About SotharalBasic statistics:
Dwarf Warder 1//Witch 1 Neutral Good medium humanoid (dwarf) Initiative: +1 Senses: Darkvision Defense:
Armor Class: 18= 10+5 (armor) +1 (shield, Zweihander Training) +1 (Dexterity) +1 (morale, Aegis) Hit points: 15 (1d12+3) Fortitude: +5 = +2 (base) +3 (Constitution) Reflex: +1 = +0 (base) +1 (Dexterity) Will: +2 = +2 (base) -1 (Wisdom) +1 (morale, Aegis) (An extra +2 racial bonus on savesagainst poison, spells, and spell-like abilities). CMD: 15 = 10 + 1 (base) +3 (strength) +1 (dexterity) (+4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.) Offense:
Speed: 20 ft (never modified by armor or encumbrance) Melee: Dwarven Waraxe: +4 (+1 base, +3 strength), 1d10+3 (x3) Ranged: Shortbow: +2 (+1 base, +1 dexterity), 1d6 (x3) (+1 on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids) CMB: 14 = 10 +1 (base) +3 (strength) Sotharal's tale
Initially, Sotharal sought to follow her mother into the dwarven clergy. For many years, she studied the divine arts. She learned much about how divine magic works, and her family's faith. She studied the language of the earth, Terran. She soon discovered, however, that she lacked the necessary talents. She lacked both the force of personality and the wisdom necessary to take her mother's place. Military career: When her father neared retirement, Sotharal decided to follow in his footsteps in the dwarven army. Her initial failures as a cleric made way for sucess as a soldier, as Sotharal fought fiercely to defended her homeland. She used the dwarven axe inherited from her father. Most dwarves used their axes as the weapons they are. Unlike other dwarves, however, Sotharal learned techniques passed down from her father and uncle to use her family's axe to guard herself and allies as much as as a weapon.
Departure:During an enormous battle, Sotharal and a portion of her squad were pushed away from the fray and diverted into a cave. There, disaster struck, as the group was ambushed by Shadows, which sapped the life from her comrades. Sotharal watched in horror as her closest companions were transformed into undead shadows. Not knowing what was happening, Sotharal fled, moving further away from where she was supposed to be fighting. The shadows pursued her...
Sotharal was distraught at the preceding events, witnessing the deaths of her closest companions. Having apparently deserted during a battle, she did not know if she would be accepted back into her division. Moreover, she despaired at her helplessness in protecting her comrades. Furthermore, she was now indebted to an entity she did not understand. Had it really rescued the souls of her entire squadron, and her life? Perhaps a wiser dwarf would be more suspicious, but Sotharal was not wise. Nor, in her emotionally wrecked state, was she in any condition to think critically of her benefactor.
Miscellaneous:Sotharal discovered early in her martial training that she has a mild allergy to kobold scales. She also has a fear of shadows due to her previous encounter with them, though she works to overcome it. Shorja:
The timing of Shorja's appearance is not a coincidence, as Sotharal regularly uses her familiar to regain power. While she is generally obedient to Sotharal, Shorja cannot (or will not) explain the source of her power, nor does she remember much of anything prior to becoming a familiar.
Patron: Shadow--whatever grants Sotharal her power has control over shadows and illusions. The catch is, Sotharal doesn't know it. At present, she has only been granted a selection of cantrips and weak spells, and none of them suggest a shadowy benefactor. Sotharal feels indebted to her patron for, ostensibly, rescuing her comrades from a fate worse than death. Sotharal strives to aid her homeland at almost any cost, and her patron promises the chance to do just that. Maybe the dwarf is foolish to trust such an entity, maybe not. Spells Known:
Witch Hexes:
Evil Eye:
The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. Effect: The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.
