GM Red Box |
Please dot in if you have been contacted and post where you are in your character concept. Once all four of you have dotted in and the discussion is going I will see if I am going to invite anyone else.
20 Point Buy
Background Skills if you like
Unchained only in classes that have it
Max starting gold
Archetypes are fine
2 traits, one must be campaign
Bench Mark Leveling: no XP tracking
Races: You are starting in sandpoint so check the demographics. Breaking the mold is fine but have a good justification and don't pick a crazy OP race if you are doing so.
Initiative: I will roll all initiatives. Each party member will be unique and the enemies will act together.
Check the players guide for ideas of tieing your character to the adventure.
Loot Tracking
I will create a loot sheet and add thing to it as found. I will not get involved in how the loot is divided from there unless I have to. The loot-sheet will have a place that you can track purchases vs a master GP total. If you want to do individual gold, mark it on the sheet like a purchase.
When you roll the attack always roll the damage even if you are sure you missed, you never know.
Critical Hits
If you roll a critical always roll to confirm and always roll critical damage as a secondary roll. I will apply max damage if the crit is not confirmed.
Initative, Saves and Perception
As I said I will always toll initative and I will also sometimes roll saves if everyone has to save. To that end there will be a page in my tactical maps that has a nice chart that I will be copying and pasting in. The players are responsible for updating these lists when you level. If you do not and a roll is made with an old number it will stand. (not being a hard ass but I like to be clear)
GM Cheating
In a real life game a GM rolls behind a screen. You will see most my rolls but I reserve the right to override the dice. This will mostly only happen if I think a character death should not occur as it would derail the story or multiple bad perception rolls are going to make you miss the only clue.
GM Red Box |
GM Cheating Addendum
I also may roll the same thing multiple times to hide a stat from you that I think would give too much information on an encounter. In those situation you must trust that I want a good game and want everyone to be challenged and have fun. What you will not see is the real life die that i roll to decide which is being used.
Gortrek the Honorable |
Here's one of those previous contacts. The only thing the character is missing is a backstory, which I will complete after work.
GM Red Box |
There is no lateness. I do not expect to start this in any kind of hurry. We all have craziness and, having had to find jobs in the past, I completely understand.
GM Red Box |
Gortrek: So my other games are not posting because it is a beautiful summer weekend, that has me prepping Jade Regent. That got me looking at your character, I hope you do not mind?
What age are you putting Gortrek at at this point? I like the backstory but want to make sure we can match up the timeline of you both being children.
You mention coming into town with Grandmother as a kid. At the start of Runelords she is already running the tavern so I would put her at at least 20 so you would be in the same range. If we go by strict AP publish dates that would be four years older then that.
Where did you live that you were coming into town from?
Gortrek the Honorable |
** spoiler omitted **
I'll be honest; I was holding off on giving an exact age until I had time to confirm Ameiko's, in order to make sure they matched up. So for now, let's assume that 23-25 range.
As for actual living location(which I had difficulty working organically into the journal format), Gortrek and his grandmother lived in a small cabin a mile and a half east of Sandpoint. His grandmother preferred the solitude, and is a capable enough samurai on her own that the occasional goblin attack ended swiftly and bloodily.
GM Red Box |
Makes sense. We will hold off on fixing an age until the others come in. If someone wants to be the son or daughter of a RotRL hero or some such I want to make that work as well.
Gortrek the Honorable |
It's worth mentioning that Gortek's backstory ties in with Sage & Zaals. When there's come out, it should make a bit more sense.
Uronzeer Urdhaqu |
Work week ends tomorrow shooting to get my character sheet up Thursday.
GM Red Box |
While everyone is working on characters (and job hunting) a question for you.
We have a Samauri, Monk, Ranger and Sorcerer as the party makeup up as I know it. I am fine rolling with no healer but it will present challenges for the group. Which of the following would you like me to do?
1. Roll as is because you guys can hack it
2. Recruit a healer (this would be personal invite only)
3. NPC healer (kind of a pain but do able in PbP)
I want to keep the party small but the difference between 4 and 5 is irrelevant to me.
Gortrek the Honorable |
I plan to get the "Godless Healing" feat to aid Gortrek in survival. Past that, I'd be interested in seeing what we can pull off sans healer. Then again, I'm crazy.
