GM Silbeg's "Murder on the Throaty Mermaid" (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

#2-13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
Throaty Mermaid
Dramatis personæ
Room Descriptions (post)

CLW Wand Charges: 4
IF Wand Charges: 1
Rerolls Used: GM

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Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Level 9, #-2
Amaranti wrote:
Just corrected the description... Eidolon is dismissed is the summoner is unconscious. Also, healing would be appreciated, soon :)

Oh, wait... that's me! I sometimes forget about my cleric level. Mallick may not be next after all. Not to diminish your situation, but you're only on -6 hp (nonlethal doesn't count towards your "death clock" of bleeding out, you have 7 rounds if you don't self stabilize) and a healing spell at 1d8+2 is only 50% likely to bring you to consciousness - and you'll be prone when you wake.

Since you're tied up and in no danger of being swept away, would you (as a player) mind if Lort either:

1. Consciously made a tactical decision to deal with Mallick first; or
2. Got lost in the heat of battle and momentarily ignored his companioin's plight?

I'm happy if you tell me my above assumptions are wrong and also happy if you'd rather have healing now.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Garundi), Summoner 10, HP: 93/93 | AC: 19[21] FF: 17[19] Touch: 13 | Saves: Fort: +11[+13] Ref: +9[+11] Will: +11[+13] | Perception: +2 SM +0| Init: +2 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 27 | Speed: 30 | Spells 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 2/4 4th: 1/1| Wand of MA 39/50(1) | Wand of IH 38 / 50 | Active conditions: heroism 200 min, greater invisibility 10 rounds

Ah, true... I was just looking at the reported -9. Then there's plenty of time, no hurry...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Ok, we're finishing up now.

Please post here with your pertinent PFS information, so that I can fill out all of your chronicles.

Character Name:
Player Name:
Day Job Roll:
Starting PP/Fame:
Starting XP:
Starting Gold:


FYI - I may not have time to do these before I head out for Game Hole Con... but promise I will do them on Monday.

GM Damo, were you going to start your game right away, then? That would mean you are running two at once, until the Crypt of the Everflame is over.

Scarab Sages

Male CG Human (Kelishite) Ninja 8.2 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 26 (19 Tch, 19 FF) | CMB: +9, CMD: 28 | F: +4, R: +14, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Ki Pool: 5/6 | Active conditions: fatigued, haste, spirit sense, invis, fly

Character Name: Cyrus the Flea
Player Name: Steve Hanis
PFS# 133958-2
Day Job Roll: Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Starting PP/Fame: 1PP / 8 Fame
Starting XP: 4XP
Starting Gold: 515 GP

@GM Damo - It is up to you, but I am ok with you not having to GM 2 games at once... I like our group and I don't want to greedily ask for too much! Besides, we have legendary bar scenes to play around with while we wait for Crypt to finish up, and I don't anticipate that will take all that much longer, the way this group goes.

Sovereign Court

Male NG Elf Magus 8 | HP: 57/57| AC: 22[21] (16[15] Tch, 16Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22 | F: +9, R: +10[9], W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool Point 8/9, GM Reroll: 1/1, Pearl of Power: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fatigued, Shaken, Haste; 5 images

Character Name: Finarin Moonstep
Player Name: John S.
PFS# 75655-1
Day Job Roll:Perform (dance): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Starting PP/Fame: 4/4
Starting XP: 2
Starting Gold: 902.5 gp

Did we ever ask the dwarf why she poisoned the lookout?

I for one could use a few days as Finarin levels to 2 to start the next advenure. Equipment to by, skills to rearrange ....

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Level 9, #-2

Character Name: Lort the Mighty
Player Name: Damien Wilmann
PFS# 135100-2
Day Job Roll: Heal check: 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Starting PP/Fame: 4/10
Starting XP: 5
Starting Gold: 547

I won't run Hall of the Flesh Eaters until Monday. At that time, yes I will be running two simultaneously... but will devote most of my energy to finishing the crypt.

Male Australian

Thanks for the game GM Silbeg - and other awesome PCs! I will make Hall of the Flesh Eaters active soon. We can continue with our usual preamble. I'll do the first post Sunday night or Monday morning. Please do make sure you dot in.

Can't wait to run for this group of characters again. Not that I'm not enjoying the alts in the Crypt!

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Level 9, #-2

For book keeping purposes, Lort will cast mend as required to repair the armors. He's CL 3 by the end of this, but not sure if that helps Cyrus clear his armor's damaged condition or not.

I take it at least 1 charge comes off Lort's wand, too. Silbeg has 3 charges noted, but I thought we used more...

Scarab Sages

Male CG Human (Kelishite) Ninja 8.2 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 26 (19 Tch, 19 FF) | CMB: +9, CMD: 28 | F: +4, R: +14, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Ki Pool: 5/6 | Active conditions: fatigued, haste, spirit sense, invis, fly

Yes, Great Job GM Silbeg! Thanks again!

