GM Giuseppe's Pathfinder Society Core Campaign [SEASON 1] (Inactive)

Game Master Giuseppe Capriati

Current Scenario: The Devil We Know, Part III: Crypt of Fools

Completed Scenarios: The Devil We Know, Part I: Shipyard Rats, The Devil We Know, Part II: Cassomir's Locker

Maps: GM Giuseppe's PFS Core Campaign Online Maps

Tracking Document: GM Giuseppe's PFS Core Campaign Tracking Document

List of planned scenarios: [+]

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Silver Crusade

That is really interesting. I did not know that about wands! Thank you for sharing that information. Where can I read more about that?

Silver Crusade

Ciao a mei amici Italiani. Io hanno abitato a Roma per 3.5 anni come 10 anni fa. Me piache molto Roma e la Citta da San Francesco e Santa Chiara!

Sovereign Court

Daereon Phoenixstar wrote:
Perhaps maybe 2 tables then?

Running more tables at the same time is easier with PbP games, but does require more work for the GM.

Daereon Phoenixstar wrote:
Perhaps maybe 2 tables then?

As much as I'd like to run two tables, I just have too much experience with the way handling PbP campaign goes to expose myself and my players to such a threat. Running two tables is usually the quickest way to GM burn out, especially because I'm not planning to run just a scenario or two but a whole season involving several posts each day. Since I'm very aware of the precise amount of the time I can reasonably devote to PbP activities, I'm sure that if I had to run two campaigns such as this would cause me to burn out.

Actually I've changed my mind on this one. (Never actually submitted a character, so the list is still good.) A whole campaign in PbP could take years, and I'm not willing to commit to that.

Liberty's Edge

Panegyric here. Took me some time, but here's my (most likely grossly under optimised) application: Aldus the supplicant. It's pretty much final, with exception perhaps of some equipment.

I also took the time to write an IC sample because it helps me flesh out the character's personality. In case you're interested, I posted it on his profile.

Without further ado:


As a boy born in a small village in the east of Galt, Aldus dreamt of being a senator and helping establish a solid and lasting government for the good of people. This dream, no matter how childish and separated from reality, was what fuelled the young man. He would pour over Hosetter's writings and the Andoran example to find inspiration, and would then take to the town square where he would speak out loud for hours, making it know that soon all would harvest the fruits of the revolution.

Eventually his belief led him to join the revolutionary guard, where he was kept mainly for his furore and gift in lifting the men's spirits. One day, the town came under attack from raiders. Though the attackers were repelled, the villagers were sure things were far from over. Given his oratorial gifts, Aldus was chosen to beseech the nearby villages for help. Despite his best efforts, no would one agree to send a single soldier, driving Aldus each time further away from his hometown. When he finally gave up and went back, he found the place razed and destroyed. Already heavily shaken by the lack of solidarity from his neighbours, the man fell to the ground, drowning in despair, until a few days later, a small group of men and women arrived. With somber faces they said they were pathfinders from woodsedge who had received a call for help from the mayor. They offered Aldus a place at their lodge, which he, having nothing else to do, accepted.

A few months have passed since then. Aldus, once a firm believer in the ideals of solidarity and brotherhood of the revolution, finds himself torn between his disillusionment and the faint hope given to him by his rescuers that there might still be something worth fighting for. He has decided to join the Pathfinders in a last bid to try and believe in something. In order to remind himself of his ordeal, he now goes by the name of Aldus the Supplicant.


Aldus has a striking personality: previously charming for its unbridled optimism, it is now fascinatingly intense due to its earnest sorrow. He ponders relentlessly: is every ideal simply a façade for manipulating the weak? In a bid to restore his own faith, he has developed links to Liberty's Edge: this lot at least seems to be honest in its wishes and actions.


With a fairly dark complexion, Aldus is a relatively handsome young man. He has dark hair and eyes. He still wears the insignia of his village's guard on his right arm.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Clarence Bugman wrote:

I like it!

