GM Ladile |
Yep! Sorry, your GM ended up spending most of today catching up on her sleep - I'll move us along within the next hour or two so most of you will have new posts to respond to in the morning!
GM Ladile |
Soooo...drastically cutting one's caffeine intake means you suddenly get sleepy a lot more often (and more quickly). Thanks for your patience and enjoy a new post :)
Dalen Stonestep |
Updated Dalen's sheet. I've added the courtier's outfit and the jewelry. I've also added a hot weather outfit on the basis that the woman that was helping Dalen would have realized she didn't know how to dress properly for the climate. If need be, I can remove it or, if we have time, grab it before we leave the city.
GM Ladile |
That's fine, just be sure to deduct the appropriate amount of gold for it as well :)
GM Ladile |
I'm liking the interactions here guys! I'm working today so it might be a bit before I get proper replies up to everything; it's much easier to pop off a quick player post or combat post (as a player or GM) at work sometimes than to reply as a GM because I don't want to half-ass things.
GM Ladile |
Hey folks, super busy day here at work so will catch up on posts here (and in other games) later.
GM Ladile |
Nicely done, Lazarus! That wasn't the only way this little encounter could have gone but it was probably the quickest and likely the least-damaging to the dignity of certain characters *coughDalencough* :)
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Don't think all those desserts are getting away that easily! Not with Frankie on the prowl!
Dalen Stonestep |
Nicely done, Lazarus! That wasn't the only way this little encounter could have gone but it was probably the quickest and likely the least-damaging to the dignity of certain characters *coughDalencough* :)
Okay, you can't just drop something like that and not spill. :P
Really though, I am very curious as to what Dalen's night could have been like if not for some timely intervention from the others. Would you mind telling us? If it'd spoil some things, I can wait until the end of this part or the next.
GM Ladile |
Busy day at work yesterday and have some errands/engagements today but I'll have a post later this evening!
Dalen, I'll try and post an explanation for you then too :)
GM Ladile |
Hey folks, I'll be heading out of town to DieCon 18 from today through Monday the 11th. While I can't promise anything I will do my best to check in and get at least one post up each evening before bedtime since I'll have my phone and Kindle with me. I will be attempting to do this for this table and for my Core table of Portent's Peril.
Nothing major; the dinner scene had two general routes you could take. One, where you decide to be nice and play along, would've seen the group having to entertain Mavius by doing stuff like playing games with him, singing, telling stories about Pathfinder exploits and/or making clever use of other skills to basically impress him. And he would have most definitely encouraged each character to participate so no 'I'll let talky guy handle this' tactics :P
The other route involved intimidation; while no one actually made the earlier check to reveal rumors of Mavius' involvement with the Aspis, Lazarus seemed to (understandably) be rather suspicious of the matter and triggered this option by asking some rather pointed questions and making vague insinuations - and then making the required skill checks asked of him. If he'd failed, not a total loss - Mavius would've brushed it off as some sort of joke made in poor taste and there would've been a small penalty on subsequent checks to impress him. BUT, by dressing up and the (unexpected but nice) act of bringing some wine, there would've been enough bonuses to said checks that it wouldn't have hurt much.
Basically we ended up skipping what would've probably been a rather entertaining roleplay section *but* that's okay because this way brings Jan back into the action more quickly and gets you guys moved on to the meat of the scenario's action!
GM Ladile |
Oh sure, but no big deal - there'll be plenty of other opportunities for shenanigans!
Also, made it to Collinsville, IL in one piece and had fun meeting up with some friends and heading into downtown St. Louis for dinner and ice cream. Con starts tomorrow, whee! :D
Lazarus Logos |
Have fun and enjoy! I'm okay with putting things on pause for a couple of days, so you can embrace the full experience there.
GM Ladile |
Thanks guys! DieCon is a bit more laid-back than some cons in regards to scheduling but we'll see how things go re: posting and stuff :)
GM Ladile |
Hey guys, just a quick check-in to say that DieCon was a blast and that normal operations should resume tomorrow afternoon/evening once I've gotten home and had a chance to get settled in :)
Dalen Stonestep |
Just a heads up, I've got a lot on my plate at work this week, so I'm going to be a bit spotty this week with posting. Hopefully, I'll get on top of things and I won't have to put in 10-11 hour days next week.
GM Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
^Noted and thank you for the advance notice, both of you!
