Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Rasmorn Nikas Nesvyn wrote:
Talia Burrows wrote:
"Have you seen the lighthouse yet? I've been wanting to do so ever since Quink's last publication!"
"I haven't been since his last publication, no; we were just heading that way, actually. Care to join us? You can give me your take on his latest work on the way. Do you think we have time before lunch? I want to see the lighthouse again, but I don't want to miss lunch either..."
"Lunch first." Talia says cheerfully. "Always eat when you can, and festivals are more fun with food anyway. Besides, the Lighthouse is going anywhere is it?"
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
Isabella curtseys to Talia and says, "Pleased to meet you. Um, I'm not sure if food is being served yet? I suppose we can check before we walk all the way up to the Old Light."
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
"Cathedral Square is on the way to the lighthouse, we could just swing by and see if there is food yet. I won't be too upset about missing any games, if the ceremonies get started; we can always go look at the lighthouse later." Rasmorn says, with an agreeable bob of the head.
Looking over at Talia, Rasmorn says "So what have you been up to lately? Been on any exciting expeditions since our trip out to the Crystilan?"
Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Talia smiles at Isabella. "Oh I wasn't talking about anything formal for a meal, just stuffing my face on what the stalls have to offer." She looks a little rueful. "Maybe one day I'll grow up enough not to run around festivals trying every treat on offer."
Looking back to Rasmorn. "No, nothing exciting I'm afraid. Just going around knocking on doors trying to get employed." A shrug. "You know how it is Ras, you have to make your name before the jobs start coming to you."
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn looks slightly annoyed when referred to as "Ras", and says to Isabella "Rasmorn Nikas Nesvyn von Natterhorn; is that really so hard to say? It's bad enough I already go by just the one name, when I came up with 5 perfectly good names, but she insists on shortening it even further. I ask you, is 'Rasmorn' really that complicated? By the end of our last expedition, she had the whole crew referring to me as 'Ras'."
After watching about five races, you notice that the pink, yellow, and blue lizards seem more motivated than the other nine lizards.
Lighthouse Smash:
As you approach the end of Junker's Way, you see that a table has been set up next to the Old Light, with six stones stacked on it. 20 feet away is a firing line, along with what appears to be a small catapult. The catapult is practically a work of art, and has been carved into the shape of a stone giant's arm. It also looks difficult to aim, and a bespectacled man appears to be helping a boy aim the catapult. There is a pile of toy catapults nearby. As you approach, you overhear one of the women nearby saying, "Those catapults are just the right size for the boys to shoot an eye out. There'll be problems, mark my words." Another responds with, "Oh, stop complaining. You just gave your son a couple coppers to try and win one."
Isabella, you recognize the man as Aesrick Battlehorn. Rumor has it he's spent the entire year making the big catapult and the toy catapults for prizes. Given his soft spot for the children, he's likely helping them so they can win the toys.
The Lighthouse Smash costs 2 copper pieces, and gets you three shots. You have to knock over all 6 stones. If you successfully do so, you win the catapult. For each shot, you make an attack roll. An AC of 12 counts as one stone hit, an AC of 16 counts as two stones hit, and an AC of 20 counts as three stones hit. If you are not proficient with siege engines, you take a -4 penalty on the attack roll.
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn takes in the scene, and smiles warmly at the man trying to help the boy win the game. He quietly says "How nice of him to help like that".
He quickly disregards the idea of trying to aim that beast of a catapult himself, and turns his eye to the real reason he came out this far - the ruined remains of the great lighthouse. (I wonder if old Quink could be right about this place? How fascinating that would be).
"She's a beauty, isn't she? Crazy murder base besides, of course. Still a magnificent structure!" Turning to his companions, he asks "Do either of you want to try your hand at the game? I think I'll pass."
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
"Oh, what an amusement! Aesrick!" she shouts. "You've outdone yourself!"
To Rasmorn she says, "I'm not sure that siege weaponry is in my forte, Rasmorn, but I do love seeing it make so many people happy."
She points at the Old Light and says, "I suppose it could be some kind of watchtower; that's all a lighthouse is, really. But I am not sure about how it would be a weapon like Master Quink theorizes. Perhaps you could explain it to me better? I'm not much on military history."
Male Tiefling Hooded Champion 2; HP 20/20; AC 20, T 13, FF 17; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6; Panache 1/1;
Having realized that Shalelu might not make an appearance in all the crowds, Yasu found himself stuck with nothing to do but enjoy the day. The man continues to wander, coming up Junker's way and stepping around the group. His eyes flash with sadness for but an instant when he realizes Isabella is there, and he quickly turns to Aesrick and hands him three silver pieces.
"I'll... give it a couple of shots, Aesrick." Yasu says. "What's left over... I guess use it in case a kid doesn't have enough, okay?" The last request is spoken quietly between him and Aesrick, not meant to be a grand gesture or a show of money.
He moves the catapult with ease, but his aim isn't very spectacular. He does manage to knock down one stone, but he doesn't seem very pleased with himself.
CATAPULT:1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 - 4 = 13
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Isabella Monstrance wrote:
She points at the Old Light and says, "I suppose it could be some kind of watchtower; that's all a lighthouse is, really. But I am not sure about how it would be a weapon like Master Quink theorizes. Perhaps you could explain it to me better? I'm not much on military history."
Rasmorn nods along with Isabella as she talks, then responds. "Well, in looking at the ruins we have today, it is clearly a tower of some sort. See the flat area at the top?" he asks, pointing it out. "There are a lot of Thassalonian markings and writings all over that area. It is hard to know for sure, but many of these markings seem to indicate that there was a light of some sort there, which is why most assume it was a lighthouse. Quink believes, though, that those markings indicate that it was actually a massive weapon, meant to attack all the way to another nation! So it wouldn't be an ordinary weapon, even a siege weapon like these catapults; instead, it would be an offensive weapon meant to strike with fire from across the sea. A truly massive and scary thought."
Rasmorn is pensive for a moment, then continues - "His theories are not without merit, but mostly I don't agree with him simply from a lack of evidence. Such a massive tower could be a weapon, but it seems more likely that it's use was much more simple than all that." He gestures over to the masked man currently using the catapult. "I see it much the same way as I see that fellow over there. He is large, clearly strong, and wears a hood and an imposing mask. It would be easy to assume that such an intimidating package conceals terrible violence; however, in truth, he is probably just a large man who enjoys a good mask. I find that the simple answers tend to be right more often than not."
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
Isabella nods along as Rasmorn explains. "I'm not fluent in Thassilonian, so I don't understand all the writing on there. I suppose if it was some kind of weapon, all of the workings would have been stripped out long ago by opportunists, so that would certainly leave a hollow shell with nothing more than some stairs and walls. But yes, it's hard to say definitively, when little remains besides the structure. I suppose it's somewhat like looking at some scraps of cloth and trying to deduce whether they came from the sewing of a bodice or a tunic," she says thoughtfully.
"Thank you for indulging my curiosity," she continues. "Perhaps a diviner could use magic to learn more about the past of the place?"
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Isabella Monstrance wrote:
Isabella nods along as Rasmorn explains. "I'm not fluent in Thassilonian, so I don't understand all the writing on there. I suppose if it was some kind of weapon, all of the workings would have been stripped out long ago by opportunists, so that would certainly leave a hollow shell with nothing more than some stairs and walls. But yes, it's hard to say definitively, when little remains besides the structure. I suppose it's somewhat like looking at some scraps of cloth and trying to deduce whether they came from the sewing of a bodice or a tunic," she says thoughtfully.
"Thank you for indulging my curiosity," she continues. "Perhaps a diviner could use magic to learn more about the past of the place?"
