Ironperenti's Skull and Shackles

Game Master Ironperenti

Character Treasure Tracker

S&S on roll20

Disrepute 3 Infamy 3

Crew Perilous Pearl 28 of 20 (Guillaume, Orslaw, Beket) Goblin's Prize 28 of 20 (Bessie, Bleepos, Nasifi)

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CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Opening the discussion here just so whoever ends up selected to post. Here's Bleepos Droppo, Chess's submission for the game.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Any issues with going to roll20 for maps?

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

Nah, I use roll20 for basically all of my games that I'm playing in.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Yeah, it works well for me too. I only have issues from my cell (like now) but eventually I end up getting to a computer. :)

@Beket: iron said it’s okay to use a drawback for a third trait, if you’re interested in doing so. I’ll update the rules. I’ll update the list of applicants tomorrow, but I see several good candidates and players I played with on the past and currently! If we manage to cover all roles, I believe we will have quite the solid group and a fun experience :)

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

Awesome. I just read up about the beauty of the Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) and Investigator (Empiricist) combo and as tempting as that is to play, I'll stick with the Kraken Caller.

If a drawback is allowed, would you be okay with Family Ties? I don't want to take it if it isn't going to come up.

I also have been seeing a lot of Besmara's Blessing being selected for the campaign trait. I'm considering taking Buccaneer's Blood instead for some variation. It'll easily fit with my background as it is and I'd take something that'll give me Intimidate as a class skill.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Family ties is fine

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

Awesome, thank you. My sheet is all updated now. I took Silent Hunter and rearranged my stats just a tiny bit, lowered my Wisdom and raised my Strength instead.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Are you going for Buccaneer's Blood or keeping Besmara's Blessing?

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

I thought about it for a bit and I decided to keep Besmara's Blessing. Just a better trait for me overall.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Roll 20 link for maps

Skull and Shackles battle maps

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Welcome to everyone. Please see the link above on roll20 for maps when applicable.

You will soon find that you have been stripped of most of your items and armor. If in leather studded or lighter, you are still in it. If you have any heavier armor, it has been removed. However, your gambeson that was underneath is still present so count that as padded armor. All of your gear was removed but it was quick. You get one small items such as a dagger or smaller. Please post on here what item you want so I can determine if it is acceptable.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Correction to my earlier post, even leather and leather studded have been removed. Those in chain shirt or heavier have gambeson remaining equivalent to padded armor.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

You don’t wanna see a naked goblin!

Just kidding. This will be a blast! Welcome everybody.

@GM: I’ll make some final adjustments to Bleepos and help put the others sheets on Hero Lab so we can fix if there’s anything out of the ordinary. If I may suggest the other players, please add on your profiles both sheets (with/without gear) and update the headers with the most relevant info like mine for example.

I’ll post again later today with more details on our party, our strengths and weaknesses :)


F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Thank you for press ganging me aboard - I look forward to sailing with everyone!

Header updated - I have gear listed separately and do not currently wear armor - although she does have a shield - just in case. Am I correctly inferring that Bleepos will provide Hero Lab sheets for us? If so, thank you! If not, i might need a little more instruction on the sheet thing.

The item I would keep is my healer's kit (the trait I chose says I begin play with it despite circumstances - so unless Ironperenti has a concern - it will be my item.) I also have a set of suregeon's tools - but I suspect that any pres gang worth their salt would have taken sharp things like bone saws away from me.

My concept and plan is to be the "ship's surgeon"(a heal-bot); as such I will heal and buff and make travel comfy - my character is not combat oriented, but will not shy away from a fight - she is still a pirate after all.

Orisons: Create Water, Purify Food and Water, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1: Obscuring Mist-Domain, Air Bubble, Bless, Remove Sickness

I will happily take suggestions for spells if there are certain buffs desired - just give me until sunrise to pray.

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

AVAST YE SWABBIES! Thanks for inviting me!
regarding the "hanging on to one item," my kukri would be nice. If that won't work, spell component pouch.

Female CG Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1 | Speed 30' | Bombs: 9/9

Hooray! Thanks for choosing Nasifi!