For anyone that's interested in reading about my convention experience:
So, DieCon 18 - my second DieCon to date - went great. My brother and I hit the road around 8:30 or so Thursday morning and, even with making a couple of stops to hit up a game shop, use the bathroom, and eat, we arrived in Collinsville, IL just after 4:00 pm. We met up with friends Chris (who lives a couple hours north) and Becca (who flew in from Las Vegas and was crashing at Chris' place), got checked in to the Super 8, and then loaded up and headed into downtown St. Louis, MO to have dinner at Blueberry Hill. While there we also met up with another guy that Becca & Chris know from their time in World of Warcraft. This was the second year I've met him and he's a rather odd duck, but nice enough. After dinner we went down the street to the Snow Factory for some Thai-style ice cream. While good and also a rather novel experience, I'm not sure it was worth $8. I'd have been just as happy to go across the street to Fitz's for shakes. After all this the hour was getting late so we headed back to the Super 8 to get some sleep.
Friday morning, we got up and headed to the nearby Denny's for breakfast before going over to the Gateway Convention Center to get ready to sign up for games! Normally registration and sign-ups open at noon but for some reason they started about a half-hour early. Since I'd already preregistered I was able to get my t-shirt and convention booklet and hop right into the registration line.
Event signups for DieCon are interesting in that, with the exception of Organized Play programs like PFS or DnD AL, you sign up in-person and the events tend to be something of a first-come, first-serve basis. You have a card and you write down three sessions that you really want to get in to (first choice) and then write down two alternates (second choice) and then go through the line. The people at the desk then look at your paper and go to see how many slots are still open for the events you want. They then give you stickers to place in your booklet for the events you're able to get into. One limitation they *do* impose for Saturday and Sunday events is that they only give out maybe half of the tickets for those on Friday and hold the rest in reserve for folks who can't get there to sign up until Saturday or Sunday. Luckily for me I was able to get into all of my first choices right away and for the PFS/SFS I'd signed up for, my tickets were held in reserve and waiting for me since I'd done my signing up via Warhorn.
After a quick walk over to the nearby Mexican place for a drink (no lunch since several of us had just eaten) we then filtered back over to the convention center for Session #1, which started at 2pm. My event for this was a board game called 'Mansions of Madness' - gameplay seemed somewhat similar to 'Betrayal at House on the Hill' except with a heckuva lot more Cthulhu creep factor. The rules were a little complex and took some getting used to but the game itself was quite enjoyable and it came right down to the wire on whether we, the players, would win or the GM! I enjoyed it enough that I would've shelled out money for my own copy but none of the vendors seemed to have one. Sadness :(
Each session has an hour-long break before the next session starts so those are good times to hit the restroom, grab a bite to eat, go smoke, wander around the convention hall, etc. I brought some of my own snacks and flavor packs for my bottled water (which I just kept refilling using the canteens placed around the hall) because the snack bar is crazy expensive.
Session #2 was my first foray into playing Savage Worlds. What I didn't know, because the blurb for it didn't mention this part, is that we were going to be using the 'Pirates of the Spanish Main' setting for the game. So when I sat down and ended up being the only one at the table who hadn't played before, the GM grinned at me and said, 'Okay then, you're the captain' and tossed said character sheet my direction. Pretty sure I had an 'Oh god' look on my face but hey, it's good to try new things right? And actually, it turned out pretty good! I mean yeah, we narrowly escaped being executed only to have a rival run off with our ship (after having 'repaid' me by helping to bust us free) and had no navigator and like 5 NPC crew and no money or supplies but we did manage to take a merchant ship (using our persuasive smooth-talk and the one sword we had between 6 characters) and made it to what amounted to Tortuga. The session ended right as we'd finished negotiating a deal for our cargo and making some preparations to buy supplies and start tracking down leads on where to find some cannons...but the rest will be detailed further down for I'd also signed up to play the second part of this little adventure during the middle Saturday session! I also received a copy of the Deluxe Explorer's Edition of Savage Worlds - hooray for free swag!
After a decent night's sleep, we all got up early Saturday morning and trooped back over to the convention center for moar gaming! Session #3 was a game of 'Call of Scooby Doo' using a game system called 'FAST' that was developed by brothers Larry and Woody Babb. Larry himself ran our game and the best way to describe the experience is like a standard Scooby Doo mystery (including special guest stars as playable characters) mixed with puzzle solving and some Cthulhu-style horror. I played this last year, where the scenario was called 'Wednesday Mourning' and featured Wednesday Addams as the special guest star. This year's scenario was called 'Cereal Killer' and featured Count Chocula (or his daughter, the Countess Chocula) as the special guest star. I played Velma, same as last year, while my brother and another con-friend reprised their usual roles as Scooby and Shaggy. The player of Shaggy even brings Scooby Snacks to the game each year! Much fun was had by all and we solved the mystery and defeated the crazed Sonny the Cuckoo Bird, who was the villain for this year's scenario.