Rasmorn nods emphatically at her comparison to the scraps of cloth. "That is a really good analogy for it; difficult to tell much at all about the original use when all you have are the scraps! The traps of studying history, I'm afraid. Divination isn't really my magical forte, so I couldn't tell you for sure. Seems like it could help, but then again, I would imagine what divination could be attempted without tearing down the structure would have been long since done. Perhaps not, though. Hard to say."
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
Perception:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Looks like Wenona is too enamored with the cute lizards to notice anything amiss!
After enjoying the Dragon Races for some time, Wenona decides it best to see a least a few more sights of the festival rather than ossifying at a single event. Noticing the sack races, she meanders in that direction.
Her stomach gurgles. I ate light for most of the trip here, and that jerky was delicious but seems to have just made me hungrier. Hopefully lunch will be served soon!
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
After a spell of leaning against a building and loitering, Laufey grows restless. She decides to burn some time before the meal by wandering around and looking at the wares for sale. A scarf, if it was just right, might not be out of line to spend on. They're endlessly useful, and having more than one might be a good idea.
As mid-day comes, the townspeople seem to all flock back towards Cathedral Square. The smells of lunch permeate the air as there is a sense of anticipation. With the crowd gathered, Father Zantus and several acolytes wheel a wagon covered by a cloth into the square. Father Zantus steps up to the stage, and as he holds up his arms the crowd quiets. He then says, "It is on this day, the first of Rova, that we remember the blessings Desna has for those who show kindness to travelers and strangers. Many years ago, an avatar of Desna was fighting the foul goddess, Lamashtu, Mother of Monsters. The avatar was injured, and fell to Golarion. There, as She lay wounded, She was found by a girl who could not see. The blind girl knew only that she had found someone who was wounded, and so the girl took Her to a place of safety and nursed Her back to health. Once She was healed, Desna turned the girl into a beautiful, immortal swallowtail butterfly so she might see the wonders of the world for all time. It is in remembrance of Desna's glorious blessing upon one who sought only to heal her that we commemorate this day with the release of the swallowtail butterflies."
He motions to the acolytes, who remove the cloth, and hundreds of swallowtail butterflies emerge, creating a beautiful rainbow of floating color. Several children excitedly jump up and down as the crowd ooohs and aaahs at the butterflies. Smiling, Father Zantus says, "The swallowtails shall be here all day, I am sure. And now, as you must be getting hungry, the proprietors of our inns have prepared a wonderful lunch for you, free of charge. Please, enjoy yourselves, and return here at dusk for the consecration of the Cathedral."
Three of the inns - the Rusty Dragon, the White Deer Inn, and the Hagfish - have set up food stalls in the square. There are also tables and benches set up at which people can sit and eat. The Rusty Dragon's owner, Ameiko Kaijitsu, has prepared a curried salmon. Garridin Viskalai of the White Deer Inn has prepared a peppercorn venison, and one-legged Jargie Quinn has prepared a lobster chowder. All smell good, although the line for the Rusty Dragon is the longest.
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn smiles gently as the butterflies are released. (How pretty) His gaze lingers on them for a moment, and then is drawn down to the various food stalls.
He looks to his companions. "Do either of you have a lunch preference? I haven't had a good bowl of lobster chowder in a long time, but I also know that Ameiko makes some amazing food."
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
"I'm angling for some of the peppercorn venison, myself," says Isabella. "Though I could do with a small cup of chowder to go with it."
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
Wenona marvels at the swallowtail butterflies as they pour into the sky. Her heart wells up a bit: It has been some time since she'd witnessed such a joyous testament to her goddess.
Presented with the lunch options, she was briefly torn. Curry had been available in Kaer Maga (because everything is available in Kaer Maga) and had quickly become one of her favorite foods.
However it had been years since she'd had seafood in a proper seaside town, and her palate couldn't resist the comfort of nostalgia. She lined up for the lobster chowder, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.
Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Talia nods in agreement with Isabella. "The venison sounds good. Then we can try the chowder if we're still hungry. And maybe the line will have cleared and we can have some of the curry as well."
Rasmorn probably remembers that Talia seems to have hollow legs with how much she eats, yet always stays slender somehow?
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn looks incredulously over at Talia. "All three? You must be a magic user of some sort, to eat as much as you do and stay so small. Every expedition was the same way, yet she never looks any different." He shakes his head. "Venison works for me!"
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
The release of the swallowtail butterflies is beautiful, but only a temporary diversion for Laufey. Her stomach is seriously rumbling by the time lunch is available. She had traded away any hope of breakfast for the extra sleep this morning, and the bread the masked man had given her hadn't gone very far.
She found herself longing for seafood but she doesn't know what chowder is. The salmon has an appealing but strange spiced aroma. She might have chosen it at another time, but the risk of it being inedible is too great when she is so hungry. It had been a long time since fish, but it would have to be a little longer.
As she joins the line for venison, How can you screw up venison? she sees a coterie of very odd people in the line a little ahead of her. First there is a gnome. She had seen gnomes in Kalsgard of course, but not like this one. He looked as if all the color had somehow been drained from him, like a person who has been bled too much with leeches can lose their color. But in his case, even his hair had gone white.
Beside him is a woman of some considerable beauty, also white, or maybe silver haired. She is human certainly, but there is something else about her that Laufey can not quite place. Human but more, or altered? She does not look right for a changeling or skinwalker though.
But it is the last of the three who excites her. A woman with dark hair who is certainly a half-elf! Laufey had only seen one other before, a man on a crowded street in Riddleport. He did not look like the type to answer questions or greet a stranger with kindness. But here, in this small town, on a merry day like this? I must meet her! What will she be like? I wonder if she speaks elven? Does he know any elves? Then there are some darker notions. Did one of her parents murder the other? Did she have her nose broken because she refused to be mocked by other children?
There are so many questions. But the first to deal with is How do I meet her? What do I say?
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
Isabella chuckles at Rasmorn's comment and says, "I know the feeling, if I eat too much rye bread my hips turn into dinner rolls too!"
Male Tiefling Hooded Champion 2; HP 20/20; AC 20, T 13, FF 17; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6; Panache 1/1;
The butterflies are beautiful, and it fills him with wonder when they swirl through the air before departing. Wow! I think there's nearly twice as many as they usually have! This festival's a big deal for the church! he thinks. As a Sandpoint citizen, he finds these things to be great fun. Watching the children jump and holler, some trying to catch a butterfly, makes something in his heart twist up. They don't know how great they've got it. But... I'm glad they do.
Yasu makes sure to be in line for the salmon as soon as it opens. He could go for the Venison, but he eats that regularly so it's more blaze to him. Why go for something you hunt for all the time, when you could have CURRY?
Wondering about the woman who had treated him decently, he looks around to see she's in line for the Venison. Probably a good idea. She was hungry. he thinks with a chuckle. However, that fades when he sees the people standing in line before her. The silver-haired girl standing in line just a couple down reminded him, and he turns back to what he's doing, hoping that the curry is enough to distract him. I don't want to think about it. It's not like she chose to be what she is either.
Getting to the front, he gives Ameiko (who would be presumably promoting her inn while serving the food) a big smile. "Some of the curry please." he asks, "By the way, have you seen Shalelu? I've been wanting to ask her about ranger work, but... you know how hard it is to find her when she doesn't want to be found."
Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Glancing around while waiting (impatiently) Talia notices an exotic looking Half-elf woman behind them in the line.
While Talia is familiar with Half-elves the woman's coloring and height mark her as coming from far away. She gives her a friendly smile as waves her to join the group.
"Greetings to you Sister." She says in an easy voice. "I like your hair."
Talia is easy going and tends to say what she thinks, being friendly until treated otherwise.
