GM Ladile's League of Kick-Ass Dudes: A Pathfinder Society Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Lady Ladile

Current Scenario: #4-14 My Enemy's Enemy

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Sovereign Court

Male NG Samsaran Warpriest of Shizuru 3 | HP 24/24 | AC 21 T 12 FF 19 | CMB +5, CMD 17 | F: +4, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +2, SM: +6 | Speed 30ft/20ft | Blessings: 4/4 | Spells: 1st 4/4 | Active conditions: Blue

Checking in...

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10


Dalen's here.

Season of Ghosts

Huzzah! At long last, an update is in the works - sit tight :D

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

Lazarus is here, trying to get back up to speed.

Season of Ghosts

No worries, I saw elsewhere that you'll be busy this weekend. My next day off isn't until Wednesday so we'll ease back into the swing of things :)

Grand Lodge

Ranger-3, Warpriest-3 of Gozreh HP 58, Init +4, Perception +10 (AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20) HP 50: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8 Languages Common, Draconic, Skald

It's Friday! First day I was able to get back on the website.

Season of Ghosts

Okay, so given the crazy amount of instability of late and talk and rumblings elsewhere of folks moving their games to more stable places...I feel I should broach the subject here as well. Is that something folks want to consider doing or shall we stay here, come what may with the site?

Liberty's Edge

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

I'd prefer to stay here at this point, but yes its getting ridiculous.

Grand Lodge

Ranger-3, Warpriest-3 of Gozreh HP 58, Init +4, Perception +10 (AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20) HP 50: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8 Languages Common, Draconic, Skald

Another vote for staying here. At least for the time being.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

I'm giving serious thought to moving the one game I have here to Mythweavers. I'll have to ask the players to see if they are willing/wanting to move.

I vote move, but that appears to be the minority opinion so far.

Season of Ghosts

Well, even if we *were* to move, we wouldn't do so until after the end of this particular scenario - so there'd be some time to tinker around with the site before starting up for real.

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

I'd like to remain playing on these boards, unless we learn that the serious problems are likely to continue.

I'm not familiar with the mechanics of using Mythweavers, and I'd really prefer to avoid burning through the few dozen brain cells I have left trying to learn another site's nuances.

Liberty's Edge

Denair |Long Arm| HP 50/59 | Spells -/3/0/0 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | CMD 18 | Saves 7/3/5 | Init 2 | Perception 0 (Denair 16) | 7 Female Human Unchained Summoner (Fey Caller) | GM Folio Reroll+2 |

I'm ambivalent. When the boards are down, I need my Pathfinder!

Hopefully we're done with the site going down, but we're still at 0 days since the last server outage.

Season of Ghosts

Okay, since it seems the majority would prefer to stay put for now then stay put we shall. I'm also hopeful that we've seen the last of any major outages for awhile - and that the Powers That Be take note of the lost sales and grar from all this and allocate more resources towards their website and the tech team.

Anyhoo, while I decided to take the rest of yesterday off from official posting I'm ready to make a fresh start today. So...update incoming :)

Liberty's Edge

Denair |Long Arm| HP 50/59 | Spells -/3/0/0 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | CMD 18 | Saves 7/3/5 | Init 2 | Perception 0 (Denair 16) | 7 Female Human Unchained Summoner (Fey Caller) | GM Folio Reroll+2 |

So, I propose a plan:

1) Frankie locks or jams the door.
2) Strong people move the statue to block the door.
3) Summoners summon blocking critters

Meredith's spun a story about an evil wizard breaking in and brainwashing most of us, so they'll suspect an evil wizard instead of us.

Hey GM, how do we carry statues?

Season of Ghosts

*smartass* I don't do you? ;) *smartass*

Seriously though, just make some Str checks if you want to move the statues - it'll take a couple of you to move each one but it'll be doable if you roll well. I'll also allow for creative solutions to perhaps make the moving of said statues easier :3

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

I'm on the other side of the prison. I have no idea what's going on. ;P

Liberty's Edge

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

Frankie does plan to try to jam the door locks in the locked position yes.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Hey y'all, I've been working on a blog for a while and wanted to see what you guys thought. Most of the content is GURPS, but I think there's enough meat there to use in other places. You can find it at If you like it and want more I can post links or a summary of what I wrote through the week.

If not, well, can't blame a guy for trying to get some feedback. :D

Liberty's Edge

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

What is GURPS?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

If you have ever heard of the Hero System, GURPS is similar. (The name stands for Generic Universal Roleplaying System)

You have characters that have a certain amount of points they can use to buy stat increases, advantageous traits, and skills with. You can get points back by taking lower stats and disadvantageous traits. GURPS is geared more towards realism, but it can run a high-flying pulpy adventure or a gritty simulationist special ops mission. It really is a fun system once you understand some of its quirks. I'm not really that familiar with it, but I like it and I've immensely enjoyed most of the games I've played in it.