I've logged in to Roll20, so I'm set there. I'll finalize gear today (hopefully) and take one more look at Nasifi's build. I think there was something I wanted to ask about it, but I don't remember just now.

EDIT: Ah yes, now I remember. I took the trait Firebug, which gives +1 on splash weapon and bomb attacks. However, Grenadiers also get the feat Throw Anything, which also gives +1 to the same thing.

Since bombs and splash attacks hit on touch anyway, do you think it's overkill? It's certainly a good trait and +1 to attacks never goes out of style. But is there some skill we should cover that we don't have that I could pick up with a trait? Should I use it to up Nasifi's will save instead?

What does anyone think?

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

@Nasifi: I don't think it's overkill at all. The last thing you want to do with a bomb is miss your intended target.

@GM et al.: I have a question that I can't seem to find the answer to. Is it legal for a hybrid class (like the skald) to take the VMC of one of its base classes, here barbarian and bard?

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Bessie: most of your spells and channel energy require a holy symbol. You may want to keep that. I'm not saying your stuff is just gone but you will need to find it and perhaps ask others in possession to return stuff. Good luck with that.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics


I was just going to put the sheets on Hero Lab to check if we didn't miss anything, but if you send me your e-mail (by PM) I can mail you the .por file. Is this what you need?

Also... Play as you like! While you're obviously quite valuable to the group because of your healing, I'm sure there is much more to the character than that (for instance, the several Knowledge skills). Who knows if in the future you won't get an armor and some sort of weapon to better defend yourself? I think there's a lot of potential for Bessie, out of combat being a big thing.

@Vladimir and @GM Iron:

Two of the traits (Ship's Surgeon and the Brawler one) are about keeping something with you when pressganged. I understand if we might want to adapt it, but to be sincere it might not be necessary (and might weaken up the traits abovementioned). Being that we're already even level 2, we're probably already ahead of the curve of difficulty for the game :) If I get to vote, I'd say let's stick to the "you have nothing on the beginning" thing! I don't mind either way.

As for what Bessie keeps, her trait allows her already to keep her Healer's Kit, and her holy symbol is a tattoo (so she's fine on it as well!).


It is legal to take VMC of the base classes. You only can't take VMC Rogue for example if you're an Unchained Rogue, or VMC Paladin if you're not lawful good - but Skald with VMC Bard is fine by RAW, unless the GM says otherwise.


On my spreadsheet I noticed we're fairly covered on skills (the only one that might be relevant for the game in the future and no one took is the one for Craft(Sails), but I wouldn't bother about it to be sincere). However, one thing I think that could be cool is if one of us go for the siege engines (the ships in the future will have this kind of equipment, if we know how to operate). If you want a suggestion, being your character about alchemy and bombs and whatnot, I think it'd be a great fit.


@GM Iron and Everybody:

I put all our characters on a spreadsheet for roles, skills and desirable abilities to have. To summarize:

- Roles: We're covered in most important roles. We don't have anyone that is a "dedicated tank", per se, neither a "full 9-level arcane caster", but I think we will manage fine. I modified Bleepos to be more defensive, and next level I'll multiclass into Brawler (he will be a mix of Unchained Rogue and Brawler) so the little Goblin can be in the frontlines and survive some damage (I sacrificed some of his damage dealing but with our group I'm sure we will be fine in this matter). As for the "full 9-level arcane caster", that's the kind of thing that can make a difference at mid to high levels, but Skull & Shackles is not a tough module (from all that I heard) and very sandbox-y. I believe between an alchemist and a skald we will have enough crowd control in the future, and even the kineticist, the cleric and the druid can have some toys in this matter if it starts to become a problem.

- Skills: We're covered in all knowledge skills (even if not too specialized in some of them), plus the relevant professions and craft skills (maybe missing only sails and siege engines). I suggested Nasifi to think about siege engines, but anyone please feel free to chime in. As for sails, one of us can always get some points in it in the future if needed, I think we will be fine. We have enough Survival, Perception, Stealth and Disable Device (between rogue and alchemist) to deal with the most common checks. I think we're golden here.