There you go Laufey. Welcome to 'S.H.E' The Sisterhood of Half-elf Extraordinaires. :)
Smiling at Yasu as she hands him a plate of the salmon, Ameiko says, "Likely she's somewhere out in the hinterlands. She doesn't like spending a lot of time in towns - she likely won't be through for another month or so, based on her last supply visit. You could speak to Sheriff Hemlock and see if he would have anything you could do to help the town guard."
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
Receiving her bowl of chowder and spoon, Wenona thanks Jargie Quinn and abandons all pretense of restraint as she digs in while casually scanning for an open seat at a bench.
She notices the gaggle of odd characters in line for the White Deer's offering: two half-elves, a gnome, and a... human? There was something odd about her, though Wenona couldn't quite place it from a distance.
In Kaer Maga the group would have hardly stood out, but in considerably less cosmopolitan Sandpoint they drew the eye a bit.
Male Tiefling Hooded Champion 2; HP 20/20; AC 20, T 13, FF 17; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6; Panache 1/1;
GM Phntm888 wrote:
Smiling at Yasu as she hands him a plate of the salmon, Ameiko says, "Likely she's somewhere out in the hinterlands. She doesn't like spending a lot of time in towns - she likely won't be through for another month or so, based on her last supply visit. You could speak to Sheriff Hemlock and see if he would have anything you could do to help the town guard."
Yasu takes his plate and thanks her. "I'll do that. I think I'll wait for him to be less busy though, I bet the festivities will have him busy for the day. Thank you."
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn looks up at the new arrival as Laufey joins their little knot of people. "Hello there! My name is Rasmorn Nikas Nesvyn von Natterhorn" he says cheerily. "Do you live in town here, or are you visiting for the festival?"
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
It shocks Laufey when the dark haired woman calls out to her. For a moment she doesn't respond except to absently touch her hair with her hand. Then she walks over to the woman and her friends.
"Greetings. Thank you... It is a pleasant day is it not?....You are um... part elf? I have never met another before..."
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
Rasmorn Nikas Nesvyn wrote:
Rasmorn looks up at the new arrival as Laufey joins their little knot of people. "Hello there! My name is Rasmorn Nikas Nesvyn von Natterhorn" he says cheerily. "Do you live in town here, or are you visiting for the festival?"
Looking down toward the gnome Laufey smiles slightly. "My name is Laufey. I came yesterday with a caravan. I did not know of this festival until I was here."
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Laufey Gemshrike wrote:
Looking down toward the gnome Laufey smiles slightly. "My name is Laufey. I came yesterday with a caravan. I did not know of this festival until I was here."
"How fortuitous! Must have been a nice surprise. Where are you from?"
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
Wenona manages to spot a table only half-full, and quickly snags a spot on one of it's benches. She smiles and nods politely to the townsfolk at the table and proceeds to continue eating her chowder.
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
In reply to the gnome Laufey says "I am from Karlsgard, in the Thanelands. I left there some while ago and I have since traveled with caravans as a guard here. I have come to this town to hunt the Sandpoint Devil."
By the end of lunch, it is clear that the most-talked about dish will be Ameiko's curried salmon. The winterdrop mead served with it is also a huge hit, clearly overshadowing the offerings provided by the White Deer and the Hagfish.
The pie-eating contest in the afternoon (pies provided by Alma Avertin of Sandpoint Savories) is a good fun, as a dozen contestants each try to eat their blackberry pies the fastest. Jargie Quinn is able to get some of his own back from lunch, as he finishes first and receives the prize. In his speech, he chalks up his success to how he lost his leg, launching into yet another variation of the story of his injury.
Finally, as dusk draws near, everyone once again gathers before the Cathedral in preparation for the consecration. There is an excited tone to the crowd, an eagerness that seems to prevent them from being silent, even after Father Zantus takes the podium. Eventually, he pulls out a small rock and throws it down onto the stage. The stone lets out a loud crack, as though a peal of thunder had struck, and everyone grows hushed. A dog can be heard barking, woken from its napping by the loud noise. Father Zantus clears his throat, and begins to speak what is recognized as the Prayer of First Dreaming.
"Almighty Tender of Dreams, it is at this dusk that we beseech you..."
Suddenly, the dog's barking grows high-pitched and cuts off mid-sound, ending in more of a yelp. The crowd towards the northern end of the square begins screaming, as the panic quickly spreads through the crowd and they begin running about. As they clear out of the way, you can finally see what the cause of the commotion is - five short creatures with huge heads and ears with large mouths full of pointy teeth, wielding some sort of sword that looks like it might be made of scrap metal. They laugh almost maniacally as they stand over the body of the barking dog, and begin to sing with horribly off-key voices in their language.
"Goblins chew and Goblins bite.
Goblins cut and Goblins fight.
Stab the dog and cut the horse,
Goblins eat and take by force!
Goblins race and Goblins jump.
Goblins slash and Goblins bump.
Burn the skin and mash the head,
Goblins here and you be dead!
Chase the baby, catch the pup.
Bonk the head to shut it up.
Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed,
We be Goblins! You be food!"
Talia is up. We'll use block initiative, and I'll denote when each person is able to post, and then resolve their actions in Initiative order. The map is a Google Drawing. Everyone should be able to move their token. Since I can't lock the background, please take care not to move the map itself.
Also, the lowest initiative I rolled for this fight is an 18. I have some PbP characters whom I suspect I'll want some of those rolls for.
Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Talia uses her crossbow and shoots at the closest Goblin. Attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22Damage:1d8 ⇒ 7
Whipping out her crossbow, Talia points it at the closest Goblin and pulls the trigger. The bolt flies from her crossbow, hitting the Goblin in his overly large head. His body goes head over heels before crashing to the ground, unmoving. Dead
Two of the Goblins begin charging towards Laufey, eager to slay the pale-haired, slightly pointy-eared woman. One, however, stops halfway there as he spies a silver piece that had been dropped on the ground, scooping the shiny up and putting it into his pocket. The other, expecting to have help as he attacks, suddenly finds himself alone and misses his intended target before turning and yelling at the other in Goblin.
"Hey, stupid, we're supposed to kill longshanks and pick up shiny things later! Now get over here and help me kill this one!"
Another standing near the cart suddenly spies some salmon and venison left nearby, setting his dogslicer down and shoving the food in his pockets. Flat-footed
The final Goblin points his dogslicer at Talia and shouts in Goblin.
"You killed Bugstomp! You die now, longshanks!"
He then charges towards her, swinging his sword. The blade comes dangerously close to gashing her belly, but due to the goblins short reach, it ends up cutting her thigh, avoiding the most vital parts. Crit, 4 damage
Intiative Order
Yasu - can post
Wenona - can post
Laufey - can post
Isabella - can post
Rasmorn - can post
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
Somewhat startled, Isabella is caught quite off-guard. She is neither armed nor armored, as she was expecting a simple festival. She draws her dagger - the only weapon she's currently carrying - and lunges at the goblin that slashed Talia.
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
When the goblins appeared, Wenona's initial instinct had been to attempt to cover as many townsfolk as possible while they fled, but then one of the women she'd seen in line for the venison drew her crossbow and felled one of the foul creatures. It was quick-as-lightning, and Wenona was more than a little impressed.
Then one of the little freaks charged right at the woman and sliced her damn leg open.
Looks like we're all playing hero today, she thought to herself as she sprung into action.
Drawing her scythe as she moves into the fray, she attempts to juke just outside of the pint-sized terror's reach:
Acrobatics to avoid AOO
Dart & Weave:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
...and moving to flank the creature with silver-haired woman, brings the scythe down with every ounce of force her muscles can generate:
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn backs away calmly from the goblins, keeping an eye on the one in the back. Laufey is a caravan guard, I'm sure she can take that goblin. Best keep the last one from approaching.