So far I think the field is, in no particular order:
Yuroak Nalard : Dwarf : Ranger/Barbarian
Belgrim Thunderheart : Dwarf : Ranger
Dearon Phoenixstar : Half-Elf : Scorcerer
Jakwin Howell : Human : Bard
Wylka Forth : Human : Cleric
Dolgarth : Half-Elf : Fighter
Nebraska Jones : Half-Elf : Rogue

And Twistlok expressed interest.

If I missed anyone, my apologies. Feel free to copy this and repost it updated.

I haven't posted it yet, but I'm going to be putting together Fiametta the Kantarian (Human Wizard) this weekend. On further reflection, she probably will be specced to go Mystic Theurge (with Cleric of Asmodeus) but whether or not she actually does will depend on the rest of the party.

Clarence Bugman wrote:

Alright! Pumped to be submitting Nebraska Jones! I'm in a Price of Immortality campaign right now that is run similarly to how this will be (many diceless roles and posting multiple times a day) and it's an absolute blast.

Nebraska is a melee Rogue who specializes in UMD and all those fun DEX and CHA rogue skills. Not someone all the min-maxers out there will fall in love with, but everything she gives up in optimization she gains exponentially in role play. The crunch may still minimally evolve but not drastically.

** spoiler omitted **...

Remember, wizard spells go off intelligence and sorcerer goes of charisma. Your current build is built for sorcerer not wizard :)

Liberty's Edge

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about appearance.

Dolgarth has a relatively slight build, with strong arms. Years of trekking through the Mushfens with the Spiral Bear nomads have also toned his legs, but their power is less obvious. It is for these reasons that he wears heavy fur coats and tunics regardless of heat, to keep others in the dark about his talents. He prefers lighter, looser breeches to maximize mobility, and is rarely seen without his hat, which is akin to a squashed fedora. While he does not necessarily enjoy armor, he keeps his on most of the time as a precaution. Following some sage advice from his mentor (another thing I forgot to mention, see below), he has attached some bits and bobs to his armor, to make it appear fake. His skin is blotchy, some parts of his face a toned brownish and others a milky white. He does not do into detail regarding why, however.

Some more history with the Society:
Dolgarth, for reasons unknown, was taken a liking to by senior agent and Exchange member Forlorn Zamoros. The story of this halfling (who believes himself to be a goblin) is a long and twisting tale, to be recounted some other time should he ever figure it out. Over Dolgarth's three years of training, Forlorn took some time to tutor him, despite the variance between their skill sets. The halfling noted the half-elf's ability to fight smart as well as hard, and schooled him in tactics picked up on his adventures. A master of the double-bluff, Forlorn advised Dolgarth to conceal his talents until necessary, to hide his weapons and muscle and make his armor seem like the fake variety a wizard might wear.

Forlorn Zamoros (another PFS Core character of mine) went through scenario 5-99 "The Paths we Choose" and took on Dolgarth as a new recruit to the Exchange, giving him an extra faction trait. If you don't want me to use that on Dolgarth, GM Giuseppe, just tell me. I just figured it wouldn't be a problem given that it's just another trait that has to be a faction trait.

Grand Lodge

SodiumTelluride wrote:
A whole campaign in PbP could take years, and I'm not willing to commit to that.

Quite true, and why I haven't committed to more than a single scenario at a time so far. Long running campaigns would take forever.

The Exchange

Ah the wisdom of peers, much appreciated!

We're at:
Yuroak Nalard : Dwarf : Ranger/Barbarian
Belgrim Thunderheart : Dwarf : Ranger
Dearon Phoenixstar : Half-Elf : Scorcerer
Jakwin Howell : Human : Bard
Wylka Forth : Human : Cleric
Dolgarth : Half-Elf : Fighter
Nebraska Jones : Half-Elf : Rogue
Fiametta the Kantarian : Human : Wizard
Aldus the supplicant : Human : Bard

Looks like i won't be able to finish a character before the deadline, so i'm bowing out on this one. Wish a good game to everyone involved :)

Likewise; been too busy and/or stunned (sort of) to put a character together for this one.

