GM Kiora's Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Kiora Atua

Chosen heroes have arrived in Kenabres at the dawn of the Fifth Crusade. Will they be the ones to end a century long war?


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Living Steel DR 4/Evil Female InE 1 / SYF 1 / SP 1 / SCB 1 Valiant Keeper Half-Elven Ran 8/War 2/Fig 10 (VMC) HP (153/153)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 32/15/25/30 | Fort/Ref/Will +13/12/12 | Init +05
MP 06/11 LP 3/3 AM 3/3 SP 12/12 CS 12/12 M 0/6
+21: Acrobatics +22: K(Pl) +18: Athletics +17: Perception +15: P(Soldier); +14: K(Du, Na, Re), A(Poetry), Survival; +12: Diplo +8: Stealth; +7: Spellcraft, Ride; +6: Heal; +5: L(Drezen); +3 Ling; +2: K(No, Lo, Ar)

It's a shame I'll never know about it, hidy fox. V:


Just wanted to post Ehren's suggestion (or whomever might have suggested it before he mentioned it) in case it was missed in discord:

Gaseous form Irabeth and have her return to the troops with the helm.
Since Ayavah's not healing she can cast it on the last round, and Irabeth can pick up the helm and take over control of our forces.

I am 100% for this idea.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |


WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Sounds like that's what you wanna do, but I'd like it if someone asked in character


I think irabeth taking the full body, if possible, is preferable. Only Val knows that Ayavah could do that. If no one brings it up by the time I'm home, Anevia will suggest EHREN use some twiddle finger magic to do it, and let Ayavah maybe suggest it herself. :)

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 12/Hierophant 4 | HP 170/172 (24 THP) | AC 34, T 26, FF 24 | Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +19 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +1 | Perception +19 | MP 3/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11

Actually, I double-checked, and we've included the fact that Ayavah can cast gaseous form in our planning (in-character) before. So it wouldn't like, be a huge continuity break or anything. I think. :P

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

Ayavah has mentioned she can cast that multiple times.

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

Indeed. I agree that sending Irabeth back with the body is fine and really anyone can suggest it. Honestly, Val probably wouldn't care too much about the body.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

For Valaria:

You are now high enough level to take Ayavah as your cohort. I've given you control of her pawn in Roll20. Below is her statblock. She should ideally continue to progress as a sorcerer. You have control over progression, except for one detail - her first level 4 spell will be stone shape.


Demon-spawn tiefling sorcerer 7 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 20, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 enhancement)
hp 42 (7d6)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +8
Defensive Abilities fated (+2); Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 cold iron dagger +2 (1d4-1/19-20)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +10)
. . 1/day—shatter (DC 15)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th; concentration +10)
. . 6/day—touch of destiny (+3)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 7th; concentration +10)
. . 3rd (5/day)—gaseous form, nondetection, protection from energy
. . 2nd (7/day)—alter self, blur, darkness, touch of idiocy
. . 1st (7/day)—alarm, crafter's fortune[APG] (DC 14), mage armor, magic missile, unseen servant, vanish[APG] (DC 14)
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, mage hand, mending, message, prestidigitation, read magic
. . Bloodline Destined
Before Combat In this new hostile land, Ayavah casts mage armor on herself each morning, as well as nondetection— while not evil, she believes her demonic heritage and heretical faith shine like beacons to paladins. If obvious danger looms, she also casts shield from her wand.
During Combat Ayavah prefers to hide and support others in a fight, casting vanish and then enhancing others with her touch of destiny and blur. If forced to defend herself, she casts blur, touch of idiocy, and magic missile until she gets an opportunity to retreat with gaseous form.
Morale Ayavah hates a fair fight, and flees if reduced to fewer than half her hit points, but she remembers humiliations, holds long grudges, and plots to sabotage her foes’ livelihoods down the road. She won’t abandon friends in combat—true friends are rare for her—but she happily lets them stand between her and any danger.
Str 7, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +3.5; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Fiendish Facade, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Craft [sculpture])
Skills Appraise +10, Bluff +10, Craft (sculpture) +15, Disguise +20 (+25 to impersonate Human), Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +5, Spellcraft +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Varisian
SQ bloodline arcana (gain luck bonus on saves when casting personal-range spells)
Combat Gear potion of lesser restoration, scroll of stone shape, wand of shield (20 charges); Other Gear mwk cold iron dagger, handy haversack, hat of disguise, masterwork sculpting tools, statuette of romantically entwined succubi (worth 500 gp), unworked marble (22 lb), 341 gp
Special Abilities
Bloodline Arcana: Destined (Ex) When you cast a Personal spell, gain a save bonus of its level for 1 round.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fated +2 (Su) You gain +2 on saves you are unaware of or when surprised.
Fiendish Facade (Human) You are easily mistaken for a member of another race. Your fiendish physical traits are normally hidden by clothing or appear to be markings of another race.
Touch of Destiny +3 (6/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch grants +3 insight bonus to most rolls for 1 rd.

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WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

For Ary:

If you are taking on additional followers, please put their statblocks somewhere in your profile (or in a link off of your profile)

Fenton Bootblack:

Fenton Bootblack
Male young halfling fighter (weapon bearer squire) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Knights of the Inner Sea, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 295)
LG Tiny humanoid (halfling)
Init +5; Senses Perception +1
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +2 size)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will -1; +2 vs. fear
Speed 20 ft.
Melee cold iron dagger +2 (1d2-1/19-20) or
. . cold iron lance +2 (1d4-1/×3)
Ranged shortbow +8 (1d3-1/×3)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Str 8, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 13
Feats Combat Stamina, Well-prepared[APG]
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+2 to jump), Athletics +6, Perception +1, Stealth +13, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Athletics +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ luckbringer, weapon rack
Combat Gear cold iron arrows (20); Other Gear padded armor, light wooden shield, cold iron dagger, cold iron lance, shortbow, weaponrack backpack[UW]
Special Abilities
Fearless +2 bonus to save vs. fear (stacks with halfling luck).
Luckbringer (1/day) (Su) Touched nonmagic token grants +1 luck bonus to Will saves for 1 hr.
Weapon Rack (1/round) (Ex) Knight grabs your carried item as move & you pick up dropped item as imm action (no AoO).
Well-Prepared (Survival, 1/day) DC 10+ gp cost check and you "happen" to have the desired item on your person.
Fenton Bootblack was born the middlest child of 5 to a pair of ex-slips in Dawnton. His parents are a hardworking pair of cobblers who help service many knights at Fort Portolmaeus. Fenton grew up regailed by the tales of the brave knights of the Crusades, and despite his parents’ urgings that he settle down and choose a nice, respectable halfling trade in Dawnton, he decided to attend an Iomedaean training service for would-be squires in the settlement. There the bullying of his peers for his short stature - the children of humans, half-elves, even the odd tiefling - was not enough to discourage him from his dreams. But when he finished the training program, no knight would take him… until Ser Yves, who just happened to be passing by the crusader fortification, heard of his plight.
A hero in his own right, Ser Yves was impressed by the tiny halfling’s bravery and resolve, and offered to take him as his squire. Fenton has spent the last 9 months traveling with Ser Yves, and even the horrors of the Worldwound have not been enough to discoruage him from continuing on as a squire.