With a shout and a gesture, Rasmorn casts a spell, and a large lion appears in the midst of the goblin ranks. Rasmorn calls out in their language.
Lay down your weapons, or I'll have my lion tear out your throats. Final warning!
Silent Image, DC16 will save to disbelieve if interacted with, area marked by the green square on the map. My movement on map is assuming Wenona killed the goblin next to me; otherwise, movement would just be a five-foot-step down and left of previous position.
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
Laufey is quite thrown by the sudden appearance of attackers during the consecration. The singing, cavorting little creatures seem more like surprise entertainment than a real threat. There are so few of them, and they are so small. Who would do something so insanely suicidal as attack a crowd like this?
That impression lasts only a moment though, she also sees the real dead dog. And then two of them are rushing her with surprising speed, at least until one of them gets distracted and stops to grab something on the ground. Just as quickly three of them are dead. One almost immediately takes a bolt to the head. The one who stopped for the object is skewered by an arrow. A woman cuts down the one who made it far enough to attack the woman Talia, slashing it apart with, of all things, a scythe!
With so much to take in, plus a slash from goblin to her to side-step, Laufey is hard-pressed to draw her sword and respond. She does't have her balance or concentration in place when she swings.
Yasu, seeing the Goblins charging Laufey, draws an arrow to his greatbow and lets fly, taking one who was foolish enough to stop and pick something up in the torso and spinning him to the ground. Dead"Ugh! How did they get so far into town without anyone noticing?" he shouts, though he is unsure if anyone will answer.
Slipping past the creature's reach, Wenona unlimbers her scythe, driving it down in a powerful overhand strike which embeds the blade in the creature's head. The creature falls to the ground immediately under the force of the blow, and lies still. Dead
Laufey, confused and surprised by the Goblin attack, and still not quite sure if they are part of the entertainment or actual raiders, draws her sword and strikes at the one who charged her. The confusion she feels, however, causes her to swing off-balance, and she swings the sword over the creature's head.
Rasmorn draws upon his magic studies, casting a spell that causes a lion to appear, menacing the one remaining by the cart. He lets out a shriek at its sudden appearance, and Rasmorn demands the Goblin's surrender.
Intiative Order
Talia - can post
Isabella - can post (Round 1)
Begin Round 2. Talia is up. Isabella, if you would like to take a different Round 1 action, since Wenona killed the one you were going to attack with your dagger, you may.
Goblin 1 Dead
Goblin 2 6/6
Goblin 3 6/6
Goblin 4 Dead
Goblin 5 Dead
Female Half-elf Rogue 3. HP 22/22, AC16, Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +1, +1 Reflex to avoid traps, +2 vs. enchantment spells and effects . Init +7, Perception + 11 (Vs Traps and surprise +12)
Talia will move to the side and shoot at the Goblin on the table, the one not in combat. Attack:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11Damage?:1d8 ⇒ 8
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
With the goblin slain before she can even get her dagger out of its sheath, Isabella instead counts on calling down a blessing on the embattled townsfolk.
"Reymenda, don't let this happen again," she whispers. "Not again."
Casting bless for the usual +1 to attack rolls and +1 to saves vs. fear for everyone.
Round 1
Isabella preys to Reymenda, asking for her blessing to aid in the defense of the town. Her holy symbol glows momentarily as the blessing settles on her erstwhile allies, helping to guide their aim and fortify their courage.
Round 2
Talia moves to get a clear shot of the furthest Goblin, but she is unable to steady her aim on her injured leg and the bolt from her crossbow goes wide.
The Goblin who attacked Laufey, seeing his friend get taken out, shouts something yet again before turning and hacking at the off-balance caravan guard, catching her a blow to the thigh that leaves blood running down her leg. Crit, 6 damage
The Goblin on the table grabs his dogslicer and leaps at the lion, bringing down his weapon in a fierce overhand chop - which misses the target completely as he lands in front of the beast. Snarling, he prepares to face off with it, focused on it as his main threat.
Intiative Order
Yasu - can post
Wenona - can post
Laufey - can post
Isabella - can post
Rasmorn - can post
Round 2 continues. There are 2 goblins left.
Goblin 1 Dead
Goblin 2 6/6
Goblin 3 6/6
Goblin 4 Dead
Goblin 5 Dead
Female Half-Elf Bloodrager (Urban) 3 | HP 20/35 | AC 16 (T 12, F 14) | CMB +6, CMD 18 | F +5, R +3, W +4 (+6 vs Charm and Compulsion) (All +1 vs Arcane Spells) | Init +3 | Perc +8 | Speed 40 | Rage 10/10
The cut stings. It continues to keep Laufey's head out of what she's trying to do. Again she fails to catch the little monster's body with her weapon. But now she is beginning to realize something.
Ah, these must be the goblins I have heard so much about since coming to Varisia.
Female Aasimar Cleric of Reymenda 9 | 69/69 HP | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +12 | Initiative +1 | Perception +7 | Channel Energy 6/6 | Daylight 2/2 | Holy Lance 1/1 | Rebuke Death 8/8 | Touch of Good 8/8
Isabella glances at the tactical situation, then tries to help Talia to finish off the threat between them.
Female Human (Shoanti/Varisian) Fighter (Sensate) 1 | HP [12/12] | AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 13 | Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1 (ALL +2 vs Charm/Compulsion Effects) | Perception +5, Sense Motive +5 | Initiative +4
Seeing one of her other companions-by-circumstance catch a blade from one of the goblin invaders, Wenona moves to assist her. She swipes her scythe in a horizontal arc towards the creature...
Power Attack, Furious Focus
Scythe:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
I feel pretty confident that's a miss, sooo...
...and curses loudly as she cleaves nothing but air.
Male Gnome Wizard 3 | HP 20/20 | AC 17 T 13 FF 16 | F+2 R+2 W+3 (ALL +2 vs illusions, +2 vs fear and despair) | Perception +7 | Init +7 | CMB -2 | CMD 10
Rasmorn continues to concentrate on his illusion, while also running to get into a better position to pester the goblin. He causes the lion to take a swipe at the goblin, but purposefully makes it "miss" the little beast.
Swift action to maintain concentration (because of Effortless Trickery), full-round run action to move at 4x speed
Male Tiefling Hooded Champion 2; HP 20/20; AC 20, T 13, FF 17; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5 Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6; Panache 1/1;
Yasu draws another javelin-like arrow and pulls back, the muscles on his arms bulging and rippling unnaturally with the exertion. The one engaged with the illusory lion seems to be distracted, so he turns on the one attacking his only 'friend' in the city.
The Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path begins here, in the small coastal town of Sandpoint. Five years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Sandpoint eagerly anticipate the Swallowtail Festival to commemorate the consecration of the town’s new temple...
I am looking for 4-6 players to participate in the Rise of the Runelords AP. I will be using the Anniversary Edition, with some modifications based on material that has come out since the release in 2012 (re-statting NPCs and such). I ran this previously in a face to face game up through the end of book 5, and the changes all seemed to work very nicely. I don’t promise to be the best GM ever (because I’m not), but I promise to put my best effort forward. Ideally, I would like everyone to post at least once per day, although I understand that real life can sometimes make that difficult (for me as well). I will try to do the same, although there may be periods of where it’s difficult for me too. Alternatively, if you guys are having a good RP session amongst yourselves, I’ll keep quiet so as not to interfere.
Submission Requirements
1. Stats
2. Backstory
3. Appearance & Personality
4. Time Zone (Doesn’t actually factor into the decision, but it does help me ballpark when someone is likely unable to post)
An alias is not required for submission (because they accumulate so quickly), but will be required for the game itself. It will also make it easier for me to find your character, although I will Favorite posts that do not have an alias. One submission per player, please.
