GM Trajan's Dragonlance Heroes of the Lance PBP

Game Master gmpathfinder

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What do you think of the candidates?

There are a couple who posted: ng&page=2&source=rss#92

Male Gnome Alchemist 2 (AC: 16 [T: 13 FF: 14 ] | HP: 15/15 | F+4, R+5, W+0 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 [Low-light])

My input on the candidates:

The witch, Loren Di Caela: Another Solamnic, though not the stuffy kind. A normal caster unlike Rumal, that can fill in the I know stuff about magic role that Rumal doesn't. The player, however, does not have a comforting posting history. They have at best 1 character with 50 posts, that just dissappeared from it's game without a word.

The Kagonesti Barbarian, Hu'tonkton: Another melee front-liner. I'm not too sure the role needs filled. Also, as a Krynn-ophile, Solace is a long way for any Kagonesti, Solamnics not so much, as it is human lands with claims of religion present. The name seems more Abanasinain plainsman as well, vice wild elven. The player looks new new, a total of 6 posts, that's it, blank slate. So it could be good, could be bad. It's a crap shoot, but the posts they do have have well fleshed character submissions on them.

The Rog/Sorc, by arknight: Decent fit for the group, again with another arcanist. Also, good with the Silver dragon heritage, as we know how they get with humans, and a Fistandantilus sounding story. The player looks like it could have a history of game-dropping as well. But I saw a month downtime, so not sure.

If I were to rate them on:
Concept -
Witch 1st
Rog/Sor 2nd
Elf Bbn 3rd

Player reliability -
Elf Bbn 1st
Rog/Sor 2nd
Witch 3rd

Sadly, with a point system, they would all be equal at 2, but I tend to put more emphasis on player reliability.

Silver Crusade

Male Fiendish Teddy Infernal Stuffed Toy 20

Thank you for the vote Rumal. About reliability, the first game I was involved in was fast on the posts and conflicted with work at the time. I know Mothman in real life (we are members of the same gaming group) and I asked him if it was ok for me to not play at that time. So, just to be clear, I did not "just disappear", but explained my circumstances to the GM. Just wanted to clarify.

Shadow Lodge

Rumal wrote:

My input on the candidates:

Another Solamnic, though not the stuffy kind.

Um, um. . .

Rumal wrote:
The Kagonesti Barbarian, Hu'tonkton: . . . , Solace is a long way for any Kagonesti,

I noticed that, too, but it could be worked around by just saying they are from a smaller tribe more local, or maybe an elf raised by the plainsmen? That actually might be a little more reasonable than both an elf and a wild elf at that being so far away from home in such a hostile world to their kind.

All in all, I'm game for all of them. With a little change here and there. Maybe one more, as well? Id say give them a chance. :)

My guess is that two of them do not know mch about DragonLance, which could be kind of cool as far as the story goes.

Silver Crusade

Male Fiendish Teddy Infernal Stuffed Toy 20

Guys, I am going to pass on this campaign. Thank you for your consideration. I will follow the campaign, however, looks like it will be a lot of fun.

Dude Human Gamer (30) / IT Guy (12) / Father (8) / Writer (5) / Manager (4)

GM - I'm good with your proposal of Hu's ship going off course and coming to ground near Solace. Shall I post in the IC thread with him wandering into town, or did you have some other way you wanted to introduce him?

I would assume that the rumors of holy magic would drive him like a beeline to the temple. But then again, you know what happens when you assume: you're usually right.

Female Half-Elf Cleric [Currently none; likely Mishakal in the future] 3

I'm sorry, friends. Life has really been rough the last few weeks. Is it still okay if I play?

Asliath Argentleaf wrote:
I'm sorry, friends. Life has really been rough the last few weeks. Is it still okay if I play?

No worries on my part. Welcome back, hope things are going better for you!

Shadow Lodge

Asliath Argentleaf wrote:
I'm sorry, friends. Life has really been rough the last few weeks. Is it still okay if I play?

Welcome back. :)

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

Im heading back to my deployment post in a few hours or so, and I may be out of touch for a bit. Feel free to NPC me if you need, I can just Aid Another.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

I just got back, will try to jump back in in a few hours.

Shadow Lodge

It's pretty fortunate to have Asliath back as <she> was one of the others to free the elf to begin with.

Hope everything is okay in RL, by the way. Let me know if you need to talk <email> or anything.

I am moving this weekend, so I won't likely post again until sunday.

Shadow Lodge

No worries, my friend. Good luck with the move and may nothing be broken on the way.

Back in the saddle! My desktop is still un-assembled, but the internet is back on (after a 6 hour wait for the technician, a 3 hour appointment, and a second visit by a competent tech today!).

