Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie will be 8xp once this adventure completes, so no level up for him.
As far as the next one, both of those are fine with me, haven't played either in any capacity.
Meredith Ulmari |
So, Meredith doesn't have AoE spells, but she DOES have the ability to summon minions. Which she will.
The Unseen Servant can hold a flask of fire and then walk into to the swarm. The swarm will destroy it but that's fine- it should drop the flask in the process and kaboom.
I'm choosing fire elementals because of their Burn ability.
Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.
Small Fire Elementals deal 1d4 Burn damage with a DC 11 Reflex Save to avoid burning up. Fire good, tree pretty.
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Jan will be level 5 after this scenario. I will be taking some future levels of Warpriest and retraining level 4 (so 3 levels of Ranger and 2 levels of Warpriest).
I will need to address it on the chronicle sheet as well as retraining an archetype feature (getting rid of it).
Lazarus Logos |
Lazarus had agreed to slow track this and the next scenario, in order to enable the rest of the party to catch up.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
I've got some family stuff going on, I'll post when I can but don't hesitate to bot me.
GM Ladile |
By the way guys, I suspect that for lots of people the holiday festivities are starting this weekend and running through a good portion of next week. With that in mind, posting will be optional until oh, say, the 26th or 27th. I'll largely be around and will update the game as necessary but if you're busy or have other things to be doing then don't stress too much :)
GM Ladile |
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We will start easing back into your Regularly Scheduled PbP Programming later this evening :)
GM Ladile |
Well okay, now I think I'm over the worst of my (figurative) holiday hangover and ready to ease back into regular posting again. I thought I'd be ready to do that last night but that turned out to not be the case.
And to clear up any potential confusion - yes, you've done all that you can in this particular case and no, there's no real explanation to be had for why the trees were infected in the first place. Paizo hasn't done much with Iobaria to my knowledge so the whole 'lots of plagues' thing might be something they'll revisit in more detail in 2e, maybe?
Meredith Ulmari |
Druids Wizards did it, understood!
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Best to have too big a world for room to grow than one too small with no where to go.
GM Ladile |
Soooo...I was informed by my local VO yesterday that there's actually a follow-up of sorts to this very scenario that's expected to come out around the end of January! #10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull looks to be another 1-5, so we could plan to play it if folks are interested. While I'm pretty sure most of you would be, I also know that Laz and I think Jan's players are VOs for their own region and might want to save Season 10 scenarios for local play if possible. Thoughts?
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Sure! Looks like we've got some time to fit it in with the top end being 5.
Lazarus Logos |
That's a great idea! I'm happy to play #10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull, though after slow-tracking the current scenario, the next one will take me to level 6.
I've been GMing the Season 10 scenarios, but avoiding playing them. So many Cons focus on the current season's scenarios, I try to leave my options open.
But making an exception to take advantage of playing in a scenario run by my favorite GM? It's a no-brainer!
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Eek. I didn't realize Laz was so high level. Frankie and I don't pay attention so well I guess.
Meredith Ulmari |
Meredith will return in... 10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull.
(Also Denair will be there, too!)
GM Ladile |
Okay! Everyone seems in favor of playing the follow-up so that's what we'll do. In order to fit it in before Lazarus outlevels the 1-5 range completely it'll have to be the next scenario we do. Since it's going to be about a month before the scenario becomes available for download, we'll wrap the current scenario up and then take a breather for a few weeks if that's acceptable to everyone.
For all intents and purposes we're done with this scenario so we can take our time with the wrap-up. I'll get chronicles out to everyone within the next couple of days and in the meantime...well, I'll see if I can come up with some sort of downtime shenanigans or something to keep folks entertained/engaged while we wait for the next scenario to drop.
Sound good? :)
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
I'm not sure Frankie can handle shenanigans. It seems pretty out of his comfort zone.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Ahh... I've found a new calling for Frankie... official cock block of the crew! Sorry fellas!
