About Xanya ZellorClassees:
(Triple Gestalt)
Summoner 6 (Spirit Summoner) Barbarian 5 (Invulnerable Rager) / Warlord 1 Alchemist 6 (Vivisectionist, Beastmorph) Paladin 1 (Shining Knight) Favored Class: Summoner Alignment:Chaotic Good. Xanya is insane, with urges to do evil stuff like cause pain to people, but she tries to follow Goodwin's teachings on what is good. She doesn't care much for the law and if some situation lies outside of what Goodwin has taught her, all bets are off. Theme: Urges, trying to control her insanity, anger and desire to slice people open to study their insides. She'll also try to master her sadism, trying to not feel good at causing others suffering and pain. Race Derro:
Purchased Race Powers: Advanced Strength (4) Advanced Intelligence (4) Advanced Charisma(4) Ferocious(4) Hardy (3)
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Derro are agile and hardy, and despite being insane, they have forceful personalities. They gain +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma and –4 Wisdom. Combined with the Purchased points this gives: +2 Str +2 Dex +2 Con +2 Int-4 Wis +4 Cha • Type: Derro are humanoids with the derro subtype. • Size: Derro are Small creatures and thus gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their CMB and to CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. • Base Speed: Derro have a base speed of 20 feet. • Languages: Derro begin play speaking Undercommon and Derro. Derro with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: any human language, Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Dwarven. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages Madness (Ex) Derros use their Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of their Wisdom modifier, and are immune to insanity and confusion effects. Only a miracle or wish can remove a derro's madness. If this occurs, the derro gains 6 points of Wisdom and loses 6 points of Charisma. Poison Use (Ex) Derros are not at risk of poisoning themselves when handling poison. Natural Armor (Ex) Derro gain a +1 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class. Vulnerability to Sunlight (Ex) A Derro takes 1 point of Con damage after every hour it is exposed to sunlight. Darkvision (Ex) 60’ Spell Resistance (Ex) Derro gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level Spell-Like Abilities (Sp) Derro can cast the following spells as spell like abilities: (Caster level = character level, DC are Cha based) At will—darkness, ghost sound 1/day—daze, sound burst Bonus: Hardy: Some Derro gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities. Ferocity: Some Derro possess the ferocity ability which allows them to remain conscious and continue fighting even if their hit point totals fall below 0. These Derro are still staggered at 0 hit points or lower and lose 1 hit point each round as normal. Stats:
Rolls Adjustments Race Final Scores
14 str +4 _______ +2 __ 20 (+5) (+2 lvl 3,6) 22 +6 14 dex +4 _______ +2 __ 20 (+5) 15 con +3 _______ +2 __ 20 (+5) 15 int +3 _______ +2 __ 20 (+5) 16 wis -6 _______ -4 ___ 6 (-2) 16 cha +2 _______ +4 __ 22 (+6) +10 extra. 8 short of maximum. Size: Small Reach: 10 ft with lance Hero Points:3 Initiative: +11 (+5 dex +2 trait + 4 familiar)
AC: 22 (+5 dex +1 NA +1 size +3 armor +2 shield) Touch-AC: 16 Flat-footed AC: 17
CMD: 26 (+6 str +5 dex +6 BAB -1 size) Hit points: 112 (12*5+10 dice +(5 con +1FC +1 thoughness)*6) DR 2/- Saves
