GM Lil"Eschie Second Darkness- or L.S.D (Inactive)

Game Master Escharid Blackrose

Dramatis Personae
Gold Goblin
Map of Riddleport
Loot sheet
Gold Goblin undergrounds
GGU-Level 2
Battle at the GG

Characters HP
Alayna 26/29, AC 18 FF 14 T 14
Natalya 26/26, AC 18 FF 16 T 12
Cameron 15/22, AC 15 FF 14 T 11
Nessa 18/18 AC 13 FF 11 T 12
Therric 27/33 AC 20 FF 19 T 11
Zahel 7/15 AC 15 FF 12 T 13

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Eagerly anticipating the selection. Best of luck to all!

indeed, best of luck to all who have entered

If I may have your attention?...

If we are all present I shall begin with the reading of the inheritors of the title of Second Darkness Player Characters.

But firstly, I wish to thank you all for applying and creating great characters. I really wish I could take all of you, but I can't handle more than six, so I shall be selecting the following members based on my max limit.

And so, here are your champions!

Hal'dorel, Borgmurch, Nessa, Cameron, Dolgrin, and Yandasana, please finalize any details you may have left out in your aliases (weapons, gear, aliignments, deities, etc) and report to the general discussion thread I'll create soon after posting this. We'll begin the 8th. I will be PMing you guys for some private GM to PC conversations to help get this play rolling (see what I did there?).

To everyone else, you are free to comment in the discussion thread to add commentary to the AP as it plays out (no spoilers or you'll be flagged!) and watch as this tale hopefully doesn't end in the end of the world!

W00t! *does the traditional elvish happy dance*

Looking forward to the story. Congrats folks!

To everyone though, jeezaloo, you guys can cook up some characters!

Woohoo! Good luck to all who didn't make it in your future endeavors.

*Does a little dance with seven veils as a parting gift.

Congratulations, everyone. Fantastic work!

Looking forward to it. Interesting party composition. Plenty of opportunity for some banter :)

Congrats to those picked! Best of luck and try not to bring about the apocalypse!

Sweet! I'm excited.

Lots of creative ideas on this thread! I was impressed by the characters that were made here.

Cheers to everyone!

Ow, already finished? I thought applications were open until the 13th, so I could take my time over the weekend to think about a character... :)

Well, it does sound like there was a very interesting group already at start, so I see why you wouldn't wait any longer. Have fun in Riddleport!

Hi all,

one of our players, a goblin slayer, has to bow out of the game.

So we need a new character to join the team

Interested...same creation guidelines as original DM?


Perhaps... Dot for now.

Second Darkness has been the AP I've wanted to play for a long while now and I think I have a concept in mind. Dotting for a later submittal.

What's the PC party breakdown as it stands now?

So far we have:
Human Swashbuckler
Human cleric (Evangelist)
Dwarf Bloodrager
Elf Urban Ranger
Tiefling Sorcerer

None of the party is Evil (and it's probably better this way.)

If you have access to the book Varisia:birthplaces of Legend, you can add and use the following traits to those in the SD players guide for the SD Campaign

Daring Doomsayer: The end times are coming, and the shadow in the sky over Riddleport is just the first piece of proof. Convinced that the end of the world is nigh, you’ve decided to take part in the Golden Goblin’s gambling tournament—after all, what do you have to lose?
Whenever you roll a “1” on an attack roll, you gain a +1 trait bonus
on your next attack roll so long as it is made within 1 minute. You
also begin play with a placard bearing an apocalyptic slogan of your choice—this wooden sign can be used as a club.

Fixer of Odds: You’re going to win the Golden Goblin’s upcoming “Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold” tournament one way or the other. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Profession (gambling) checks, and creatures searching you for objects hidden on your body don’t gain the usual +4 bonus on their Perception checks. Additionally, you begin play with a “fixed” six-sided die (it has two “6s” and no “1”) and a dagger.

Portentous Perception: You’ve come (or been sent) to Riddleport
to observe the strange Blot that has appeared in the city’s sky.
You’ve decided to put your keen senses to the test at the Golden
Goblin’s upcoming gambling competition while you’re here. Your
sharp eyesight makes it easier for you to notice things at a distance.
For you, Perception checks only start increasing in difficulty at a
range of 20 feet or farther, as opposed to the normal 10. This has
no effect on checks made to perceive things within 10 feet.

Please note that the "Cheat the Devil" tournament has already took place. Maybe you came too late...