GM Ladile |
Hmm...guess it'd help me get chronicles done if I called for Day Job rolls and/or Faction Journal stuff!
If you've got a Day Job, please go ahead and roll it now (or remind me if you did so at the start) and/or if you have any questions about Faction Journal check-offs, please ask :)
Yorad Cinderhunter |
Day Job (Porter): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Brayden Valdrin |
Craft (Weapons!): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Brayden creates a wooden stick with nails lining it. It's about a step above goblin-tier weaponry.
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Day Job (via Hunting Lodge) Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Also, can you please note that Jan will be spending 7 prestige points and 280 gold pieces to retrain his level 4 advancement and will be taking 1 level in Warpriest (making him a level 3 Ranger and level 1 Warpriest).
Jan is feeling rather connected to nature...
GM Ladile |
The game has been reported and the chronicles are mostly done; tonight saw me taking my Chromebook for a spin for the first time and I quickly ran into a problem of needing to find a new (free) PDF editor that works with the Chrome OS. I think I finally found something that'll do the trick but if you notice the chronicles look a little different than usual, the use of a new program is why.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Faction Goal: (0/1)Possess a CMD against grapple of at least 25, the evasion class feature, or the ability to cast freedom of movement or break enchantment. Permanent magic items that grant these abilities count, but consumable items such as scrolls do not. (evasion)
Day Job via Vanity: Sleight of Hand: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Meredith Ulmari |
Forgo your Downtime to nonviolently fight for the cause of liberty by spending time organizing protests, freeing slaves, or distributing revolutionary material. Doing so requires a successful Disable Device, Knowledge (local), or Stealth check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
Assuming Denair can do it...
Denair's Stealth vs DC 19: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21
That was closer than it should have been...
GM Ladile |
^Noted! I will try and get chronicles finished either tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning after work.
@Frankie - Lol! Frankie is just the sort of kid that I sometimes wish I could punt like a football in the real world :P
Meredith Ulmari |
I'll never remember to take 10 on these...
GM Ladile |
Hokay! At long last, you can find your chronicles >>here<< !
As always, please let me know if I've gotten anything jacked up and I will fix it as quickly as I can :)
Meredith Ulmari |
Looks good to me, thanks GM.
Wow, those are some brutal boons. Also I guess we could have wound up fighting him. Here's the one we got:
Guardian of the Farheavens: You successfully reunited Dolok Darkfur with the last god caller of the Farheavens, earning the gratitude of the mighty eidolon. You can check one of the boxes that precede this boon as a standard action to affect a single bear or owlbear with a charm monster effect (DC 19; CL 8th). Alternatively, you can check a box that precedes this boon as a standard action to use bear’s endurance as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level.
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Looks good to me too, thanks K.
A typed loot list for those that are interested:
+1 Battle aspergillum (2,305g; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 176)
Catching cape (200g; Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 302)
Elixir of fire breath (1,100g)
Elixir of vision (250g)
Key of lock jamming (400g; Advanced Player's Guide 306)
Potion of cure moderate wounds (300g)
Potion of remove disease (750g)
Potion of undetectable alignment (300g)
Scroll of cure moderate wounds (150g)
Scroll of diagnose disease (25g; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 216)
Scroll of spiked pit (375g; Advanced Player's Guide 246)
Lazarus Logos |
Spellcraft DC15 + spell level (3); +2 bonus on the Spellcraft check because spiked pit is from his specialty school (conjuration): 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 2 = 12
VC Shirt Re-roll + 5 GM stars: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 2 + 5 = 32
Delighted to find a scroll with a spell from his school of specialization, Lazarus the conjurer casts read magic to decipher the magical writing and studies the scroll for an hour. He spends 90gp for materials to transcribe spiked pit into his spellbook.
I can update the Chronicle myself, GM, if that's okay with you.
Yorad Cinderhunter |
Chronicle looks good GM Ladile!
Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko |
Frankie got his hands on a set of 'eyes of the eagle'. He was sick and tired of losing to Denair in hide and seek. He's broke once more.
