Lilica Fancygirl |
After reading Nessa's backstory again, it has me really wondering about a hypothetical situation. Namely, who in their right mind would hire a dominatrix elf and a tiefling to accompany them to a gambling tournament, let alone the other activities that the guy has in mind? Granted, it is Riddleport, so such things could definitely happen, but still.
Hal'dorel aka "Hal Greenwater" |
@Lilica: She could make a very unique enforcer hired by any number of local gambling concerns...
@Cameron: Most likely the casting of the dice between them would end up with symmetrically opposed results thus fracturing the shell of the tortoise upon which Golarion rests. You're right, best to not tempt fate...heh heh
Aetherna |
After reading Nessa's backstory again, it has me really wondering about a hypothetical situation. Namely, who in their right mind would hire a dominatrix elf and a tiefling to accompany them to a gambling tournament, let alone the other activities that the guy has in mind? Granted, it is Riddleport, so such things could definitely happen, but still.
Aetherna would. If she had the money. Just having them on those two on her arms would increase her rep by a hundred fold. Rep is everything to a pit fighter.
Airon87 |
Ok, Borgmurch the Exterminator is ready!
A Goblin Slayer with a lot more brain than his peers, he is a local ratcather in the Wharf District.
Mechanically, he is a slayer, and will be a good archer, trapfinder (at 2nd level I'll take the Trapfinding slayer talent) and all-around skilled character (I'll invest in Disable Device, Stealth, Survival, Craft (traps), Perception, and other "rogue/ranger-ish" skills).
For a coin some sewer rats!
Birds are two and so are bats!
If they bite I ask for more
Wolves will cost you three or four!
A bug too big, a juicy fee
I barking dog I do for free!
Borgmurch was born among the Ratskinners, one of the lesser goblin tribes living and fighting each other below the Calphiak Mountains in Varisia. Great Chief Ronk the Earmuncher the Eleventieth often told him and the other younglings about his great deeds of robbery and battle, when he used to sack human villages riding a giant worg named Bloodfang killing many men. Unfortunately, the other goblins didn’t really know how fearsome chief Earmuncher was, and kept waging war to the Ratskinners.
Borgmurch didn’t quite like living in a constant state of war. It became pretty clear that Bloodfang, Chief Earmuncher’s worg, wasn’t coming back to defend them. His others brothers and sisters were slow and dim-witted. Not at all like Borgmurch, who could in a single afternoon hunt up to eight rats! (once he hunted ten, actually. But goblins only have eight fingers so his record remained eight).
The young goblin trapper decided to leave, moving south, and after a few stops along the way he ended up in Riddleport.
Not knowing much about life in an urban setting, Borgmurch started doing what he knew best: hunting rats. A large, wet and dirty city, Riddelport was crawling with the little pests, especially the Wharf District full of warehouses and grog dens. City rats had different tails, but they were fatter and tastier than their countryside counterparts.
It took only a few weeks for the local residents and businessmen to notice a much welcome decrease in the rat problem around the neighbor. A very naive tavern-owner asked the Gendarmes to thank Overlord Cromarcky for it, and they, baffled, investigated and found little Borgmurch happily feasting with a dozen of freshly captured rats. After an initial moment of suspicion, it was easy to allow him to stay as an exterminator. Such a mighty title very much appealed to Borgmurch when he heard one the Gendarmes referring to him as such!
The goblin enjoys his job and newfound sense of accomplishment. He is a gratified goblin and a successful businessman now, hunting rats into town and giant spiders and other pests (and stray dogs. They’re the worst!). He is the proud king of gutters, hidden corners and sewers in and around the Wharf.
Ah! Suck on that, Chief Earmuncher! Beware, pests, for here comes the Exterminator!
Borgmurch is as happy as a goblin can be. He now lives in a large suburban mansion (a wooden abandoned shack in the Wharf District), and in addition to the shiny coins, food and equipment that the clients pay him, he also gets to keep what the rats he hunts for his own meals! That is a great deal, if you ask him. Usually you have to give what you hunt to the ones paying you, but humans aren’t quite as smart as everyone thinks, they still have to figure out how economy works.
He sees most goblins still living in the nature as poor underachievers who the mighty Barghest-gods didn’t bless as they did to him. He does not despise them nor hates them, but most likely pities them and acts condescending. He believes himself to be a part of society on even ground with humans, something that sometimes gets disputed by a human not quite happy with the goblin’s manners.
When he heard of the Golden Goblin, he just had to see it. Could it be named after another successful and civilized goblin? Maybe he’ll find a friend, or a co-worker, or another employer.
So, instead of coppers, he asked his last client to be paid with a necktie. He donned his best-looking coonskin cap and is prepared to enter the high society and see the Golden Goblin.
