GM Nowruz's #1-45 'Delirium’s Tangle' (Tier 1-5) (Inactive)

Game Master noral

'Delirium's Tangle' map & handouts

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Sovereign Court

LN Male Dwarven Cleric 1 | HP 9/9 NL 9/9 | AC:14, T:10, FF:14 | CMD 10 | Fort +3, Ref +0,Will +5 | Perc +3 | Init +0 | Spd 20ft. | copycat 4/6 | channel 5/5 |
Acrobatics -6 (-10 jump), Appraise +1, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11 (+14 make requests), Linguistics +5 (+6 create/detect forgeries), Perception +3 , Profession (barrister) +11 (+15 Day job), Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5
Hadega Scrimsworth wrote:
"You," Hadega says, scowling, curling her lip at Grandmaster Torch. "So it comes out, then? All you wanted was that hourglass, and you were willing to risk the Minotaur Prince to get it! What shoddy 'friendship', if you could even call it that! No doubt you leveraged Dreng here calling in some favor or somesuch nonsense!"

”Indeed it does seem that way Madam,” Lucious says as he crosses his arms and narrows his gaze on Torch, ”you claimed to be close friend with Nuar, yet the prince claims he has not spoken to you in weeks. Would you please offer an explanation?”

diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

The Concordance

Male NG Halfling Medium 7 (Medium of the Master) | HP 52/52| AC 25 T 20 FF 16 | CMB +3/14 CMD 17 | F: +10, R: +8, W: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spirit Influence: 1/5 | Surges 4/4| Active conditions: | Taboo: you must accept any challenge to prove your prowess in battle, including challenges to single combat

"Now, now Miss Hadega. While he may not have been upfront with his end-goal, he did have us rescue Naur.

I feel there are many times when the Society, as well as its agents, benefit from a mission in way of rare items or something of monetary value while still preforming some other sort of service.

Remind yourself that we did good here and that his reasons for wanting for this mission completed were his own. Your conscious should be clean, but that doesn't mean you should have to clean someone else's. We can't possibly know how much value Master Torch here places on his friends, his money, or his political power, and let's not make assumptions about it.

I say we get our pay and go celebrate a successful rescue mission with no casualties."

Nyloth closes his long winded speech focusing on Grandmaster Torch in order to better gauge his reaction, but in all honesty, he has come to expect the political intrigue and false goals of people in the city. Being a lawyer has taught them that much of life, at least.

Silver Crusade

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 def. insticnt , +4 Dex) hp 20 (2d10+4) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2

The were tiger blooded man snarls You are a man without honor he says with a growl in his voice.

Grandmaster Torch stands up and with a slightly annoyed view looks at Dreng "Venture-Captain, I am neither interested in your agents rebuke, flattery or discussions about honor. But I am thankful for them to have rescued Nuar which is more than I had hoped for - he could have been dead already after all." he concludes with slight appreciation.

He turns his head towards you "Your Venture-Captain and I had a deal and thus I request you to hand over the hourglass to me!"

Sovereign Court

LN Male Dwarven Cleric 1 | HP 9/9 NL 9/9 | AC:14, T:10, FF:14 | CMD 10 | Fort +3, Ref +0,Will +5 | Perc +3 | Init +0 | Spd 20ft. | copycat 4/6 | channel 5/5 |
Acrobatics -6 (-10 jump), Appraise +1, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11 (+14 make requests), Linguistics +5 (+6 create/detect forgeries), Perception +3 , Profession (barrister) +11 (+15 Day job), Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5

”Surely the grandmaster knows the society won’t release an artifact until we have had time to study it, article 5 section 2 of the starfinder loot code clearly states that any unidentifiable magic items are to be sent to the grand lodge for research for a time not exceeding 90 days.” Lucious recites, ”after such time I’m sure the society would be willing to honor whatever agreement you and Dreng made.” he adds clutching the hourglass.

profession barrister: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Dreng looks at Lucious and is clearly in a uncomfortable situation "Lucious, I understand your reasoning. But please note that this was not an official Pathfinder mission. We owed Grandmaster Torch a favor. Please hand the hourglass over."