- Abilities: At the moment, we have no trapfinding. Unfortunately it's an ability that my archetype replaces. And as much as I want to believe magical traps won't come frequently in this AP as in others (like Mummy's Mask)... I know it's a lie. Pirate game, treasures, chests... You got my point. This is the single ability that I feel might hurt us; we will be fine to find such traps, but won't be able to disarm them. I'm open for suggestions (please, keeping it on the rules... Don't suggest the Trapfinding trait :P). I think the Pirate archetype fits this game perfectly, but I'm willing to sacrifice in this matter to get Trapfinding back. I could multiclass into something else in the future (like Ranger or Slayer) to get trapfinding, I don't know.

F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

@Nasifi - Looking forward to the adventure together
I don't have an educated opinion on your trait choice... touch ACs are typically low; but if your main focus will be on thowing bombs, every little bit helps. And the dice roller here does seem to average out rolls - so you will have some low ones - but how often will you hit or miss based on 1 point...
Like I said, I am no help, sorry...

Wow - super ninja'ed...

Adding on :

Yes, I have the holy symbol tattoo (pd for it) so as long as that is not a problem, I will keep the healers kit as my one item.

I would also consider taking a level or two in rogue to get trapfinding - I don't think it is that far out of the characer's background -- IF the party is ok with the reduction in healing (otherwise, I will stay the course).

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

By the game, you get to keep one item that was missed when searched. It should be something that can be palmed, not that you did, but it was small and went unnoticed when they searched you and stripped you in the dark.

In Bessie's case, the pirates let you keep your healer's kit. Perhaps they recognized the potential benefit in having a healer on board. I missed the holy symbol tattoo, no issues with that.

You are a group of six 2nd level characters starting in a 4 player 1st level adventure. Not to worry, I start all of my campaigns at 2nd level as I find 1st levels die far too quickly and I would rather dangle you over a pool of angry sea bass and see how you get out than have you die. Death, and/or maiming, is a possibility though. I have already taken steps to up the difficulty so your amped up status should merely give me opportunity to bruise you up a bit without having to wear kid gloves.

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

@Bessie: unless you REALLY want rogue abilities, you probably shouldn't bother with a rogue dip. Now the evangelist or exalted prestige class might be fun.

@Bleepos: thanks. Question for you since you're getting the group stats together. Do you think I should go for VMC barbarian or bard? Either would provide some nice benefits (a higher power rage with barbarian and no need to dip for that; I'd get back bardic knowledge with bard, along with inspire courage and other songs).

Female CG Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1 | Speed 30' | Bombs: 9/9

Alright, I'll keep Firebug. Like I said, it's certainly a good trait, just a matter of what to prioritize.

@Bleepos: Yeah, I can see ship "gunnery" as something Nasifi could take care of. What skill does it fall under? I haven't quite gotten around to reading through the ship combat stuff in the Player's Guide.

I have gear updated now. I'm not sure what to keep. It comes down to one of three things: the brass knife, the thieve's tools, or the alchemy kit.

I'm guessing it's a little much to be able to keep the alchemy kit since that allows Nasifi to make extracts and bombs. The thieve's tools are a little niche, but when you need them you need them. Brass knife is "meh" but handy I guess.

Female CG Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1 | Speed 30' | Bombs: 9/9

Also, depending on how things look after a level or two of combat, I may dip a level to improve Nesifi's melee performance. Rogue and Swashbuckler would be the most obvious choices. I think since she'd do best with at least DEX to attack. I'd love to dip Bolt Ace, but making it work would take too many levels.

I'm also eyeing Evangelist for later on. The Cayden stuff pairs really well thematically with a pirate alchemist. :)

F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

@Vladimir - ok, one vote for healing (my leaning is healing unless the trapfinding is really needed..ounce of prevention...).

@Nasifi - keep thieves tools. I would think that brass knives would be able to be had... even if we have to pick a lock to get 'em. Thieves tools, maybe-maybe not. (My opinion)

@Ironperenti - Thank you, I will be keeping the healers kit!

Make weigh!

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

Hey there everyone! Glad to have you all be part of the (forced) crew! I'm super excited to get this going and see how everything plays out.

