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Kosh is feeling great and he shoots the woman with a crossbow bolt.
Amiri grins, and the woman realizes her assistants are destroyed, she's outnumbered, and a giant sword is about to come down on her head.
With one quick swing Amiri makes short work of the woman, leaving a mess on the third floor. The woman drops her ornate kukri inside a decorative scabbard.
Combat Over
Amiri (27 damage, "Alyreha is awesome" Heal)
Kosh ("Alyreha is awesome" Heal)
Landon (3 damage, Enfeebled 1 day - 2 hour - 40 minutes, "Alyreha is awesome" Heal)
Torrin ("You're so cool, Alyreha!" Haste, "Alyreha is awesome" Heal)
Spiky Lady (Unloaded crossbow)
Nykor (12 damage, "You're so cool, Alyreha!" Haste)
On the seat she was sitting on, you notice another research fragment. With the intruders repelled, you should be able to bring Alyreha upstairs.

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |

Amiri had used her heal spell before the battle.
A smile crosses Amiri's face as the woman serves up the fatal blow on a silver platter, but that upside down frown flips around when realizing the fun is now over. "That's all you can muster? SAD." She stomps around the room a bit and tries to calm down.

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"Ouch.. what a mess..." Nykor says, wincing. He darts around the room as the haste is still active, searching for loot.

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Torrin shakes his head, running fingers through his hair.
All so confusing... glad I was with you folks and able to help a bit.

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"What's shakin' Kosh? The wards are finally stabilizing, Takumi can handle it by himself if he'd stop drinking so much tea!" You get the idea that she would glare if she had eyes, but Takumi simply shrugs and pours some more for Shinju.
"You found it? Did you find the thief? Take me up there!"
"So, who's this- WAIT!" Alyreha falls silent. "Yeah, she interrupted my ritual! I was so close to erasing my name! This lady was asking about my research, too."
"This is Liaskra. Her boss is a woman named Aslynn. She wants to cook true names and boil them down into raw material and then mold people according to her desires. I got worried and decided I had to hide myself."
"But hey, you found all the research, nice. This should be enough to reset the house and remember myself. This is going to take all day. Did you need to discuss something to me?"
This is your last chance to discuss issues with her or look for more research papers.

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Are we certain this is all there is?
Sense Motive or equivalent?: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
OMG, is it Deception for +0?

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As the last of the enemies fall, Landon looks around for another foe and is surprised not to find one. After Alyreha's magic wears off and he returns to normal speed, he wiped his sword and brushes the soot from his tunic as best as he can manage.
"Is that all of them? That felt too easy," he says, keeping his guard up. He searches the room, looking for any sign of hidden dangers or missing research:
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Addressing Alyreha, he asks: "You wanted to erase your own name? Why?"
"...Not enough z's?"

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Nykor looks around for more papers, asking Mouse for help.
"Quite the troublemaker uh...? he says.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

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"Is that all of them? That felt too easy,"
Amiri flexes and smiles at Landon "Not the first time I've heard that from a fight I've been in!" She chuckles, and winces a bit at all the burnt skin, drinking down her provisioned potion in response.
Lesser Healing Potion: 2d8 + 5 ⇒ (8, 4) + 5 = 17
"Well, Aly, we wanted to be sure you were completely satisfied with our help here. Pathfinder Society motto and all: Leave 'em completely satisfied, so they don't mind repaying the favor later.." She shrugs, pretty sure that's how she remembers it anyhow.
We'll want to be sure we've accomplished all the tasks set before us, or at least do the best we can on them.

