Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Did we accomplish this goal? Seems like we did...
Defy local law or tradition in a way that assists you and your allies without endangering the mission or threatening innocent lives.
We defied the official writ to arrest Zephiro and search his museum right?
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie is leveled. He picked up a cloak of resistance +1 for his purchase. Gained dex to damage with daggers, another sneak attack dice, and he's even MORE like a human kid!
Pass For Human
You're easily mistaken for a human rather than a member of your own race.
Prerequisite: Half-elf, half-orc, or halfling (see Special).
Benefit: You receive a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to disguise yourself as a human, and do not receive the penalty for disguising yourself as a member of another race when you do so. In areas largely populated or settled by humans, you can take 10 on your Disguise check, meaning most people tend to assume you are human unless given a reason to think otherwise.
Special: A halfling may take this feat, but must have the Childlike feat as a prerequisite. The benefits of the two feats stack.
Meredith Ulmari |
Did we accomplish this goal? Seems like we did...
Defy local law or tradition in a way that assists you and your allies without endangering the mission or threatening innocent lives.
We defied the official writ to arrest Zephiro and search his museum right?
GM Ladile wrote that on my character sheet after I asked, so I'm pretty sure it works for you, too!
GM Ladile |
Yeah, you'll have to remind me if you're doing Faction Card stuff so I'll know whether to note it on your sheet or not. Do you want me to send you a new chronicle, Frankie?
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Ya sorry. Most GMs don't bother to put it on the chronicle so that's up to you, I'm fine with it left off. If some have it and some don't it looks more confusing than if none of them have it.
Meredith Ulmari |
Usually I just ask the GM and then link to the post where they agree.
GM Ladile |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Hokay! Frankie, I updated your chronicle with the Faction Journal note and I also have a basic chronicle ready now for Jan. Once again, you can find them >>here<< :)
GM Ladile |
So I've been looking forward to running Part 3 for quite awhile; as much as I think/hope everyone will enjoy it, I think Meredith, Frankie, and Dalen will be especially pleased (even though it means returning to dread Cheliax once more) :)
Meredith Ulmari |
The chance to flip a Chileax prison and rescue someone? Yeah, I'd like that.
GM Ladile |
Hey guys, since Frankie's player is out for the weekend and Jan also still seems to be out of pocket I'm going to throttle it down a bit here until Monday. I'll continue to post of course but I won't advance us to anything plot-related beyond the mission briefing.
Lazarus Logos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We can spend the weekend hoisting that pesky halfling Tamrin by the ankles, until enough loose change falls out of his pockets to compensate the party for the 'fees' he extracted from us previously.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Fees? Frankie doesn't remember paying for any fees... :)
Lazarus Logos |
I sent Jan an email, hoping for a response soon.
Lazarus Logos |
A little while back someone pointed out a rule buried in the fine print of the PFS Roleplaying Guild Guide. It limits purchases with Prestige Points to one per session.
Free purchase up to 750 gp(3) 2 PP.
(3) Once per session, you can acquire any single item of this cost or less from your faction by spending the appropriate number of Prestige Points. Items purchased this way are worth 0 gp and cannot be sold.
If you didn't spend PP on your last Chronicle, you could split the purchase between that one and this one.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Ya that person could have been me actually. I was hoping to not bother poor K on yet 'another' change to my last chronicle... but damn both those items would be sweet. 'MOM' will just have to wait. She didn't fit in well for this adventure anyhow... maybe I'll find her in the prison just in time for the following game!
GM Ladile |
@Lazarus - Thanks, hopefully you'll hear something soon.
@Frankie - Are you sure? We've got time if you wanted to make a purchase that'd go on your previous chronicle.
@Dalen - That's fine, we're sort of in a holding pattern for the moment as it is.
@Everyone - Thank you for your patience. I'm hoping that Lazarus will hear from Jan's player, one way or the other, soon. As much as I'd hate to have to leave him out of this scenario (since I know he's out of the country and possible internet issues likely can't be helped) it's not really fair to the rest of you to keep you waiting for days and days to get started, either. If he's not likely to be in a position to catch up and rejoin us pretty quick then I'm afraid we'll just have to run with 5 players for this one.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
If you don't mind redoing the chronicle again then yes I'd love to purchase both the snapleaf and the wand of grease. I'd say throw the snapleaf on the last chronicle and the wand will go on this one.
Thanks. Frankie can make use of that grease in many, many ways.
GM Ladile |
As mentioned elsewhere I'll try and get an updated chronicle for you tonight after work, Frankie.
I'll also go ahead and get us moved along tonight as well; we're coming up on two weeks without hearing anything further from Jan so I've made the decision to continue onward with just the 5 of you.
And finally, work has been busy today so if you're waiting on me in other games feel free to bot me if I'm a player and if I'm GM then I'll get posts up after I get home!
Lazarus Logos |
GM, can you double check the shared settings on the slides. Can't seem to move my icon around on the map.
GM Ladile |
I always forget to change the settings for a new set of slides; it should be fixed now!