As for role; Beket is a melee striker with spellcasting abilities. As he gets more spell slots open, he'll be more open to buffing the party but mainly he'll be buffing himself as well as his animal companion; the roc. When he is high enough level, it'll be a common tactic that the roc will just swoop down and carry someone off of the ship and into the drink. As a Seascarred, he is exceptionally skilled at fighting underwater as well and will easily be the one to rescue anyone who gets knocked overboard.

@Bessie - If Guillaume posts in, we'll be pretty good on healing actually. They took kinetic healing as well so between the three of us, no one should be dying. I've played lots of clerics myself so I know it doesn't really open until 3rd level spells. Then the "walking bandaid" gets some nice, sharp edges.

@Nasifi - I feel like then you should take a trait that does something interesting with your story or shores up that Will save. Hitting Touch AC won't be too big of a problem, I think.

In regards to the trapfinding issue; I wonder if it'd be alright to regain it by spending a rogue talent? I know for some builds, they lose evasion and can pick it up again later, right? I think that could be equivalent for losing one rogue talent.

@GM Iron - The item I'm hoping to have kept on myself is my club. Something sturdy enough to keep the ambitious on their toes. I'd also like to ask what we'll do for my animal companion? I'm currently having him fly up above us in the thermals but he'll need to come down eventually, right? I'm assuming the crew won't eat him if I am there to call for him?

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

@Bessie: I wouldn't bother multiclassing into Rogue for you, unless you want to do so for other reasons.

@GM Iron: Bleepos will keep his small toy wooden boat. It doesn't do anything mechanically, but it's what the character would choose to keep ;)

@Vladimir: Bard feels like a much more useful VMC in my opinion. I don't usually do VMC because of the loss of feats, but this one is a solid choice. We don't have many melee characters based on Strength - the Raging Song will probably be great when it's giving Rage Powers, depending of which ones, but the Inspire Courage is always useful and Bardic Knowledge kicks ass.

@Nasifi: Evangelist is great. Losing one level is not always good, but still. As for siege engines:

- You need Knowledge (Engineering) or Profession (Siege Engineer) as skills (by the rules, I'd rather go for knowledge). Craft (siege engines) will let you repair the weapons (but so does Disable Device and even Knowledge Engineering again). Craft however is the only way to build engines.

- You need the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat to be proficient with each weapon, or the Siege Engineer feat plus one proficiency to be proficient with all of them. Siege Engineer is a good feat for this kind of specialization, but Master Siege Engineer is absolutely awesome. There are other feats as well, like Siege Commander and Cannon Master, that might interest. Observe it's not necessary to invest so much in it; but having a specialist onboard means a lot on the naval battles.

Ship Combat / Siege Engines

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

Living firehose here, reporting for duty. I don’t really have anything I’d be super worried about keeping, I guess I’ll hang onto a dagger.

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

@Bleepos: wow you are definitely right about our lack of STR. Beket and I are the strongest. So yeah, I think VMC Bard makes good sense.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Bessie: healer kit
Bleepos: wood ship
Coer-de-Lion: dagger
Beket: club
Vladimir: I missed it if you listed something
Nasifi: thieves tools?

For posting, lets try to capture speech in bold. I seem to have a bad habit of hitting the wrong slash, but I should catch it and edit before it sticks.

I never moved hero lab to my mac but I am making copies of the character sheets on roll20. Feel free to fill in as much or as little as you want on there. I am putting some stuff on there to help check numbers such as CMD, CMB, saves, etc. Probably the same things Chess is looking for on hero lab.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Vlad wants to keep a kukri or his spell component pouch, Iron.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Kukri it is.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

It seems VMC Rogue gives Trapfinding by level 3 - not sure if anyone is interested, but wanted to throw the option here.

@GM: Would it be possible to replace a rogue talent with trapfinding? I know there's a slayer talent for it, but not a rogue talent - despite the fact I could for example buy back evasion if replaced by an archetype.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Bleepos: yes, you can take trap finding as a rogue talent

Female CG Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1 | Speed 30' | Bombs: 9/9

@Ironperenti: Yes, I'll take the thieve's tools.