Character Creation:
Ability Scores: 20 Point Buy. No stat above 18 (before racial modifiers). Can only drop one stat below 10, and only to 8 (again, before racial modifiers).
Race: Any Paizo, 15 Race Points or less, except Goblins (for AP reasons). For Tiefling and Aasimar variant abilities, you may choose one. Please note that it replaces your SLA, and is not in addition to. You may choose up to 3 variant physical features, as well. I will have people treat odd races as the oddity they are, and accordingly. So, people may fawn over an Aasimar or make signs to ward off Evil at a Tiefling. It all depends on the person and the location.
Class: Any Paizo except for Antipaladin (see Alignment below) and Vigilante, because I don’t feel this is the appropriate type of campaign for a Vigilante. Must use Unchained Summoner and Unchained Rogue. Third Party material will be allowed on a case by case basis, after I have evaluated it. I use the Emerging Firearms rules in my games, so Gunslinger is allowed, but since this AP was written before the Gunslinger was, you will find gunslinger-specific loot very hard to find as you adventure in Varisia.
Skills: We will be using the Background Skills system presented in Pathfinder Unchained.
Feats: Any Paizo except for Leadership and similar feats. Item Crafting feats will be allowed, but I would not suggest making them your primary focus.
Traits: 3 Traits, one of which must be a campaign trait. Only one trait per category. No drawbacks.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil is a no-go for any PC. This AP assumes the players tend towards the heroic, or are at least interested in helping others and have concern for their well-being, especially in the first couple of books, so I would encourage you not to pick an evil alignment, but I will not automatically discount you if you do.
Gear: Maximum starting gold for your class. You can self-craft items before the game starts. Assume all rolls are successful.
This doesn’t need to be super long, just a paragraph or two. If you write more, that’s fine. Try to work your Traits and Background Skills into your backstory (that’s what I view them as being for, helping shape your character’s backstory), and make sure to include why your character is in Sandpoint during the Swallowtail Festival. If you choose a particularly exotic race or your class isn’t one necessarily local to Avistan (Samurai, Ninja, etc.), how you justify your character being in Sandpoint will factor significantly into my decision of whether or not you are in the game.
Appearance & Personality:
What does your character look like? Is their face scarred, do they have tattoos of mystic glyphs on their arms? Are they short, tall, fat, skinny, athletic? Do they have a beard?
By the same token, what are they like? Do they play practical jokes, or are they very stoic, rarely laughing? Do they trust others easily, or are they hesitant to rely on strangers?
How I Make My Decision:
I will choose players based largely on the strength of your backstory and how it interacts with the crunch. If I have two characters I like equally and can’t fit both, I will consider party balance in making my decision. If that doesn’t help, I’ll consider your posting history, but I don’t like to use that as a primary decider. Having played in a game with me before does not guarantee you a spot.
Being new to Pathfinder or PbP is not an obstacle. If you need help, I will be happy to assist you, and I’m certain other players will be willing to help as well.
IMPORTANT: If you choose to play an evil character or worship an evil deity, and someone submits a Paladin that they’ve done a really good job on and I pick that Paladin, it will GREATLY reduce your chances of getting in. I don’t mind a little bit of naturally developing party tension, but I do not go out of my way to create it. I am also a no PVP GM. While the party may not always do a good job of working together, I expect them to not backstab each other. Remember, you’re supposed to at least have heroic inclinations, if not be heroes.
A bit about my style:
I try not to force the game along too much. If you guys are in the middle of a great RP moment, I will happily let you spend some time on it without shoving plot or monsters in your face. This isn’t me telling a story - it’s you helping me craft a narrative.
For combat, I’ll handle rolling Initiative. I try to play my enemies smartly, unless they’re the sort of creature that isn’t particularly smart. I will try to be as narrative as I can be when describing the effects of combat.
I like an inclusive game, so please speak to each other respectfully and politely. If you disagree with another player about something, please talk it out in a courteous manner. If there’s something you really have a problem with, you can PM me and I’ll try to resolve it.
Recruitment will run until 11:59 PM EST on September 30. I will make my decision by October 3, with Gameplay officially starting on the 4th. I want to give people time to see the recruitment and submit their characters, as well as have time to make a character they are happy with.
I just applied a cleric in a re-recruitment for a Runelords game, and didn't get picked, but the standards for characters were very similar to yours, so why not take another shot!
Psychic okay, psychic duelist...I don't know that that would be as good a fit. Most foes won't be anywhere near the same level of psychic dueling skill you would be at, which could upset the balance of the game.
Make the character. If you get in, we'll see how it goes. Would you be willing to rebuild into a normal psychic if the dueling begins to be unbalanced in terms of combat?
Campaign Trait from Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide, please. They are specifically tailored into the AP.
Hooray! I've been hoping an ROTRL campaign would come along soon!
Laufey is my application character. She's an Urban Bloodrager with the Arcane Bloodline.
I believe everything is in place for her. Backstory is complete but I'll need to recheck the build yet for any mistakes. She has Monster Hunter as a campaign trait, but I'd be happy to switch to Giant Slayer if another accepted character had the same trait to prevent duplication.
Would it be alright to add the Primalist archetype to Urban? It seems to be legal. I'm not planning on trading everything out for rage powers, just once, possibly twice after 12th level.
Isabella Monstrance was built out to explore a character who's touched by healing and restorative powers and who uses her painful past as a motivator to push forward and do good for others. She's an aasimar cleric of Reymenda, the Empyreal Lady of loss. She's built per spec with 20 point buy, max starting wealth, three traits one of which is RotR, etc. This character is built as a support character, able to give good healing and enhancement magic. In a pinch she could give flanking bonuses in combat, though her not-great Armor Class means that front-line fighting is not her greatest strength.
Storywise, the character is good emotional support, a hopeful spirit who consoles people who are down and helps them to find their own path to happiness.
The character alias includes a description and background.
I'm in Pacific time zone (California).
I am a regular player and DM on the boards, so I'm not going anywhere anytime soon!
I should note I am currently in another Runelords PBP that is partway thru book 1 (with a different character, of course).
Dotting… and who doesn’t want to play the original Adventure Path? Ok the instructions: my time zone is EST.
I thought it would be interesting to create a human Shoanti warrior who used the thunder and fang feat and starting him in Sandpoint would be an easy start. I originally created him to be a trapper ranger so he could work with traps but I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes so he could go normal ranger, slayer fighter, barbarian or bloodrager. I will do up a couple of crunches to see which fit with the other players. His original stats as a trapper ranger were: Str 18, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8, if I decide to change the class these may change, especially if I do bloodrager.
Kunala was born into the a Shriikirri-Quah tribe nineteen summers ago. Taught by the elders all the ways of their people he grew up strong and quick, showing an affinity for animals, tracking and trapping; he easily picked up the ways of the rangers of their tribe.
He learned the ways of the prairie, the forests even the caves and caverns. He learned how to find his way by the stars. He learned how to fight the Giants, using the oversized earth breaker to devastating effect. He learned how to care for the horses and hawks that are so valued by his tribe. Instead of the shamans magic he learned how to set and spring traps. He had learned all his tribe could teach him. Now it was time he earned his own way.
Kunala had to prove, more to himself than anyone else, that he could make it on his own in the world. He left the tribe to wander and travel, quelling the wander lust in his soul. He decided to start in the metropolis of Sandpoint. He had never been to the city before, he would not have dared go on his own but his cousin, his mother’s brother’s sons, Belor Viskalai and Garridan Viskalai had gone to Sandpoint and even thought they had taken separate paths things seemed to be going well for them.