Fenton is 2 feet tall and 18 lbs. He has red hair in a tangled, curly mess, and a face full of freckles with a lean build. Fenton is a good-hearted, determined idealist. He shows good promise with weaponry (though he is far more dextrous than strong) and is kind and gentle with animals, though he struggles with arithmetic and writing. His ultimate dream is to become the best knight that ever lived, to do great good in the world and for the crusades, and then settle down with a beautiful lady halfling and raise a family.


Female human cleric of Sarenrae 2
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +2
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 18 (2d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee mwk scimitar +3 (1d6+1/18-20)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks blinding flash 5/day, channel positive energy 7/day (DC 13, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . 5/day—rebuke death (1d4+1)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
. . 1st—bless, bless water (DC 13), cure light wounds[D], sanctuary (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, purify food and drink (DC 12), stabilize
. . D Domain spell; Domains Healing, Sun (Light[APG] subdomain)
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Extra Channel, Skill Focus (Heal)
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Diplomacy +7, Heal +12, Knowledge (religion) +6, Sense Motive +6, Spellcraft +5
Languages Celestial, Common
Combat Gear scroll of dispel magic, scroll of resist energy, wand of cure light wounds, healer's kit, holy water (2); Other Gear breastplate, mwk light crossbow with 10 bolts, mwk scimitar, cleric's vestments, powdered silver (worth 25 gp, 5 lb), silver holy symbol of Sarenrae, spell component pouch, 17 gp
Special Abilities
Blinding Flash (2 rds, 5/day, DC 13) (Su) Creatures within 20' are dazzled. Those with fewer HD than your Cleric level must save or be blinded for 1d4r.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (7/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Healing) Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Cleric Domain (Light)
Rebuke Death (5/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch heals 1d4+1 dam to negative HP target.

Nira Loumis:

Nira Loumis
Female middle-aged human expert 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -2 (1d4-2/19-20)
Str 7, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 10
Feats Run, Skill Focus (Craft [clothing])
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump with a running start), Appraise +5, Craft (clothing) +10, Diplomacy +4, Disable Device +6, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Perception +4, Use Magic Device +4
Languages Common, Varisian
Combat Gear acid; Other Gear padded armor, dagger, masterwork tailoring tools, 188 gp
Special Abilities
Run Run 5x your speed in light/medium armor or 4x speed in heavy armor and keep Dex when running.

Belthis Loumis:

Belthis Loumis CR 1/2
XP 200
Male middle-aged human expert 2
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init -1; Senses Perception +7
AC 9, touch 9, flat-footed 9 (-1 Dex)
hp 7 (2d8-2)
Fort -1, Ref -1, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4-1/19-20)
Str 8, Dex 9, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 9
Feats Persuasive, Skill Focus (Profession [merchant])
Skills Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +8, Disguise +3, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (local) +6, Linguistics +6, Perception +7, Profession (merchant) +10, Sense Motive +7
Languages Common, Dwarven, Hallit, Halfling, Varisian
Combat Gear smokestick, tanglefoot bag; Other Gear dagger, trade goods (worth 433 gp)

Grippli Arcane Trickster | hp 104 / 104 (healthy), AC 23, touch 19, ff 16, CMD 23 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 (+2 vs. confusion, insanity) | Init +9, Perc +15, darkvision 60ft, (mythic power 9/9)

Well, this is a nice surprise.

Xanderghul, level 9

+1 level wizard
+10 hp (6 HD, 4 CON)
+1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex
+10 skill points (2 wizard, 2 background, 1 favored class, 5 INT)
+1 to Knowledge (arcana, planes, history), Spellcraft, Linguistics, Perception
+4 to Stealth

New Languages: Ancient Osiriani and Elven
+1 feat (Resilient Illusions)

+1 2nd-level spell/day
+1 5th-level spell/day (plus 1 from INT, plus 2 from specialization)
+2 spells known (shadow evocation and possession)

- - - -

2nd-level spell prepared: limp lash
5th-level spells prepared: shadow evocation, shadow evocation, shadow evocation, possession

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

Before I finish my level-up, is it still alright to not worry about the Point Blank Shot pre-req to get Precise Shot?

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

+1 (first) level in Evangelist
+13 hp (8 class, 2 con, 3 boon from Iomedae)
+1 bab, CMD, CMB
+1 reflex
Skilled(class): two new class skills: survival and use magic device
Feat: Combat stamina (10 points)
7 skill points (6 class, -1 int, 2 background)
+1 to Acrobatics, artistry, diplomacy, k. history, k. relgion, perception, spelcraft

What about armor and weapon attunement?

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Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 12/Hierophant 4 | HP 170/172 (24 THP) | AC 34, T 26, FF 24 | Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +19 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +1 | Perception +19 | MP 3/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11

Ehren Ferron, Level 9 (Arch)druid

Level 9 Druid
+13 hp (8 HD + 3 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored Class Bonus)
Reflex +1
Feat: Leadership

Class Features
Walk the Lines (6/day)
+1 2nd level spell slot (burst of radiance)
+2+1 5th level spell slots (baleful polymorph, fire snake, wall of stone)

+5 adventuring skill ranks
+2 background skill ranks
+5 ranks to Diplomacy, +1 rank to Linguistics, Lore (Sarkoris)
Language: Giant

Automatic Bonus Progression
If applicable.
Armor Attunement +2 (+2 black dragonhide armor) Net AC remains unchanged.
Weapon Attunement +2 (+2 slam attacks)

Living Steel DR 4/Evil Female InE 1 / SYF 1 / SP 1 / SCB 1 Valiant Keeper Half-Elven Ran 8/War 2/Fig 10 (VMC) HP (153/153)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 32/15/25/30 | Fort/Ref/Will +13/12/12 | Init +05
MP 06/11 LP 3/3 AM 3/3 SP 12/12 CS 12/12 M 0/6
+21: Acrobatics +22: K(Pl) +18: Athletics +17: Perception +15: P(Soldier); +14: K(Du, Na, Re), A(Poetry), Survival; +12: Diplo +8: Stealth; +7: Spellcraft, Ride; +6: Heal; +5: L(Drezen); +3 Ling; +2: K(No, Lo, Ar)

Can Umbral Bloodline (The Wildblooded Shadow bloodline) be taken as VMC Sorcerer and/or Eldritch Heritage?