@Bleepos: I don't think I'll be terribly feat-starved so working in Siege Engineer and Master Siege Engineer shouldn't be difficult. I also looked through the alchemical discoveries again and found some that pair up really nicely, like Rocket Bomb and Siege Bomb.

Nesifi could get up to some serious anti-ship murder and mayhem! I think I'll try to avoid any dips if at all possible Nesifi will just do her best to avoid close melee. If that's what I'm doing, it makes me wonder if I shouldn't trade out her martial weapon proficiency with Machete for Longbow and just call it a day.

I hadn't thought at all before about shipboard siege weapons and I may have found a new purpose in Nesifi's life!

One thing though, does anyone have any idea how much ship combat there is in the AP? I don't want to over-invest for a few occasional episodes scatter across the run of the campaign.

F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

@Nasifi - and all - I have never read or played this AP - I have absolutely no meta knowledge (for better or worse)!

Male Tiefling Bloodrager 4 (Primalist, Steelblood)

I've been in S&S games twice before as a replacement, but they both died within a level of when I got there. One with Bleepos, IIRC (as Blue Lucien, but the build concept is basically identical. I'd just recycled that alias for another campaign).

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@Beket: your roc will be a mystery to be unveiled.

@Nasifi: I too am new and cannot project into the future books. There is ship to ship combat in this book.

@Guillaume: I tend to be rather stubborn in trying to keep the game going. As long as we can maintain at least three people who post on a regular basis I will keep going. Barring a natural disaster of course.

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

Sounds good to me!

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

@Nasifi: I believe the ship combat rules were designed for this campaign so it makes sense that this would be the place where it happens. The only other time I've been in this campaign, it died fairly briefly after take-off

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |

I am sorry if it seems like I am being difficult about it, it just doesn't seem like Beket to let someone else take a position he is good at. That and I think Profession: Cooking will not be relevant for most of the campaign after this beginning part. And Beket isn't the smartest guy either.

If you're -really- wanting that position though, I'll have Beket wise up and give it up. He just might want a favor in return for it, is all.

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

Since Nasifi doesn’t really have Profession (Cook), I know who I’m rooting for if I want to eat something other than pastries and cakes (god knows how they’ll be prepared mid-sea) :)

Jokes aside, some in game banter is always good for RP reasons, if we keep it friendly off game.

| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |
Bleepos Droppo wrote:
Jokes aside, some in game banter is always good for RP reasons, if we keep it friendly off game.

This is my main belief. Beket is meaner than most characters I've played but he'll warm up to the group as "his people" as the first act goes on.

Female CG Human Alchemist (Grenadier) 5 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 17 (T: 13, F: 14) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +2 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9, SM: +1 | Speed 30' | Bombs: 9/9

Oh Nasifi doesn't care about the job at all. She's trying to get access to below deck with some freedom to move around unsupervised.

If she can do that, fetching food from the stores and so forth, she might be able to locate our equipment. She has lockpicks and might be able to get the stuff back.

Also, if she can convince the cook, or whoever runs the kitchen, that her alchemist's kit is baking supplies and get it back, she might be able to do some secret work in the kitchen.

She's all about escape. She doesn't have a plan yet, but she wants as many tools as possible to work with if an opportunity comes along. She wants to lay some groundwork for later.

F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

Our characters are pirates and probably not the most pleasant of people - so our characters might not always see eye to eye; as long as we are respectful of the player, and good for Bejket for reaching out proactively and Nasifi for understanding. As long as we continue to be supportive of other players I think we can "pillage our weaselly black hearts out..."

If Bessie, as a character, ever says anything that bothers any of you as players please send me a private message so we can resolve.

@Bleepos.... the goblin gnawing on cockroach legs is concerned who the cook is, this makes me laugh (in a good way!)

F Human Cleric of Besmara 5 | HP 28/28| AC 13 TO 11 FF 10 | F +4 R +2 W +8 | CMD 15 | Init +1 | Perc +5

@Iron - I am not able to select my token on ROll20 - is that by accident or design? On Roll20 Bessie = J.F.

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DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

@bessie mistake, will fix momentarily

@all: Bleepos was nice enough to capture some basic information for everyone. I thought about putting it on the campaign tab but decided to put it here. I have modified some things, so if you have played this AP before, you may want to take a look at some of the items again.

