Feuerrabe |
Personally I hate guns in fantasy almost as much as I hate edilons ;p
I once tried to adapt "The Witchblade" from said comic book into a fantasy character. I presumed that the Witchblade (or Wildfire as I called it) itself is chaotic neutral and a living manifistation of the first world and has a peculiar preference for choosing good aligned wielders. It wasn't so bad, but I soon had to figure out that everyone hates summoners (was a variation of summoner that uses its eidolon as symbiont - pretty much like the Witchblade).
Feuerrabe |
How about a Magus?
I have a raw concept for a human magus from Taldor, background story only so far...
She raised her sword. "For Callansbrook!" she cheered, calling out the name of the village they had been defending. "For Cayden Ceilean! For glory!"
The others joined her and touched her massive longsword with their own respective weapons. The slender elven longsword of Lerion, the elven wizard. The massive hammer of Bornak, the dwarven priest of Cayden Ceilean. The slender rapier of Dorana, the ridiculously beautiful taldan woman with the long black curls and finally the oversized waraxe of Kerlon, her somewhat slower, but good hearted and unshakable husband. "For glory", they echoed.
They all looked so strangely at her, smiling as though they knew something she did not.
And then she understood. This triumph also marked the end of it all. They would never again be together like this.
Memories from her past which had lead up to this point overcame her.
From her mother Sivara had learned to be a fighter, to take care of her body, to not believe in what society told her but in herself and her family. That had been the biggest lesson. Her mother was a prostitute, and not one of those who could effort to veil themselves in glamour, but neither one of those who cracked under it. She was a tough cookie. She did her job, took care of her kids, each of which had a different father, took care of herself and her physique and always stood up when she took a blow, no matter how rough it got. She wasn't the prettiest, but she worked hard to keep her shape and fitness and in her late thirties Sivara's mother looked better and far less used up than most women in her line of work in their late twenties and she had a hell of a lot more experience.
In her childhood Sivara had burried in books to dodge the harassment from the other children, cowering in shame. When she grew up to be a teenager she started fights with her mother and blamed her for all the evil in the world. When she became sixteen she ran away and joined the city guard as recruit - it was very likely that her father was a Nord, given her physique and the physical discipline her mother taught her payed off. Two months later she was removed from the service in disgrace after almost killing another recruit in anger. He had it coming.
But she learned two things: She would never again be ashamed of her mother again, because that scum in the guard might think themselves superiour and look down on her for her heritage, but they would not know the courage and sincerity of her mother if it bit them in the back end. And that she was good with the longsword.
It didn't take long for Sivara to make another attempt to stand on her own feet, this time on good terms with her mother. Her mother even gave Sivara her first own longsword as a gift. Sivara tried for several weeks to find a mercenary band that was more than just glorified bandits or pirates which would take her as recruit. She did not find one, but she was found by one. She woke up with a terrible headache one day after a dwarf had drunken her under the table and found out that she was the adventurer party's new squire, flagbearer and mascot. That dwarf had been Bornak, of course. 'Never drink with a dwarf, never drink with a priest of Cayden Ceilean' she reminded herself. "Lass, you're gonna be an adventurer. You're the finest stock! Now, make fire and get some water boiling, we dinna pick you up for nuthin!" She remembered his booming voice in her hurting head.
Even Lerion was her friend now, but it had not been always so. Shortly after the party adopted her she fell in love with him, her first serious crush. To him she had just been a plaything. She had been devastated when she found out and wanted to hit him where it really hurts. By his spell book. So she stole it and ran. It had been Dorana who found her, digging in the book, completely fascinated by the riddles it presented; being isolated in her childhood had its good sides after all. She brought her back and Lerion was condemned to teach her magic as penalty for toying with her heart for of someone who could barely be called a young woman. Unfortunately he even liked it teaching her.
Together the five of them had spend many years, teaching Sivara what it was to be an adventurer and created and art of sword and magic for her out of a mix of their own skills. This had been the first time they let her anywhere close to something so dangerous, and she had lived up to the task.
"You're ready, lass", grumbled Bornak. "You've slain a troll. You're a true adventurer now."
Sivara knew what that meant. She had been the only thing that kept the party together, she was their legacy. Dorana and Kerlon wanted to found a family before they became too old, Lerion wanted to study all the bits and fragments of artifacts and history they had found, apart from chasing after elf maiden's skirts and maybe even marry one, Bornak... well Bornak wanted to keep going with Sivara, but he knew it was time to let her go.
"But I barely..." even touched it, she wanted to say, but Kerlon interrupted her.