BAB: +5
CMB +9 (+6 BAB +5 str -1 Size) Move Speeds:
Cryxial HP:60/60 Rage:17/17 Channel positive energy: 7/7 Summoner 1st lvl spells:1/6 Summoner 2nd lvl spells:3/5 Alchemist 1st extracts: Open: 0/6 Long Arm: 0/2 Shield: 0/4 Cure Light Wounds: 0/0 Comprehend Languages: 0/0 Alchemist 2nd extracts: Open 1/4 Invisibility: 0/1 Minor Dream: 0/0 Bull’s Strength 0/1 Ironskin 0/1 Ablative Barrier ?See Invisibility? Maneuvers Readied: Pride Movement, Oaken Shield, Hunting Pack, Defending the Pride Mutagen:1/1
Toughness (Free)
Brew Potion (Alchemist 1) Throw Anything (Alchemist 1) Mounted Combat (Level 1) Ride-By Attack (Level 1) Spirited Charge (Level 1) Power Attack (Level 1) Furious Focus (Level 1) Combat Reflexes (Weapon 2) Extra Discovery: Spontaneous Healing (Level 2) Weapon Focus (Lance) (Weapon 3) Additional Traits (Level 3) Alertness (Familiar) Outflank (Weapon 4) Combat Stamina(Level 4) Indomitable Mount (Level 5) Mounted Blade (Warlord 1) Horn of the Chrinosphinx (Weapon 6) Greater Weapon Focus (Lance) (Weapon 6) Paired Opportunist(Level 6) Combat Stammina tricks:
(4 class + 5 int + 1 campaign)*6=60
Trained: Perception +9 (-2 wis +6 rank +3 class,+2 alertness) Use Magic Device +10 (+6 cha +1 rank +3 class) Diplomacy +17 (+6 cha +6 rank +3 class +2 illuminator trait) Intimidate +13 (+6 cha +4 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Arcana) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Nature) +14 (+5 int +2 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Planes) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Religion) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Local) (new world) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Geography) (new world) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Engineering) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (History) (new world) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Knowledge (Nobility) (new world) +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Climb +8 (+5 str +1 rank +3 class -1 ACP) Spellcraft +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Disable Device +8 (+5 dex +1 rank +3 class -1 ACP) Ride +12[+14] (+5 dex +5 rank +3 class -1 ACP)[+2 masterwork tool mounted combat/indomnable mount] Acrobatics +8 (+5 dex+ +1 rank+3 class -1 ACP) Handle Animal +10 (+6 cha +1 rank +3 class) Linguistics +13 (+5 int +5 rank +3 class) Craft (Alchemy) +10 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class +3 alchemist) Swim +4 (+5 str +1 rank +3 class -1 ACP) Heal (use knowledge nature)+14 Sense Motive +4 (-2 wis +1 rank +3 class +2 alertness) Appraise +9 (+5 int +1 rank +3 class) Stealth +9 (+5 dex +4 size +1 rank -1 ACP) Survival +2 (-2 wis +1 rank +3 class) Bluff +12 (+6 cha +6 ranks) Untrained Class: Craft +5 (+5 int) Fly +4 (+5 dex -1 ACP) Sleight of Hand N/A +4 (+5 dex -1 ACP) Untrained non-class: Disguise +6 (+6 cha) Escape Artist +4 (+5 dex -1 ACP) Special Abilities:
Madness: Immune to confusion and use cha instead of wis for will saves. Poison Use Natural Armor +1 Vulnerability to sunlight: 1 con damage after 1 hour in sunlight. Darkvision 60 ft Spell Resistance 10 (6+character level) Spell-Like Abilities (cha): At will—darkness, ghost sound 1/day—daze, sound burst Hardy +2 saves vs poison, spells & SLA's Summoner:
Optimistic Gambler (Campaign): Effects that grant you morale bonuses persist 1d4 rounds longer than they normally would as a result.
