Brand Vasari |

I thought the DM said the opponents ran away opening them up to sneak attack!
Yeah, not all of them ran away. Wolf 1 and Wolf 3 stayed to fight. Alessa pretty much took care of Wolf 3, heh. But Wolf 1 was still up to full hit points and Joey put grease under it and it was attacking Durom. It has only taken 7 points of damage and was not subject to sneak attack.
So Brands going to attack it I guess...

Bodhizen |

Are all the opponents really gone? I thought we were in round 4 and there were two wolves left, but everyone is acting like they all ran away... *confused*
I know a few people dropped out of combat because they were hurt, but I didn't think the battle was over. Maybe I'm wrong...
Asliath drew back from combat to help Geryn. My assumption was that you all would continue fighting and my healing efforts would kick in later.

GM Trajan |

3 Hobgoblins lived- The mounted one withdrew. The other two fled on foot. Trap got an AoO at one of the runners.
Wolf 1 & 3 remain. 1 is under goo. Wolf 3 would get a bite at Alessa before she skewers him (and quite well, I might add). He dies this round.
Combat is resolved. Let me know who searches bodies.
Also, if any of you have history as a skill, you could offer the party some knowledge about hobgoblins.
Durom, what was your favored enemy?

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Hello GM Trajan and players,
I'm a friend of Alessa/Alorha and was checking out your PBP thread. I wanted to commend you all for your wonderful writing. In fact, I'm jealous that I didn't apply to this when it was open! Anyway, I saw that you had asked for advice on your maps and on using photoshop and illustrator. I happen to be a graphic designer, and if you ever need any help please let me know. I might not always revisit this thread, so feel free to email me at nani . o . pratt @ me.com
Good luck in your adventures! And if you ever need another player, Alessa knows where to find me ;-)

GM Trajan |

Thanks Nani! I appreciate it.
I just got access to the full adobe suite, so I should be able to make better maps. The main question is which format provides the clearest image, doesn't lose layers (like the pdf's did), and is easy to view and download.
For the group- please let me know if you have any feedback. Are we having fun?

GM Trajan |

I bumped us up to the Inn. If anyone objects or wants to wander off, feel free.

Rumal |

DM Trajan,
Yes, that is actually how I saw him. I was thinkng that his extracts would be alcoholic, and that he doesn't even think of them as magic. I tried to take spells that could coincide with being drunk. Like endure elements, you just don't feel the temperatures.
I did have a question about gear and crafting. You said we start with 500 stl, would I be able to craft most of my alchemy recipes with craft rules off of that, or should I just buy them to start and craft after.
Also, brew potion, I can make CLW potions. Do these work, due to the God's absence, as to all that know Rumal it is not divine as much as he makes a drink that makes people feel better? Can I brew them at the half price cost out of my starting gold, and start with them, or because they are magic items, I don't have any and need to use game time for it?
I was wondering this at the start, but it was so hectic that I just wanted to let it die down a little before I gave you a bunch of questions.

Yockmund 'Joey' Beck |

Hello ppl, internet just dropped in :) Unfortunately I'm going to have to drop out of this game, I'm sorry if you've been keeping my seat warm but this internet blackout has shown me that I spend way too much time on pbp. After some discussion with the wife I've decided to drop them down to three and I've decided to stay in the ones I've been playing the longest and have the most invested in. Again, I'm sorry for dropping out on you, I wish you happy gaming and hopefully I'll find time to lurk this campaign, I still find the setting extremely cool.

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I am. I was mostly just waiting for Asliath to respond earlier (for RP), but decided to go ahead and skip until the inn scene. By the way, I am really enjoying this game. Very well done. I hope you don't mind me taking some liberties with my conetion to the Seekers. I just thought it would make for some good RP.
Also, Nani above might be interested in joining? We could likely use a Wizard.

Brand Vasari |

Who's still around?
I'm still here, I think we've lost, Joey, Geyrn and Alessa. Joey said something about leaving, the others sort of drifted off. So you could say Joey and Geyrn are too sick/hurt and still laying in bed and Alessa is watching over them. They may get left behind in Solace....

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I was just curious if you'd allow me to switch things up a little for my character. I'm trying to get everything actually written out here, (finishing backstory, gear, etc. . .) and I'm really liking the Crusader Archtype from Ultimate Combat.
Nothing would actually change from what I've used so far.
Basially, the Archtype
loses 1 Domain
loses 1 Spell per Spell Level (meaning that sometimes you only get
bonus spells for that spell level)
Gets a Fighter-like Bonus Feat from a small list at 1st, 5th, 10th,
15th, and 20th <Heavy Armor Prof> (most others ignor Fighter only
prereqs and only apply to deities favored weapon)
Gets an ability to 1/day, Full Round Action cast a single target spell
on multiple allies in touch range by also sacrificing a spell slot
3 levels higher <really don't see myself using or care about>

Rumal |

They added that new campaign groups tool today. I think it's pretty cool. You have all your threads tied together, as well as links to both the players and characters. There is also a campaigns sidebar under the normal messageboard one.