"Ah, I've seen how you single handedly cut its head off!" With his waraxe he aimed for the troll's neck and started to make sure there was no evidence to the contrary.
"We love you, Sivara, but it's time for your own adventure. A part of us will always be with you.", remarked Dorana.
A tear ran down Sivara's cheek. Lerion did not say anything, he just kissed the tear away. It was without any doubt the sincerest (and longest) kiss he'd ever given her. He was really good at showing women magic.
Izkrael Caladrel |
![Lantern Bearer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-elf.jpg)
1-yes, alternate racial traits are allowed (one campaign trait, one trait of your choice, a third trait if you take a drawback, as per Ultimte Campaign)
2-We have a dwarf bloodrager and a whip-carrying swashbuckler, and the rogue isn't too bad with a bow... So once again, your choice!
Thank you for your answer DM. This is the character I'd like to apply with. He's an elf slayer named Izkrael. I wish to point out that I created him specifically for this campaign. I focused mainly on the backstory, personality and appearance, since I'm certain that (if I'll be selected) my character's statistics may well be adjusted to better suit the party's composition and needs (for example if to mantain this flexible build I've chosen or to aim to a more melee/ranged oriented build). I'am also willing to edit the end of my background to tie it with another PC, but that would require some discussion between me and that player: if I'll be allowed to join, I'm sure we'll speak about it in some depth.
DM Lil" Eschie |
![Lady Andaisin](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/GothPriestess_final.jpg)
@Flynn: I never used a Summoner (so far!) and have little experience with them. I would check the archetype first, but I heard here and there it was quite overpowered... As for guns, you can create a gunslinger if you want, but there will be few options for creating the necessary ammo and powder.
@Lluvia: Devana seems good. Do you want me to check on your other characters?
@Feuerrabe: a magus? Why not? Show me what you can do...
@Izkrael: solid character.
Feuerrabe |
Erm, I am the player of Lluvia. I don't use the same character in two different campaigns, and Devana is already in an application for a Hell's Rebels campaign, so I am not sure whether I can do it.
But I agree with Izkrael. I'll post on what I have on Sivara and leave it at that. If I am chosen I will make the necessary adjustments. So, to have a concrete application and I am gonna stick with it:
Sivara Silkweaver, CG female human magus
Female human magus 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; +2 trait bonus vs. fear, +2 Trait bonus vs. mind-affecting effects for 1 hour after drinking alcohol
Resist fortified drinker
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 4 points), spell combat
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—frostbite[UM], shield
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, read magic
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Combat Casting, Intimidating Prowess
Traits courageous, fortified drinker
Skills Climb +4, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Ride +4, Spellcraft +7, Swim +4
Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Infernal
Other Gear chain shirt, longsword, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 13 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (4/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Courageous +2 save vs. fear.
Fortified Drinker +2 save vs. mind-affecting for 1 hr after drinking alchohol.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.
She raised her sword. "For Callansbrook!" she cheered, calling out the name of the village they had been defending. "For Cayden Cailean! For glory!"
The others joined her and touched her massive longsword with their own respective weapons. The slender elven longsword of Lerion, the elven wizard. The massive hammer of Bornak, the dwarven priest of Caydan Cailean. The slender rapier of Dorana, the ridiculously beautiful taldan woman with the long black curls and finally the oversized waraxe of Kerlon, her somewhat slower, but good hearted and unshakable husband. "For glory", they echoed.
They all looked so strangely at her, smiling as though they knew something she did not.
And then she understood. This triumph also marked the end of it all. They would never again be together like this.
Memories from her past which had lead up to this point overcame her.
From her mother Sivara had learned to be a fighter, to take care of her body, to not believe in what society told her but in herself and her family. That had been the biggest lesson. Her mother was a prostitute, and not one of those who could effort to veil themselves in glamour, but neither one of those who cracked under it. She was a tough cookie. She did her job, took care of her kids, each of which had a different father, took care of herself and her physique and always stood up when she took a blow, no matter how rough it got. She wasn't the prettiest, but she worked hard to keep her shape and fitness and in her late thirties Sivara's mother looked better and far less used up than most women in her line of work in their late twenties and she had a hell of a lot more experience.
In her childhood Sivara had burried in books to dodge the harassment from the other children, cowering in shame. When she grew up to be a teenager she started fights with her mother and blamed her for all the evil in the world. When she became sixteen she ran away and joined the city guard as recruit - it was very likely that her father was a Nord, given her physique and the physical discipline her mother taught her payed off. Two months later she was removed from the service in disgrace after almost killing another recruit in anger. He had it coming.