And it really does live up to the name. There's all sorts of settings out there, including several fan made ones. Psi-Wars is probably one of the better known unofficial ones and I'm working on one that's inspired by Cowboy Bebop.

Liberty's Edge

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

Ahh. Never heard of it but sounds like the ultimate sandbox style game. Anything, anywhere.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Pretty much, the flip side is that it takes a good bit of work to get a game up and running. Once you do, though, it can be very easy to run. No need to build out a full character, just say something like Okay, he's got 12 in all of his relevant skills and stats or the goons have a BAD of 0, so they got 10's across the board. (The BAD or Basic Abstract Difficulty is from Action 2: Exploits. if you want to run more cinematic games, grab that book because it makes running them so much easier.)

Season of Ghosts

Hey, thanks for sharing Dalen! I'll try and read through it when I get the chance :)

Okay, so instead of making a copypasta, I'm going to link a post made earlier today by VC Hmm that discusses the current state of Gameday and possible options for keeping games moving should we have further downtime. While this scenario doesn't fall under the Gameday umbrella, the suggestions given in said post still have the potential to be quite useful for our campaign.

You can read it here.

Since moving is basically an absolute last resort, are any of the other backup options Hmm suggested something folks would be interested in (or comfortable) exploring?

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

Totally unfamiliar will anything else. I'll defer to others with more understanding of the options.

Season of Ghosts

Because this deserves it's own post:

'I'm not that worried about it' is also an equally valid option. If folks aren't in any hurry then I'm just as happy to truck along like we have been and just deal with any future site outages as they (may or may not) come.

I say this because it's easy to forget that there are folks who prefer to do their absolute best to limit their 'internet footprint' for any number of reasons or who may just not have the time to try and keep up with a bunch of additional digital noise - and I don't want to pressure anyone into anything that they're not comfortable with.

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

You've succinctly captured my position, GM.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

I'm fine with whatever works for everyone.

Liberty's Edge

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

Whatever works best for the group. Slow and steady is fine for me. Paizo should get its s!&* together eventually right?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Hey y'all, I posted a playtest for a setting I'm working on. If you're interested in seeing how GURPS works, give it a read.

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

I'll get to it, Dalen. Life's been busy.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Heh, sorry. I didn't mean to be pushy. I was just happy to get that monster of a post done!

Season of Ghosts
Lazarus Logos wrote:
Are any of you guys fans of puzzles? My son once said sudoku, and I washed his mouth out with soap.

Honestly? I don't mind them in video games when I've usually got the time to work on them but I'm not a huge fan of them in tabletop for some reason. Maybe the feeling of being put on the spot and/or under a time crunch?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

That and half the time they aren't half as clever as the author thinks

*Points to self.*

Liberty's Edge

Denair |Long Arm| HP 50/59 | Spells -/3/0/0 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | CMD 18 | Saves 7/3/5 | Init 2 | Perception 0 (Denair 16) | 7 Female Human Unchained Summoner (Fey Caller) | GM Folio Reroll+2 |

In most video games the guessing space for puzzles is small. Push a block in one of these 9 spots, or choose from 1 of 4 dialog options, or maybe 1 of 10 items in your inventory.

In here we have to guess one of a 1000 combinations, and we have to think like how the writer thinks in order to solve it.

I'm terrible at these things and wind up blowing up the door in most situations.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

If this were a modern or Sci-Fi game, blowing the door up is how'd I would open it. :)

Season of Ghosts

Going to wait for Jan's action and then do a round summary, but in the meantime...

Frankie wrote:
boob holders

My inner 12-year old snickered. Also, I prefer the term 'over-the-shoulder boulder-holder' myself ;)

And speaking of boobs, you know what's hilarious? When your older brother (and group GM) keeps mispronouncing 'brazier' as 'brassiere'. I don't tell many stories on my brother but that one will never stop being funny :3

Season of Ghosts

In other news, we're approaching the end of the scenario and the Faithless & Forgotten trilogy! Assuming that everyone is still good to continue with previously-discussed plans, is there any particular preference on whether I run you guys through Six Seconds to Midnight or Beyond the Halflight Path next? Or is there a Season 9 scenario that someone would like us to try?

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

Here's the link to GM Ladile's post that started this conversation.

I've never played #7-02 Six Seconds to Midnight (Tiers 3-7). I'd be happy to play it with you guys and gals.

Although I've played #9-09 Beyond the Halflight Path (Tiers 3-7), it is an evergreen, re-playable. With Ladile as GM, I'd be happy to give it another go.

Lazarus Logos will be a Cleric-3/Wizard-2 after this scenario, so mid-tier for any 3-7 scenario.