Sovereign Court

LN Male Dwarven Cleric 1 | HP 9/9 NL 9/9 | AC:14, T:10, FF:14 | CMD 10 | Fort +3, Ref +0,Will +5 | Perc +3 | Init +0 | Spd 20ft. | copycat 4/6 | channel 5/5 |
Acrobatics -6 (-10 jump), Appraise +1, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11 (+14 make requests), Linguistics +5 (+6 create/detect forgeries), Perception +3 , Profession (barrister) +11 (+15 Day job), Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5

”yet you used official pathfinders? Some of us barely out of our confirmation?” Lucious says, sensing he will lose this argument

”Very well Dreng, if you insist, however know I will be submitting a detailed report about this ‘off the books’ expedition you’ve organized. I didnt become a pathfinder to go out on covert black ops mission to expand the pockets of venture agents!” he shouts beginning to lose his temper.

Silver Crusade

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 def. insticnt , +4 Dex) hp 20 (2d10+4) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2

What is this Star finder code? he asks

Sovereign Court

LN Male Dwarven Cleric 1 | HP 9/9 NL 9/9 | AC:14, T:10, FF:14 | CMD 10 | Fort +3, Ref +0,Will +5 | Perc +3 | Init +0 | Spd 20ft. | copycat 4/6 | channel 5/5 |
Acrobatics -6 (-10 jump), Appraise +1, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11 (+14 make requests), Linguistics +5 (+6 create/detect forgeries), Perception +3 , Profession (barrister) +11 (+15 Day job), Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +5

at this point I’m just improvising, my character is a lawyer after all.
Edit: ahhh I see lol sorry I think autocorrect got me on that one

The Concordance

Male NG Halfling Medium 7 (Medium of the Master) | HP 52/52| AC 25 T 20 FF 16 | CMB +3/14 CMD 17 | F: +10, R: +8, W: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spirit Influence: 1/5 | Surges 4/4| Active conditions: | Taboo: you must accept any challenge to prove your prowess in battle, including challenges to single combat

While also a lawyer, Nyloth would rather not have anything to do with transpiring events and will simply take his leave.

"Like I said previously, we should take pride in the fact that our rescue mission of Naur was a success. Now, I am not the one carrying the hourglass, so I'll take my leave. Dreng, I'll return for my compensation later today, perhaps over tea. In the mean time, I have some spirit to put to res some training I should really do, and probably some rest. I thank you for the chance to show my worth to the Society, have a nice Morning." he says as he turns to leave.

Silver Crusade

Female Halfling (Karlsgard) | Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1 | 12/13 HP | Init +3, Perc +0, SM +0 | AC 17, T 14, FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 14 (FF 11) | F +5, R +4, W+3 | Aura of Good, Smite Evil (1/1)

|"Be safe, Master Moonborn!"

"I really want to thank you all for your cooperation! Grandmaster Torch, have a good night and excuse me and my Pathfinders!"

Dreng looks at all of you and leads you to his office. With a sigh he sits in his chair.

"I am truly sorry to have to involve you in such politics but I just want you all to know that we need to keep our friends close but our enemies closer ... I ... I cannot go into more detail but should you encounter Grandmaster Torch in the future or hear of him. Please be careful! And now ... go home and get some sleep!"

Silver Crusade

Female Halfling (Karlsgard) | Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1 | 12/13 HP | Init +3, Perc +0, SM +0 | AC 17, T 14, FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 14 (FF 11) | F +5, R +4, W+3 | Aura of Good, Smite Evil (1/1)

"Thank you Cap'n Dreng!"

Inga goes off to sleep, and dreams of tiny minotaurs, smaller than hobbits.

Liberty's Edge

Male Lava Gnome Cleric 2 (Divine Paragon/Theologian of Sarenrae) | HP:(17)/17| AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 12 | CMB: 0 CMD:11 | F: +4 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 20'| Channel Positive Energy:1d6 5/5 Firebolt:6/6 | Spells: 1st:3/3 D:1/1 | Active Conditions: +2 Sacred Bonus To Perception, SWOLE!

Not bound by the cumbersome principles of Law, Meux watches the scene unfold with amusement.

