GM Nowruz's #1-45 'Delirium’s Tangle' (Tier 1-5)
Game Master
'Delirium's Tangle' map & handouts
Nyloth Moonborn
Male NG Halfling Medium 7 (Medium of the Master) | HP 52/52| AC 25 T 20 FF 16 | CMB +3/14 CMD 17 | F: +10, R: +8, W: +9 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spirit Influence: 1/5 | Surges 4/4| Active conditions: | Taboo: you must accept any challenge to prove your prowess in battle, including challenges to single combat
April 2018
Hadega Scrimsworth
Female LN human (Chelaxian) bard 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC:17 T:13 FF:14 | CMB:+3 CMD:13 | Saves F:+2 R:+5 W:+1 | Init:+3 | Per:+3 | SM: -1 | Bardic Performance: 10/10 | Active Conditions: none
April 2018
Female Halfling (Karlsgard) | Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1 | 12/13 HP | Init +3, Perc +0, SM +0 | AC 17, T 14, FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 14 (FF 11) | F +5, R +4, W+3 | Aura of Good, Smite Evil (1/1)
April 2018
Eric Collins - France
Lucious the Lawyer
LN Male Dwarven Cleric 1 | HP 9/9 NL 9/9 | AC:14, T:10, FF:14 | CMD 10 | Fort +3, Ref +0,Will +5 | Perc +3 | Init +0 | Spd 20ft. | copycat 4/6 | channel 5/5 |
April 2018
friendly sauce
Meux Feux
Male Lava Gnome Cleric 2 (Divine Paragon/Theologian of Sarenrae) | HP:(17)/17| AC: 14 T: 11 FF: 12 | CMB: 0 CMD:11 | F: +4 R: +1 W: +6 | Init: +1 | Perc: +3 SM: +3 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 20'| Channel Positive Energy:1d6 5/5 Firebolt:6/6 | Spells: 1st:3/3 D:1/1 | Active Conditions: +2 Sacred Bonus To Perception, SWOLE!
April 2018