Paragon of Speed (Regional): +2 Initiative Illuminator (Faith): +2 Diplomacy and in class Chawful: Can ignore the lawful restriction for Paladins Practiced Initiator (Combat) (Warlord): Count initiator level as 2higher Languages: Undercommon, Derro, Common(old), Draconic, Aklo, Infernal, Abyssal, Goatling, Common (new), Celestial, Sylvan, Terran Equipment:
MW lance, the Unrestrained Bolt 5 lbs
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs Alchemist crafting Kit (5 lbs with goliath) Formulae Book (3 lbs with goliath) 10 small javelins 2.5 lbs (2.5 lbs with goliath) studded leather armor 10 lbs medium exotic saddle 15 lbs Tight fitting leather clothes 3 lbs backpack made from a basket (2 lb with goliath) 1 waterskin per person (4 lb with goliath) total: 37,5 lbs 1 personal hide tent per person (? with goliath) large belt pouch per person oat cakes/leaves/goat cheese - 3 days worth of food per person (1.5 lbs with goliath) ceramic ware - pottery, flasks, vials, mugs, bowls - a small set per person (? with goliath) Composite Longbow Mighty +7 1,5 lbs 40 small arrows 3 lbs Quick Runner's Shirt (Cryxial) Light load: 99.75 Medium load: 199.5 Heavy Load: 300 Signature Item: Bolt of Freedom:
Description: The Bolt of Freedom is a lance made for a small person. It has several cracks running along it’s length, with a shimmer of energy visibile from within the cracks as if struggling to break free. If one puts ones eye close to the crack to study them they kinda look like stars. There are wrappings of some leather-like material tightly around the lance seemingly holding it all together. The bonds seem strained and if someone holds over them it’s possible to feel a pulse of pressure as the material within the lance struggle to burst free.
Slot: Weapon Feats Granted (and level): Combat Reflexes (2) Weapon Focus (3) Outflank (4) Magic Creation Pool (8000/10500): Furious +1 (effectively +2) 8000 Flexible Power Pool (0/2): None yet Summoner Spells:
Detect Magic, Guidance, Message, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Open/Close 1st level spells (5/day): Mage Armor Enlarge Person Grease Protection from Evil 2nd level spells (3/day): Haste Ablative Barrier Lesser Evolution Surge Extracts:
1st Level Extracts (5/day):
Cure Light Wounds Disguise Self Shield Touch of the Sea Endure Elements Comprehend Languages Heightened Awareness Deathwatch Crafter's Fortune Long Arm 2nd Level Extracts (2/day): Bull’s Strength Invisibility Ablative Barrier Ironskin ?See Invisibility? Maneuvers & Stances:
Stance: Golden Lion Stance Maneyvers: Pride Movement Oaken Shield Goring Strike Warning Roar Defending the Pride Hunting Party Appearance:
Long flowing red hair, blazing white eyes and dark blue skin, Xanya looks exotic and wild but beautiful. She doesn't like to cover up her rich blue skin, but she does it to fit in. At the moment she is dressed in a simple tunic and pants. She stands just under 3 feet tall and weights 55 lbs. except for the colorful skin she could be mistaken for a gnome by those who don't know about Derro. She is very fit with well defined muscles, though not overly so. Her breasts are large and hips wide when compared to her size, leaving no doubt behind that she is a fully developed woman. She only has four fingers on each hand as Derro do. Her wild hair and blazing eyes are often accompanied by a feral expression as she either tries to restrain herself from doing something crazy or gives in to her instincts to unleash what she believes to be righteous fury. Goals:
Xanya like most Derro got an incredible confidence. She believes she can handle pretty much everything if only she tries hard enough. She loves causing pain and to rip, tear or slice living beings apart. Xanya tries to follow Goodwin's teachings on what is good and to not cause pain or suffering to those who don't deserve it, but when she finds someone deserving of punishment she can't stop her glee. She rambles a lot when she speaks, going off on tangents or asking tons of questions, but somehow again through Goodwin's teachings she has learned to be nice to people as well. Background:
Growing up in a tribe of Derro in the Underdark is though. Most Derro love causing pain and suffering to others and unlike some other races with similar tendencies like the Drow they often don't have the mental stops in place to stop themselves when it's not a good idea to give in to their urges. This means that only a fraction of the population manage to survive into adulthood, the smartest, strongest, luckiest and fastest. Thankfully Xanya sorted into all of those categories. Still her childhood left its scars, but also trained her to survive.
