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I'm fairly certain I already said Gortrek would take the Cold Iron Wacky Slashy because he's the only one who could wield it.

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I'm fairly certain I already said Gortrek would take the Cold Iron Wacky Slashy because he's the only one who could wield it.

GM Red Box |

Scale mail costs 50gp so sells for 25gp. A +1 shield is 1000gp and can be purchased in town.
Ok Gortrek. I am going to take all the claimed items off the loot sheet and just carry forward the gold.
Eveyone add 1300gp that is your share of the loot for what was collected and what was sold.

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I took 3 CLW Potions. You guys should all stock up. We will need them. Maybe Kagyu take a few extra. Spend on Kagyu. I took levels in Fly so definitely not me for ring of climbing.

GM Red Box |

I will get a post up tomorrow. Been a bit crazy at work.

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No worries, hope everyone is having a good holiday season ramp up.
Question for GM
"pick up another wagon full of cargo that is headed to Wolf's Ear."
IS this a new "covered wagon" to our caravan? Or does somthing more formal need to happen for it to be part of ours.
Party: Suggested Jobs for us. If you have preferance let me know! At any point you want to change what your character is working on just throw it in a post.
Miyagi: Scout
Gortrek: Guard
Losjien: Driver
Kagyu: Healer
Miyagi: Trader
Gortrek: Hero
Losjien: Spellcaster
Kagyu: Entertainer, you volunteered yourself at the fire:)
EDIT I can't be a driver! so spellcaster default. Check out the pre-reqs in the players guide. Looks like these are all legal.

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To the best of my knowledge, we're all already heroes. We can do that in addition to an actual roll.

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Thanks Gortrek. I added a cheat sheet tab to the Caravan sheet, should make things easier. Looks like Miyagi doesn't hit pre req for scrout. He could be a driver though with handle animal!

GM Red Box |

yes, it was an additional covered wagon. I kind of short handed to get things moving forward.
This leg of the bigger journey is actually fairly tame and the scripted random encounters did not come up with my rolls.

GM Red Box |

I moved things forward.
Probably nothing more until after the 25th, I know people are busy but feel free to post.

GM Red Box |

Merry Christmas form Saratoga Springs NY. We have about a foot of snow today so the world is clean and beautiful. I will pick up whit substantive posting tomorrow.

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Morning Caravan companions! Wondering how everyones doing? Everyone still around?
Kagyu I know is good because I see him at work
Miyagi are you still around? You were smacking goblins all over the place and we hope you are still interested in the campaign!
Gortrek how have your been?
In my limited PBP expierience it seems more players make the story progress a bit quicker and also lengthens time between posts. GM do you agree with this?
I'm up to spending additional time in Brinewall/next village to recruit two more heroes if everone is up for it.

GM Red Box |

I have been waiting for Miuyagi to turn back up which I thought I mentioned but now see I did not.
Last post from his was Dec 5th. With a four person game we cannot go in short handed as the AP's are designed for four. Lets see if we get a response and if not we can decide how to move forward.
I am not adverse to adding more players, you are right it does seem to move faster with more which is the opposite of a RL game.

GM Red Box |

Ok, I am recruiting some other folks into this. I have a player from another game lined up and will grab one more I think.

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With Miyagi MIA we could give him the job of Driver and switch Sandru to a Guide? None of us have knowledge Geography to be a guide, and Miyagi has handle animal to be a Driver.
Then on Miyagi's hopeful return he will be with the Caravan. It would also keep a Hero on the Caravan for Defense.

Miyagi-san |

Consider me on leave, friends. Real life troubles, namely work and my furnace, have kept my attention from my gaming. I'm sure you will understand that I require a bit of stability before I can responsibly have fun.

GM Red Box |

Not a problem, I completely understand.

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Totally understand man. Do you mind having Miyagi drive one of the wagons until you can return? Maybe bot him occasionally and always stay true to his Samsaran roots.

Miyagi-san |

Totally understand man. Do you mind having Miyagi drive one of the wagons until you can return? Maybe bot him occasionally and always stay true to his Samsaran roots.
That's acceptable. I will return when able.

GM Red Box |

Getting close to being able to restart folks. Sorry for the delay.

JankInTheTank |

Hey guys,
GM Red Box invited me in from another game we're playing together. I'm going to take a little while to read through the player's guide and the threads going on this campaign page, as I have a pretty full week, but I will get my charater started so that i don't slow things down.
I am going to be playing a dwarf brawler with the caravan guard trait, the rest of my sheet I'll build out later today if possible!
Looking forward to playing with you guys.

golfdeltafoxtrot |

I should probably introduce myself as well.
GM Red Box also invited me in from an Iron Gods game we're both playing.
I've read through all the gameplay and discussion so far, looks like you've got a good bunch of characters with some nice roleplaying so far.
I'll be playing a Shoanti totem-bound hunter, alongside his faithful wolf companion.
Looking forward to encountering you all.