Kunala had heard of giants mobilizing throughout the countryside, he decided to venture to Sandpoint to help them, and his cousin, prepare for a possible incursion. Even if there were no giants it would be an opportunity to learn from his cousin about the city and the folks who lived there. He could use Sandpoint as a central location to challenge himself and learn his limitations. Possibly working as: a guard, or a trapper or as a horse trainer or a falconer, possibly he would have many jobs and many adventures to tell his grandchildren about after he returned to the Shriikirri-Quah .
As soon as you see Kunala you realize he is Shoanti: the shaved head, the tattoos, the leather clothing, the klar, the earthbreaker. If your familiar with the tribes: when you notice the bow legs, the hawk claw marks on the klar, the horse and hawk motif on the tattoos, they clearly mark him as Shriikirri-Quah.
He is long and lean, moving like a cat. His blue eyes intelligent and clear noticing all that is going on around him. His equipment is simple, from his chain shirt and war kilt to the traditional klar, earthbreaker and sword he carries. He is often seen with his traveling companions: the hawk ‘Wind Hunter’ and the dapple grey stallion ‘Thunder Hooves’. [/ooc]I am looking for a language to use for Shoanti, once I find it they will be translated properly ;)[/ooc]
Kunala considers himself a simple man. Quiet and contemplative, slow to voice an opinion he would rather his actions and behavior speak for themselves. He is quick to work and willing to help those he considers friends. He prefers to find a peaceful path when dealing with amicable races but will suffer no violence especially against the defenseless. When around friends and family he opens up and is quick to celebrate with those celebrating and quick to honor the mourning of those who mourn.
Laufey Gemshrike - I don't find duplicate campaign traits a problem, so don't worry about changing it.
Jesse Heinig - Keep the OOC knowledge out of IC, and it won't be a problem.
DBH - In my face to face game, I had a core Rogue who switched to Unchained Rogue when it came out, and he found it pretty good. In combat it's very melee oriented as opposed to ranged, so there is that to consider.
bluesman95 - Welcome! PbP moves a lot slower than face to face games, but it allows for some great roleplaying.
Robert Henry - Submit the character using whichever build you prefer, whether Trapper Ranger or other. If we need to drop the archetype after recruitment ends, we can do that.
Robert Henry - Submit the character using whichever build you prefer, whether Trapper Ranger or other. If we need to drop the archetype after recruitment ends, we can do that.
GM is dual-archetype ok?
I originally built Kunala as dual-archetype, Trapper and Falconer which would allow him to have a hawk companion at first level. His horse companions comes through the trait blood steed.
Well I've made my Rogue, Talia Burrows, she's not combat optimized in one area yet. Working on her personality a bit, her background is less sneaky thief and more the person who goes on archeological expeditions as the trap finder.
She took the 'Scholar of the ancients' and the 'Scholar of the great beyond' traits to show her past work and love of history. She may take a level or two of Bard later on if she's picked, for more knowledge skills.
A helpful, attractive half-elf, used to roughing it and dealing with unpleasant things in old ruins. She's in Sandpoint as a vacation before heading down to Magnimar to look for work.
I just need to do a little more buying for her gear and I'll post the crunch tomorrow.
As long as they don't replace the same class abilities, dual-archetype is fine.
I would note that the horse gained through Blood Steed does not advance in level. Eventually you may also get to a point where you're teleporting everywhere and the steed become superfluous, but I love the flavor of the trait. Very appropriate for a Shoanti.
Alright, I wracked my brain for something fun and decided upon a very weird idea: Aurex the Blessed(Accursed if you're another Kobold, lol), Kobold Paladin(Chosen One Archetype) of Apsu.
Reviled by his people early in life due to the bizarre appearance of his scales: shimmering gold with opalescent patches, Aurex was touched by the divine beyond his ken.
A band of adventurers raided his tribe's warren almost immediately after he hatched and slaughtered the other kobolds, who were caught off-guard due to bickering over who got to eat the gold-scaled hatchling.
The raiding party's cleric was immediately struck by the hue of his scales and a premature crown of horns and named him Aurex. Whisking the touched kobold to Absalom and presenting him to a travelling coterie of Apsu's followers earned the party a hefty reward and the babe was raised as an adherent to Apsu, Patron of Good Dragons.
Upon maturity, Aurex began training as a champion of his adopted faith and became one of the few Paladins of Apsu.
His crown of horns has become quite striking with a bright ivory coloring and is contrasted by his large eyes of a brilliant blue struck with greens and oranges.
To add to his mystique, Aurex has been blessed with a curiously deep speaking voice. His time in training has granted him empathy, courage, and a host of other traits that other kobolds can hardly comprehend.
Personality & Motivations:
Aurex has learned much in his training and ventured out into the world to do battle against the forces of evil. He yearns to engage followers of Dahak but will settle for any evil-doers.
A bit rash and exceedingly compassionate, Aurex often stuns onlookers with his humility and grace under pressure. The little kobold has yet to encounter his erstwhile kin to fully understand why he is such a striking creature.
Drawn via caravan to the recent rumors of ancient evils and horrific acts of depravity, Aurex finds himself looking for companions to aid him in what he sees as his duty: to scour the world of evil.
The strange floating stone creature calling itself Vox that has been his constant companion for some months now has been urging him to seek out the town of Sandpoint and now hovers close but silent, as if waiting for something...
If this throw together seems interesting enough I'll further flesh him out.
Female azata-blooded aasimar (musetouched) bard (lotus geisha) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels 22, Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
CG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) or
. . fighting fan +0 (1d4/×3)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks bardic performance 9 rounds/day (countersong, distraction, fascinate [DC 15], inspire courage +1)
Bard (Lotus Geisha) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +6)
. . 1st (3/day)—adoration[UC], charm person (DC 18)
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 16), lullaby (DC 16), prestidigitation, unwitting ally[APG] (DC 16)
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 20
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Lingering Performance[APG], Spell Focus (enchantment)
Traits altruistic diplomat, eager performer, innocent
Skills Acrobatics +5, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +13, Linguistics +5, Perception +4, Perform (dance) +12, Perform (sing) +11, Stealth +5, Use Magic Device +9; Racial Modifiers +2 Diplomacy, +2 Perform (dance), +2 Perform (sing)
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven
Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (20), dagger, fighting fan[UC], shortbow, belt pouch, fishhook (2), flint and steel, masterwork backpack[APG], sewing needle, signal whistle, 6 sp, 6 cp
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance (standard action, 9 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Spell Focus (Enchantment) Spells from one school of magic have +1 to their save DC.
Why not. here she is. Ignore whats in her profile, recycled profile :)
She is an entertainer. All her life. Travelled with other entertainers, which included her folks. Since a child she has had a knack for entertaining people. Cheerful. Yes. Thats how she would be described. Cheerful. Yes, she does have a sly, deviously sneaky streak to her, but it is usually all for good fun and games. Being who and what she is, folks usually let her get her way, or even believe some of the outrages stories she tells. But once again, usually for fun or even to defuse a situation. She seldom like to get into physical confrontations, and tries to talk her way out of said situations.
Yup I'm up for it. I ran it also for the beginning of book 4 but the group went poofski since one or two players became unavailable due to that silly thing called money via jobs.
Hmmm. I'd been thinking an Ulfen Bloodrager, but with the wide-open race choices I may rethink that. I love the Kobold paladin idea. That's one I've long wanted to try, but couldn't ever find a game with the right combination of race availability, high stat buy, etc. Decisions, decisions...