But she learned two things: She would never again be ashamed of her mother again, because that scum in the guard might think themselves superiour and look down on her for her heritage, but they would not know the courage and sincerity of her mother if it bit them in the back end. And that she was good with the longsword.
It didn't take long for Sivara to make another attempt to stand on her own feet, this time on good terms with her mother. Her mother even gave Sivara her first own longsword as a gift. Sivara tried for several weeks to find a mercenary band that was more than just glorified bandits or pirates which would take her as recruit. She did not find one, but she was found by one. She woke up with a terrible headache one day after a dwarf had drunken her under the table and found out that she was the adventurer party's new squire, flagbearer and mascot. That dwarf had been Bornak, of course. 'Never drink with a dwarf, never drink with a priest of Caydan Cailean' she reminded herself. "Lass, you're gonna be an adventurer. You're the finest stock! Now, make fire and get some water boiling, we dinna pick you up for nuthin!" She remembered his booming voice in her hurting head.
Even Lerion was her friend now, but it had not been always so. Shortly after the party adopted her she fell in love with him, her first serious crush. To him she had just been a plaything. She had been devastated when she found out and wanted to hit him where it really hurts. By his spell book. So she stole it and ran. It had been Dorana who found her, digging in the book, completely fascinated by the riddles it presented; being isolated in her childhood had its good sides after all. She brought her back and Lerion was condemned to teach her magic as penalty for toying with her heart for of someone who could barely be called a young woman. Unfortunately he even liked it teaching her.
Together the five of them had spend many years, teaching Sivara what it was to be an adventurer and created and art of sword and magic for her out of a mix of their own skills. This had been the first time they let her anywhere close to something so dangerous, and she had lived up to the task.
"You're ready, lass", grumbled Bornak. "You've slain a troll. You're a true adventurer now."
Sivara knew what that meant. She had been the only thing that kept the party together, she was their legacy. Dorana and Kerlon wanted to found a family before they became too old, Lerion wanted to study all the bits and fragments of artifacts and history they had found, apart from chasing after elf maiden's skirts and maybe even marry one, Bornak... well Bornak wanted to keep going with Sivara, but he knew it was time to let her go.
"But I barely..." even touched it, she wanted to say, but Kerlon interrupted her.
"Ah, I've seen how you single handedly cut its head off!" With his waraxe he aimed for the troll's neck and started to make sure there was no evidence to the contrary.
"We love you, Sivara, but it's time for your own adventure. A part of us will always be with you.", remarked Dorana.
A tear ran down Sivara's cheek. Lerion did not say anything, he just kissed the tear away. It was without any doubt the sincerest (and longest) kiss he'd ever given her. He was really good at showing women magic.
Age: 26
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 151 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Bright Blonde
While born to a Taldan mother, she does not look particularly Taldan. While build is relatively slender and rather athletic than curvy, she is tall for Taldan and her bright blonde her hair, her round face and the position of her cheek bones rather high, but her features less pointy. It seems likely that her father was a nord man. She usually wears her hair taken tight back, to a pony tail which hangs relatively loose.
She usually wears a chainshirt and a blue linen tunic over it, with a stylized muskrat at one shoulder - the symbol the adventurer party that trained her, the "Mighty Muskrats". On her back she carries a relatively short, but well used massive longsword. Her clothes and armor aren't always exactly clean and orderly, but they are kept in good condition.
Patron Deity: Cayden Cailean
When asked what drives her Sivara will likely give an answer that may come straight from the lips of a cleric of Caydan Cailean. But there is an certain unrest, a drive in her and there are moments when she seems strangely forelorn.
She doesn't truly like the drinking, she doesn't like violence, but she needs the drive, the stress and most importantly the comradeship. She doesn't really know where she belongs to, even though she does have a family she loves, but she feels she can only find her own way and she hasn't found it yet. She is always outwardly hearty and forthcoming, if a bit crude, but beneath the surface she does not trust easily and she spends more time thinking than she is willing to admit.
She shuns criminals, but she also despises guards and authorities and even more so nobility, as in feudal Taldor. She associates herself easily with the red led scene in a given city, even though she will make perfectly clear that she is by no neither a pimp nor a prostitute herself. She will stand up for all kinds of little people who need a voice and a sword.
Apart from that, she is really fond of the elven, artful take of magic and she would very much like to learn more of it (she is generally likes everything elven). But she doesn't admit easily that she does like beauty in magic and that there is a spark of Shelyn in her.
The "fortified drinker" trait and the "intimidating prowess" feat are subject to reconsideration.
It's a shame that Lluvia would not fit. Imho Lluvia's story is the best I've ever written and she was once used in a Second Darkness campaign that died early when the DM disappeared... but... you don't need another rogue type (going for shadow dancer in Lluvia's case), I suppose.