"Ahhhhhh...I see why i stumbled so in this endeavor-as it was simply a ruse unworthy of my best performance. I knew your grand wisdom would shine upon me and reveal why i seemed to stumble so, oh great Mountain!"
Trying more to soothe Lucious of any feelings that may cause him undo stress than chide him, Meux speaks up,
"Come now Luscious, don't be so coy! You, more than almost anyone here, know and understand the bargains and compromises that spin this system. Fear not, my friend, somehow it all balances out."
he turns to Torch,
"Grandmaster, I would like to thank you for your hand in all this, because, in the end, I believe it made us all better adventurers for it, and I believe we learned a great deal more about ourselves and each other for it! Remember this though:
There were two sturdy sticks. One was used to build a bridge, and one was used for a torch to light the way. The one used in a bridge, though mostly forgotten and taken for granted, spent its existence in community with others of its kind for the noble purpose of spanning gaps to bring beings together.
The torch's existence, however, was used in a solitary purpose. Yes, when it was utilized, it seemed to shine bright. But as the torch seemed the saving grace, it was actually the fire that was shining..not the torch. And, all the while, as it bathed in its own false grandeur and self importance, it was being consumed by the fire-only to end up a burnt up husk to be discarded.

Better to be sturdy and lasting, in community with others for the greater good than to worry about your own shining beacon whilst being utterly consumed and ultimately thrown away. The fire always wins, Grandmaster. The fire...always wins!"

Meux bows.
For his diplomacy in the whole situation, Meux actually has a new found respect for Nyloth-and now that he can rationalize the unfolding events, he steps to the bling monk. Knowing the man most likely won't see it, he still bows,
"Mr. Moonborn, The Mountain would like to make it perfectly clear that you are pardoned for all transgressions of overzealous impulse that might have slighted his grand power!"
Meux really thinks Nyloth's actions warranted his wrath, and he has the authority to grant such a pardon for the perceived slight...he really does!

Dark Archive

Female LN human (Chelaxian) bard 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC:17 T:13 FF:14 | CMB:+3 CMD:13 | Saves F:+2 R:+5 W:+1 | Init:+3 | Per:+3 | SM: -1 | Bardic Performance: 10/10 | Active Conditions: none

Hadega's face screws up into a deep scowl, more Hadega-like than normal at least. "I care not for petty honor or Pathfinder codes or mountains or judicial perspectives or any of that squabbling mess you call a 'friendship' with the Minotaur Prince." She lets the last syllables hang in the air a brief moment. "I care about propriety. I care about a Venture-Captain that would attempt to conceal this little deal, knowing full-well the information of this hourglass might've benefited us. It is a good thing we had well-trained agents delving the maze, else it would've been a scandal of extreme proportions! Even bigger than when Mrs. Hadders was caught slumming in the Puddles with some thug unbeknownst to her husband. No, this responsibility is Dreng's and Dreng's alone. Torch can't help the creature he's become. Dreng still has a chance to redeem himself. Do what you will with the hourglass."

She turns then to the team and inclines her head. "It is getting late and I am quite old so I will simply say that it has been a pleasure working with you. I hope you take the lessons of this mission to heart. The hunched back of that morlock! The drool on the thing in the void! The many twists and turns of a maze and an absolutely rude host attached to that machine! I do not want to hear of your dinner parties that were ruined because you imitated the manners of these things. No, and they will not be if you heed the lessons. Do not be like my foolish, late husband who would not learn a thing. No, you are better men."

The Concordance

Male NG Halfling Medium 7 (Medium of the Master) | HP 52/52| AC 25 T 20 FF 16 | CMB +3/14 CMD 17 | F: +10, R: +8, W: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spirit Influence: 1/5 | Surges 4/4| Active conditions: | Taboo: you must accept any challenge to prove your prowess in battle, including challenges to single combat

Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 didn't see the bow lol

"I appreciate it Meux. I'd prefer not to risk harm to my companions by doing anything less than my best and I'm still proving my worth to the Society at the same time. Hopefully we will get placed on another mission together in the future where you can show me the mighty power of the mountain."

Silver Crusade

Female Halfling (Karlsgard) | Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1 | 12/13 HP | Init +3, Perc +0, SM +0 | AC 17, T 14, FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 14 (FF 11) | F +5, R +4, W+3 | Aura of Good, Smite Evil (1/1)

I am a better gal', not man... Inga thinks.

Silver Crusade

AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+2 def. insticnt , +4 Dex) hp 20 (2d10+4) Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2

He walks away.

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