Best of luck to everyone else!

Dark Archive

A slim woman in black robes approaches the desk. Her blonde hair is pinned up in an elaborate fashion, and the large red pentacle around her neck sways gently with her gait. She smiles perfunctorily and pulls a sheaf of papers from her satchel.

"I have an appointment with Master Aram Zey. For Fiametta, Fiametta from Kantar. He will want this," she hands the attendant a folder, "it's my application packet. It has everything you will need to get me enrolled in your Pathfinder...organization. My resume, my examination results, a very thorough recommendation from my sponsor, Paracountess Dralneen." A flush of color passes over Fiametta's cheeks, and is gone.

"So if you could just sign this document here," Fiametta proffers a sheet of parchment and a quill, "indicating that you received this packet in its entirety. You can verify it against my copy, and initial each page if you prefer. No? Then just sign here, and here, and, yes here. Thank you."

Fiametta looks around the entry area of the Grand Lodge, until she finds a suitable divan. "I'll wait over there until I am summoned, yes? If you could bring me a pot of tea, with lemon and honey, while I am waiting I would be most appreciative." She smiles again, then settles herself for her interview.

In Kantar, there are Asmodeans, and the unimportant, and Fiametta had no desire to be as unimportant as her parents. She attended chapel regularly, and incessently studied the Asmodean Monograph, utterly transfixed by the laws it described. She lived scrupulously by the commandments, and confessed the sins of all around her who did not. When she informed on her family to the Hellknights, it was not out of malice, or jealousy, but simply because she knew that it was blasphemy for them to escape the punishment of the Scourge.

She lived as a lay sister then, and had every expectation that upon reaching the age of majority that she would take vows and enter the clergy, but a routine test revealed her immense magical aptitude. She enrolled in the Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts on a religious scholarship, continuing to study Hell's strictures as she began to master magic. However, it quickly became clear to her that as a commoner from the outer provinces, she lacked the connections to advance in the usual ways -- she needed to find an unconventional path to power.

She found this path one day when she was invited to a party at the Dralneen household, and became aware of the Pathfinder Society. She made an impression on Paracountess Zarta, and spent a year of self-directed study under her tutelage, until the Paracountess felt she was ready to become a Pathfinder herself. Recommendation and application in hand, Fiametta set sale for Absalom.

Fiametta is certain that she is meant for greatness, though she is less certain with exactly how that greatness will be expressed. Prideful and resolute, she is a paragon of Asmodean virtues. She enjoys people almost as much as she enjoys magic, and enjoys magic almost as much as she enjoys the law. She is fair with her allies, if not generous, and she considers herself an exceedingly loyal person, giving her all to support those who help her (both companions and faction), and only betraying those she discovers scheming against her.

Gilthanis wrote:

Nebraska I am working on a dwarves ranger which could help you out with some of those scrolls and wands and such. Pretty even across the board for stats (14s with a 12/13). Crunch should be done and just working on fluff.

Belgrim Thunderheart

Fluff done, I think I got it all. Crunch/gear 80% done

Silver Crusade

I know that Sorcerer/Cleric is not optimal for MT but I like the flavor of it for this character.

Dark Archive

Speaking of which, I said this earlier in the thread, but not on my actual character.

My plans for Fiametta are that if the party makeup supports it, that she will be Wizard 3/Cleric3/Mystic Theurge x. Even if she doesn't do that, she will take a single level of Cleric.

The Exchange

You've got me thinking about prestige classes, Duelist would make since for Nebraska. BAB +6 at lvl 8, by then UMD would be 21, so with a roll of 2 up to 3rd lvl scrolls are all but a gimmie. Is selecting a prestige class as one of Multi-talented's favored classes legal?

Silver Crusade

No. It has to be a regular class.PRC do not qualify for favored classes.

The Exchange

Fair enough, felt like a longshot.