Can I pick up stances/maneuvers that Anevia already knows as a warder and retrain one that she knows as a Hidden Blade Rogue? If not, how would I go about retraining stances later?

Do you have any interest in leveling the followers up? If so, which of those can level up? :)

Ary Level 9 - Ranger 7

+12 HP (1d10 + 2 Con)
+1 BAB, CMB, and CMD
+1 Reflex, Will (Total 7/6/5; 5.5 Ranger/2 Warder, 5.5 Ranger/.66 Warder, 2.33 Ranger/3 Warder)

+10 Skill Ranks (6 class + 1 Int + 2 Background + 1 Favored Class)
+2 Ranks: Acrobatics (Mythic Skill Unlocks Acquired)
+1 Ranks: A(Poetry), K(Planes, Dungeoneering, Religion, Arcana) P(Soldier), Survival, Perception

Class Features
Woodland Stride (Finally. I've been waiting so long for this moment.)
+1 Second Level Spell Slot (Circle of Protection against Evil)


Faith will Usurp the bow's MAGICKS, unless we have to reattune.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Valaria Alazario wrote:

Before I finish my level-up, is it still alright to not worry about the Point Blank Shot pre-req to get Precise Shot?

I'm still requiring you to take point blank shot.

I'm handling feat taxation by offering bonus feats. You shouldn't feel feat starved.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Hinagiku wrote:

+1 (first) level in Evangelist

+13 hp (8 class, 2 con, 3 boon from Iomedae)
+1 bab, CMD, CMB
+1 reflex
Skilled(class): two new class skills: survival and use magic device
Feat: Combat stamina (10 points)
7 skill points (6 class, -1 int, 2 background)
+1 to Acrobatics, artistry, diplomacy, k. history, k. relgion, perception, spelcraft

What about armor and weapon attunement?

I didn't know you were taking evangelist :)

You can go ahead and attune your armor/weapon.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Ary Bishop wrote:

Can Umbral Bloodline (The Wildblooded Shadow bloodline) be taken as VMC Sorcerer and/or Eldritch Heritage?

Can I pick up stances/maneuvers that Anevia already knows as a warder and retrain one that she knows as a Hidden Blade Rogue? If not, how would I go about retraining stances later?

Do you have any interest in leveling the followers up? If so, which of those can level up? :)

1. Umbral Bloodline from those is fine.

2. I'm fine with retraining redundancies.

3. You can level up all of your followers if you want, or none of them. All I care is that their general theming stays intact (Fenton wants to be a "knight", Klarah is devoted to Sarenrae, the Loumises are shopkeeps, not warriors)

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

About evangelist: sorry, I was sure I had mentioned. But yeah, In the long run I lose 2 bab, and 2 to for and will saves... which to be honest, I don't mind because Hinagiku's saves are quite high, and I gain a bunch of benefits. For example, flight in 10 levels. Plus, it fits with how I have been playing Hinagiku. The increase in skill ranks is quite welcome too.

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

Valaria Level 9

+1 Swashbuckler Level
+13 HP (10 HD + 3 Con)
+1 Reflex Save

+1 Bonus Combat Feat
+1 Initiator Level
+2 Performance Rounds
Inspire Courage +2

Armor Attunement +2
Weapon Attunement +2 (Not applying because +1/+1 works better for me)

+9 Skill Ranks (4 Class + 1 Favored + 2 Int + 2 Background)
+1 Rank (Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Intimidate, Perception, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Tiefling (Pitborn) Sorceress 7/Archmage 1 | HP: 45/45 | AC: 20, Touch: 16, Flat-Footed 16 | CMD: 16 | Fort: +3, Reflex: +5, Will +8 | Init: +2 | Perception +5 | 1st: 4/7, 2nd: 5/7, 3rd: 5/5 | Destiny: 6/6 | MP: 3/5

Also, here's Ayavah's profile for using her in combat. I'm sure it still needs adjustments, so if anyone sees mistakes or stuff I still need to do, I'm all ears.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

Changed weapon and armor stuff. Everything should be in order now.

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

Also raised my other saves after Xan reminded me that we're using Fractional advancement. Now I think I'm alright.

Grippli Arcane Trickster | hp 104 / 104 (healthy), AC 23, touch 19, ff 16, CMD 23 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 (+2 vs. confusion, insanity) | Init +9, Perc +15, darkvision 60ft, (mythic power 9/9)

I also get my school ability, shadow jump. That's 240 feet per day of slightly-imprecise teleporting through areas of dim light.

DeS 1 / CuF 1 / FaS 1 / ReS 1 Human Rogue (Hidden Blade) 7 HP (71/71) MP (5/7)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 19/16/14/22 | Fort/Ref/Will 03/11/02 | Init +10
+23: Stealth; +18: DD; +15: Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics; +13: K(Local); +11: Appraise, Athletics, Lingusitics; +10: K(Planes); +9: Diplomacy, K(Dun), Perception, Sense Motive; +5: K(Martial)

Anevia, the Sevening (Rogue)

+9 HP (1d8 + 1 Con)
+1 BAB, CMB, and CMD
+1 Reflex, Touch AC, Base AC, Initiative, CMD (total +2) (Dexterity Mod increased)

+10 Skill Ranks (8 class + 3 Int + 1 Human)
+2 K(Martial)
+1 Disable Device, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, K(Local), Athletics, Linguistics, K(Planes), Perception, Sense Motive

Class Features
Sneak Attack +1d6 (4d6 Total)
Max Maneuver Level increases to 3
+1 Maneuver Known (Ghostwalk - Boost - Swift action to become Incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn.)
+1 Stance Known (Formless Dance - Blur and See Invisibility as the spells; Anevia may slip into shadows a little more easily!)
+0 Readied Maneuvers

Skill Focus (Stealth)

+2 Dexterity

Tactics Change
Anevia begins each day in Formless Dance Stance unless otherwise noted.