Here is the groundwork for my Aasimar Inquisitor. I'll have this filled up sometime today/tomorrow if the gods are good. (I wrote it all out on paper and I really just have to transfer it to the profile. :D)

Bookmarking for later

To ease things for me, could you just do a recap of your 20 point build like that:

STR 14 (5) Dex 14 (5) Con 14 (5), Int 10 (+2R=12) Wis 10 Cha 14 (5)

(with the racial bonus/malus in +2R/-2R format)


Absolutely. :)

1- your HP are noted once 10/10, and another time 9/9
2-there is two builds:
Strength 16
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 16
Charisma 9

and Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 12 . Which one will be used?
3/ Langages are Common, Celestial, Draconic OR Languages Common, Elven, Varisian
4/ Where can I find info on your goddess Shivasha?
5/ As a side note, there's already in the group a Evangelist Cleric of Desna,with the Luck domain...

The team might need someone with the Disable Device skill, so a Rogue, Alchemist or Investigator might be a better choice, if you want to join.

Classes from Core, APG, ACG can be used.

I was using Cameron's stat block as a template planning to go Inquisitor, but if someone with Disable Device is more needed, I can easily rework the character to be a rogue or bard or something similar

Is there a deadline you'd like to have the submissions in by Eshie?

Here is Arwellan Stuse Paladin of Abadar, my submission. Enjoy and good luck all

Silver Crusade

dot. thinking paladin.

I'd like the character to be ready for mid-week, so he can join the team next week end.
BTW, as one of the current player pointed out, this game can be dark and gritty, more on the grey side of morality. Paladin should enter at their own risks.

I'm interested! I'm thinking human rogue. I should have something up later today.

Hello again, I have Krucina"s background and crunch fully rendered and ready for perusal and evaluation. :)

Last two days to propose a character.

Only Krucina (Rogue Fetchling) and Arwellan (Tiefling Paladin) are ready, so far.

Haladir= Human Rogue?
RoRek55= Paladin?
Toxic Dragon, Spasmodeus and Choant=???

Arwellan Stuse was my submission, sorry for the confusion.

Is this campaign still recruiting? If so, I'd like to submit my tiefling Necromancer.


Alynthar- Chaotic Good Tiefling Wizard
(Necromancer- forbidden: Enchantment, Abjuration)
Traits: Reactionary, Focused Mind
Bonded Item- Staff
Feats- Improved Initiative
Skills- Knowledge (Arcane, Religion, Dungeoneering)
Spells- Grease, Color Spray, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement,
Str- 9 (-1) HP- 5
Dex-16 (+3) AC-13
Con-8(-1) Init- +9
Int-18 (+4)
Wis-8 (-1)
Cha-14 (+2)

Alynthar was born to parents who followed the Goddess of Beauty. When they discovered his Tiefling nature, they did not know what to do. An elf wizard in the region, Fastar, heard of the tiefling baby, and offered to take him in as his apprentice. Alynthar's parents agreed. Unfortunately, Fastar had no intentions of nurturing the child. For the next seventy-nine years, he experimented on Alynthar, finding new uses for various parts of a tiefling (he was particularly fond of blood and bones, which he regrew through regeneration potions made by a witch who owed him a favor), and used him as a slave. Because of his close involvement with the demented wizard, Alynthar was eventually able to pick up some basic magic, without his master's knowledge. Using this magic, he was able to escape, but his former master is now hunting him. Because of his master's experiments, Alynthar is severely deformed. His body is covered in scars, he is missing two fingers on his left hand, and one on his right, and his left ear. He has red slitted eyes, serrated teeth, and the stumps of two horns, which were cut off by his master and cauterized, so that they will not grow back. The torture his master practiced on him have left him frail and weak, but his natural dexterity is unharmed, due to his practice dodging blows and punishments when he was serving as a slave.

That's the basics. I've been running this character for a while in Runelords, and have a lot more character development in my head, but this is the first time I've ever put it to paper.

Ooops sorry Toxic. Haven't even check whose aliase it was.

@Alynthar: we're recruiting till mid week.

Last day to propose a character!