Liberty's Edge

Looks as if recruitment is closed, with 9 players in the running. As far as I can see, Clarence's latest list is still valid, so I'll repost it here for convenience (and to seem more like a team player):

Yuroak Nalard : Dwarf : Ranger/Barbarian
Belgrim Thunderheart : Dwarf : Ranger
Dearon Phoenixstar : Half-Elf : Scorcerer
Jakwin Howell : Human : Bard
Wylka Forth : Human : Cleric
Dolgarth : Half-Elf : Fighter
Nebraska Jones : Half-Elf : Rogue
Fiametta the Kantarian : Human : Wizard
Aldus the supplicant : Human : Bard

Good luck to all!

Agreed. Good luck, everyone. Can't wait to see how this party shapes up. :)

Recruitment is officially closed!

I'm going to give myself about 2-3 days in order to look over each submission once again so that I can be sure to make the right choices. Stay tuned!

Silver Crusade

Looking forward to the opportunity!

Liberty's Edge

thanks for the heads up, @GM Giuseppe.

and best of luck to everyone! crossing fingers

Liberty's Edge

Sry. Yolo, just b/c.

Zhang Yinjing



Bard Lv 1

Chaotic Neutral


Rac Mod
Str 13
Dex 16 + 2 = 18
Con 12
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14

Racial Abilities

Ability Score Racial Trait: +2 Dex
Size: Medium
Base Speed: 30 ft.
Elven Immunities:
Keen Senses:
Adaptability: Skill Focus
Multitalented: [b]

Class Abilities

Bardic knowledge:
Bardic performance: 6 +1 = 7
Inspire courage: +1


Sacred Touch:
Magical Knack:


Point Blank Shot:
Skill Focus: Perform(Comedy)


Common, Elven


Acrobatics: 1 + 4 + 3 = 8
Disable Device:
Escape Artist:
Handle Animal:
Knowledge(Dungeoneering): 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Perception: 1+ 3 + 1 = 5
Perform(Comedy): 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 9
Perform(Lute): 2
Sense Motive: 1+ 3 = 4
Sleight of Hand:
Spellcraft: 1 + 3 + 3 = 7
Use Magic Device:

Combat Stats:

Initiative: 4


CMB: 1
Attack Damage
Short Bow 1d20 + 4 1d6
Short Sword 1d20 + 1 1d6 + 1


HP: 8 + 1 = 9
AC: 10 + 2 + 4 = 16
Touch AC: 10 + 4 = 14
Flat-Footed: 10 + 2 = 12
CMD: 10 + 1 + 4 = 15
Fortitude: 1
Reflex: 2 + 4 = 6
Will: 2

Spells Known:

0 - Read Magic, Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Lullaby
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Chord of Shards


Bard Outfit
Bard Kit
Short Bow
Short Sword


Of medium height and build with red hair. He dresses like your average Bard but with a lute slung over one shoulder and a bow slung over the other.


He is pretentious and quick witted with a need for attention.

Character Backstory:

Born to a human mother and an Eleven father he spent most of his youth cheering up his mother with comedy. It was early on during a rare visit from his father the he received a lute. It became his tool for gaining attention from others when his witticisms didn't work. And soon it became his constant companion. So much so that when his mother sent him to live with his father it was one of the few possessions he took with him.

While living with his father he was exposed to Elven culture. In particular he was trained in the use and cultural significance of the Bow. He also received some minor magic exposure. Although this was not fully intentional as his father had no idea that half the time he was out in the woods alone he was learning from magical creatures.

So it was no surprise that when he became of age he set off on his journey as a traveling performer.

The Exchange

Sounds good, best of luck everyone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Anticipation. The silent killer. :)

Dotting. I've only played one of these scenarios, and it was in standard.

I'm almost there. Still torn between one spot in particular. You'll probably know my choice tomorrow!

Liberty's Edge

The suspense... :)

The Exchange

I do not envy the position you're in, it's a good group of applications!

Silver Crusade

Either way, it should be fun!