Scarab Sages

Male CG Human (Kelishite) Ninja 8.2 | HP: 43/43 | AC: 26 (19 Tch, 19 FF) | CMB: +9, CMD: 28 | F: +4, R: +14, W: +3 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +3 | Speed 30ft, Climb 20ft | Ki Pool: 5/6 | Active conditions: fatigued, haste, spirit sense, invis, fly

So, my armor is +1 Chain Shirt. From everything I have found, there is no reason why Lort wouldn't be high enough level to mend the chain shirt as well. I am just going to assume that is possible and roll with it.

One more exp point to hit level 3... So tantalizingly close... So many choices to make as I level up!

Sovereign Court

Male CG Halfling Bard 6 | HP 33/33 | AC 24 (15 Tch, 21 FF) | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F +7, R +10, W +8 | Init +7 | Perc +11, SM +12 | Speed 20 ft | [ooc| Inspire 16/18[/ooc] | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2nd 4/4 | Active Conditions: Short Sword shrunk

Character Name: Miro Ammars
Player Name: Chris B
PFS#: 73432-2
Day Job Roll: Perform Sing: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Starting PP/Fame: 6/6
Starting XP: 3
Starting Gold: 280 gp

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Orc Level 9, #-2
Cyrus the Flea wrote:
So, my armor is +1 Chain Shirt. From everything I have found, there is no reason why Lort wouldn't be high enough level to mend the chain shirt as well. I am just going to assume that is possible and roll with it.

Lort needs to be level 3 in order to repair it with mend. He'll happily do so, but he's not with you in the next adventure (which could be technically when he is both level 3 and able to help - GM Silbeg would know more). It's a very cheap spell, though, so either way you're good.

Grand Lodge

Male NG Human Investigator 3/Ranger (guide) 2/Fighter (archer) 2 - PFS# 141231-2 | HP: 30/55 | AC: 20 (15 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +9, CMD: 26 | F: +7 [+9 for hot/cold conditions], R: +12, W: +4 | Init: +6 | Perc: +9 [+10 find traps], SM: -1 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration: 3/3, Ranger’s Focus: 1/1, Inspired: 1/1, Boots of Speed: 10/10, Folio Re-roll: 1/1 | Spells: endure elements, shield | Active conditions:

Character Name: Ibid Oxeley Abel
Player Name: Chris L
PFS#: 141231-2
Day Job Roll: craft alchemy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Starting PP/Fame: 6 PP / 8 Fame
Starting XP: 4
Starting Gold: 991.4 gp

Thanks for running the game GM Silbeg, it was awesome!

Dark Archive

Fury's Toll | MotD
Lort wrote:
Cyrus the Flea wrote:
So, my armor is +1 Chain Shirt. From everything I have found, there is no reason why Lort wouldn't be high enough level to mend the chain shirt as well. I am just going to assume that is possible and roll with it.
Lort needs to be level 3 in order to repair it with mend. He'll happily do so, but he's not with you in the next adventure (which could be technically when he is both level 3 and able to help - GM Silbeg would know more). It's a very cheap spell, though, so either way you're good.

I am fine with that. As you say, it isn't much money, so whatever.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Garundi), Summoner 10, HP: 93/93 | AC: 19[21] FF: 17[19] Touch: 13 | Saves: Fort: +11[+13] Ref: +9[+11] Will: +11[+13] | Perception: +2 SM +0| Init: +2 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 27 | Speed: 30 | Spells 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 2/4 4th: 1/1| Wand of MA 39/50(1) | Wand of IH 38 / 50 | Active conditions: heroism 200 min, greater invisibility 10 rounds

Character Name: Amaranti
Player Name: Jyri Keränen
PFS# 96960-4
Day Job Roll: None, and not taking Profession (Sailor)
Starting PP/Fame: 6/10
Starting XP: 5
Starting Gold: 33 gp (yes, thirty-three)

Sovereign Court

Male NG Elf Magus 8 | HP: 57/57| AC: 22[21] (16[15] Tch, 16Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22 | F: +9, R: +10[9], W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool Point 8/9, GM Reroll: 1/1, Pearl of Power: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fatigued, Shaken, Haste; 5 images

No sure how long this thread is going to stay open, but I have Finarin leveled to 2 - skills and what not. Just equipment left to buy. So questions, I was planning on buying mithril chain shirt. No problem to eventually enhance it to +1. To enhance it to +2, do I need mithril chain shirt +2 from a chronicle sheet or do I need to be a certain Fame level to pay for the difference between +1 and +2? Lastly, I am going to buy 2 new weapons that are made of 'special material'. I was thinking cold iron scimitar, and maybe alchemical silver light mace. Since I have played a limited number of scenarios - is that worth the gp investment?