Hi there :)

Here is my submission

Celenna Veegara:

First, a quick note on class choice and playstyle, as may save any further reading :p
The ninja class was chosen as a good mechanical representation of Celenna's skills, combat capabilities and fiendish abilities. As such the oriental flavoring is going to be completely ignored, the closest she might venture is picking up some odd looking throwing knives (throwing spiders?!). Ki pool and other such abilities would be reflavored and represent her tapping in to her fiendish heritage. Simply put, she thinks she's a rogue with some interesting aces up her sleeve. Hope this is ok, if not then no worries and all the best with your decision on the other characters up for selection :)

Born in the City of Cyphers itself, Celenna was the daughter of two well to do merchants trying to climb their way up the social ladder. Being good people but not wanting the stigma of a tiefling in the family to become common knowledge, Celenna was moved constantly from nanny to nanny, private tutor to private tutor. Her every need met except for the love of her family, the thing that she wanted the most. She rebelled to try and get their attention, instead she was showered in gifts to try and hush her up. When she reached adulthood she was offered her choice of her own home, anywhere but Riddleport. After this final straw, she snapped and disappeared from view, striking out on her own.

Though she had run away from time to time and done her share of climbing out her bedroom window late at night, her first foray in to independence was nearly her last as she ran afoul of a gang of thugs. As fortune would have it, one of the city's crime bosses was watching and he saw the potential in her, taking her under his wing and training her as a protege. She took to thieving like a thirsty girl to water, finally finding something that both challenged and excited her. She has long since left the crime lord's employ, much to his chagrin, becoming a lone operator typically hired for her second-story skills or ability to distract a target.

Naturally bubbly and engaging, Celenna is as much a social creature as she is a friend to the shadows. She loves making friends and finds connecting with others almost as much fun as stealing their things. Her optimistic outlook and wry humor seems to make it difficult for her acquaintances to hold a grudge for too long, another reason why she has survived as long as she has on her own.

Celenna always seems to look like she is standing in shadow, yet her demeanour is constantly bright and warm. She has shoulder-length, wavy dark hair that has a mind of its own and tends to escape being tied back. Her amber colored eyes are always wide open, constantly observing and taking everything in. Her mouth is nearly always smiling.

Female Tiefling (Rakshasa-spawn) Ninja 1
CN medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4, darkvision 60 ft.

AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 DEX, +3 Armor)
hp 10 (8 Class +1 con +1 fave class)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0; +5 v charm and compulsion effects
Resistances cold 7, electricity 7, fire 7

Speed 30 ft. (40 ft when charging, running or withdrawing)
Melee claw +3/+3 (1d4)
Ranged dart +3 (1d4/20 ft)

Str 10(0), Dex 15(7)+2R=17, Con 12(2), Int 12(2), Wis 12(2)-2R=10, Cha 15(7)+2R=17
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats weapon finesse
Skills (8 class +1 INT) Acrobatics +7, Climb +4, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +4, Stealth +7, Use Magic Device +7
Traits Unscathed: Each type of energy resistance you have (if any) increases by 2 points, Irrepressible: use your Charisma modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier when attempting Will saving throws against charm and compulsion effects
Languages common, abyssal, infernal
SQ Prehensile Tail (can be used to carry items, cannot wield weapons but can use it to retrieve small, stowed objects carried as a swift action); Fiendish sprinter (+10 ft speed when using the charge, run or withdraw actions); Fiendish Resistance: cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5; Darkvision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet; Maw or Claw: two claws that each deal 1d4 points of damage. These attacks are primary natural attacks; Poison use; sneak attack +1d6

Pickpocket's outfit, studded leather armor, rogue's kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, thieves' tools, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), 20 darts, 5 alchemical silver darts, 5 cold iron darts, flask of acid, alchemical fire, smokestick
87gp 5sp

Recruitment is now closed. The choice will be made between

Krucina Sarai
Arwellan Stuse
Celenna Veegara

Hey Eschie, I'm probably far too late but I have a great conjuror arcanist that would be a nice counterpoint to Nessa or a slayer that would provide some nice skills.

Shall I bother statting him up or are you all ready to go? If not, then let me know if another space opens up :)

Sorry, JZ, the choice has been done.

Can Krucina Sarai report in the discussion thread? She'll be included in the story as soon as possible.

Congrats K. Sarai.

Eschie, Im around if you ever need to fill another spot. Thanks for the consideration.

Wspaniałe! Thank you, you won't regret the choice. Thanks ToxicDragon.

I had an hard time choosing between your two characters, and even considered recruiting both.

I'll introduce you soon in the game, Krucina, probably this week end.