Shadow Lodge

Welcome back, and sorry to hear about your issues with the technicians. Hope everything else is good. :)

What do you use as an RSS reader? I've been using google reader- and am not sure if it's Paizo or if it's google reader, but it keeps getting messed up.

Male Elf Barbarian / 3

I tried using google reader, but it seemed always out of date / somehow out of sync. So I make a point of checking the forum every day or two for new posts.

I should have posted a map of the encounter; was it clear that there is a second and yet untouched temple to the north?

Roll for hit points and indicate what you are doing with your level. 4th is a one point bonus to a stat.

Male Halfling Druid 1

So are we each in essense adding a level of cleric to our characters?

Ooh, i should elaborate: cleric is now a choice for leveling. If any character had levels in it they would gain access to the missing divine powers. If you want to add cleric as your fourth level you may. Inquisitors and other classes that have divine powers are also available. Even the alchemists' cure light wounds is now full strength.

Although, everyone with a free priest level is interesting, i don't know if everyone wants to be limited by the good alignment.

Neutral priests have to wait for the rest of the disks.

Male Halfling Druid 1

So what options are we getting for now?

I could for certain see our Kender taking to a god with Domains such as travel, trickery, deception, luck, liberation etc......

You may multi class as a cleric of one of the good pantheon, or Paladin, etc. If any character wants to rework their current levels into cleric levels, I would allow that as well.

Male Halfling Druid 1

Kender handler/paladin whoot whoot and awesome!

Trap: you could multiclass in paladin. I'm not sure how to spin a story about WHY a kender would like to be a paladin, but it would be an interesting tale.

I'm flexible. There are some suggestions from other fans:

Lists potential pairings and powers for priests of each deity. Habbakuk might be your best match, if we're going by preferring a travel domained deity.

Male Halfling Druid 1


Suggested domains: Animal, Good, Travel, Water

I am assuming that includes related sub-domains as well!

Travel domain is one for certain

The other one I am leaning towards is Water.

Any suggestions?

Hill dwarf Inquistor(Reorx/Paladine);2/ Ranger-2

@GM: I know Reorx isn't among the current discs but I am going to use his domain of Artifice for my domain. Do you want me to wait until we find the Reorx one or let me pick it. I was still going to pick spells since I worship both Paladine and Reorx.
HP roll for next level in inquistor:1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

No problem on the neutral gods. I would say the basic rituals are currently on the available discs. Only the 3rd level devotions are on the missing ones.

Male Gnome Alchemist 2 (AC: 16 [T: 13 FF: 14 ] | HP: 15/15 | F+4, R+5, W+0 | Init: +2 | Perc: +6 [Low-light])

Sorry, off work for a week for the kid's spring break, and my comp is being a pain (keeps shutting off, and not starting right). I will be posting more regularly when I get back to work starting this coming Sun night.

No worries. It seems like the game has kind of stuttered to halt. I'm hoping after the holiday weekend people will stumble back, drunk on cadburry eggs.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

I was just waiting for a refresher on how HP worked, please.

First level take max points, plus constitution, feats, etc. If you want to use favored class HP, that's fine.

For higher levels you can roll or take the avg.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

1d8 ⇒ 5

Shadow Lodge

Just a heads-up. I'm getting close to redeploying. I may not be able to get online so much in the next 2 weeks, (not sure, but it is a possibility), and within 3-4 weeks, (for a short time) may not be able to get on at all. I would say, maybe 50/50, as I'm honestly not sure what to expect this time, but that is worst case. :)

I think, partly, it's my fault for the game not going anywhere. I needed a firmer hand and more action; rather I let things kind of meander.

It may be time to conduct a postmortem and figure out how I should improve for the future.

(The end of the semester bogged me down more than I thought).

What do you'all think?

Shadow Lodge

I would like to continue, honestly, I'm just not sure where/what we are doing.

I agree with the stronger hand, in a sense not so much leading, but more direct offering of options.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

I'm back from deployment, and would like to jump back in if the gae is still going on. I am completey lost though. A little refresher, please?

I think we've petered down to a slow trickle.
No offense to any folks named peter.


Sovereign Court

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric

Sorry, redeployment classes and reintigration caught me a little off guard, (but that is all over now). My only issue is that I am completely lost as to what is going on. Even before I left, I honestly was not sure what we are doing or why, past finding the temple with the Hound Arcon inside.

Also, since we began, we have lost a lot of people. At this point, I might suggest some sort of restart, like say from the temple on, but after recruiting a few more folks. I was really enjoying the game and want to continue, but (and it is my fault), I feel completely lost.

Dark Archive

As a long time lurker, I'm sorry to see it going away (from the looks of it). The early events of the campaign brought much amusement to my workday. Thanks a bunch, guys!

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