(I've played all the other Season 9 Tier 3-7 scenarios.)

Grand Lodge

Ranger-3, Warpriest-3 of Gozreh HP 58, Init +4, Perception +10 (AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20) HP 50: Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +8 Languages Common, Draconic, Skald

I am good to go!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:

Ya I had to really search for the age appropriate term there. Sounds like I chose wisely.

Certainly am ready to continue past here. Frankie will still be 3 as mentioned earlier. I'm currently in Beyond the Halflight Path as a Kobold so depending on how they have that replayableness set up, I'd prefer Six Seconds to Midnight as well.

And maybe your brother just pictures his braziers in a more entertaining way than most of us?

Liberty's Edge

Denair |Long Arm| HP 50/59 | Spells -/3/0/0 | AC 17 T 11 FF 16 | CMD 18 | Saves 7/3/5 | Init 2 | Perception 0 (Denair 16) | 7 Female Human Unchained Summoner (Fey Caller) | GM Folio Reroll+2 |

I'm good with either game.

Good thing Meredith didn't hear you, Frankie!

Season of Ghosts

Sounds like there's a slight preference for SStM so that's what we'll go with next, then. We can figure out what to play after that in due time - just be sure to keep your PFS Tracker information updated! :)

Also working, so game updates later~

Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99

I've been reconsidering leaving after this. Still have room for a mischievous ranger?

Season of Ghosts

I can't speak for everyone but I'm happy for Dalen to stick around for further adventures. That will change our scenario lineup a bit as that'd put our level ranges from 2-5 but (assuming PFS Tracker isn't lying to me) there are a....handful...of 1-5 scenarios that everyone should still be able to play together. I'm seeing the following (omitting Season 10 content for now):

#3-23 The Goblinblood Dead

#8-14 To Seal the Shadow

#8-18 Champion's Chalice Part 1: Blazing Dangerous Trails

#8-21 Champion's Chalice Part 2: Agents of the Eye

#9-08 Birthright Betrayed

#9-10 Signs in Senghor

#9-12 Shrine of the Sacred Tempest

#9-18 Scourge of the Farheavens

#9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God

If Dalen sticks around, do any of those pique people's interest?

Another note is that player Eric Swanson (whom most of you know) is still interested in joining as well, which would put us at 7 - something that folks were willing to at least test the waters on the last time I broached the topic. Luckily he's got a character or two between uh...levels 2-4 that he could play instead of his sorcerer. So...what do folks think about a slight change in plans?

Side Note:

I'm not meaning to be so wishy-washy on what our longer term plan is for the group; it's more a matter of me hating to turn people away but also not really being in the position to start running MORE games at the moment. So I'm trying to accommodate folks as best as I can with what I'm currently running, if that makes sense.

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

PFS Tracker has been updated.

If it's going to cause problems for everyone, I'm okay with bowing out. I just think I finally hit on Dalen's personality and I've really started to enjoy playing her.

Season of Ghosts

Nah, you get first right of refusal since you were already in the group when I decided to make it an ongoing thing - same for everyone else. If everyone wants to continue and folks would really prefer to stay at 6 players then I'll work something else out for Eric, who is flexible. Wouldn't be the first time I've basically written an IOU in regards to running a game for someone :)

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Okay, then. I'm fine with 7 and I'm looking forward to more hijinks with the rest of the crew!

That said, I hope you'll forgive the mess I made in the Gameplay thread. Poor Dalen, that was not how she wanted this to go. >:D

Dark Archive

CG male samsaran cleric of Desna (ecclesitheurge)-3 / wizard (conjurer)-3 | HP 44/44 | AC 17 / 12T / 17FF | CMD 15 | Fort +7, Reflex +4, Will +11; +2 vs death/neg. energy/neg. levels; life bound | | Init +4 | Perception +7, low-light vision; Sense Motive +10 | Speed 40 ft. | Agile Feet 6/6 day | Channel Positive Energy d6, 2/3 day, DC11 | comprehend languages, deathwatch, stabilize 1/1 day | Acid Dart d6+1, 7/7 day | Acid Splash 3/3 day | Conditions: Mage Armor, Shield of Faith, Bless, Moment of Greatness

As long as a 1-5 scenario is in the 4-5 subtier when the APL is calcuted, Lazarus would be happy to play one of those scenarios. I'll double-check my scenario tracker tomorrow.

How close are you to level-3, Dalen? You got any GM credits in the hopper or coming up that you could throw at her?

Silver Crusade

Female Human Ranger 2 || HP: 20/20 | AC: 17/13/14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +1 (+3 vs. Fear) | Per: +6, Init: +3 | Arrows: 17, D. Arrows: 10

Nope, no GM credit. I've got two more scenarios before I can get to 3.

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