Thanks guys.

Scarab Sages

Male Human (Garundi), Summoner 10, HP: 93/93 | AC: 19[21] FF: 17[19] Touch: 13 | Saves: Fort: +11[+13] Ref: +9[+11] Will: +11[+13] | Perception: +2 SM +0| Init: +2 | CMB: +16 | CMD: 27 | Speed: 30 | Spells 1st: 6/6 2nd: 4/5 3rd: 2/4 4th: 1/1| Wand of MA 39/50(1) | Wand of IH 38 / 50 | Active conditions: heroism 200 min, greater invisibility 10 rounds

You need to have the fame for the final price of the item (is it 100+1000+4000=5100 for +2 mithral chain shirt?)

Special material weapons are useful as a backup, since there's plenty of monsters with DR.

The Exchange

Male CG Human (Varisian) Warpriest 10 | HP:83/83| AC: 32 (15 tch, 30 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24| F: +13 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +9, W: +16 (+2 vs mind effecting) | Init: +1 | Perc: +7, SM: +18 | Blessing: 8/8, Fervor 3/10, SacWeap (9/10r), SacArm (7/10m), Shirt 0/1 | Pearl 1 1/3, Pearl 2 0/1, Extend: (2/6), Heroism (0/1), Chalices (2/4), Corset 0/1 | Active: Divine Favor +4, BoF

I wouldn't go to gung ho on buying a mithral shirt. Get it to +1, and then wait until level 7 (if you can). The reason?

+2 Mithral shirt (+6 AC): 5100gp
+0 Mithral Breastplate: 4200gp (already cheaper)

+3 Mithral shirt: 10100gp
+1 mithral breastplate: 5200gp

+4 Mithral shirt: 17100gp
+2 mithral breastplate: 8200

+5 Mithral Shirt: 26100gp
+3 Mithral breastplate: 13200gp
+0 Mithral Fullplate: 10500gp

+4 breastplate: 20200gp
+1 fullplate: 11500gp

and so on.

As you can see, after the initial cost, it is FAR cheaper to go with the medium armor. And, it is even better at the full plate, once you get that proficiency (granted, I don't know that I would bother at that time, since you are almost retired by then).

Sovereign Court

Male NG Elf Magus 8 | HP: 57/57| AC: 22[21] (16[15] Tch, 16Fl) | CMB: +6, CMD: 22 | F: +9, R: +10[9], W: +8 | Init: +6 | Perc: +9, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Arcane Pool Point 8/9, GM Reroll: 1/1, Pearl of Power: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fatigued, Shaken, Haste; 5 images

Ok - here is my reasoning:

1) As a Dex based Magus, I am at the limit for a Light Load - 33 lbs.. Going mithral gives me the best light armor for 1/2 the weight with the same penalties I have now. I now have armor that is better, and frees up 7.5 lbs. Enough to have extra lbs for a second weapon/gear.

2) Using my arcane points, I have auto magic weapons and don't have to upgrade my weapons, +2 w/ APP at 4th until level 5, when I can use my arcane point to add benefits to my weapons like keen. So I'd buy my first magic weapon at level 5, and only a +1 at that. That frees me up to spend gold on armor and magic items. Do you think gold would be a limiting factor for me? I do not know what the gp awards for the higher tiers are.

3) At 7, I sell my shirt for the mithral breastplate, and hopefully have some sort of +2 strength bonus to increase my light load.

So based upon that should I still go mithral, or should I got +x studded leather all the way to breastplate at 7?

I really appreciate you taking the time to give me some solid advice.

The Exchange

Male CG Human (Varisian) Warpriest 10 | HP:83/83| AC: 32 (15 tch, 30 Fl) | CMB: +10, CMD: 24| F: +13 (+5 vs cold weather), R: +9, W: +16 (+2 vs mind effecting) | Init: +1 | Perc: +7, SM: +18 | Blessing: 8/8, Fervor 3/10, SacWeap (9/10r), SacArm (7/10m), Shirt 0/1 | Pearl 1 1/3, Pearl 2 0/1, Extend: (2/6), Heroism (0/1), Chalices (2/4), Corset 0/1 | Active: Divine Favor +4, BoF

I cannot fault any of that logic. Fame quickly ceases to be the limiting factor... gold becomes the primary delay. Your plan does look solid. Spending 2100gp for +1 Chain Shirt seems to make sense... then replace later. In the mean time, you can buy other things to increase your AC... ring of protection, amulet of natural armor, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, etc. Those won't lose value. Maybe think about a Ring of Force Shield!

Tiers sort of go like:
1-2: 500
3-4: 1300
4-5: 1800
5-6: 2500
6-7: 3400
7-8: 4300
8-9: 5400
10-11: 7500

or so... the variance gets greater as you go up. I have seen 10-11s with 8000gp.

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