kinetic blasts always deal full damage to swarms of any size (though only area blasts deal extra damage to swarms). A readied kinetic blast can be used to counterspell any spell of equal or lower level that shares its descriptor. A kinetic blast that deals energy damage of any type (including force) has the corresponding descriptor. The various kinetic blasts, as well as additional rules for simple blasts, are described on pages 15–16.
If I just missed that's fine, but I want to be sure.

Orslaw |

Are we already at the bottom of the cliffs? I was interpreting this...
The crew make's its way down the cliff toward the area where the octo-goblins had been seen.
to be that we had made our way down a safe way to the bottom, but the cliffs surrounded the cove. So my understanding is that we're already at the bottom where the octo-goblins were.

Ironperenti |

I made it more confusing than it needed to be. You were up on the ridge. You climbed down to the main body of the island. On the west side of the island it is a sheer cliff to the sea. The cove is essentially a pit in the western shoreline of the island. You still need to climb down into the cove to proceed.

Bessie Rodgers |

I was attacking on the basis of the below description of invisibility. Please let me know if you wish to adjudicate in any way -
If a character tries to attack an invisible creature whose location he has pinpointed, he attacks normally, but the invisible creature still benefits from full concealment (and thus a 50% miss chance). A particularly large and slow invisible creature might get a smaller miss chance.

Nasifi Calaso |

I'm going to have to ask at this point if there's anything I can do with thrown weapons? It's really hard to figure out what I should do since I don't have any idea how this works with submerged? partially submerged? enemies. I just can't visualize what's happening in a way that allows me to figure out what's possible.

Ironperenti |

I would look at it as a molotov cocktail. If any part of the creature is above water, you can hit it and it will take full dmg. Since you are treading water you are at -2 to hit. If you have an ability that would make them burn for a round, the target merely needs to submerge.

Bessie Rodgers |

Can we bypass the traps by swimming under them or would we need a disable device check to get past these blasted things?
Does anyone have DD?
Can we move through at a slower speed to avoid getting snagged?
@Nasifi - I have the same issue with casting at the moment. Our primary strengths have been countered; so we need to go to plan B. I am going to try to heal or buff to help the boys fight unless you have any other ides... we will just have to backup the melee fighters or join in. Unless this thing comes to the surface - then we can blast it!

Bessie Rodgers |

@Iron - I meant casting underwater. I have some spells to help, but underwater is a problem for thrown objects and spells - we just have to adapt.
Is there a way for us to swim under the hooks (or is that the DD option?)

Orslaw |

Just a quick note, but I had not added in the additional hit points from Vlad's raging performance (though I had added in bonus to strength and armor penalty). So the bonus 3 hit points, should leave Orslaw conscious at 2 hp. At least until Vlad quits singing that is...
Also, that 3d6+4 damage is ridiculous. :-)