Xanya wasn't very old when the leader of her tribe, a powerful sorcerer, divined that she might have a chance to find the answer to the eternal question that had plagued the Derro. How can the other races live without problem in sunlight and could the Derro do anything to be able to do the same. Due to this she was trained to understand how the bodies of various creatures worked, often by dissecting them. This is what the Derro thought would give her the best chance to succeed. Xanya early started participating in night time raids against the nearby surface settlements. An insane, sadistic race doesn't leave many many behind who aren't either dead or dying when they attack. Xanya found great pleasure in cutting people to shreds while living, reveling in the horror and screams of the dying. In part due to the sorcerer's divination, in part due to her great beauty and strong personality, Xanya assumed leadership of the raid already on her second mission. Thankfully that was also her last such mission. Goodwin was visiting the village and he was not going to stand by while the Derro slaughtered the innocent villagers. All of the raiders got a magical vision from him asking them to reconsider what they were doing. Of the two dozen invaders, only paused to ponder his words. Xanya do not know what became of her kin as she soon found herself separated from them in Goodwin's plane. The first month there was a true struggle for Xanya. She did not restrain her instincts at all and often had to be stopped by Goodwin to hinder her from harming others. Through patience and kind words the Archmage finally reached through to her and started her down on the path to good. What finally won Xenya over was another set of emotions, her lust and desire for the man. Goodwin's actions nurtured her feelings into love and after that blossomed she grew to learn and practice goodness. Her instincts to harm others were still there, but she managed to control them by making a list over things she should and and shouldn't do. Goodwin's doctrine of good. Only once Xanya was firmly down on the path to good did they start working on her abilities. She learned to channel her desire to hurt people into offensive power, unleashed with intent instead of just by desire. Her urges were channeled into a righteousness rage, lending greater force to her blows and making her mind and body better able to withstand attacks. Her knowledge of anatomy and interest in what places on the body caused the most pain made her able to better aim her blows to cause her most her damage. Most startling perhaps was that Xanya and Goodwin together managed to find a way to channel her incredible force of personality and intense cravings into accessing the power between worlds and channeling it into magic. Previously Xanya had not been able to use magic like the sorcerer's back home, but now she could do many things like them. Of course Goodwin had a second reason for leading the young Derro down this path. He knew he wouldn't be able to accompany her forever and wanted a good companion for her that could work as her conscience. Xanya was ecstatic when she finally succeeded in bringing Cryxial to her plane. However her joy was quickly dampened when Goodwin told her of his reasoning. The blow did not soften when he went on to explain to her that there could never be any more between them than a relationship like that between a father and his daughter and that she would have to find someone else to direct her amorous affection at. It took a couple days for Xanya to face and accept the realities of the situation. In that time she also stabilized her mastery of her otherworldly magic and was able to make it work when she wanted to. Xanya went to bed thinking that she would tell Goodwin about her acceptance tomorrow, then woke up 10000 years later, wondering what had happened. Paladin code:
I will seek to do good deeds before all else and let my example be an inspiration for others.