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”So now dat we found all dis, gotta make sure it’s safe, roight?”, Kosh says to Alyreha. ”Dis Aslynn could send anuvver daughter wot ain’t useless. But da ‘Ciety got a vault in da Grand Lodge, could keep it all safe”

GM chadius |

Torrin: Perception now covers Sense Motive as well as Listening and Seeing things. And is used for Initiative in most cases.
”So now dat we found all dis, gotta make sure it’s safe, roight?”, Kosh says to Alyreha. ”Dis Aslynn could send anuvver daughter wot ain’t useless. But da ‘Ciety got a vault in da Grand Lodge, could keep it all safe”
"Hmm... I think when she broke in, I tried to temporarily remove knowledge of myself." She gathers the research papers, carefully laid out in front of her. "Liaskra would forget I existed, abort the attack since there's no point, and then I could restore everyone's memory of me once it was safe. That numbskull must have ruined the ritual. It did erase the memory, but it almost reduced me to skin and bones. Heck, it did even more damage than that! I don't even keep the skin!"
"But whatever. I got them all back, thanks to you and the Pathfinder Society. Okay, I gotta work with you more on this. If Aslynn was able to get this close I need all the help I can get."
Envoy's Alliance's goal is fulfilled.
"But should I let you hold onto it? I don't know, it's kind of annoying to get back to Absalom. Teleporters are always out of order and you have to wait for repairs, and then those Primal casters start whining about the Natural Order or whatever... ugh."
Each PC can make 2 skill checks to convince Alyreha.
- Pathfinder Society to talk about the vaults of Skyreach (very easy DC 13. However, the entire team can only benefit from this once.)
- Diplomacy (easy)
- Intimidation (moderate, assuming you don't try to threaten her)
- Arcana to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Occultism to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Deception (hard)
Collecting all of the research pieces earns you 2 successes.

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |

”So now dat we found all dis, gotta make sure it’s safe, roight?”, Kosh says to Alyreha. ”Dis Aslynn could send anuvver daughter wot ain’t useless. But da ‘Ciety got a vault in da Grand Lodge, could keep it all safe”
Amiri struggles a bit to translate Kosh's speech in her mind, but just smiles it away when Aly accepts his reasoning quickly "Good deal Aly, I'm sure theres more sons, daughters or weird uncles at Aslynn's beck and call."
Hrm, I only really have intimidation to help on this last check. The pregen doesn't list PFS lore so dunno if that's an option. I'll wait to make a check if we need it.

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Amiri struggles a bit to translate Kosh's speech in her mind, but just smiles it away when Aly accepts his reasoning quickly "Good deal Aly, I'm sure theres more sons, daughters or weird uncles at Aslynn's beck and call."
Kosh nods at Amiri, then looks back at Alyreha. ”Noice research you got ‘ere”, he adds. ”Be a shame if sumfin happened to it”
Intimidation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

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We've come this far... together. Let's finish this together. Let us help you.
Diplomacy, easy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
LOL... not easy enough! Can I expend my Hero Point and succeed or reroll? Just wanna be useful despite the die roller!!!

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |
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This is a good chance to use hero point rerolls as likely we're at the end of everything. No sense going out with bullets still in the chamber.

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Landon brings Alyreha up to speed on the Society's research into True Name magic:
Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
...but he gets too distracted trying to come up with a good pun, and doesn't actually convey any useful information.
Sorry guys, unfortunately I don't have any rerolls...

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"Come on Bone... thing. We went to a lot of work for this. Give us some credit aye?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Diplomacy hero point: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Thanks dice roller.

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |

Amiri just starts yelling nonsensically to hopefully distract Aly from the poor displays, especially Nykor's.
"How can you argue with people like me guarding that vault? RARRWWRR!"
Expert Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
She roars again, knowing she's on one of those improbably rolls..
Expert Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