With our Urban Ranger going away, we need a new character to join the team, currently composed of:

Human Swashbuckler
Human cleric (Evangelist)
Dwarf Bloodrager
Fetchling Rogue
Tiefling Sorcerer

None of the party is Evil (and it's probably better this way.).
The players want a consistent poster, who have a vested interest in the story, with some intesting bakground/ concept. We enjoy role playing, and the pace might be slower than on other AP. We (GM and players) try to post once per day.

Creation rules same as in original recruitment post (20 pt build, level 1, max gold, Good/Neutral alignement, classes and archetypes from core, APG, ACG, Core races+ Tieflings)

If you have access to the book Varisia:birthplaces of Legend, you can add and use the following traits to those in the SD players guide for the SD Campaign

Daring Doomsayer: The end times are coming, and the shadow in the sky over Riddleport is just the first piece of proof. Convinced that the end of the world is nigh, you’ve decided to take part in the Golden Goblin’s gambling tournament—after all, what do you have to lose?
Whenever you roll a “1” on an attack roll, you gain a +1 trait bonus
on your next attack roll so long as it is made within 1 minute. You
also begin play with a placard bearing an apocalyptic slogan of your choice—this wooden sign can be used as a club.

Fixer of Odds: You’re going to win the Golden Goblin’s upcoming “Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold” tournament one way or the other. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Profession (gambling) checks, and creatures searching you for objects hidden on your body don’t gain the usual +4 bonus on their Perception checks. Additionally, you begin play with a “fixed” six-sided die (it has two “6s” and no “1”) and a dagger.

Portentous Perception: You’ve come (or been sent) to Riddleport
to observe the strange Blot that has appeared in the city’s sky.
You’ve decided to put your keen senses to the test at the Golden
Goblin’s upcoming gambling competition while you’re here. Your
sharp eyesight makes it easier for you to notice things at a distance.
For you, Perception checks only start increasing in difficulty at a
range of 20 feet or farther, as opposed to the normal 10. This has
no effect on checks made to perceive things within 10 feet.

Please note that the "Cheat the Devil" tournament has already took place. Maybe you came too late...

If you previously tried your luck in this recruitment and are still interested, don't be afraid to show up again.

Recruitment is open until the 30th August,and the new player will be announced on 31 August.

I'm very interested to join, I've always wanted to play SD. Some quick questions:

1. Are alternate racial traits from Advanced Race Guide allowed?
2. What classes the group (or the GM) feels are needed? Any preference about melee/ranged focused character?

1-yes, alternate racial traits are allowed (one campaign trait, one trait of your choice, a third trait if you take a drawback, as per Ultimte Campaign)
2-We have a dwarf bloodrager and a whip-carrying swashbuckler, and the rogue isn't too bad with a bow... So once again, your choice!

I am interested, I'll get back to you with a character later on.

I am going to adapt this character of mine.

PS: I should mention that I used this character in a second darkness campaign which died out very early before.

Unfortunately I am not sure whether I still have the background story regarding Second Darkness... but we shall see.

I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm going to do a tiefling cleric who I plan to multiclass with the fighter class and the phalanx soldier archetype. I'll try getting something together.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

Two questions,
1: Are you opposed to the master summoner archetype of a summoner.
2: Are you against guns being involved in your campaign.

Oh, you already have a rogue and this is an ongoing campaign. The switch of the DM confused me when I first noticed the thread.

I am not sure whether I am still interested. Depends a little on how a different application is of mine is going and how far into the game you are...

In regards of arcane characters I have the following in reserve:

Devana Ravendawn, N female human (Chelaxian) wizard (evoker) 1
I would like to use that one most, but I am currently using her as one of two characters I posted in a different application in the forums.

Other than that:
Lurielle, CG female human sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Created as a failed druidess (her alignment shifted from true chaotic to chaotic good during her training) who was adopted by the fey and thus began to manifest sorceress abilities. Technically pathfinder society character, but I don't think I will ever use her as such, anyway.

Narunith Silvertree, NG female elf wizard (evoker) 1
I also have a different character that might work, an elven wizard. I don't like her story that much and it's excessively long, primarily playing on the relation ship to her counterpart, an equal twin sister (who is not quite equal, since elves adapt to their environment)... but an elf might fit the campaign better.

I will know whether Devana is available tomorrow, but I'd appreciate a suggestion what the other players think would fit the campaign and the party best, so I have something to go on when I pick one for the application.

PS: You already have a sorcerer as well! Now it gets tricky. *sigh*

Personally I hate guns in fantasy almost as much as I hate edilons ;p

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