Race Undine
Sex Male
Class Witch with Winter Witch Archetype-aiming for Winter Witch prestige class (Ice, Ice, Baby, too cold, too cold)
Background still working
Personality and Motivations still working
Stats still working
Time Zone Eastern
Okay, so I should have included this in the character creation guidelines, but I would like everyone to list what their Favored Class Bonus is. That way I can get all of my math right.
Jesse Heinig:
Isabella looks good.
Since your character was in Sandpoint during the Late Unpleasantness, would you mind elaborating a bit on those events. I'm specifically curious about a few things:
Her reaction to the slayings of Chopper.
Her relationship with the old priest, Father Ezakien Tobyn, who perished in the fire
Her relationship with the old priest's adopted daughter, Nualia, who was also touched by the divine
Her opinion of Nualia's apparent resentment of her heritage and her dislike of how the townspeople fawned over her.
Her reaction to Nualia's inexplicably being locked in her room in the Cathedral all the time in the months leading up to the fire.
Her relationship with the current head priest, Father Abstalar Zantus.
Laufey Gemshrike:
Very interesting. I can see why some GMs consider the Arcane Bloodrager bloodline overpowered. Fortunately, my face to face game included a Fighter who ticked off many of those anti-caster checkboxes, so I actually do have some idea what I'm getting into with it.
Your submission looks good. I'd like you to work the Monster Hunter trait in there, since I didn't see it really referenced (I may have missed it, though).
I see why you said ignore the profile. A Red Mantis Assassin would not be particularly appropriate for this AP.
Your Point Buy seems off. By my count, before racial modifiers (+2 Dex, +2 Cha), it looks like you've done a 27 point buy instead of a 20 point buy. (10, 14, 12, 12, 11, 18). An 18 on its own costs 17 points, which doesn't leave much for the rest of your stats.
I'd like a bit more on backstory on her. Why is she in Sandpoint, what lands has she traveled to? Does she come through Sandpoint often, or is this her first time there? Is her family with her, or is she on her own? Is the rest of the troupe with her? Are they a troupe of Varisians, or do they hail from farther lands?
I ask because I like being able to work player backstories into the game. Increases the feeling of involvement.
A note RE: Kobold Paladins - I will likely only take one, if any, because that's an unusual enough combination that seeing one should be a once-in-a-lifetime event, let alone two in the same party. Please keep that in mind for your submissions.
stormcrow27 - I shiver with anticipation. Remember that heavily focusing on one element does make it easy for a well-informed enemy to effectively negate a good chunk of what you can do.
Oh, I wasn't planning on doing one. If I submit a Kobold (which is itself unlikely), it'd probably be an Oracle, Sorcerer, or something like that. Something that minimizes the Kobold's terrible strength.
Dotting and planning... I might make a Kitsune Oracle, with a liberal amount of Magical Tails to kick evil and look cool doing it.
Kitsunes should be around 10-12 RP, and allow alluring allitteration through shapeshifting shenanigans.
This is the second time I've entered Laufey for a ROTRL campaign. She wasn't chosen for the first one. The first time around I chose Giant Slayer as her campaign trait and modified the write up on it to fit her background: She learned about giants and their kin from her father, who taught her how to use weapons. It wasn't so much to turn her into a "giant slayer" as it was simply the sort of thing everyone must know if they're going to survive in the far north.
The new version I made removed the destroyed Varisian village elements, and made it much more a background set of skills. I could use that one instead if you like that approach. Monster Hunter and Giant Slayer seem to me to be about equivalent in their usefulness so I'm fine with either of them.
Monster Hunter would need to be reworked a bit as well. Laufey isn't particularly brilliant, and the idea of a studied expert on aberrations and magical beasts doesn't really fit. I would do this instead. Her time being trained and instructed by her mother allowed her to pick up useful bits and bobs of information she can apply when needed for such creatures. She's canny and intuitive rather than encyclopedic, and can make a little bit of information go a long way. It makes the trait fall in line with her eventual spontaneous casting. She doesn't know how she knows, but she somehow does know when she needs to. If you'll forgive the analogy, when it comes to handling weird things, she's of the Buffy Summers school, not Kendra Young's. She can nail the landing without endless study and practice.
As for coming to Sandpoint, she's actually found that she likes Varisians quite a lot after spending some time with them. They're fun, and it gives her room to loosen up a bit when she's around them compared to the people she's used to. She's heard plenty of tales from them about this or that fantastical creature, and had begun to realize life as a caravan guard will always be a hand-to-mouth existence. She's found she's "good at" figuring out creatures sculpted by magic, and decides that putting a couple or three heads on the wall would be a way for her to gain some notice and move up a little in the world. Reputation Reputation Reputation. :)
If you have a preference for either of the approaches to a campaign trait, I'd be perfectly content to adopt it.
Some points regarding the Late Unpleasantness for Isabella!
* Isabella was dismayed and disgusted by the Chopper events - she has trouble understanding how someone can become so bent. She recognizes that everyone deals with tragedy in their own way, but the murders caused her a good deal of grief. As a local, she knew these people, she did business with them, they were her friends. It was a very frightening time, especially because it was extremely early in her first steps on the path to becoming a cleric. This tested the embrace of her faith; how many tragedies does one person have to face in life?
* Isabella had a distant relationship with Tobyn. While they shared similar ethical goals, Isabella has always had some difficulty with the Desnan faith - to her, dreams are not as important as dealing with the reality of what is happening to people in the physical ("real") world. Tobyn's decision to foster Nualia meant that Isabella saw in Tobyn a reflection of her own parents, but she wonders if some of Nualia's resentment stemmed from Tobyn having overbearing expectations for his heavenly foster daughter. Isabella did mourn his loss in the fire, and was shocked at the destruction wrought in the town.
* Isabella saw Nualia like a cousin, albeit a troubled one. The two never seemed to agree on their callings. To Nualia, the attention fawned upon her by people was unwanted; to Isabella, when people came to her for blessings and guidance, it was an opportunity for her to try to make their lives better. In a way they were opposite forks on the same path: Nualia tried to reject her heritage and bitterly resented it; Isabella saw it as something to be embraced, through both pain and joy, as a life experience. While the two never fought, they were never on good terms - Nualia thought it was unfair that Isabella seemed to have a "better life without all the fawning and demands and pressure" (a counterfactual statement, given what happened to Isabella's family) while Isabella could never figure out how to reach her erstwhile "cousin" and get her to move on from her tragedies and grow from them.
NOTE: In real life I have a cousin who became a cocaine addict, so this is perhaps a slightly familiar thread for me.
* When Nualia was locked away, Isabella tried to visit her, but Father Tobyn blocked this attempt. Isabella never did figure out what was wrong, whether it was an illness, a long siege of melancholy, or Tobyn trying to control Nualia to "correct" her. Isabella also had to face the queries of the townsfolk who concocted all manner of rumors about the situation - no, Isabella wasn't going to go into seclusion too; no, it wasn't because this was how they get their angel wings; no, Isabella wasn't sick, it wasn't some kind of evil plague that was taking away the god-touched and divine first.
* Isabella's relationship with Father Zantus is much better than her connection to Tobyn. Zantus' multidenominational leanings make it easier for Isabella to approach him and deal with him on religious matters (even if her own faith is considered a very fringe one). She is a supporter of the new cathedral project and very excited by the prospect that many different faiths can come together to achieve good things for the community.
Dotting! Plan to submit a Sensate Fighter, an aspiring monster-hunter of the Varisian region, looking to put her training at the hands of a master bounty hunter to the test!
Yup, but the witch has other attack magics, and the winter witch also can overcome cold resistance and immunity. Plus we get hexes, and hexes is the bestes of them precious.
Sapiens - By my estimation, a Kitsune would be worth 10 RP, so they're fine.
Laufey - The second interpretation fits the flavor of the character most, so please use that.