Isilme, Level 8 Bard/Level 1 Cleric (Divine Paragon)

+10 HP (8 HD + 2 Con)
+3 Fort Save

+1 1st lvl spell/day, +1 domain spell/day

Weapon Proficiency: Starknife
Divine Brand (Hand)
Devoted Domain (Exploration, +10ft move, Door Sight 3/day), Domain (Good, Spells Only)
Channel Energy 1d6 (8/day)
Divine Obedience (Desna)
Spontaneous Casting, Orisons

Automatic Bonus Progression
Armor Attunement +2 - sticking with +1/+1.
Weapon Attunement +2 - cold iron rapier

+6 Skill Ranks (2 Class + 2 Int + 2 Background) (Acrobatics, Spellcraft, Stealth, Linguistics, Perform: Act, Perform: Oratory)

Additional Traits (Irrepressible, Redeemer)

Living Steel DR 4/Evil Female InE 1 / SYF 1 / SP 1 / SCB 1 Valiant Keeper Half-Elven Ran 8/War 2/Fig 10 (VMC) HP (153/153)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 32/15/25/30 | Fort/Ref/Will +13/12/12 | Init +05
MP 06/11 LP 3/3 AM 3/3 SP 12/12 CS 12/12 M 0/6
+21: Acrobatics +22: K(Pl) +18: Athletics +17: Perception +15: P(Soldier); +14: K(Du, Na, Re), A(Poetry), Survival; +12: Diplo +8: Stealth; +7: Spellcraft, Ride; +6: Heal; +5: L(Drezen); +3 Ling; +2: K(No, Lo, Ar)

Ary unlocks Mythic Acrobatics.

Xander unlocks Mythic Stealth.

Stealth Exploits:

Hide: You reduce the penalty for moving more than half your speed by an amount equal to one-half your mythic tier.
Quick Hiding: Making a Bluff check to create a diversion to hide is a move action for you, or a swift action if you expend one use of mythic power.
Sniping: You reduce the penalty to hide again after sniping by an amount equal to your mythic tier. If you expend one use of mythic power, you can attempt a Stealth check as a swift action after sniping, rather than as a move action.
Greater Exploit: Sneaking: If you begin your turn with cover or concealment and make a successful stealth check, you can leave cover or concealment and remain unobserved for a number of rounds equal to one-half your mythic tier (minimum 1) without any further stealth checks, as long as you do not attack, cast a spell, or perform another similar action that draws attention to you prior to reaching additional cover or concealment.

Daisy -probably- gained Mythic Diplomacy, K(Religion). If you got up to at least 5 ranks in something, let me know. If you don't have at least 5 in one of those things, also let me know, because I added that to the LIST OF POWER.

Ehren gained Mythic Diplomacy

Diplomacy Exploits:

Charm Person: You can succeed at a DC 50 Diplomacy check or expend two uses of mythic power as a full-round action to use charm person as a supernatural ability. This ability is language-dependent. The save DC is Charisma-based. Failure renders the target immune to this ability for 24 hours.
Change Attitude: You subtract your mythic tier from the number of rounds required to change a creature’s attitude; you can expend one use of mythic power to instead subtract twice your mythic tier. If this reduces the number of rounds to 0, you can change a creature’s attitude as a full-round action.
Gather Information: You reduce the number of hours required to gather information by 1 for every 2 mythic tiers you possess. If this reduces the time to 0, then you must spend 1d4 x 10 minutes gathering information. If you expend one use of mythic power, you reduce this time to 1d4 minutes.
Mediation: You can attempt to mediate a dispute between two other creatures, each of whom who may represent and speak for a larger group. To successfully mediate their dispute requires adjusting the attitude of both sides to become friendly, and the DC to adjust each side’s attitude is increased by an amount equal to the base Diplomacy modifier of that group’s leader (including ability modifiers and permanent or constant bonuses but not temporary modifiers). Each mediation attempt, with a Diplomacy check made against each spokesperson, requires 8 hours, though you can reduce this time to 1 hour by accepting a -10 penalty or by expending one use of mythic power, negating this penalty. You can continue negotiations even if one side becomes hostile, but if both sides become hostile the mediation ends.
Greater Exploit: Charm Monster: You can attempt a DC 70 Diplomacy check or expend three uses of mythic power as a full-round action to use charm monster as a supernatural ability. This ability is language-dependent. The save DC is Charisma-based. Failure renders the target immune to this ability for 24 hours.

Buffs | Char. Sheet |

@Ary: thanks for the hard work. But nothing changed since last level, this is Hinagiku's fist point in diplomacy! Acrobatics, artistry, K. history and K. religion, and perception are her skills with more than 5 ranks


Kule, Level 2 Oracle(Life) Emocorn

+16 HP (8 HD + 6 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 FCB)
+1 Will Save

+1 1st lvl spell/day
Spells Known - light (0th), detect undead (1st)

Automatic Bonus Progression
Mental Enhancement +2 - Charisma

+7 Skill Ranks (4 Class + 3 Int) (Intimidate, Know(Nature) x2, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival x2)

Grippli Arcane Trickster | hp 104 / 104 (healthy), AC 23, touch 19, ff 16, CMD 23 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 (+2 vs. confusion, insanity) | Init +9, Perc +15, darkvision 60ft, (mythic power 9/9)

Hey Kiora - you told Isilme that you get spells from prestige classes. Totally no worries if not, but I have a level of a prestige class and I didn't know you leaned that way when I created Xanderghul.

Would it be alright to choose a couple 3rd-level spells to represent those gained from my Cyphermage level, or is it a little too late?

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

I'll start auditing tomorrow

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

No prob. Hope you're feeling better.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Xanderghul wrote:

Hey Kiora - you told Isilme that you get spells from prestige classes. Totally no worries if not, but I have a level of a prestige class and I didn't know you leaned that way when I created Xanderghul.

Would it be alright to choose a couple 3rd-level spells to represent those gained from my Cyphermage level, or is it a little too late?

That's fine, this is a good opportunity to

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Xanderghul wrote:

Well, this is a nice surprise.