I will never give up hope, no matter how grim a situation or divination might be and it's my solem duty to try to change the outcome of dire portents. I will always speak my mind and let noone put bonds to my words and I will fight for other's right to have their say as well. I will not let anyone imprison me or any other unjustfully and will seek those who are confined without good cause. I will do whatever is in my power to protect the innocents from direct attack. I will fight with all my power against those that threaten the common folk, especially those that seek to prey on dreams. I will seek to stop the evil agents of Lamashtu and others I find attempting to do evil deeds. I will always seek new experiences and travel the endless paths of the world, even if it's only a short trip around a settlement I will not let myself be shackled down to remaining stationary and without new input. Eidolon Cryxial:
Cryxial Picture Abilities Str 18 (+4), Dex 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int 7 (-2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 11 (+0) Male Chaotic Good Outsider Eidolon(Quadruped), Init +3 (+3 dex), Speed 40 ft, Senses: Darkvision 60' Perception: +8 Defense:
Evolutions(11 EP): Mount (1 EP), Claws (1 EP), Pounce (1 EP), Ability Score Increase Strength (2 EP), Energy Attacks Electricity (2 EP), Reach Bite (1 EP), Flight (2 EP), Wing Buffet (1 EP)
Ikik Tumor Familiar Greensting Scorpion:
Tumor Familiar (Protector) Greensting Scorpion N Tiny vermin Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10 DEFENSE
Alertness (Ex): While a familiar is within arm's reach, the master gains the Alertness feat. Loyal Bodyguard (Ex)
Attacks: Use the master's base attack bonus, as calculated from all his classes. Use the familiar's Dexterity or Strength modifier, whichever is greater, to calculate the familiar's melee attack bonus with natural weapons. Damage equals that of a normal creature of the familiar's kind. Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast). Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his familiar to a 1 mile distance. The master can communicate empathically with the familiar, but cannot see through its eyes. Because of the link's limited nature, only general emotions can be shared. The master has the same connection to an item or place that his familiar does. Shield Master: At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can choose to split the damage evenly between them as if using shield other. Poison (Ex)
Crafted: Clothes, backpack (from the basket)
1 waterskin per person 1 personal hide tent per person leather for clothes (the goatlings do not wear clothing, so you are expected to craft it yourselves) large belt pouch per person 1 healer kit per group 1 bronze handaxe per group 1 bronze knife per group oat cakes/leaves/goat cheese - 3 days worth of food per person wicker ware - baskets or containers for carrying items - 1 large item or 2 small per person ceramic ware - pottery, flasks, vials, mugs, bowls - a small set per person minor tools, scrapers, needles, awls, punches, leather working - 1 set per group to work leather Ring, now in Simon's possession Thieve's Tools (quassine) Portable Alchemist Lab (goliath) Exotic Riding Saddle Small Studded Leather Armor Tiny Leather Armor (kiki) 3x tiny short swords (kiki) medium Light Crossbow 35 GP (Quassine) 10 Bolts 1 GP (Quassine) 10x small Javelins 10 GP 10x Large Javelins 10 GP (goliath) Scroll of Magic Weapon 25 GP (goliath) Scroll of Obscuring Mist 25 GP (Goliath 3 crafted potions (mage armor(goliath), enlarge person(goliath) and clw(kiki)) 25 gp worth of crafting materials rope/grappling hook (goliath) Pathfinder's kit (Simon) Hillside Ruins:
Future Plans:
Class 1: Summoner 1 -> 20
Class 2: Barbarian 1->4 1warlord, rest barbarian 20 Class 3: Alchemist 1 -> 20 Cheese Dip 1: Paladin Cheese dip 2: Swashbuckler Twin Mind: Raging Wilder Twin Mind2: Investigator (Sleuth, Empiricist) Twin Mind3?: Sorcerer1->Dragon Disciple4 Maybe twin mind Fighter for extra feats Pick up Swash1 through twin mind if that is faster than getting it through cheese dip. Mythic: No idea, probably something mounted/melee/rage oriented Maneuvers: Pride Movement, Warning Roar, Defend the Pride, Clockwatcher, Fading Dodge, Sight Piercing Fang Roles: Primarly melee damage, mounted. Some buffs and utility, but will hopefully mostly use that out of combat. Decent social skills, disable device and knowledges. Feat and ability plans: Will mostly pick things boosting damage and manoverability. Looking for gear and boosts: Strength and damage(using a lance in both hands and riding a natural attack using eidolon) boosts, maneuverability and action economy options, defenses against physical attacks Complemented by: Other characters handing out buffs (bards and skalds?), characters that can disable/limit, debuff enemies' physical defenses and characters that can help keep others alive by boosting defenses, taking attacks or providing healing. Hand, hammer or anvil: Hammer through massive damage, minor hand through buffs that also affect others like haste. Feats:
Feat:Blind Fight/Combat Expertise/Moonlit Stalker?