Session #4 saw the continuation of Friday's Savage Worlds game and most of the same players returned, including myself. For those of us who played both sessions, we actually got to 'level up' our characters before getting started, which was nice. More pirate hijinks were had wherein our fence wound up murdered and our money stolen...along with someone's daughter? I suspect that said daughter was originally supposed to be my character's daughter but see, I hadn't paid close attention to my character sheet during the earlier session and had given my captain a female name and gender...which in the real world setting and time period the game was set in, would've been really unusual. Oops. But it did lead to some amusing comments from the rest of my crew. At any rate, we raced off to Haiti to try and rescue our money (and the girl, I guess) from the clutches of Baron Samedi and encountered storms, hostile locals, and a bloodthirsty shark along the way. Unfortunately we kinda ran out of time after the shark encounter and the GM had to narrate the rest of the adventure and conclusion but I had a surprisingly good time with the whole thing and would definitely play with this GM again at future DieCons.
Session #5 is where I finally sat down and played my first ever game of Starfinder! Starting with the very first published scenario, Claim to Salvation, which is run using 4th level pregen iconics. Most of the other players had about as much experience as I did, which was none, so it was nice to be more or less on a level playing field with everyone else. I also saw a familiar face at this table, a kid (probably 14-15ish) who was at all of my PFS tables at last year's DieCon. He seemed to have grown up a little in that this time he didn't try to go all murderhobo right off the bat and also didn't keep interrupting the GM as they were trying to talk. All of the other players, as well as the GM, were super friendly and helpful and we all had a great time playing through the scenario. While I think Pathfinder will remain my main squeeze, I definitely enjoyed Starfinder enough that I plan to make my own character for SFS play.
Sunday morning rolls around after another night of adequate sleep and this is the day where my brother and I are in all of the same events together. Session #6, our first of the day, was a PFS game playing the scenario 'Scourge of the Farheavens'. We only had four people for this and had a really weird level split with one 5th level character and everyone else being 1st level because most of said players either only had those characters to play (the 5th level shaman and the 1st level fighter) or just really wanted to play a particular character (my brother and his 1st level druid). I can't say a lot about the particulars of the scenario itself as I want to avoid spoilers but it was highly amusing and surprisingly challenging in certain parts. It was also pretty straightforward and we finished with an hour to spare so it'd probably be an easy one to run for anyone contemplating GMing PFS scenarios.
Since we got done with plenty of time to spare, my brother and I actually hit up the nearby steakhouse for lunch and had the first proper meal we'd had since Friday morning. Afterwards, we went to Session #7 which was a homebrew game of Deadlands titled 'Large Trouble, Small China' wherein we had to solve some issues with gang violence occurring in San Francisco's Chinatown. Oh, did I mention we had to fight an evil wizard and his nigh-invincible henchmen? That was a thing. I've played Deadlands before and would actually like to play it more in the future, if our home group can ever finish some of our Pathfinder campaigns.
Last but not least, our last game of the convention was Session #8, where we played another PFS scenario titled 'Beyond the Halflight Path'. This one is a 3-7 evergreen with multiple story arcs that can be played and it was my first time playing it. The beginning has plenty of social stuff happening and then the latter part was more dungeon-crawl than anything, but that's okay. Once again, we just had 4 PCs but at least this time there wasn't quite as much of a level gap. We won and survived, but man we had one or two tough fights! Our ectoplasmist spiritualist was the MVP of the scenario and I'm positive that without his assistance we would've wiped on at least one of the encounters. On the other hand...what's up with characters not having any ranks in any knowledge skills? Some classes that are skill-starved I can understand but otherwise, I mean...really? Especially when you're 5th or 6th level? I've seen this several times now with live play but I don't know that I've ever seen it in a PbP game. I try not to tell people how to play but sometimes some decisions leave me shaking my head a bit. Ah well.
Anyhoo, that's pretty much the tale of my experiences at DieCon 18! Had lots of fun, picked up a little swag, and managed to survive through all of my games. I'm totally looking forward to next year :)
Also, apologies to those of you who will see this posted across several games!
GM Ladile |
By the way, I know this weekend might be busy for folks if you're doing Father's Day stuff or participating in Free RPG Day. I'll be stuck at work tomorrow and Sunday so I'll continue to post as I'm able but don't worry about squeezing in posts if you're occupied :)
Lazarus Logos |
Friends, I apologize for my abrupt disappearance. My family treated me to a Father's Day "disconnected weekend." I'm back now.
GM Ladile |
Just as a FYI, information is now up for PbP Gameday VII - the next PbP convention for Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society! Check it out if you're curious :)
Lazarus Logos |
Thanks for the heads-up, GM! I used the linked sign-up forms to volunteer to GM both sessions of PbP Gameday VII.