Xanderghul, level 9

+1 level wizard
+10 hp (6 HD, 4 CON)
+1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex
+10 skill points (2 wizard, 2 background, 1 favored class, 5 INT)
+1 to Knowledge (arcana, planes, history), Spellcraft, Linguistics, Perception
+4 to Stealth

New Languages: Ancient Osiriani and Elven
+1 feat (Resilient Illusions)

+1 2nd-level spell/day
+1 5th-level spell/day (plus 1 from INT, plus 2 from specialization)
+2 spells known (shadow evocation and possession)

- - - -

2nd-level spell prepared: limp lash
5th-level spells prepared: shadow evocation, shadow evocation, shadow evocation, possession


  • ◆ Please add 2 1st, 2nd or 3rd level free spells to one of your spellbooks
  • ◆ Shadow Step must be performed in 5' increments so using a denomination of 45/45 would make more sense on your sheet imo, but up to you
  • ◆ Gear is missing shirt of prestidigitation, small-sized mithril shirt, scroll of status, Staunton Vhane's unidentified wand, Staunton Vhane's key.
  • ◆ You have 500 gp in silver powder now (you got more from the halfling butler)
  • ◆ You should only have 1 scroll of ray of exhaustion to my knowledge
  • ◆ You're also carrying a journal written by a duergar in dwarven, it weighs 1 lb.

DeS 1 / CuF 1 / FaS 1 / ReS 1 Human Rogue (Hidden Blade) 7 HP (71/71) MP (5/7)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 19/16/14/22 | Fort/Ref/Will 03/11/02 | Init +10
+23: Stealth; +18: DD; +15: Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics; +13: K(Local); +11: Appraise, Athletics, Lingusitics; +10: K(Planes); +9: Diplomacy, K(Dun), Perception, Sense Motive; +5: K(Martial)

Anevia also unlocks Mythic Linguistics.

She learns Read Lips and Infernal.

Grippli Arcane Trickster | hp 104 / 104 (healthy), AC 23, touch 19, ff 16, CMD 23 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +12 (+2 vs. confusion, insanity) | Init +9, Perc +15, darkvision 60ft, (mythic power 9/9)

Corrections made. I've added shadow enchantment and nondetection to my book.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

@Xanderghul - One last edit: you're also carrying a pistol (you were tinkering on it after Hinagiku gave it to you).

Hinagiku wrote:

+1 (first) level in Evangelist

+13 hp (8 class, 2 con, 3 boon from Iomedae)
+1 bab, CMD, CMB
+1 reflex
Skilled(class): two new class skills: survival and use magic device
Feat: Combat stamina (10 points)
7 skill points (6 class, -1 int, 2 background)
+1 to Acrobatics, artistry, diplomacy, k. history, k. relgion, perception, spelcraft

What about armor and weapon attunement?


  • ◆ Your touch AC is 23, not 22/21 (10 + 5 WIS + 4 DEX + 2 enhancement + 1 deflection + 1 monk bonus), incorrect in header
  • ◆ Your FF AC is 20, not 19 (correct in header, incorrect in statblock)
  • ◆ Your FF CMD is 25, not 24. (10 BAB + 4 DEX + 1 deflection + 5 WIS + 1 monk bonus)
  • ◆ Your bite attack is now at a +8 due to your BAB increase
  • ◆ You have another iterative you can add to the ranged attack of your cold-iron kyotetsu shoge
  • ◆ You are carrying a mundane rapier, which you took from the gunslinger you fought.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Ehren Ferron wrote:

Ehren Ferron, Level 9 (Arch)druid

Level 9 Druid
+13 hp (8 HD + 3 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 Favored Class Bonus)
Reflex +1
Feat: Leadership

Class Features
Walk the Lines (6/day)
+1 2nd level spell slot (burst of radiance)
+2+1 5th level spell slots (baleful polymorph, fire snake, wall of stone)

+5 adventuring skill ranks
+2 background skill ranks
+5 ranks to Diplomacy, +1 rank to Linguistics, Lore (Sarkoris)
Language: Giant

Automatic Bonus Progression
If applicable.
Armor Attunement +2 (+2 black dragonhide armor) Net AC remains unchanged.
Weapon Attunement +2 (+2 slam attacks)


  • ◆ You have 6 BAB so your attack roll with the Charwood Staff is a +6.
  • ◆ You should have 2 potions of longstrider, not 1
  • ◆ You have no remaining potions of CLW
  • ◆ Your wand of daylight has 19 charges remaining.

Let me know if you're interested in someone already available for a cohort. Lann seems likely given the NPCs you have interacted with. Another option is barbarian Peredur of Clan Roaring Sabretooth (he is currently wandering around, having sworn a bloodoath to seek out Anna's killers (Arastrax, basically). Another option is Alase of clan Widow-Knife, who is a Summoner (Unchained, God-Caller) 7, who will show up again during Book 3, but I can shift things around so that she shows up earlier so that you can have a cohort sooner.

Male Oread (Kellid) Legendary Druid 12/Hierophant 4 | HP 170/172 (24 THP) | AC 34, T 26, FF 24 | Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +19 | CMD 27 | Resist Acid 10 | SR 13 (evil outsiders), 17 (demons) | Init +1 | Perception +19 | MP 3/11 | LP 2/2 | PM 11/11

Fixed everything but the attack roll with the staff! He gets a -1 penalty for wielding a two-handed weapon while wearing a buckler. :O

From a narrative perspective, I think I am most interested in Alase, but Lann makes the most sense right now. I will definitely have to give it more thought. What would Lann's progression look like if I chose him? I know he's only level 3 right now, so he'd need a training montage before the next book. ;P

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Ary Bishop wrote:

Ary Level 9 - Ranger 7

+12 HP (1d10 + 2 Con)
+1 BAB, CMB, and CMD
+1 Reflex, Will (Total 7/6/5; 5.5 Ranger/2 Warder, 5.5 Ranger/.66 Warder, 2.33 Ranger/3 Warder)

+10 Skill Ranks (6 class + 1 Int + 2 Background + 1 Favored Class)
+2 Ranks: Acrobatics (Mythic Skill Unlocks Acquired)
+1 Ranks: A(Poetry), K(Planes, Dungeoneering, Religion, Arcana) P(Soldier), Survival, Perception

Class Features
Woodland Stride (Finally. I've been waiting so long for this moment.)
+1 Second Level Spell Slot (Circle of Protection against Evil)


Faith will Usurp the bow's MAGICKS, unless we have to reattune.