GM chadius |

"Bone... thing? Kid, you gotta work on your jokes." Alyreha seems confused by Nykor's argument. "And you Landon! You call that Arcane Theory? I'd have better success talking to the slugs at the harbor!" She laughs his attempt off.
She doesn't pay much attention to Torrin, but Kosh manages to catch her attention. "Uh, it would be bad, I guess... but do I really want to lock it away? Arcane Theory is serious business here-"
"Gah! The big beefy lady's mad!" Alyreha almost loses her balance when Amiri starts yelling. "Well if you can guard it with that much fervor maybe I'll change my mind. Can you stop yelling? I want to hear from the rest of you." She turns to the rest of the team and awaits their closing arguments.
Each PC can make 2 skill checks to convince Alyreha to keep the research papers with the Pathfinder Society.
- Pathfinder Society to talk about the vaults of Skyreach (very easy DC 13. However, the entire team can only benefit from this once.)
- Diplomacy (easy)
- Intimidation (moderate, assuming you don't try to threaten her)
- Arcana to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Occultism to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Deception (hard)
Collecting all of the research pieces earns you 2 successes.
Landon 1 Critical Failure
Nykor 1 Critical Failure
Amiri 2 Critical Success
Kosh 1 Success
Torrin 1 Failure
If you want to spend the Hero Point, you'll have to try on this check. Once I post the results your rolls are locked in.

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Kosh starts at Amiri’s outburst. ”Oi, she means it”, he says. He points out the bodies in the room. ”Dey got on da wrong side of ‘er. Dey’d agree if dey could”
Intimidation: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

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Perhaps I was unclear... trusting us is the best way, we've already come this far for you.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

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Oops, Amiri's second attempt was a Success, not a Critical.
"Yeah, I have to clean that you know. Prestidigitation takes a lot of time and Phantasmal Minions always miss a spot." Alyreha listens to Kosh's critical observation. "Hmpf. I don't want to deal with the cleaning bill every time."
Torrin gets her attention. "Maybe I should entrust it to you? Wish I could scratch my head, there's so much to think about."
Landon and Nykor can make one more skill check to convince Alyreha to keep the research papers with the Pathfinder Society.
- Pathfinder Society to talk about the vaults of Skyreach (very easy DC 13. However, the entire team can only benefit from this once.)
- Diplomacy (easy)
- Intimidation (moderate, assuming you don't try to threaten her)
- Arcana to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Occultism to Recall Knowledge about True Name magic (moderate)
- Deception (hard)
Collecting all of the research pieces earns you 2 successes.
Landon 1 Critical Failure
Nykor 1 Critical Failure
Amiri 1 Critical Success, 1 Success
Kosh 1 Success, 1 Critical Success,
Torrin 1 Failure, 1 Success
If you want to spend the Hero Point, you'll have to try on this check. Once I post the results your rolls are locked in.

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |

Everyone should have PFS lore as a default on their character, which should give you a good chance at success if you've got poor options. Unless your INT mod is negative you'd be looking at +3, 4, 5 at least depending on level and int mod vs only a DC13.

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Here goes...
Landon hasn't been a member of the Pathfinders for very long, but he does know that there's an archive in the sublevels designed to store dangerous and precious relics. He mentions this to Alyreha...
PFS Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
And just barely avoids trying to force a bad pun at the last moment.

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"Help the Pathfinder Society and we'll help you. I mean we came with you on this quest!" Nykor says.
Diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

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"Alright, alright! Sheesh! Stop pulling my leg!" Alyreha sighs. "Fine, you can hold onto these research papers. But be careful with 'em! Read them too quickly and your head will pop. And unlike me, you won't be able to speak afterward!"
Collecting all of the research pieces earns you 2 successes.
Landon 1 Critical Failure, 1 Success via PFS Lore
Nykor 1 Critical Failure, 1 Failure
Amiri 1 Critical Success, 1 Success
Kosh 1 Success, 1 Critical Success,
Torrin 1 Failure, 1 Success
"Now that we're done talking turkey, I have a ritual to complete!" Alyreha asks you to set her down and take a few paces back.
She invokes a word you've never heard before, beyond your knowledge of the arcane. But somehow you know it's her name. Her true name. A brilliant arcane light bursts forth from the skull she inhabits.
As the light fades, sitting on the desk before you is a small, elderly Garundi woman dressed in flowing desert robes bearing the symbol of a Nexian arclord. "To think I hated this cane." She conjures a staff and uses her left hand to balance herself. "Oh well, my bones have had plenty of time to rest- let's move!" Does she need the cane? She hustles with alarmingly fast speed.
Alyreha quickly rummages through her shelves and books and spends the next several hours going room-to-room and restoring all her wards and defenses. She gives Neibiat a high five before continuing through the manor.
"Alright, I can take over from here." Alyreha greets you at the foyer as Neibiat floats behind her. "Tell Sebnet I got plenty of puns awaiting her." She hands you her research papers, bound within a velvet tome. "Take good care of it!"