GM Ladile |
Happy to help! Still trying to decide what I'd like to volunteer for and/or run, myself. But I will say that I'll do my best to make sure at least one scenario for this group and the TL;DR group fallen within the convention dates so folks can get chances for tasty boons :)
GM Ladile |
In other news, Session #2 for Solstice Scar B just finished up! Now I have a little more time for all of my other games, including you guys <3
And as a tangential aside, I'm not sure if I'll volunteer to GM any specials for PbP Gameday or not this year. They're fun and rewarding to run but also a *lot* of work and I'm just not sure with my schedule that I'm able to properly do one justice or have been doing them justice. Then again, my tables seemed to have fun for the ones that I have ran so maybe I'm just being my own worst critic like usual.
Not to mention I'm kinda Solstice Scar'd out...
So I'm kicking around a couple of ideas for other fun stuff to maybe run, like something with a theme. I'll definitely probably run at least one 'spooky' scenario during Session #2 since that one starts in October and I enjoy Halloween and spooky things :)
Meredith Ulmari |
The only reason I'm going to run Solstice Scar C is because I've run SSB and I have a Google Sheets doc with 90% of the text copied.
Take a break if it's too much, I definitely know that feeling. I took on too many games last year and had to back off.
GM Ladile |
Hey guys, I've been out all day doing family stuff and I'm wiped so I'm calling it a night. Normal service will resume tomorrow :)
GM Ladile |
Okay Jan, thank you for the update! And speaking of updates, working on one right now :)
GM Ladile |
Greetings and huzzah! I've been at work all day myself so I'm just now making my posting rounds for the evening - updates to come soon :)
GM Ladile |
By the way guys, I've had one or two of you ask me elsewhere about PbP Gameday VII and how it'll relate to this group. Right now it's likely that Faithless & Forgotten Part 3: The Inhernal Inheritance will overlap somewhat with the beginning of Gameday VII which begins August 13th - though I'm trying to bump up the pace here a little bit if it hasn't been apparent.
(Hopefully it's not also been to the detriment of anyone's enjoyment.)
Even so, Gameday runs from the middle of August all the way to the middle of November so we'll certainly be able to fit at least one scenario (though I'll try for two depending on how busy people are) under the Gameday umbrella and thus be eligible for some sweet swag - even if Part 3 of this trilogy bleeds into the start a little bit.
As to *what* I might run next for the group, that will depend on what level everyone is at the end of this trilogy and whether or not anyone decides to swap characters. If everyone is still in the 1-5 umbrella I've got some ideas for what to run next - but as always, I'm happy to field suggestions or requests for specific scenarios or even just basic themes :)
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie will DING level 3 at the end of this part we're on now.
As far as preference nothing strongly I can think of. Frankie functions a bit better around urban themes but he can have fun and get into trouble just about anywhere.
GM Ladile |
Hey hey, I'm sadly almost out of time before I need to head to work this morning so updates to follow later this evening :)
GM Ladile |
"All this infernal statuary. It's as if the Author of our Fate were foreshadowing our futures with a dwarven longhammer."
Why, I have no idea what you're talking about.
GM Ladile |
By the way, though I'll be working tomorrow night and Sunday night, I'll continue to post updates over the weekend as I'm able, depending on what the rest of you get up to. However, I know a lot of folks (in the US anyway) will likely be doing their July 4th celebrations this weekend so there's no pressure to post if you're busy :)
GM Ladile |
Notice! Sign-ups for the upcoming PbP Gameday VII specials are now open, as declared here!
Lazarus Logos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
GM Ladile |
Aw're going to give me a swelled head if you keep that sort of talk up :)
Seriously though, thank you and I'm glad that those posts worked for folks. I figured that the statue clues were spread out enough that it'd be a hassle for you guys to try and go back to look them up so that's why I consolidated them for you. I appreciate the effort of folks like GM Rutseg who maintains all sorts of information for the Shackled City game he runs or GM Euan who gives brief recaps of events each time we level I figured I can pay it forward and remind you guys of a few puzzle hints :)
I'm also still sort of adjusting how I handle 'dungeon crawls' and 'puzzles' since (surprisingly) the large majority of scenarios/specials that I've GMed thus far have been outdoor or urban in nature.
GM Ladile |
the memories of Angelmire
You know what's funny? In the interest of full disclosure, I actually got the name of that little former-town wrong - it was supposed to be Anglemire. But after typing 'Angelmire' a few times (and missing the 1 hour edit window) I decided to just leave it and actively started typing Angelmire - it seemed oddly fitting to have a town with a name like that in Cheliax.
Not to mention, who names their town Anglemire anyway? How silly!
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
They also ended up with an acute case of heat exhaustion if I remember correctly.