  • ◆ Your Fort Save is only +10, not +11, from fractional advancement (2 base + 1 warder + 3.5 ranger + 2 CON + 2 resist = 10 rounded down) - incorrect on header, character tab, mythweavers
  • ◆ You get 7 MP per day now - incorrect on header
  • ◆ A.Poetry is +13 (incorrect in character tab only)
  • ◆ You are at 20 STR (incorrect in your character tab twice, correct on mythweavers)
  • ◆ Ride is +5 (+1 ranks, +3 DEX, 2 class skill 2 ACP), incorrect in header
  • ◆ Linguistics is +3 (+2 ranks, 1 INT), incorrect in header
  • ◆ AC is 24, FF AC is 19 (incorrect on your character tab, correct in header and mythweavers)
  • ◆ CMD is 28 (incorrect on character tab, correct in header and mythweavers)
  • ◆ HP is 125 (incorrect on character tab, correct in header and mythweavers)
  • ◆ Saves are +10/+11/+11 (incorrect on character tab, correct in header and mythweavers)
  • ◆ BAB is +9/+4 (incorrect on character tab, correct in mythweavers)
  • ◆ CMB is +14/+16 weapon based (incorrect on character tab, correct in header and mythweavers)
  • ◆ Your attack routines on your character tab are off by +1 (both attack rolls and damage rolls, except for the composite longbow's damage roll, which is off by -1)
  • ◆ Acrobatics is +9, incorrect on character tab
  • ◆ Climb and Swim have been consolidated into Athletics, incorrect on character tab
  • ◆ K. Dun and K. Rel are +13, incorrect on character tab
  • ◆ K. Planes are +17, incorrect on character tab
  • ◆ Perception, P. Soldier and Survival are +16, +14, +14 respectively, incorrect on character tab
  • ◆ Your caster level is 6 (incorrect on Mythweavers)
  • ◆ You erroneously have a rank in knowledge local on Mythweavers from what I can tell.
  • ◆ I did not audit your gear because I know you just use the loot document, and I keep that up-to-date as we play.

Living Steel DR 4/Evil Female InE 1 / SYF 1 / SP 1 / SCB 1 Valiant Keeper Half-Elven Ran 8/War 2/Fig 10 (VMC) HP (153/153)
AC/Touch/Flat/CMD 32/15/25/30 | Fort/Ref/Will +13/12/12 | Init +05
MP 06/11 LP 3/3 AM 3/3 SP 12/12 CS 12/12 M 0/6
+21: Acrobatics +22: K(Pl) +18: Athletics +17: Perception +15: P(Soldier); +14: K(Du, Na, Re), A(Poetry), Survival; +12: Diplo +8: Stealth; +7: Spellcraft, Ride; +6: Heal; +5: L(Drezen); +3 Ling; +2: K(No, Lo, Ar)

I audit your audit!

My Flatfooted AC is 10 Base, 7 Armor, 2 Shield, 1 Natural, 1 Deflection, for a total of 21

K:Planes is +18 (1 ability, 9 ranks, 3 class skill, 3 Skill focus, 2 Iomedae's Boon)

I get 6 MP per day since one is eated by Anevia's being alive until a month passes.

* * *

Fort save was my bad; erroneously did +2 warder rather than +1.

Character tab should be updated; I never use it and thus forgot to update it other than for boons, tactics, conditionals, and class features. :0 My bad!

Total Skill Ranks are: 9 (Int) + 9 (Skilled FCB) + 8 (Warder) + 42 (Ranger) + 18 (Background) + 6 (Dedd) for a total of 92. I added this to my additional part on myth-weavers to save myself some suffering later. I will reduce Survival by a point rather than not have the K(Local); I believe it's quite possible that I've used it to aid before, and value it more.

Thank you for sparing me the GEARZ thrashing. :)

Buffs | Char. Sheet |


WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Ehren Ferron wrote:

Fixed everything but the attack roll with the staff! He gets a -1 penalty for wielding a two-handed weapon while wearing a buckler. :O

From a narrative perspective, I think I am most interested in Alase, but Lann makes the most sense right now. I will definitely have to give it more thought. What would Lann's progression look like if I chose him? I know he's only level 3 right now, so he'd need a training montage before the next book. ;P

Damn buckler, getting in the way of your bo staff moves.

I'm fine with taking Lann now and then swapping to Alase later. I just don't want to feel like you have a "stable" of cohorts if that makes sense (there is a feat that allows for a stable of them if that's what someone really wants). I agree that Alase is more thematically appropriate, but Lann is Ehren's closest NPC friend.

You'd pick him up after the time-skip.

Lann post-Drezen statblock:

Male mongrelman expert 1/fighter (skirmisher) 5 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 191, Ultimate Wilderness 50)
LG Medium monstrous humanoid
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +3 shield)
hp 99 (8 HD; 1d8+7d10+21)
Fort +9, Ref +8 (+1 vs. traps, natural hazards, and environmental effects, +1 vs. attacks that deal half damage on a save), Will +9
Defensive Abilities conditioning (light infantry training) +1, mobility training +1, reconnaissance training +1
Speed 35 ft.
Melee +1 cold iron longsword +13/+8 (1d8+7/19-20) or
. . cold iron dagger +10/+5 (1d4+3/19-20) or
. . slam +5 (1d4+1)
Ranged longbow +8/+3 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks weapon training (heavy blades +1)
Before Combat Unless under immediate threat, Lann takes his time to study and parley with opponents. However, he rarely gives demons a chance to escape.
During Combat Lann concentrates his attacks on demons. Once he defeats them, he prefers to offer a truce to any surviving foes, however as a crusader he will obey the orders of a higher ranking crusader without argument.
Morale Lann would rather flee or surrender and live rather than fight to the death.
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +7.75; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats Combat Stamina, Persuasive, Power Attack, Shield Focus, Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword)
Skills Athletics +5, Craft (Chitin) +6, Diplomacy +8, Heal +7, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6, Perception +12, Sense Motive +10, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +11, Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +4 Sleight of Hand, +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Undercommon
SQ conditioning (light infantry training), power attack, shield focus, sound mimicry (voices), weapon focus, weapon specialization, wilderness training
Other Gear studded leather, heavy steel shield, +1 cold iron longsword, cold iron arrows (20), cold iron dagger, longbow, masterwork tools (Chitin), crusader's cross , 13 gp
Special Abilities
Conditioning +1 (Ex) Specialize in a specific kind of fighting.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Light Infantry Training (Ex) Conditioning bonus applies to Reflex saves vs. attacks that deal half damage on a save.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Mobility Training +1 (Ex) Gain dodge bonus to AC and enhancement bonus to speed when wearing light or no armor.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Power Attack [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to use Power Attack only until end of turn, instead of the start of the next turn.
Reconnaissance Training +1 (Ex) Gain bonus on Reflex saves vs. traps, natural hazards, and environmental effects.
Shield Focus [Combat Trick] Up to 2 stamina points to increase bonus to shield's AC bonus.
Sound Mimicry (voices) (Ex) You can perfectly imitate certain sounds.
Weapon Focus [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to gain Weapon Focus bonus on another weapon for 1 rd.
Weapon Specialization [Combat Trick] 2 stamina points to apply Weapon Specialization to another weapon.
Weapon Training (Blades, Heavy) +1 (Ex) +1 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Heavy Blades
Wilderness Training (Ex) Gain skill ranks as 4 + Int mod, and Acrobatic and Stealth are class skills.
Lann is tall and thin, and almost handsome for an Underfolk. His features meld the appearance of an attractive elven man, a goat, and a lizard folk. He has oversized fingers that end in dull, spadelike talons. He is friendly and outgoing, with a docile temperament. His voice is raspy and strangely accented, but he is eloquent in Common and Undercommon. Slow to anger and eager to make peace, Lann formerly worked as a diplomat on behalf of Neathholm with other underground races, arranging trades for much needed supplies and listening for gossip and intel on those who would seek to do them harm. On the surface, Lann is eager to learn and see all he can, and is often seen remarking in awe at mundane things found on the surface - whether common animals like robins and squirrels, or surface food like apple pie or lamb and pork.