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Amiri takes a cautious step back as Alyreha starts getting all magical and bright "My eyes!" She gasps in jest, but still, taking a step back just in case all doesn't go well.
"We'll guard these notes with our lives, enjoy being flesh and blood once more Aly!" Amiri prepares to head out and back to the Lodge, payment awaits!

GM chadius |
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"It has been good." Neibiat replies flatly, it's not clear how much she understood from Nykor's comment.
At any rate, you return back to the lodge, where local construction workers are busy on their scaffolds, layering more bricks and paint.
Sebnet is fanning herself as you arrive. "The masons said the damage was superficial and they should be done within the week. Good, this heatwave is... ugh."
Her mood picks up considerably once you deliver your report. "Excellent! Thank you for your hard work. Preventing Aslynn from getting her dirty cheating claws on Alyreha's work. Helping Alyreha restore her memory and securing her home. I'll work with her to restore any work that was destroyed or left behind."
"And she's back to her full self?" Sebnet is impressed. "Well, that calls for a bonus." She grants you a >Ganjay book<.
"Well, that's all for now. Thank you for all of your assistance, Pathfinders. You're welcome to stay until your next mission. May as well rest your bones here..." Sebnet catches herself making another skeleton joke and groans.
While I prepare the chronicles, what will your characters do in Nex?

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"Oh, we got ALL that research, and then some. At least that's what she said. You'd be pretty surprised what she looked like in the flesh.. pretty feisty old woman. I can appreciate that for sure." She mimes an old woman with a cane.
Amiri takes the book and looks it over briefly before stuffing it into her backpack without another thought. "Once I pickup my pay I'm hitting the town for a bit of fun. See if I can't lay on the charm for a few free drinks.. I hear today's a holiday that could help me out there." She winks before heading off to collect her purse.

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"Yeah. I'll look around. The higher-ups wanna know what's around here.. and then I'll have a drink!" Nykor says.

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"Good to see you back on your...feet...again," Landon says after Alyreha retakes human form.
"As for me, maybe I'll see what the others were so engrossed with in that Enchantment room. It beats cramming, and maybe I could learn enough to join the ranks of the Spiresworn someday."
"But I think before I do anything, I'm going to join these two," he says, motioning to Amiri and Nykor, "for a drink. Kosh, Takumi, Shinju? Care to come along? I saw a promising place down on the waterfront..."
Thanks GM! It was fun playing with you all :)

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"But I think before I do anything, I'm going to join these two," he says, motioning to Amiri and Nykor, "for a drink. Kosh, Takumi, Shinju? Care to come along? I saw a promising place down on the waterfront..."
”Yeah, no rush”

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"If you're joining me at the tavern, just remember, WHEN s#$# hits the fan... no weapons!" She says before smirking "Well, not counting these GUNS!" Flex

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"If you're joining me at the tavern, just remember, WHEN s$~+ hits the fan... no weapons!" She says before smirking "Well, not counting these GUNS!" Flex
Kosh chuckles. ”Nother pub crawl, eh?”

Massee's Pregen 2.0 |

Massee's Pregen 2.0 wrote:"If you're joining me at the tavern, just remember, WHEN s%$% hits the fan... no weapons!" She says before smirking "Well, not counting these GUNS!" FlexKosh chuckles. ”Nother pub crawl, eh?”
"Why do you think I keep going on all these trips? So I can dump my purse into the local tavern's pockets, and maybe end up with a warm bed at the end of the night for my trouble."