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I'm loving it so far. PbP's are slow, so I wouldn't worry to much about that.
On the other hand, I (as a player and character) really don't have any sense of direction (and am trying to ignor what I know the books/adventures would have coming). It's not a bad thing, per say.
So one suggestion would be to "point" us towards something. Maybe the Elf we rescued, who seems to be a follower of Chislev can midbattle stop "fighting" and give us a prophecy, or something perhaps a little less cheezy.
A second thing, is possibly open up a new recruitment thread to get another player or two? That could give us a little moe time to wrap up in town, if you are wanting us to leave, and also a little time to plan what else you want to happen.
Again, this might be an issue where I just don't know all the factors, too, so don't take this as me trying to do your job or anything.
<Edit> and for some reason, though I've checked up on this a time or two in the last week, it's the first time I've seen any responces on this thread. I wonder if that is a side affect of the issues with the site?

GM Trajan |

So one suggestion would be to "point" us towards something. Maybe the Elf we rescued, who seems to be a follower of Chislev can midbattle stop "fighting" and give us a prophecy, or something perhaps a little less cheezy.
Hopefully things will be a little more illuminating from here on out.
Some recruitment might be in order. Is everyone ok with that?
I worry about the posts not showing up- I get the same lack of updating on one of the readers I use to draw attention to the page.
As for the Wisdom modifier, that's a good question. I read/interpreted it as: Entangle is a spell, and thus the save is enhanced by the victim's wisdom. Your explanation makes sense, except it would be DC 12... (10 + spell level 1 + wisdom modifier +1) right? Needless to say, I won't get all of the rules correct, and I'm never opposed to a question about a mistake I have made.

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As for the Wisdom modifier, that's a good question. I read/interpreted it as: Entangle is a spell, and thus the save is enhanced by the victim's wisdom. Your explanation makes sense, except it would be DC 12... (10 + spell level 1 + wisdom modifier +1) right? Needless to say, I won't get all of the rules correct, and I'm never opposed to a question about a mistake I have made.
It depends. If it is the Vines using the power, it is typically based on the formula
10 + 1/2 HD + an ability modifier.
For spells, (that is to say actual spells and spell-like abilities being cast) it is typically Cha.
For other things, usually "natural" abilities of a creature, like a dragon's breath, it is typically Con.
If it is the vines using the Entangle affect, they are not "casting the spell" as much is it is a natural side affect of what they are. However, it specifies for them that the Save is based off of Wis, so the Formula is
10 + 1/2 the Assassin Vines Hit Dice + Wis Mod.
If the Elf is casting the spell, then it would indeed be
10 + Spell Level (1) + Wisdom Mod (at least 1).

GM Trajan |

That makes perfect sense. I forgot the HD = caster level monster rule.
Ok, so recruitment. I had hopped with a big enough group, we'd end up with a good core of 5 or so. The first encounter was a bit cumbersome with so many- maybe that scared some off?
Should we put up a post for 2 or 3 more? We're short an arcane caster, and could probably use a heavy hitter or two, right?

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1-3 would be good. Pity, I was really looking forward to some of the RP with a few other characters from before. An Arcanist would be nice, but otherwise, I'd leave it up to them.
I'd also like to ask, sort of along the lines of your question above. Is there any suggestions/requests you have for us? Things you wish we would do (or not do so much)? Things we can improve?

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I hadn't fogotten about you, but I'm honestly not that familiar with Alchemists. What sort of utility abilities do you have?
Might actually be a good idea in general to sort of list what we can bring to the table, so to speak.
I sadly, actually don't have much at the moment. Mostly looking at Social Skills with some weaker combat abilities. Once (if) I get Cleric abilities, I am planning on focusing on group defense, healing, and some utility.
Diplomacy, Heal, Know: (History, Nobility, & Religion), and Sense Motive are my strong points. Good Saves, decent HP and Attack.
Low AC.

GM Trajan |

Update: My work laptop (dell) exploded on me. Midterm grades are due this Tuesday. I've been able to recover some data, and will get it all done, but this pushes me back awhile from the game. I hope to post something by Thursday. Perhaps I'll reopen recruitment. You have been awesome, and I would hate to let this end before it really began.