Hu'tonkton |

Hu'tonkton raises an eyebrow at the last of Trap's statement. "Clearly no threat remains below, else you would have drawn it out. Mayhap we should all head down for a look? See what clues we can glean. Then we sink them." He grins harshly.
Hu moves down to the beach.
Do you need a check or anything to move down to the beach?
Also - is everyone still around?

GM Trajan |

I think the game is officially dead. We could try to reboot: I need to work on improving my DMing skills.
In retrospect, I should have led more -> the main complaint from my last live gaming group was that I did too much handholding. Here I don't think I pushed enough, so I appologize and will try to find a happy medium.
Give me a week or two to finish up my summer class, and if anyone is still around and interested, I'll reboot or start a new game.
I'm seriously debating running a Carrion Crown campaign.
You all were awesome, and if possible I would like to play with you again.

Durom Stonehammer |

Yeah your guys comments didn't even appear on my tab. I only saw it when I was posting on another pbp.
That sucks, I know we had a good start but it's been a struggle. It's been fun playing with a group that knew the story, I was really looking forward to see what changes you made from the original story arc. Sometimes these things happen and I will look forward to any games you start. Thx for letting me play! I would be up for a reboot, Durom is still around.
Heck yeah Ashardalon series is doing fine! That is one of my longest lasting pbp I have been apart of and the first one that we actually finished a module and moved on to the second one in.

Rumal |

Sorry, I had lost my (# new) mark on this one. Sadly the amount of lead seems to vary with live and PbP. I find in my PbP games, I have to do a lot more leading since most posters only update in response to being addressed. At the table it's so easy to discuss plans and IC chat that sometimes you can sit back and just watch them go through it.