Durian The Wanderer |

Here is my (JankInTheTank's) alias!
Durian is an exiled dwarf who has taken many odd jobs, including guarding caravans. He fights with his fists, as he is no longer allowed to carry a dwarven axe.
I'm still reading through the existing gameplay thread, but I've read the discussion thread and the player's guide, so i think I can jump in whenever GM Red Box is ready for me!

GM Red Box |

Ignore the email I sent before I saw you had posted. Once your character is set we will get this show on the road again.

Tahata Moonrunner |

golfdeltafoxtrot here, ready to go.

GM Red Box |

Ok be on the lookout for a GM post in game. I need to finalize my plan but you will know when you are up I think.

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Welcome Durian and Tahata! So glad to have additional hands in the caravan. Can't wait to see how you both enter.

GM Red Box |

Once last bit of paperwork for the new folks and a reminder to the old.
The current page 3 of the tactical maps link has some character information. I do not keep this updated, that is on you, but will use it. Please make sure your bonuses are correct and update when you level. If it is not and I roll with lower numbers the rolls will stand.
@Tahata: If you have an image for your wolf please add it to that page as well. I use those as icons on the combat maps.

Tahata Moonrunner |

I've added the dice roll numbers for Tahata and Maitoh (my wolf) as well as an image for Maitoh, though my IT-fu is not what it was so Maitoh's image is currently square rather than round like the other tokens.

GM Red Box |

There is a crop function in Google Slides that I use but I have already fixed it so no worries.

Tahata Moonrunner |

Awesome, thanks

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At some point, Losjien's constant touching of Gortrek's blade without asking first is gonna get his hand cut off.

GM Red Box |

At some point, Losjien's constant touching of Gortrek's blade without asking first is gonna get his hand cut off.
I have been waiting for you to say that. Cant believe it took this long.

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Two quick things, Kagyu is away on his bachlor party! Congrats, have fun, and if you need a bot let us know :)
Second for Durian and Tahata, I work long hours Sunday-Tuesday, bulk of my activity is later in the week if I'm ever MIA.

GM Red Box |

Wow, good to know. Kagyu will be botted if not post, I could not have posted for a few days afterwards.
For you as always post as able, irl come first.

Durian The Wanderer |

No worries, good to know what people's schedules look like.
I am in Africa, so my posts are almost always at weird hours. Doesn't usually effect a pbP game, but just so you guys know

Kagyu Mamoru |

When I was away this weekend, an Oregon friend of mine expressed interest in playing if you all think we have room for one more. He has experience with newer D&d systems but has never played Pathfinder

GM Red Box |

My plan is to give you plenty of room to establish characters and do a little RP here. I would assume that two strangers would not just jump in on a quest for no reason. :)
@Kagyu - Let me let things settle and see how we are doing. I am also going to start a shorter one shot on here as well that may be a good way for someone to learn PbP.

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Something I figured I should bring up as it'll probably come up soon; Gortrek's archetype, Sword Saint, has a mistake in it. It says that, at level 3, he's granted Brutal Slash. However, it says it replaces "Mounted Charge", which Samurai do not have. There are generally 2 interpretations.
1. Brutal Slash instead replaces Weapon Expertise, the only Samurai ability gained at level 3, but which seems to fly in the face of the archetype's purpose.
2. Brutal Slash instead replaces Mounted Archer, which samurai gain at level 4, but is otherwise useless to the archetype.
I lean towards option 2, but it's the GM's call.

GM Red Box |

I will go with number 2. I agree that it makes no sense to remove Weapon Expertise form that archtype.

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Anyone having trouble posting Previews? Restarted my browser several times.

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I have. I just bit my tongue, posted, and prepped to delete if everything went wrong.

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Yeah looks like posting then editing post is way to go for now

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I was thinking, we should add Tian(or Minkai, if you wish to be specific) to the list of used languages. I use Japanese as the stand-in for it.

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I would like some input on a choice for Gortrek going forward. I want to give him a feat to make enemies running from him less of an issue. There are two feats I have in mind, and I want advice on which one to take.
The first, and the one I think is more thematic for Gortrek, is Call Out. This allows him to temporarily force an enemy into a duel with him. This seems to be right up Gortrek's alley, and at higher results can hold an enemy for several rounds, but has the downside of making it so that only he can engage them without breaking the effect.
The second is Antagonize. This is a more flexible feat, and doesn't stop other allies from attacking, but it's limited to two rounds max, and doesn't seem as thematically appropriate for Gortrek.
What's everyone's thoughts?