Barred Kesswick |
I know there has been some life upheaval so I am not rushing. Give me plenty of time to get the books read too.
GM Red Box |
Our sorcerer is coming along, I would think he will have his alias up soon.
Regarding getting things into Paizo format I have Herolab and about every add-on for it so I am happy to enter and export to the into the nice builtin board format if anyone wants.
I have been reading further and I think some sort of healer will be needed so I am going to put out a couple of feelers.
GM Red Box |
Welcome aboard. NLP here is a Rl friend of Jay the Diviner who I know IRL.
I know Silent Sage has been working on his character, not sure where Tybalt is at the moment.
Gortrek the Honorable |
I'm still on board, and to the best of my knowledge, Tybalt is under a lot of stress after losing his job and replacing it with another, s#%~tier job. But he's on the road to recovery, and I'm helping him with his character when we get the time.
GM Red Box |
Far enough. I know things were influx. Jay is in europe for two weeks right after the 4th as well so I am not rushing anything.
Plus it gives me plenty of time to worry about the sandbox nature of the beginning of this sucker.
Losjien Hallow |
Hey guys. Not gone quite yet. Got my character sheet together. Nick and I spoke for a bit on the phone a bit, his Half-Elf Cleric is coming along.
Ill be checking in and put finishing touches on my sheet when I'm back.
Happy July 4th. Excited to set out on another journey soon as I'm back.
GM Red Box |
Character Creation Addendum
Point-blank shot is baked into Precise shot ie. Just take Percise Shot and Point-blank Shot comes with it.
Power Attack is free for any full BaB class from 1st level and 3/4 BaB class from 3rd level.
Selective Channeling is free for anyone who can channel.
Gortrek the Honorable |
Character Creation Addendum
Point-blank shot is baked into Precise shot ie. Just take Percise Shot and Point-blank Shot comes with it.
Power Attack is free for any full BaB class from 1st level and 3/4 BaB class from 3rd level.
Selective Channeling is free for anyone who can channel.
Well, I ain't gonna say no to a free feat, but may I ask were this comes from out of pure morbid curiosity?
GM Red Box |
Check out that attached article.
Three of the games I have played in have used some version of lessening the feat tax and I agree with it. The three that I tend to chose all make the most sense to me from a systems point of view.
My biggest problem with how some of these basic feats are structured is simply that it makes characters somewhat cookie cutter. The three feats that I focused on are almost always purchased and I would rather players be able to have a more interesting character.
The channeling one is simply a pet peeve that forces a clerics hand if he wants to be effective.
Gortrek the Honorable |
Check out that attached article.
Three of the games I have played in have used some version of lessening the feat tax and I agree with it. The three that I tend to chose all make the most sense to me from a systems point of view.
My biggest problem with how some of these basic feats are structured is simply that it makes characters somewhat cookie cutter. The three feats that I focused on are almost always purchased and I would rather players be able to have a more interesting character.
The channeling one is simply a pet peeve that forces a clerics hand if he wants to be effective.
Actually, I was never planning on getting Power Attack, but whatever floats your boat.
Kagyu Mamoru |
I'm more than happy to take the free feat as I was going to choose Selective Channeling anyway.
I'm getting closer to finishing my character. I'd say it's ~90% done. Just some backstory and point fiddling-left to do.
GM Red Box |
If you would be so kind, I'll send you my character's Google Spreadsheet shortly for a conversion.
Did you send the sheet? Did I do the conversion? What day is this?
So Losjien is out of town for a bit and I would like to start when he gets back. We have one more that I am waiting on. Can one of you folks who are RL friends let me know if he is still game and planning to come along.
GM Red Box |
Well I am glad you were able to pull out of the real life funk. I can just say I have been there.
Miyagi-San the Samsaran Monk.
Vishtu "Vish" Kagyu the Half-Elf Cleric of Shelyn
Gortrek Raijin the Half-Orc Samauri
Losjien Hallow the Elf Sorcorer
I believe we are still missing one person, Tybalts character. Losjien is still on a European trip with his wife but will be back soon.
GM Red Box |
I completely understand. I really have been there. I lost a dream job once upon a time and it broke me up for quite awhile.