Balacertar |
Herein I present Larandel. I had the idea of this character some time ago. Thus when I discovered this Second Darkness recruitment and how good Larandel fits to the current drop I got excited and had to made in words his story and sharpen its stats.
Larandel is basically an elf closing to his middle age. Devoted to help maintain the elven holdings in the Mierani forest after a tragically ending first love, his interest on cypher magic and the human civilization made him volunteer to investigate the shadow over Riddleport (in depth background in his profile).
He can easily be one of Hal's collaborators, taking a more active role in the events now that the elven "spy" has to retreat.
As for the built, I am trying to mimic a traditional elven archer/wizard. To achieve it he will go for wizard after ranger until he qualifies for Eldricht Knight (if we reach that far). My plan is to focus him in archery and use his magic to give buffs and utility support to the party, freeing Nessa for a more offensive/enchanter role. He also can provide some help with skills, knowledge and even use a healing wand if the party is pressed. I got specially interested when I saw this seems to target current party needs. I am using the hooded champion archetype to give him an elven exceptional graciousness while giving him focus on archery.
As for the player, I have been contributing to games solidly since I discovered these forums last year. I am currently participating in 2 APs and one long module, and plan to keep the numbers to avoid splitting the attention and overburn. As for PFS I have completed multiple games in the last year while adding roleplay on top of the rolls both as a player and a GM (or so I try to believe).
As for the style, I love the characters development but as a good reader, always tied to the advancement of the history. I do not hesitate to push the action if needed, always with the desire to engage the history being told.
As such I have to say I am relatively new to Pathfinder and know little more of the AP than what I could glimpse in the Second Darkness Guide, and the Varisian and Elves of Golarion companions.
As a drawback I am not English native so I hope you can forgive the weird structures and orthography errors.
Good luck everybody!
Izkrael Caladrel |
![Lantern Bearer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-elf.jpg)
Hello everyone! Driven by the wish to join this campaign, I took sometime to work on my character and refine him. I've linked his improved version in my profile page under the "improved character's introduction" entry: it's a downloadable pdf, which allowed me to create a much more enjoyable layout. You can also avoid downloading the PDF by simply clicking onto the link.
For those who have already read my application, here I will resume the main changes or additions I've made.
- Asked Nessa's permission to include her in the background and inserted her as my contact in Riddleport in the last part of the background.
- Removed Izkrael's unreligiousness, substituing it with a more pantheon-oriented view of the gods in the new section entitled "faith". This I hope can allow me some enjoyable interaction with the party cleric, Cameron, since Desna is one of the three deities that Izkrael worships even though he'd like to know more about them.
- Added a new "relationships" section in which I describe Izkrael's relationships with some of the people of Riddleport mentioned in the Second Darkness Player's Guide such as Grimas Oltedler, Avery Slyeg and Shorafa Pamodae.
- Improved the overall look of my submission with better layout and pictures of Izkrael and NPCs important to his story.
I'm doing this because I found out that is very hard for a new PbP player, even one with tons of in person RPG experience, to get selected to join a campaign here on the site, and since I really long to join this Second Darkness game, I've pushed myself to my very best. Hope it'll be enough. If it won't, at least I'll know that I tried my best.
Therric Morant |
Dragoncat here, with his character:
Therric Morant. An archery-focused paladin of Sarenrae. :)
I altered the fluff of the Optimistic Gambler trait as follows:
Ever the eternal optimist, Therric's spirit is difficult to break, even in the bleakest of cases. He's been beaten down several times and nearly killed once, but despite all that he keeps going. When Therric receives any morale bonuses, they last 1d4 rounds longer.
Ryssa the Cleric of Calistria |
![Shorafa Pamodae](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9423-Cleric_90.jpeg)
Hello and SCKnightHero1 here! This is the character I'm submitting: Ryssa the Tiefling Cleric of Calistria. I know y'all already have a cleric, but Ryssa is meant as a frontline cleric (well, she's planned to become one). I plan on multiclassing her with the fighter later on. And I did a lot of rolling for her physical characteristics. Thank you for this opportunity!
Izkrael Caladrel |
![Lantern Bearer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Faction-elf.jpg)
A good pick. People deserve always an opportunity, and Izkrael has showed great interest and a well balanced build with a detailed background :)
Congratulations and good luck for the rest of us not chosen!
Thank you very much for your compliments Balacertar. Good luck to you!
Congrats Izkrael! Have a great time and have fun adventuring!
To the GM thank you for this opportunity!
Thank you SCKnightHero1 and good luck to you in future recruitments.