Crew of the Wormwood:

Barnabas Harrigan - Human Male Captain
Mister Plugg - Human Male First Mate
Master Scourge - Human Male Swab Master
Ambrose Kroop - Human Male Cook
Cut-Throat Grok - Half-Orc Female Quartermaster
Peppery Longfarthing - Human Female Sailingmaster
Rinar Krine -Human Female Master Gunner
Habbly Quarne, the “Stitchman” - Human Male Ship’s surgeon and Carpenter
Kipper - Human Male Gunner’s Mate
Patch Patchsalt - Gnome male Boatswain’s Mate
“Caulky” Tarroon - Human Female Captains Cabin Girl
Owlbear Hartshorn - Human Male

Giffer Tibbs - Gnome Male
Jack Scrimshaw - Human Male
Rosie Cusswell - Halfling Female
Crimson Cogward - Human Male
Bracket - Human male
Badger Medlar - Half-Elf male
Sahani - Human male
Arthur Bansion - Human male
Fipps Chumlett - Human Male
Jaundiced Jape - Half-Orc Male

Slippery Sly Lonegan - Human male
Tam "Narwhal" Tate - Dwarf Male
Maheem - Human Male
Ratline Rattsberger - Halfling Male
Conchobhar Turlach Shortstone - Gnome Male
Barefoot Sam Toppin - Human male

Maps and Exploration:

Top Deck
Main Deck
Middle Deck
Lower Deck

Maps are also on roll20 S&S on role20

A1. Foredeck: UNEXPLORED
A4b. Magician's Laboratory: UNEXPLORED
A5. Captain's Cabin: UNEXPLORED
A5a. Cabin Girl's Quarters: UNEXPLORED
A5b. Storage Compartment: UNEXPLORED
A6. Middle Hold: UNEXPLORED
A7. Quartermaster and Cook's Cabin: UNEXPLORED
A9. Quartermaster's Store: UNEXPLORED
A10. Lower Hold and Crew Berths: UNEXPLORED


(1) Work Diligently: Gain a +4 bonus on any one check for a job’s daily task
Influence: Make normal checks for a job’s daily task and attempt to influence a single NPC
(2) Sneak: Make normal checks for a job’s daily task and briefly explore one area of the ship (the PC can make a single Perception check or other skill check with no chance of detection)
Shop: Take a –2 penalty on all checks for a job’s daily task and visit the quartermaster’s store (area A9)
(3) Shirk: Take a –2 penalty on all checks for a job’s daily task and take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC can take 10 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered (see below).

(1) Sleep: Go to bed early and sleep through the night (automatically recover from fatigue)
(2) Gamble: Play or gamble on a game of chance or pirate entertainment (see below)
(3) Entertain: Make one Perform check to entertain the crew (see below)
(4) Influence*: Attempt to influence a single NPC
(5) Sneak*: Take time exploring one area of the ship. The PC can take 20 on a single Perception check or other skill check, but must make a check to avoid being discovered (see below).
(6) Steal*: Attempt to open a locked door or locker. The PC must make a check to avoid being discovered (see below).

*Avoid being discovered:
To perform any action unobserved, a PC must generally make an opposed skill check, such as a Sleight of Hand or Stealth check against an NPC’s Perception check. On a crowded ship, however, it’s not practical to make opposed checks against potentially dozens of NPCs. Instead, the PC should make an appropriate skill check (usually Sleight of Hand or Stealth) to represent a typical situation, using the following guidelines to set the DC of the check.

Attempting a stealthy action in a crowd, such as casting
a spell with verbal or somatic components without being
noticed: DC 20.

Attempting a stealthy action in a crowd, such as casting a spell with verbal or somatic components without being noticed: DC 20.
Attempting a stealthy action where there is a chance of discovery, such as visiting the quartermaster’s store during work, exploring a room during the day, or attempting to open a chest in a room while its occupants are sleeping: DC 15.

Attempting a stealthy action under cover of a suitable diversion, such as attempting to open lockers when the rest of the crew are working or on deck enjoying themselves: DC 10.