Stances Known: Stance of the Defending Shell:
Discipline: Iron Tortoise (Stance); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action Range: Personal Target: You Duration: Stance DESCRIPTION An Iron Tortoise disciple learns a valuable stance that forms the core of their discipline, that being the nature of the unbreakable wall. By focusing one's attention to defense with their shield, their martial skill improves their defense. The initiator gains an additional +1 bonus to his shield AC while in this stance, and this bonus increases by +1 for every 4 initiator levels he possesses after 1st level (+2 at 5th, +3 at 9th, +4 at 13th, and to a maximum of +5 at 17th level). Maneuvers Known:
Iron Shell:
Discipline: Iron Tortoise (Counter); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action Range: Personal Target: You A shield is used for defense primarily, a basic martial truth. It turns aside harm, and the shield of a disciple of the Iron Tortoise can do the same thing in ways that others cannot. The initiator makes an opposed attack roll as if making a shield bash attempt at his full base attack bonus plus his shield bonus to AC against his enemy's attack roll to deflect a single enemy's melee or missile attack (that is not a spell or power). Blade of Breaking:
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instant DESCRIPTION A Scarlet Throne disciple knows that sometimes to defeat the beast, you must remove its claws. By clashing blades with a foe to set their weapon vibrating, the disciple then delivers a final smashing blow in an attempt to shatter it or knock it from their grasp. The disciple may make a disarm or sunder attempt with a +4 competence bonus against his foe's weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity. Crushing Blow:
Discipline: Primal Fury (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude partial DESCRIPTION By bringing his weapon high and bringing it down with ferocious finality, the disciple's forceful blow is enough to weaken the defenses of his foe momentarily. The initiator makes an attack and if successful, the strike inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage and may potentially render his foe flat-footed until its next turn on a failed Fortitude save (DC 11 + initiation modifier). Angering Smash:
Discipline: Iron Tortoise (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: One round DESCRIPTION By making a quick shield bash, the disciple taunts and aggravates his foes into striking at him solely. The initiator makes a melee shield bash attempt upon a creature, and if successful, they suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls to attack any other target but the initiator. Scything Strike:
Discipline: Scarlet Throne (Strike); Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action Range: Melee attack Target: One creature Duration: Instant DESCRIPTION The principles of the Scarlet Throne teach its disciples that every swing must be made with precision and excellence; no movement is wasted and no attack should be fruitless. The disciple may make a single attack against two adjacent enemies using the same attack roll and applying it to each target. Class Features:
Zweihander Training:
At 1st level, when wielding a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon in both hands, the warder gains a shield bonus to his armor class equal to his aegis class feature bonus. Armament Shield (Ex):
When wielding a one-handed weapon in two hands or a two-handed weapon, the weapon is treated as a light shield for the purposes of performing a shield bash attack on an opponent. The warder smashes with the butt of a spear-haft, the pommel of a greatsword, or the broadside of her axe. All are essentially the same and are treated as light shields for the purposes of shield- bash attacks or martial maneuvers to be used with a weapon of this type (such as Iron Tortoise maneuvers that require a shield to function). Defensive Focus (Ex):
At 1st level, the defensive prowess of the warder is second to none, allowing her to focus her actions purely on defending himself and her allies in ways that cannot be replicated. The warder gains the Combat Reflexes feat as a bonus feat, using her Intelligence modifier in place of her Dexterity modifier to determine the number of additional attacks of opportunity she may make each round.
When recovering maneuvers as a full round action, the warder sets up a defensive perimeter around himself to defend her allies, increasing her threatened area by 5 ft. for every 5 initiator levels she possesses. Until the beginning of her next turn, she may make attacks of opportunity against any opponent in this threatened area that provokes attacks of opportunity. She may move as part of these attacks of opportunity, provided her total movement before her next turn does not exceed her speed (his movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal). Additionally, while using defensive focus, the warder adds her Intelligence modifier plus her class level to her CMD for the purposes of defending against enemies trying to use the Acrobatics skill to prevent her from getting attacks of opportunity against them. At 10th level, her defensive focus improves further, causing the ground within her melee reach to be treated as if it were difficult terrain, hampering her foes' movement around him. If a foe tries to move through a space within her reach, the movement through those squares costs double (x2). Additionally, while using her defensive focus to make an attack of opportunity, her movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Aegis (Ex):
At 1st level, the warder's defensive prowess extends to those who choose to stay near to him. Allies who are within 10 ft. of the warder's position gain a +1 morale bonus to Armor Class and to Will saves under the warder's defensive aegis, her presence bolstering and shepherding the defenses of her allies. This bonus improves to +2 at 5th level (+3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level, and +5 at 17th level). The warder does not receive this bonus, but may receive the benefits of this ability from another warder. If the ally cannot see or hear the warder, then the ally does not gain the benefits of this ability (such as if the warder is concealed or invisible).
At 6th level, her aegis' range increases its effective area, growing to a 20 ft. radius. At 12th level, this increases again to 30 ft.. Feats
Weapon Group Adaptation (Axes) (1st):
You specialize in a specific family of weaponry, adapting many techniques to suit them.
Benefit(s): Choose a weapon group (excluding siege weapons and siege firearms). That weapon group is considered associated with disciplines you have access to. Note that this does not change the initiation requirements of maneuvers from those disciplines (for example, a warlord who takes this feat might have heavy blades associated with Solar Wind, but still cannot make a ranged attack with them without further feats or abilities that allow him to use a heavy blade as a ranged weapon). Special: This may be taken multiple times. Equipment:
--Dwarven Waraxe (associated weapon for: Black Seraph, Iron Tortoise, Primal Fury). --Scale Mail --Shortbow --Arrows (100) --Family portrait (stone-carved) 35 gold pieces Skills:
Adventuring Skill points per level: 8=4 (Warder)+ 3 (Int) +1 (FCB)
Adventuring Skills: Total Skill Points: 8 Knowledge (Arcana): +7 =1 rank + 3 (CS) + 3 (Int)
Background Skills:
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): +7 =1 rank + 3 (CS) + 3 (Int)
Bonus craft and profession skills: