About Lluvia ShadeStatus
Female Elf Rogue 4 (going for Shadow Dancer)
Reference Image: "Ava4", GreyHues on deviantart.com, full size
Background skills (if unchained rules are used):
Knowledge (History): From her background is clear that she knows a lot of history, especially ancient history, the conflicts between elves and men before the star fall, the exodus of a large faction of elves (to which her ancestor did not belong) to Sovyrian, how humans came to settle on Avistan/Garund and the Empires of Thassilon and Aztlan. Her background is in large parts about chasing a relic and old grudges tied to these events.
________________ Knowledge (Nobility):
She has been an embassy employee and diplomat once.
________________ Appearance:
Lluvia is a tall, slender elven woman, not without a certain undercurrent of feminine strength, but her features have something more defiant and roguish than would be truly beautiful. Along with the smooth, slow grace of her motions she raises the distinct impression of a cat of prey. Her large dark elf eyes have something unnerving about them, due to the way they seem to look deep, the way she remains silent doing so and the way she almost always remains vigilant.
She usually wears a dark brown leather armour of elven making, with intricately layered platings that remind on fallen autumn leaves and a grey wool cloak with the hood over it. The cloak is held together with brooch that reminds of Desna's holy symbol, but the butterfly is deep black and little glass splinters are spread over the wings. A slender rapier is attached to her belt.
Lluvia has a an outwardly calm demeanor, but the shadows that haunt are deep and the memories of her past still pain her at time. She has found her inner balance again, but she is not as balanced as she once was.
She is a patient and silent beholder, trying not only to see, but to understand the truth beneath the surface. She embraces the life in the shadows and prefers to pass unnoticed herself. She is adept at breaking and entering, but she is not a thief, she is merely looking for the truth. Even if that means that from time to time she has to work as scrivener, translator, or assistant for scholars when she runs low on money. Recently that is less often the case, her network of contacts, outstanding favours and the like is getting bigger. In the few moments when she lets her guard a little down it can be surprising how charming the usually gloomy she can be and how good a conversationalist she is, although it can be irritating how well she memorizes little details about her mates. Her faith to Desna is what held her together. She feels that Desna has saved her from the darkness and now tries to return the favour and guide others through the darkness. The most essential aspect of faith to her is that there is a light in even the deepest darkness and if she can she will be that light for others. On the other hand she likes to fight corruption and brings forth hidden secrets of the powerful. She will not abandon anyone who is lost.
Background Story
The story consists of two parts, the first depicts the turning point at which she became an adventurer, the second elaborates on the details. Only the first part is essential to understanding the character. Additions for Carrion Crown (Chance Saviour):
It was early night in Absalom when Lluvia reached the Star Fountain, a well with a statue of Desna in the middle. It was located in the merchant districts, nearby a set of game houses, but there were some secluded spots in the underworks of it where she liked to meet her contacts.
Word had it that a spherewalker, Zaffol Drake, had been looking for assistance. After she made sure that no one could perceive her she slipped down the stairs to the housing of the pumps that drove the fountain. And there she found him. He had been terribly beaten up. After she managed to tend his wounds and give him one of his own healing potions he told her the story: Two weeks ago he had found a yet uncharted Azlant ruin. He immediatly started to investigate, but the ruin was remarkably well secured. Nevertheless, he did find a strange ornamented metal cube with an edge length of about one hand. The markings on it were some kind of script that he did not recognize. It seemed to enclose something and probably even had magical properties. Zaffol took it, so that he would have something to show for and came to Absalom to report his findings, apart from finding out what it was. When he asked around he was pointed to a collector who had a great deal of experience with such devices. He met the collector, an old man by the name of Doctor Thulland, the day before yesterday. He was most interested but could not say anything concrete about it, except that it was indeed Azlanti. Thulland offered Zaffol a large sum for it, but Zaffol refused, because the story to it was more important to him and it was the only evidence that he did find anything in the first place. Zaffol left Thulland's mansion and went to Star Fountain in order to meet Lluvia. Shortly after he had arrivedhe noticed that someone had followed him. A gang of four man, lead by a tall half-orc with amazingly dense black hair and muscles sufficient to smash a bull down lead the gang. They did not say a word, but attacked Zaffol before he could do anything at all and despite his large adventuring experience they overcame him and took the cube from him. The did not take anything else. Lluvia's task would have been to break into Thulland's office and search what books and notes she could find about clues for the strange device. But now that the cube was gone there they needed to find a way to re-aquire it if possible. Lluvia left for the mansion which Zaffol had described to him, hoping that Thulland was responsible for the attack, because that was her only lead at the moment. Before she arrived there she almost ran into the exact group of thugs which Zaffol had described and by their talking she realized that they were planning to acquire something more by means of unfair negotiation tactics. Lluvia decided to follow them and see where that lead, skipping the chance to break into the mansion in order to learn what they were up to and maybe even overhear details where in the mansion she could find the cube. The went to a smaller laboratory on the compound of the Academy of Arcane arts and positioned themselves - in their minds probably subtle - one of the smaller entrances. Lluvia picked a location where she could overlook the scene from the ledge at the walls of nearby building, covered by darkness and the shade of a gargoyle. She had barely attached the string to her bow when lights in the laboratory shut down and a whistling human man of advanced age left the building. Again the goon attacked at once, one of them trying to shut the door in order to cut off the scholar's retreat. Lluvia did not hesitate either and shot that man with a single one arrow. Whether it was fate or sheer luck she could not say - that's always hard to distinguish when you act on Desna's behalf - but the arrow was so lucky that the goon was dead before he hit the floor. The remaining goons did not realize where the shot had come from and tried to take cover, but they severely underestimated the scholar, who through a vial at the giant half-orc who then immediately went ablaze with scorching blue flames. That gave Lluvia the opportunity to engage in close range and stabbed another thug with her rapier before he realized she was there. The last of them decided to run and the burning half-orc was quickly dealt with. It turned out that the scholar was professor Lorrimor. She described the situation to him and he thanked her for saving his life. He was himself pretty curious about hte cube and decided to help her re-acquire it. So they went to Doctor Thulland's mansion. Lorrimor went to the front door to distract him and his personel while Lluvia broke and entered on the back side of the building. It did not take her long to find the cube, it was right at the office desk and Thulland had obviously been investigating it. In his conversation Lorrimor found out that a certain magical crystal he was studying did belong to a kind that was meant to work with the cube. After Lluvia had left she gave Lorrimor a sign and together they acquired both the cube and managed to hold onto the crystal. From that day on Lorrimor often referred to her whenever he needed someone to do some discrete investigation without causing damage or leaving traces and he held her in high esteem for being at the right place in the right time.
Stats are currently point buy 20.
Female elf rogue 4 CG Medium humanoid (elf) Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 23 (4d8) Fort +1, Ref +8, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; Immune sleep -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 rapier +8 (1d6+2/18-20) Ranged mwk composite longbow +8 (1d8+1/×3) Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6 -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 19 Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Mobility, Weapon Finesse Traits arcane dabbler, fencer Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +8, Climb +8, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +15, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (local) +9, Linguistics +7, Perception +10 (+14 to hear the details of a conversation or to find concealed or secret objects (including doors and traps)), Perform (dance) +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Spellcraft to identify magic item properties Languages Common, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan, Undercommon, Varisian SQ elven magic, rogue talents (canny observer[APG], combat trick), trapfinding +2 Combat Gear potion of cure moderate wounds, potion of endure elements, silversheen; Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 rapier, mwk composite longbow (+1 Str) with 20 arrows, ioun torch ioun stone[APG], bedroll, book of letters[UE], chalk (2), flint and steel, grappling arrow[UE], ink, inkpen, masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, mess kit[UE], paper (10), soap, spider's silk rope (50 ft.)[APG], waterskin, 88 gp, 5 sp, 7 cp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Canny Observer (Ex) +4 Perception to overhear conversations or find concealed or secret objects. Combat Reflexes (5 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects. Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item. Evasion (Ex) If succeed on Reflex save for half dam, take none instead. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail. Mobility +4 to AC vs. AoO provoked by moving out of or through a threatened area. Sneak Attack +2d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed. Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps. Trapfinding +2 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones. Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed. |