GM Red Box |
Two Thoughts:
1st: Once we get started please do not hesitate to provide feedback, on stylistic choices, pacing, game mechanics or anything else to me. I will never stop learning Pathinder or how to GM and feedback will make your game, your story, better for you.
2nd: Beyond the normal use of the discussion thread please feel free to post spoiler comments to each other once the game is going. Just as I ask you not to look at spoilers you don't make the roll for or that are not directed to you I will NEVER look at things you send to each other.
Kagyu Mamoru |
I met someone at work this week who goes by "Vish" so...yeah. I changed my characters name now that "Vish" is no longer fictional to me.
I also added a bit of backstory.
GM Red Box |
Were getting close on this very slow start. Waiting on Jay to get back into things and Tybalt.
GM Red Box |
Ok everyone is back in the country. I believe we are waiting on Donovan Fletching (Tybalt) at this point to dot in and they we can start.
If all the players could humor me and let me know they are still here and paying attention at this point as well.
Also please go to the 2nd page of the tactical maps. (Link above)
1. enter your info. You need to add your character name, level and class in the appropriate slots (I will put in the picture)
2. add the proper modifier for your character in the tables to the right.
The one thing that I am inflexible on is if I do a mass roll for the part using this chart we live with roll if the modifier is wrong.
I have some travel soon but all my notes are digital so I can GM on the road no problem except for two or so days where internet will not exist.
GM Red Box |
Oh also please set up the "Race" line of your characters profile to reflect pertinent info for your character.
M Half-Orc Brawler | 9/13 HP | AC 16 | T 12 | F 14 | Init +4 | Per +4 | Fort +4 | Ref +4 | Unarmed Strike +4 1d6+3 x2 | Cold Iron Gauntlet +5 1d4+3 x2 | Short Sword +4 1d6+3 19-20
Kagyu Mamoru |
Updated and ready to go.
Uronzeer Urdhaqu |
Updated and ready. Everything looks great, from the caravan sheet down to the font!
Need to get my spells formatted into my profile. Ill get that in tomorow.
Losjien Hallow |
Sorry guys. Rookie Mistake
Updated and ready. Everything looks great, from the caravan sheet down to the font!
Need to get my spells formatted into my profile. Ill get that in tomorow.
GM Red Box |
I have found the spells work well as a spoiler in the class/level line at lower levels. At some point you will be preparing too many to fit so a link to an attachment there works well too. Kind of like I do with the maps.
GM Red Box |
I will make the first post today.
It is not the ideal week for me to start as I am traveling Wed to Sunday but that really should not make a huge difference, it might just be a little slow at the start.
GM Red Box |
Tomorrow afternoon I am heading out of town for my sisters wedding and then a trip to Nashville for work. Wednesday afternoon till Sunday my internet will be spotty at best as I will be on the family farm.
I will post as I can.
Losjien Hallow |
Have a great time at the wedding! Our caravan sends its regards.
Wedding Regards: 1d20 ⇒ 15
GM Red Box |
Back from the wedding and the conference. Should be back to normal for my posting now.
GM Red Box |
Just a couple little PbP comments.
Because the game by its nature is slow it is best if posts, particularly in non-combat situations, have some sort of hook to involve other players or some sort of interaction with the world that the GM can respond to other wise things stagnate. Also 1 post a day during the week keeps things moving and no one worries you have ghosted.
I would highly suggest reading the first two posts of this LINK . We have a couple new players and I think it is good for any player to brush up on.
In case you dont read here is one of the key points.
To give is to get. Don’t expect anyone to give a damn about your character until you give a damn about theirs. Strike up conversation. Ask other characters about themselves. Discuss the party goals in character. PBP games tend to have quite a bit of “down time”. That can mean that everyone sits around waiting for the GM to update, or it can mean time to chat with other party members. Sometimes the best parts of a PBP game are the dialogues people get into. In a Tabletop game it might be normal to bypass a lot of mundane things to get to the plot, but in a PBP game, you can take the two weeks that the GM is on vacation and turn it into “party talk around the fire”. It can be really fun, but it takes being a proactive gamer rather than a reactive gamer.
Currently we are at a point in the story that there is nothing I can do to advance the narrative with out railroading players which I don't like to do. I love the conversation and encourage more but I don;t want to drag along [u] try and keep to 1 post a day during the week. [/u]