Borgmurch is a pretty standard goblin, with skin is the color of stagnant sewer water and eyes the color of black cherry juice. He keeps a mold-like stubble on his chin and cheeks and has large hairs growing out of his huge ears.
He would stand around 3 feet tall… but he doesn’t stand very often, he usually squats, lurks or hunches over. He may be a bit fatter than his nature-dwelling counterparts, the result of a steady diet of rats, vermin and plenty of high-quality garbage, but he is as fast as the best child of Lamashtu. With a nasty, never-quite-healed scar on his forehead (courtesy of many archways and gutter passages just a bit too low) and big, pointy teeth with healthy chunks of previous meals comfortably lodged in there, he is the perfect portrait of a successful goblin.
His clothes are of better quality than the average goblin: most of them were designed for halflings or gnomes. Over the course of the years they completely lost their color under mud and dirt, but the tough fabric still keeps them more or less together. Borgmurch carries with himself a variety of weapons, notably a bow and several blades. He also usually sports a trophy from his last job, like a necklace of dire rats’ ears or a fox’s tail tucked in his belt. This trophies never last for long, he usually ends up losing or eating them during his next assignment.
Male Goblin Slayer 1
N Small humanoid (goblinoid)
Initiative +5 ; Senses Perception +7, darkvision 60 feet
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 dex, +3 armor, +1 size)
HP 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
Special defenses
Speed 30 feet
Melee short sword +3 (1d4+1, 19/20x2)
Ranged longbow +6 (1d6, x3)
Special attacks studied target (move action)
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 8
BA +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats: Point-Blank Shot
Skills: Acrobatics [1] +8*, Climb[1] +5*, Craft (traps) [1] +5, Disable Device[1] +8, Perception[1] +7, Stealth[1] +12*, Survival[1] +7/+8
* = -1 AP
Languages: Common, Goblin
Traits: ambush training, looking for work (campaign trait, +1 to Craft)
SQ: goblin traits (small size, darkvision, fast, city scavenger), track
Starting gold: 175 gp
Explorer’s outfit [free]
Longbow [75 gp]
40 arrows, 20 blunt arrows [4 gp]
Studded leather [25 gp]
Buckler [5 gp]
Short sword [10 gp]
Dagger [2 gp]
Ranger’s kit [9 gp]
Trap crafting tools [5 gp]
Bear trap [2 gp]
Thieves’ Tools [30 gp]
Signal whistle [1 gp]
7 gp left
Lilica Fancygirl |
To add my two coppers to the most prevalent of tonight's topics, I'm sure I - as a GM - could work something out with an NPC or someone ;) to get both on the scene should they be both picked...
Good to know. Though I will say that Lilica would be interested into looking into Vancaserkin anyways because of that family's little role in Lavender Lil's problem. Since Orik's not available and has gone off to who-knows-where, she'll have to settle for his father to ruin/torture. Oh, the compromises you have to make to do a good deed for a friend sometimes...
Dolgrin Hammerfist |
Been taking some time trying to decide what to make and may have finally decided on this Dwarven Bloodrager (Untouchable Rager). Before I finalize the crunch and put together a proper background, however, I have some questions...
- Is the Untouchable Rager archetype ok? If so, will the Untouchable Rager SR interfere with the SLA effects the Arcane Bloodline receives at 4th, 8th and 16th? If that is the case, I may add in the Primalist archetype to pick up rage powers at those levels (there are plenty that fit with an anti-magic theme, so I may end up doing that anyhow, if it is also allowed).
- Is taking the Ancient Enmity (and Deep Warrior, which may not have the same issue) alternate racial trait be all right, or too meta? I took the Lorekeeper alternate racial to allow for the possibility that his research into the lore was what helped spur his hatred.
GM Samael Arneste |
@ Dolgrin: Point the first - both archetypes are okay, I guess I'd recommend the Primalist one just in case as I'm not sure about the SLA thing.
Point the second - the ancient enmity is fine, research into an obscure legend of an unknown evil you've sworn to find and destroy is enough reason to take those racial traits. Keep the Lorekeeper just in case someone else has/fines issue with this decision...
Thanks for your interest and submission, good luck!
Ivysun |
@ Nessa and everyone else: Yeah, I will probably close apps by Dec 5, as I didn't expect a lot of interest. That means those who are accepted but haven't finished writing up details (such as stats or backgrounds) will have a weekend to hopefully get those things done before Dec 7th or so. We'll start sometime that week. Sound good?
Glad i checked today and read up. :D
Ill get on my final touches tonight.Also whoo another Magus!!
Aneirin Rhodri |
Might I introduce Kertria Orlevirrea, Elf Magus! Decided not to do the Elven Magus archetype Spell Dancer, though I'll be using that as inspiration.