Meredith Ulmari |
Meredith is now level 5.
Unchained Summoner 5
HP d8 + Con + FCB
35 + 5 (d8) + 2 Con + 1 FCB = 43 (noted)
Nature's Call now uses Summon Nature Ally 3 (noted)
Spells per Day increases by 0/1/1 (Now at will/5/3 times per day)
At level 5, Meredith can forget one spell in exchange for another as long as it's 1 level below her highest level: Forget Magic Fang, Learn Unfetter
Spells known: 0/0/1 (now 3 level 2 spells are known)
Alter Self
Bond Senses increases by 1 round per day (now 5 rounds per day)
New Skills
2 Sum + 1 Int + 1 Human Skilled = 4 (Par 3)
- Diplomacy (now +9)
- Spellcraft (now +7)
- Survival (now +7)
- Use Magic Device (now +9)
Arcane Strike damage is now +2 (noted)
Feat - Great Fortitude (Fort Save is now +7)
Meredith's Eidolon |
And that means Denair improves, too.
HD +1 to 4 HD
HP: 4d10 + 4 Con = 22 + 4 = 26 (noted)
BAB +1 to +4
- CMB +1 (now +7)
- CMD +1 (now 18)
- Power Attack trades -2 Attack for +4 Damage (+6 for 1 1/2 times damage attacks)
Str Bonus +1 to 18
- +1 to attacks
- +1 to damage (+2 for natural attacks)
Dex Bonus +1 to 14
- AC +1 (now 16)
- Touch +1 (now 12)
- CMD +1 (now 19)
- Reflex Saves +1 (now +2)
Dex based Skills improve
Acrobatics now +7
Disable Device now +9
Stealth now +15
Armor Bonus increases from +2 to +4
Reallocating armor from +4 Natural Armor to +4 Armor bonus (noted)
Saving Throws: Fort +1/Will +1 (now 5/4)
Evolution Pool +1 to 4 (include Summoner's +1 feat)
Current Evolutions (5 point capacity)
Skilled (Perception)
Flight (2 point version)
Denair lost her Climb evolution. Without a Climb speed, Denair's Climb drops by +8 and she cannot take 10.
Denair gained the Fly evolution. She has a Flight Speed with Good manueverability, gaining +4 to Fly checks.
Ability Score Increase: +1 Int (now 8 Int)
Knowledge (Nature) improves to +4
Now 5 Skill Points per level
Should have 20 Skill Points total (5 * 4 HD)
Skill Points: (6 Outsider - 1 Int) * 4 HD = 20 Skill Points
8 Skill Points to allocate
- Disable Device (now +10)
- Fly (now +10)
- Knowledge(Nature) +2 (now +6)
- Perception (now +14)
- Perform(Oratory) (now +4)
- Sense Motive (now +6)
- Stealth (now +16)
Meredith took the Extra Evolution feat for 1 more point.
5 Points:
Skilled (Perception)
Flight (2 point version)
GM Ladile |
@Lazarus - That's fine! And my bad, I should've figured you'd want to learn some new spells - I'll try and remember to wait and see the next time there's a chronicle with scrolls and stuff on it :)
@Meredith - Huzzah! *scurries off to update player info*
Jan Eriksson 0101 |
Jan becomes level 5 after retraining level 4 and abandoning his archetype. So, he is now a level 3 Ranger (no archetype) and a level 2 Warpriest (again, no archetype). I noted the costs in GP and PP above:
Day Job (via Hunting Lodge) Survival: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Also, can you please note that Jan will be spending 7 prestige points and 280 gold pieces to retrain his level 4 advancement and will be taking 1 level in Warpriest (making him a level 3 Ranger and level 1 Warpriest).
Also, day job role.
Meredith Ulmari |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
After the adventure, Meredith is buying a Ring of Sustenance for 2500 gp.
She only has to sleep for 2 hours a day instead of 8, and she doesn't have to consume food or water anymore.