Raltus - I'm playing it by ear on that one. If I use it, I will likely lean towards making it Fighter Only.
The Chess - Zen Archer okay, Unchained Monk okay, but the archetype cannot be used with the Unchained Monk. The Zen Archery feature (use Wisdom to make ranged attacks with a bow) replaces the Monk's maneuver training, which the Unchained Monk does not have.
Okay, so I should have included this in the character creation guidelines, but I would like everyone to list what their Favored Class Bonus is. That way I can get all of my math right.
Kunala's class bonus will be +1 hp,, a minor caveat my time zone is EST but I will be doing most of my posting in the wee hours of the morning,
Speaking of which, I should have Kunala's sheet posted tonight, eer I mean tomorrow morning.
Urlog Gunnar
Male half-orc fighter (siegebreaker) 1 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the Street 11)
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee armor spikes +4 (1d6+3)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+3)
Special Attacks breaker rush
Str 17, Dex 11, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Combat Stamina, Spiked Destroyer
Traits giant slayer, linebreaker (belkzen), steel skin
Skills Acrobatics -5 (-9 to jump), Bluff +0 (+1 vs. giant subtype creatures), Craft (blacksmith) +4,
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Perception +4 (+5 vs. giant
subtype creatures), Profession (soldier) +5, Sense Motive +1 (+2 vs. giant subtype creatures), Survival +5;
Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Giant, Goblin, Orc
SQ orc blood, spiked destroyer
Other Gear armor spikes chainmail, javelin (2), bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.),
masterwork backpack APG, mess kit UE, pot, soap, trail rations (5), waterskin, 41 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Breaker Rush (3 damage) (Ex) When bull rush or overrun foes, deal damage to foes.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Spiked Destroyer You can attack with your armor spikes while using bull rush or overrun.
Prerequisite: Proficient with armor spikes.
Benefit: When you succeed at a bull rush or overrun combat maneuver, you may automatically make an attack
Spiked Destroyer [Combat Trick] Spend 4 stamina post bull rush or overrun to use Spiked Destroyer as
free act.
Urlog was trained for 1 thing and 1 thing really well, to break the lines of humans who stood in his way. He was the bastard son of a lesser Orc Chief who is no more. Urlog was drafted into larger clan even as only a half-human (as the Orc's like to put it) he was still large like his fellow line breakers. Urlog was good at his job, very good, he smashed and crashed using his armor and his speed as his weapons.
One day while preparing for an assault against the humans, Urlog questioned his Band Leader why they must always fight the Humans. Urlog was beaten unconscious for his question, he later woke on the border to Last Wall, he was stripped of all his possession save some under clothes and his families great helm that he wore. He ventured into Last Walls boundaries, knowing that he could be a displaced Half-Orc seeking asylum. He made his way though the county even signing on with a Merc band who was pushing Bandits raiding out of the Forests in the south.
He stayed with Merc band for a few years, venturing to Varisia to see the great cities there. After a while he heard of Giants raiding towns in Varisia, Urlog made his way there to help combat enemies he had grownup around. He lead many sorties against the Giants, slaying many with Merc band. After a while they continued to head south, his band continued back towards Last Wall but Urlog knew that if he were to pass through Belkzen again with the band he would endanger them more than if they were alone. He decided to stay in Sand Point as they seemed to have a goblin problem and Urlog thought maybe he could bring the goblins to heel and make them productive.
Forgot a couple background/personality bits - will update sheet.
GM Phntm888:
* Isabella is very tactile - she likes to hold and touch things, and she likes to give and receive hugs from her friends and relatives. (This is generally a bad trait in adventurers, but...)
* She currently supports herself as a healer (helping out Hannah Velerin at Hannah's) and also acts as a sort of sounding board for townspeople who are having hard times (in modern terms, a grief counselor, though that sort of official title/profession probably doesn't exist in Golarion).
I can't find Linebreaker. Could you link the trait for me?
What is your favored class bonus?
Since you seem to have a good chunk of gold left over, may I suggest picking up another weapon? In case you fight something that has resistance against piercing damage. A battleaxe or longsword, perhaps? Your call in the end.
Ah, I see. Now the math adds up correctly. Favored class bonus?
Alright, still polishing out the finer details but the bulk of the groundwork is done and his background and motivations in Sandpoint were already expounded fairly well in the initial post. I will still include a more exhaustive background when I get the opportunity.
This is the alias for Aurex. I still have to crunch the numbers with his inventory and add a spoiler with details for his Emissary Familiar(Vox the Ioun Wyrd).
I'll be finishing the remaining details over the next two days.
Adaptability (Ex) Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.
Elf Blood (Ex) Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities (Ex) Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Finesse Training (Ex) At 1st level, a rogue gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the rogue from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The rogue can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.
Keen Senses (Ex) Half-elves receive a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks.
Low-Light Vision (Ex)
Multitalented (Ex) Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes.
Scholar of the Ancients Growing up with your nose in books, you've had a great interest in past cultures and ancient history. Furthermore, having grown up in Varisia, you know the monuments dotting the landscape belong to an ancient civilization known as Thassilon. From your life of study and dogged research, you've pieced together the language and partial history of this once-great empire. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to speak and read Thassilonian.
Scholar of the Great Beyond (Knowledge (History)) Your greatest interests as a child did not lie with current events or the mundane- you have always felt out of place, as if you were born in the wrong era. You take to philosophical discussions of the Great Beyond and of historical events with ease. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (planes) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.
Sneak Attack (Ex)
Trapfinding (Ex) You add +1 to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks. You can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magical traps.
Talia grew up loving history and exploring the countless old ruins that lay all around the Varisian landscape. She would practice on any lock or trap she could find, and would come home covered in dirt and dust from scrambling through local ruins.
She lives in Magnimar and hires herself out as a specialist for the many expeditions that explore Thassilonian sites.
Talia is a slender, tanned Half-elf woman, cheerful and friendly. With thick black hair tied back practically and warm green eyes.
She enjoys travelling, meeting new people and the thrill of finding something long lost. Working as a trapfinder on expeditions has made her very perceptive. She can handle herself in a fight, and survive in the wilds, but prefers to work with people who bring skills to the table.
Talia hates people who are destructive, cruel, or enjoy fighting for no other reason than a love of violence.
She's taken the two scholar traits, Scholar of the Ancients for her campaign trait, and Scholar of the Great Beyond for Knowledge History.
As long as they don't replace the same class abilities, dual-archetype is fine.
I would note that the horse gained through Blood Steed does not advance in level. Eventually you may also get to a point where you're teleporting everywhere and the steed become superfluous, but I love the flavor of the trait. Very appropriate for a Shoanti.
GM Phntm888 this is RH's Shoanti ranger, (trapper/falconer)
The class abilities do not overlap.
I like the flavor that both the horse and falcon add. Neither were selected for their "combat" skills and both can be left to roam. So leaving them for a period of time will not be an issue.
Is there anything else that you would like to see or know?
Also, I was looking for a language (on Google translate) for Shoanti, I was hoping for something similar to a native American language, but I am having no luck. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Also, I was looking for a language (on Google translate) for Shoanti, I was hoping for something similar to a native American language, but I am having no luck. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Maybe Maori, Samoan, Hawaiian, or possibly Swahili? They all seem to have an overflow of syllables that would make for fun times. Hell, maybe even separate tribal dialects?
Alright, I feel like I've finished the alias but I could have missed something. Figured I'd crush the remaining I had left before passing out for work tonight.
I'm new to all of this but would love to get in on this game to really learn the ropes and figure it all out. Lincoln is a level 1 Gunslinger. Link to those close to him. I will post again with backstory, stats, etc.