GM Samael Arneste |
@ Tariel: background is fine, a little dash of gritty never really hurt anyone :)
@ Aneirin: you may introduce her, welcome to the roster.
@ everyone: tomorrow the lucky victims shall be selected and after that the next few days will be prep before we set off on the path to the apocalypse! ... wait, we don't want that?
Cameron Hawkwinter |
"Yet more good submissions. Going to be a tricky choice, may the luck of Desna shine upon you all, speaking of which..."
Cameron shuffles and reshuffles his deck, time for a reading. He pulls the first card from the deck and places it face down, followed by four more. He moves with the speed and precision of a practice's gambler. With trepidation he risks a peek at the first card and whistled low thinking 'Ace of clubs, a warrior with great strength will be there'. The next two cards were inconclusive, the jack of spades and diamonds, was that two people or one? The fourth was the joker, 'Strange times are ahead and no mistake. I wonder who you are?'
Cameron reaches for the final card, but hesitates. It would reveal his fate but did he want to know? Of course he did, for better or for worse he flipped the card over and gasped.
Edelsmirge |
I know I am coming in at the last second but I really want to give this AP a run for its money! (sorry haven't learned the hide and show trick yet:
Garreth Shadewood
Human Druid lv 1 init +6; AC 18 FF 14 T 12, HP 11 mv 30'
feats: Shade of Uskwood, improved Init
worships Rovagug; domain: Weather
traits: beast of the society
into enemy territory: +1 will save
saves: Fort +4, Reflex +2, Will +6
st 8 -1 dx 14 +2 cn 14 +2 wi 17 +3 in 8 -1 ch 15 +2
Skills: perception 7 survival 7 handle animal 6 heal 7
Spells: 0 (3) - ray of frost, detect magic, light; 1 (2)+1 domain obscuring mist, entangle,
Special abilities:
6/day storm burst
equipment: heavy wooden shield (+2 ac, -2 ck 7gp)Lamellar - leather (+4 ac,-2 ck 60gp) 1 set peasants outfit (1sp), long spear 1d8 -1 5gp
Background: This young pale albino man hails from the far northern tribes where the worship of the Great Beast is common. He carries with him a unholy symbol that glows with necromantic power. Although he dislikes the city, he has ended up in Riddleport seeking to gain more gold in order to provision supplies to seek the greater mysteries of the darkened forests of his soul...
Yandasana Fethen |
"Ms. Fethen, there is enough academia already at work in this town. "
Yanda is unfazed by her colleague. "When I was a little girl, I believed in concepts without any given reason or matter." Yanda pauses in her speech to make sure that his interest in her words has persisted. "The dark in the sky over riddle port is a complex phenomenon. Unbowed it may be, but it will break."
"Yanda is this even worth your time?"
Yanda thinks to herself, Knowledge is power you existentialist fool. But the answers lie in the dark up in that sky.
Yanda certainty does not say her thoughts out to her colleague. Her beliefs differ from his beliefs. Freewill is merely an illusion to her. She is guided by mechanistic principles. Everything has a cause and effect. And so does the sky have such mechanistic qualities.
"I suggest you return to the university at once. I am heading to the gold goblin. Staying in riddle port requires me to obtain some kind of protection. My mind is more valuable then my rapier."
Yanda places a hand on her rapier, it comforts her to some extent. "I bid you adieu. Rest keeps me bright and the gold goblin opens tomorrow."
She moves quickly without listening to his reply. No one shall stop me.
Name: Yandasana Fethen
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Investigator 1 (Empiricist)
Gender: Female
Size: Medium
Age: 25
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 14
Type: Humanoid (Human)
Init: +2; Senses/Perception: +6
AC: 12 , Touch: 12 , Flat-Footed: 10 (+2 Dex, )
HP: 8 (1d8)
Fort: +0 (+1 to stabilize), Ref: +4, Will: +3, (Another +1 for all saving throws against death effects)
Spd ft: 30
Melee: -1
Ranged : +2
Base Atk: +0; CMB: -1; CMD: 11
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse,
Traits: Clever Wordplay (Bluff), Trust Worthy, Greater Purpose,
Drawback: Meticulous
Favored Class: Investigator- Skill Point
Skills: Bluff: +8 (+9 to fool someone), Craft (Alchemy): +8, Diplomacy: +7, Disable Device: +6 (with trapfinding), Knowledge (arcana) : +8, Knowledge (engineering): +8, Knowledge (Local): +8, Lingistics: +8, Perception: +6 (Find traps +7), Sense Motive: +6, Spellcraft: +8, Use Magic Device: +6,
Special Abilities: Inspiration 4/day, Alchemy, Trapfinding,
Alchemist Formula List
1st Level 2/day: Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Shield,