Lann was born in the Underfolk village of Neathholm, a community formed of the descendants of the malborn offspring of the First Crusade, born before the Crusaders could accurately treat the reproductive repercussions that came from extended periods of fighting in the Worldwound. To protect their children, some of the crusaders of Kenabres fled underground, raising a village of good, hard-working Iomedaeans, but also a healthy fear of what could happen if they ever emerged to the surface.

Life in Neathholm was relatively peaceful compared to the surface. Until one day the cultist Hosilla arrived with a group of worshippers of Baphomet. They were seeking places to lay down a series of temporary gates to the Abyss deep underground, enough to summon an army of demons beyond the protection of the wardstones and then lead an attack on Kenabres above. Stumbling upon the people of Neathholm, Hosilla seized an opportunity. Charismatic and likeable, Hosilla was able to seize the hearts and minds of Neathholm’s hunter-warriors, Lann’s lover Tellia among them. Her rhetoric was simple: why slave away at hunting bugs and growing mushrooms under ground, when the surface world was ripe for the taking? What did the Underfolk owe crusaders who would slay them on sight anyway?

Chief Sull was able to intervene to prevent all-out war amongst the Underfolk, but Hosilla took the hunter-warriors away to a small sanctum, leaving the village vulnerable. Then the earthquakes came, caused by the shuddering of Kenabres’ damaged wardstone. The Underfolk knew that if the earthquakes intensified, the cavern systems where they made their home would collapse. They only had two options: uproot their families to go deeper into the underground, hopefully finding a new, safe location for Neathholm. Or go to the surface. Since Hosilla controlled the only accessable route to the surface, deeper seemed to be the only option.

The Heroes of Kenabres stumbled upon Lann and his friends on an excursion to find a safe passage deeper into the underground. They were dirty, tired, and lost, and Lann was unable to force himself turn away strangers in need. In exchange, the heroes offered their aid and with their help, Lann was able to drive out the cultists from Neathholm and persuade Wenduag and the hunter-warriors to rejoin the tribe. Knowing that their village was not long for this world, the heroes also offered them safe-passage in Kenabres.

Lann anxiously waited in Neathholm for their reply, but the heroes came through on their word, sending paladins of the Eagle’s Watch to help escort them to a sanctuary at Defender’s Heart. The Heroes went on to re-take Kenabres, and the Underfolk slowly adjusted to a new life on the surface. Despite their unusual appearance, the heroes and the current leaders of the Kenabres refugees, Chevalier Irabeth, vouched for them in the face of those among the crusades who were skeptical. For the rest, the Underfolk proved themselves hard-working and loyal. They helped rebuild Kenabres to its current state, and many of the Underfolk, Lann included, swore the oath to formally join the Crusades.

Later, when Ary Bishop, one of the Heroes of Kenabres, was appointed Commander of an army to retake the lost crusader city Drezen, Lann and the Underfolk pledged themselves to her cause. Though unusual in the Crusades, Chevalier Irabeth suggested that the Crusader Underfolk be allowed to remain Wenduag’s leadership, rather than integrated into other squadrons. While Lann formally reports to Captain Vica of the Eagle’s Watch, he fought under Wenduag’s direction, although the Underfolk hunter is not a crusader herself.

Lann has gained much experience fighting in this past campaign, becoming familiar with the standard crusader longsword over the primitive weapons he formally used underground. However he avoids heavy armor - mobility was key in the dark, winding tunnels under Kenabres, and this is a lesson he would not soon forget. Today, Lann has pledged his sword to the Heroes’ cause. His people largely lack the cynicism of the crusaders of the surface, and he often remarks that once the war is over, he hopes to travel far across Golarion, using his new skills to help people in need that he finds along the way.

As far as progression goes, any sort of martial is appropriate. He's a calm sort of person so barbarian or other rage-classes would be inappropriate. Pretty much the only sort of spellcasting that would make sense for him would be levels in Ranger or something along a similar vein. He isn't really religious enough for divine classes to make sense, and magical abilities should be PoW or something similar, rather than having an arcane bloodline suddenly manifest (and he isn't smart enough to be a wizard either).

