GM Nowruz's #1-45 'Delirium’s Tangle' (Tier 1-5) (Inactive)

Game Master noral

'Delirium's Tangle' map & handouts


I am a new PbP GM and would like to play #1-45 'Delirium’s Tangle' (Tier 1-5) with you.

About me: I am from Germany and thus not a native speaker so excuse small mistakes in my posts. My posts usually come around 10am-8pm GMT.
I have been a GM for many years and just started playing PbP as a player and would like to GM my second PbP game with you.

Interested players: Please provide the following information in this thread.

a) Experience in PbP:
b) Character concept and class(es):
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.:

1) Player name:
2) Character name:
3) PFS#-Character#:
4) Faction:
5) Day Job:
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle:

Expectations: Having fun is the most important part of course. ;-)

- Expectation is that you post around 2-3 times per day.

- If you know that you will not be able post for a while please inform all of us in advance.

- We will be using Google Slides for maps.

- Please have your profile up to date based on the standard PbP format so that I can see your stats and your abilities.

- If you are new to PbP please look at the information in the 'Campaign info' tab of Flaxseed:

- We play by the Rule of 2 (or 3, if playing with 6 PCs): if two party members agree on a particular action, that will drive the narrative forward. The exception to this rule would be if there is a crucial plot point or important decision - in which case, the entire party should have a say in what happens.

You can ask me questions anytime!

Interested. I have a Hunter/2 or a USummoner/2, or a Magus/2 available.

Thanks Caro, please provide the details indicated in my post above - you can play any character you want. ;-) Have a great weekend!

I would like to try out a shifter if possible

Hi Terevalis, just provide the PFS details of your character and you are in.

Ok. I will have to do that this evening when I get home.

Liberty's Edge

Well, first of all, belated happy Nowruz, GM!

About me: I live in France, and so am in the same timezone as you (will be working just outside of Berlin next month).

a) Experience in PbP: a lot (GM ing here a bit, ran a campaign for 4 years on rpol ; and playing too)
b) Character concept and class(es): Halfling Defender of Erastil (Divine Hunter Paladin, lvl 1)
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: no idea yet, have not played her (she's a Defender of Nature, a Herborist... but I prefer to play the character a bit to get a feel for how she talks and such).

1) Player name: Eric Collins
2) Character name: Inga
3) PFS#-Character#: 101218-20
4) Faction: Silver Crusade
5) Day Job: Profession Herbalist +4
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: Regular

- Expectation is that you post around 2-3 times per day.
I can post twice a day for sure, more than that most times

- If you know that you will not be able post for a while please inform all of us in advance.

- We will be using Google Slides for maps.
Works fine

- Please have your profile up to date based on the standard PbP format so that I can see your stats and your abilities.
Will update it this week-end

Thanks for running the game, and, whether I am in or not: good gaming!

Dark Archive

You know, instead of playing Revio for this, I think my other bard would be fun to try out. Haven't got the chance to play her yet either!

a) Experience in PbP: A little over a year on here.
b) Character concept and class(es): Bard (studious librarian) 1. A widower finally seeing the world, Hadega is utterly obsessed with cleanliness, manners, and knowledge of history. She "inspires" from the back lines, using her husband's old whip.
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: "There will be no higgery jiggery or jiggery pokery on this expedition! Do I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

1) Player name: Dystopiandream
2) Character name: Hadega Scrimsworth
3) PFS#-Character#: 234492-8
4) Faction: Dark Archives
5) Day Job: none
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: regular

I still have some cleanup on the equipment and a chronicle to apply for the game of Silent Tide I'm finishing up, but should be ready in a day or so.

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Great team! Thanks for the new year’s wishes! ;-)

Liberty's Edge

a) Experience in PbP: Started around gameday in the fall of last year, have played a handful of organized and other PbPs
b) Character concept and class(es): Gnome Cleric (Theologian Fire domain, pyromaniac alternate racial trait)
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: "I like my enemies well done"

1) Player name: VoodooMonkey
2) Character name: Meux Feux
3) PFS#-Character#: # 258367-11
4) Faction: Liberty's Edge
5) Day Job: none
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: regular

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Great. Already 3 have filled out the basics and are in! 3 more to go. I will stop active recruitment on Monday and start the game. Dot in the gameplay Meux, Hadega and Eric. ;-)

The Concordance

Well, since you're still looking for more players, and I have a level 2 character I've been sitting on, I'd like to apply.

a) Experience in PbP: Relatively new, but playing lots of games, doing great, and loving it. If you'd like to see some examples of my PbP games/characters, feel free to ask.
b) Character concept and class(es): A blind medium that lets the spirits see for him. Master of Many Styles Monk 1/Rivethun Spirit Channeler 1
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: "I may be blind, but the spirits see clearly."

1) Player name: zer0darkfire
2) Character name: Nyloth
3) PFS#-Character#: 193338-5
4) Faction: The Concordance (The ethereal plane is a plane after all)
5) Day Job: Profession (Lawyer): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: Regular

Will be updating this characters profile after I post this.

Thanks Nyloth! welcome!

Terevalis will join with a character too and we will have 5 players then.


Dotting. I have a 5th lvl alchemist I’d love to play if you’lll accept a 6th.

Please fill out the details above. Thanks

The Exchange

a) Experience in PbP: I’ve played 1 pfs scenario and am currently playing in 1 pfs scenario and one other long term PbP
b) Character concept and class(es): Ivan the Alchemist/5
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: “if I can’t kill it with fire, our situation is dire!!”

1) Player name: Friendly Sauce
2) Character name: Ivan
3) PFS#-Character#: 64043-14
4) Faction: ex-scarab sage, now working for the exchange
5) Day Job: Craft alchemy +15
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: regular

You are in Friendly Sauce! Please introduce your character in the gameplay!

Friendly alchemist. Please do not join the gameplay until further notice as the other players were in the game first and I do want them to feel comfortable.

Do you have a lower level character?

The Concordance

I can play a different character if we are doing high tier. I only picked this one because the signups before mine were low tier.


I have a 4th lvl paladin I could also bring. Otherwise I could whip up a 1st lvl cavalier I’ve been working on

Recruitment is over!

Thanks everybody for agreeing that we will play Level 1-2 characters.

We have the following players/characters
- Nyloth,
- Friendly sauce.

You can start the introductions with your characters in the gameplay section.

I will continue on Monday. :-)

Silver Crusade

Here he is. Sorry for coming late to the party

Silver Crusade

a) Experience in PbP: I’ve played for like 3 years or so
b) Character concept and class(es): Jinath, a were touched shifter who I think will be taking the tiger style of figthing
c) Typical character quote, comment etc.: “Interesting"
1) Player name: Jason Rodarte
2) Character name: Jinath
3) PFS#-Character#: 43330-31
4) Faction: Silver Crusade
5) Day Job: Craft alchemy Guide 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
6) Regular or slow speed for chronicle: regular

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