Failing this check by 4 or less means the PC attempting the action is merely disturbed and is unable to complete the action. Failing the check by 5 or more means the PC is caught red-handed by a random crew member, and might be turned over to Master Scourge for discipline.


Arm Wrestling: Not merely typical arm wrestling bouts, such matches are usually conducted on a barrel top covered in broken glass, knives, or caltrops. Participants make opposed Strength checks, with the higher result determining the winner, and the loser taking an amount of damage equal to 1d2 + the winner’s Strength modifier as his hand and arm are pushed onto whatever lies on the table.

Hog Lob: Participants lob a lead ingot covered in a greased piglet skin, the “hog,” as far across the deck aspossible. This game is resolved by d20 checks between any number of players, who agree on a bet beforehand. The hog counts as an improvised weapon, imposing a –4 penalty on all rolls using it unless the thrower has the Throw
Anything feat. Checks are resolved as attack rolls using the character’s CMB. Characters toss the hog a number of feet equal to their adjusted rolls; for example, a character who gets a result of 22 throws the hog 22 feet. Some pirates claim to have participated in games played against Asmodeus using a live hog.

Heave: This potentially deadly drinking game is played with rum and takes place between any number of pirates, who bet to predict the winner beforehand. Each pirate drinks a half pint of rum in one swig. Doing so forces participants to make a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or have the damage dealt by the rum ration increase by +1 (see sidebar; this is in addition to the normal effects of the rum ration). This DC increases by +3 for each consecutive drink. Pirates then take turns drinking until only one is left standing. Some tales tell of entire crews drinking themselves to death through this game, leaving ships of drunk ghosts wandering the shipping routes.

Perform: One way pirates amuse themselves is through songs and stories. Pirates love a good sea chantey, and characters with Perform skills quickly find themselves popular members of the crew (although pirates aren’t generally big on Chelish Opera). If a character succeeds at a DC 20 Perform check, he gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to interact with any listener among the crew for the next 24 hours. A Perform result of 9 or lower, however, indicates that the next time he attempts to use Perform to entertain the crew, everyone ignores him unless he makes a successful DC 15 Bluff or Intimidate check before doing so.

M Half-Orc Dragon Skald VMC Bard-4 | HP 36/36(+4Rage) | AC16 T11 FF15 (-1Rage) | F+7/+8 R+2 W+4/+6 (+4 vs. fear/intim) CMD17/18 | Init+1 Percep+5 darkvision 60' | Bard Rounds: 13/13 | Current effects:

so something then that might help us once we get going is Vlad can provide a hell of a distraction (without setting things on fire) using his perform skills. we just need to get friendly enough between us for him to have a reason to do so for the group. he isn't terribly sneaky anyway

CN Male Goblin Rogue (Unchained Pirate/Scout) 5 | HP 43/43 | AC 20 TO 18 FF 13 (CSFD 25/23/13) | F +3 R +10 W +2 | CMD 18 (CSFD 23) | Init +6 | Perc +10 DV | Rogue's Edge: Acrobatics

I suggested adding to the campaign tab because it’s the type of thing we will have to refer to frequently - unless every time you ask for th daytime/nighttime actions you post again what are the possibilities of actions, and what are the areas to explore and what are the people we can interact with. In truth, for the latter, we might need a spreadsheet of reactions (friendly/hostile to each party member etc.).


| Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None | HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 (13 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +5, CMD: 17 | F: +4 R: +2 W: +2 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +2 | Combat Stamina: 3/3 |
Vladimir Oleg wrote:
so something then that might help us once we get going is Vlad can provide a hell of a distraction (without setting things on fire) using his perform skills. we just need to get friendly enough between us for him to have a reason to do so for the group. he isn't terribly sneaky anyway

Beket is okay enough at Stealth (+6 in total) so with a distraction up on board, he has an excellent chance of sneaking around and noticing things (+10 Perception). My social skills are not there at all except for Handle Animal, so I'll leave influencing the crew with others. I may, when we run out of places to explore, try to assist others though if that'll work?

EDIT: Also, could we have a mark or something to show who happened to be with us and also got press-ganged?

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