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

@Ary gotcha :)

Valaria Alazario wrote:

Valaria Level 9

+1 Swashbuckler Level
+13 HP (10 HD + 3 Con)
+1 Reflex Save

+1 Bonus Combat Feat
+1 Initiator Level
+2 Performance Rounds
Inspire Courage +2

Armor Attunement +2
Weapon Attunement +2 (Not applying because +1/+1 works better for me)

+9 Skill Ranks (4 Class + 1 Favored + 2 Int + 2 Background)
+1 Rank (Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Intimidate, Perception, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot


  • ◆ You only get 13 rounds of bardic performance per day (VMC is charisma + character level)
  • ◆ Your sleight of hand is +15 (5 dex + 7 ranks + 3 class skill) not +14
  • ◆ You have 16,674 gp and 1254 sp total divided between two chests in your bag of holding, which constitutes the remainder of loot from Icerift after you gave Variska her share. Other things in your bag of holding not listed include a copy of the Acts of Iomedae, a beryl, 3 opals, a chain shirt, a narrow flag of Mendev, a love letter, and a golden holy symbol of Sarenrae
  • ◆ You have 4 Holy Water, not 2.
  • ◆ You are carrying around a pair of boots of elvenkind.
  • ◆ You have 2 potions of CLW and 2 potions of longstrider

Female Tiefling (Pitborn) Bard (Weapon Champion) 9/Champion/Trickster 3 | HP: 97/114 | AC: 25, Touch 18, Flat-Footed 19 | CMD: 26 | Fort: +10, Reflex +13, Will: +10 | Init: +6 | Perception: +16, Darkvision 60 ft. | Performance: 18/24, Shatter: 1/1, Lore Master: 1/1, Mythic Power: 6/9

Alright, all errors corrected.

I should probably actually put those boots on.

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----

@Valaria - if you do , it is a standard action (+ move action to get them out of your pack), and it needs to be stated in gameplay.

Anevia the Hawkguard wrote:

Anevia, the Sevening (Rogue)

+9 HP (1d8 + 1 Con)
+1 BAB, CMB, and CMD
+1 Reflex, Touch AC, Base AC, Initiative, CMD (total +2) (Dexterity Mod increased)

+10 Skill Ranks (8 class + 3 Int + 1 Human)
+2 K(Martial)
+1 Disable Device, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, K(Local), Athletics, Linguistics, K(Planes), Perception, Sense Motive

Class Features
Sneak Attack +1d6 (4d6 Total)
Max Maneuver Level increases to 3
+1 Maneuver Known (Ghostwalk - Boost - Swift action to become Incorporeal until the beginning of your next turn.)
+1 Stance Known (Formless Dance - Blur and See Invisibility as the spells; Anevia may slip into shadows a little more easily!)
+0 Readied Maneuvers

Skill Focus (Stealth)

+2 Dexterity

Tactics Change
Anevia begins each day in Formless Dance Stance unless otherwise noted.


  • ◆ Anevia is now level 7 (incorrect on Mythweavers)
  • ◆ Anevia is not wearing a buckler (incorrect on Mythweavers)

Otherwise looks really good!

WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
Isilme wrote:

Isilme, Level 8 Bard/Level 1 Cleric (Divine Paragon)

+10 HP (8 HD + 2 Con)
+3 Fort Save

+1 1st lvl spell/day, +1 domain spell/day

Weapon Proficiency: Starknife
Divine Brand (Hand)
Devoted Domain (Exploration, +10ft move, Door Sight 3/day), Domain (Good, Spells Only)
Channel Energy 1d6 (8/day)
Divine Obedience (Desna)
Spontaneous Casting, Orisons

Automatic Bonus Progression
Armor Attunement +2 - sticking with +1/+1.
Weapon Attunement +2 - cold iron rapier

+6 Skill Ranks (2 Class + 2 Int + 2 Background) (Acrobatics, Spellcraft, Stealth, Linguistics, Perform: Act, Perform: Oratory)

Additional Traits (Irrepressible, Redeemer)


  • ◆ You received a new rank of Linguistics but did not appear to choose new languages.
  • ◆ Perform: Dance is at a +18 bonus (incorrect in header) not +20
  • ◆ Your initiative is +6, not +7. I believe the discrepancy is coming from Mythic Initiative, which has been nerfed in this game (you do not receive any flat bonus to Initiative). On Hero Lab there is an option to disable Mythic Initiative.
  • ◆ Your AC is 26 (22 FF), incorrect in header
  • ◆ I think just noting a +5 bonus to charm/compulsion makes more sense in your header's will save than 8/13.
  • ◆ Your daily uses of Door Sight (3/day) should be noted somewhere, probably in your header if there is room.


  • I added Infernal and Dwarven, but forgot to mention it in the level up post.
  • Fixed that in the header.
  • The discrepancy is Deific Obedience, I've turned it off for now. The +30 perception is vs surprise if I have deific obedience as well.
  • Fixed the AC, forgot my shield apparently.
  • Tweaked saving throw in header
  • Added DS 3/3 in header

  • WotR Global Buffs/Debuffs: ----
    Isilme wrote:

    Kule, Level 2 Oracle(Life) Emocorn

    +16 HP (8 HD + 6 Con + 1 Toughness + 1 FCB)
    +1 BAB, CMB, CMD
    +1 Will Save

    +1 1st lvl spell/day
    Spells Known - light (0th), detect undead (1st)

    Automatic Bonus Progression
    Mental Enhancement +2 - Charisma

    +7 Skill Ranks (4 Class + 3 Int) (Intimidate, Know(Nature) x2, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival x2)


    • ◆ His header lists him as a level 1 oracle when he is a level 2 one now
    • ◆ Please list his skill ranks out on his character sheet to make auditing easier
    • ◆ Intimidate should be +16 (incorrect in header only)
    • ◆ K.Nature should be +11 (5 ranks + 3 class skill + 3 INT)
    • ◆ I believe his stealth should be at a +6. (4 ranks + 3 class skill + 2 dex -4 large -3 ACP + 4 unicorn)
    • ◆ Survival should be at a +12 (incorrect in header only)
    • ◆ Please consolidate climb and swim into Athletics
    • ◆ He has 100 HP now (incorrect in header)
    • ◆ CMD is 26 now (incorrect in header)
    • ◆ CMB is +13 now (incorrect in header)
    • ◆ Will saves are +10 now (incorrect in header)
    • ◆ I believe perception is +12 (4 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 WIS)
    • ◆ He can channel energy 5 times per day with a DC of 15 (incorrect in header and in statblock)
    • ◆ His concentration check for his SLA is +13
    • ◆ His concentration check as an oracle is +6
    • ◆ Sanctuary (oracle spell) is DC 15
    • ◆ Following skills are wrong on the character sheet: Bluff (should be 0), Diplomacy (should be 0), Disguise (should be 0), Sense Motive (should be +12),
    • ◆ Wild Empathy should be +14
    • ◆ Agonized Wail, Torturous Touch, and Baleful Gaze are DC 16

    Unsure why so much stuff is off when we both use HeroLab. Make sure your version has correct ability scores and no debuffs were turned on by accident when you made the statblock.


    Everything is off because I didn't update his character sheet *or* headers because he's not appearing in the game until next book :p

    I'll update it tomorrow.

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