GM Ladile |
At long last, Frankie's chronicle should be updated here to reflect his 2pp Snapleaf purchase! Apologies it took so long for such a simple fix :\
Lazarus Logos |
I'll be traveling to and from Gen Con over this coming week. I will post when I can, but it will unlikely be every day.
aka Lazarus Logos
GM Ladile |
By the way guys, don't let my earlier OOC comment about splitting the party dissuade you from doing that if that's what you'd actually like to do! Sometimes it's a lot of fun to see what different people get up to when they do that :3
Meredith Ulmari |
Meredith will stick around with the guards and squeeze them ask about how the prison is laid out.
GM Ladile |
Not to spam but I also wanted to share that Venture-Captain Hmm is running a contest/giveaway for some fun and not-easily-obtainable race boons. Go check it out if you're curious! :)
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Hello and apologies. Had some email and internet difficulties before heading back to the good ole' USA. If it's not too late, I would love to jump into part 3.
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Player: Pat Lowinger
Character: Jan Eriksson
Pathfinder Society Number: 94956-23
Faction: Grand Lodge
Slow Track or Normal: Normal
This Chronicle #: 7
Starting XP: 8
Initial Prestige: 11
Initial Fame: 13
Prestige Spent on this Chronicle: 0
Starting Gold: 1098
Day Job Roll: N/A
Gold Spent on this Chronicle: approx. 20 (night on the town)
Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle: I would like to enchant my masterwork chainmail shirt to +1 for 1000 gp.
GM Ladile |
Hey, glad to see you back Jan! I'm working today but let me look back and see what I've written and I'll see if I can get you worked back in once I get home :)
Lazarus Logos |
"Welcome back, Jan, my hairy Ulfen friend!"
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Hey, glad to see you back Jan! I'm working today but let me look back and see what I've written and I'll see if I can get you worked back in once I get home :)
Thank you so very much GM Ladile! One thing I learned from my trip to Romania and Bulgaria... don't take good and easily accessible internet for granted!
GM Ladile |
Alrighty Jan, you can find an updated chronicle sheet here! Please let me know if I need to make any adjustments and go ahead and level up when you get the chance. I've got a post up in Gameplay to get you back into the action so feel free to respond to that when you get a chance as well :)
GM Ladile |
To take off my GM hat for a moment re: the latest developments in Gameplay, we have come to this point as a result of too many inconsistencies between what Jan had to say and what the rest of the party has said and done during their time in the prison. Which is understandable and very well done on the part of Jan's player, having Jan stumble into the situation unsure of what's happened up to this point and trying to wing it as best as he can! But some lucky Sense Motive checks on the part of Straven and Galvar combined with the poor to middling Bluff checks...yeah, they know something is up.
Now I know this does put Lazarus and Jan (and the rest of the party) between a rock and a hard place since getting arrested won't do but it's also obvious that the guards are willing to resort to force if people aren't willing to come quietly. So I'll give Jan and Lazarus a bit to decide what they want to do and we'll roll from there. I will say that while subterfuge has been encouraged, violence is and always has been an option as well. Hope that helps and I hope my reasoning makes sense to everyone.
Dalen Stonestep |
Well, looks like we're going to be saving Krima's bacon then. Bring on the mayhem! I've even got an idea for what Dalen's going to tell them once they find her.
By the way, can we hear the commotion going in the archives?
Meredith Ulmari |
*gulp* A little help? I'm kind of surrounded, here.
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Sorry I blew the deception...
Jan, on the other hand is quite happy to shed some blood!
When Jan is speaking in Ulfen (in character, I will be using an English to Old Norse dictionary to try and RP it a bit).
Haski, fjandmadr kunnusta varr flaradr= Danger the enemy knows [of] our deception.
Timi vid deyja!= Time to die!
Nastrond= the Scandinavian realm of the dead where the bodies of the dead are gnawed (with great pain and torment) upon by a great serpent for all of eternity, also known as the Shore of Corpses in Norse Mythology.
GM Ladile |
Thanks for the information, Jan! And no worries; I will say that the scenario does have provisions for folks who either take a Leeroy Jenkins approach or end up drawing suspicion in other ways.
That being said, I'm out of time for tonight so I'll give things a proper kick in the tires *possibly* in the morning before work but if not, definitely after work!
GM Ladile |
Grar, was more strapped for time last night and this morning than I'd anticipated as I was trying to get another game wrapped up as well as Gameday stuff ready to go. I'm hitting the lake today so I'll largely be out of pocket (and unable to post) until sometime this evening but I *will* get this show on the road before the day's out.
GM Ladile |
And at long last, we're getting this show on the road again! Thanks for bearing with me guys.
GM Ladile |
Seems like we're kinda-sorta back up at the moment! I'm currently at work but if the site remains stable and cooperative then we will tentatively resume normal operations.
In the event of more shenanigans, you can find my email under a spoiler underneath the map links should you not be able to post and need to get in touch with me! Some groups are forming Hangouts chats and other means of keeping in touch during site outages but I won't insist on doing that here unless folks want to.
Meredith Ulmari |
I think we're back...