Liberty's Edge

@Eben The Quiet: *anticipation intensifies*

It has been a tough decision, but I’ve finally made up my mind. Below you will find the five (yes, I’ve decided to recruit one more player) for this Season 1 Core Campaign. Without further ado…

Aldus the Supplicant (Human bard) – panegyric
Dolgarth (Half-elf fighter)*Saving Cap’n Crunch
Fiammetta the Kantarian (Human Wizard) – pH unbalanced
Jawkin Howell (Human bard) – Eben TheQuiet
Nebraska Jones (Half-elf rogue) – Clarence Bugman
* Dolgarth, your character sheet is still incomplete. Please work on it as soon as you can. Also, I’d like if you could copy/paste the background info you posted in the Recruitment Thread in your profile.

I’m sorry for those I didn’t end up selecting, but there was some real competition taking place here and I had to choose those I deem the better characters for the story I’m willing to tell. Don’t be disappointed—keep trying, and you’ll eventually find the right game for you!

For the selected players, please report in the Discussion Thread. We’ve got something important to discuss before we can get the game started!

Awesome! Thanks for the invite, Giuseppe!

(And here's the link to the Discussion thread, for those accepted. It didn't show up across the top as it sometimes does)

Liberty's Edge

Ha, did not expect that! Thanks for the invite, I'm happy to join in on the fun.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the invite! Looking forward to gaming with y'all.

Liberty's Edge

Wow, thanks! I will finish up shortly, and will post in discussion now.

Aldus wrote:
When Fiametta presents the contract, he thinks in jest 'Yes, sure, signing a contract with a Chelaxian devil worshipper, what could ever go wrong?'

Congratulations! You just won the "first laugh behind the screen" prize!

Hey Paizo people. One of our players left the campaign, and we're looking for a substitute. We could use either a divine caster or an arcane caster.

The party currently consists of: fighter, rogue, 2 bards.

For all the info about character creation, please reference this recruitment's first post.

I will close the recruitment as soon as I'll find a suitable recruit.

Allow me to clarify a few delicate points about this re-recruitment.

XP and Level: Our group has completed two scenarios already, so all of our characters have 2 XP. As a result, you have three alternatives: (1) submitting an already existing character who has between 2-4 XP; (2) create a brand new character, but in this case you'll be lagging behind a bit in terms of XP and level; (3) submit a 2nd level character and wait for us to complete the next scenario, so that we have an uniform party in term of level.

I have either a lvl 2 rogue (going into Shadowdancer) with 5 xp. I would prefer to join now and go slow track for a while instead of waiting.

Or I can make a new character and apply GM credit to catch up later. If I am doing that I would make a cleric or druid to add divine magic.

Magabeus wrote:

I have either a lvl 2 rogue (going into Shadowdancer) with 5 xp. I would prefer to join now and go slow track for a while instead of waiting.

Or I can make a new character and apply GM credit to catch up later. If I am doing that I would make a cleric or druid to add divine magic.

The latter option is the best one for us :)

Thinking about character concepts now. Will get back to you later.

Probably halfling or human cleric, grown up in puddles district and rescued by the clergy or pathfinders from living a life as a thief. That is why she can relate to other scoundrels, but she also thinks they need to be rescued as she was.

Liberty's Edge

I have a half-orc aberrant sorcerer, brand new, Core.

(His CN alignment is of The Tick variety.)

Grand Lodge

I have one core character and here he is. Farlen Mizzul is a human wizard (conjurer) from Sargava originally and now lives and works in Alma in Andoren. He has two missions under his belt (2XP). Both of them occurred while traveling in Absalom. He is in the Grand Lodge faction

I have not played any of these scenarios and am not sure why CN alignment is important. Farlen is NG.

If you think he would fit, let me know and I would love to join your group. But it really looks like you want a healer.

Sovereign Court

Dotting from phone. Will check available characters when I get to a computer.

I present Andrei (without purchases)

Andrei has lived his whole life in Kaer Maga. There he worked in the hospice district, using his good looks and lithe body to earn enough to come by. During this period he had some patrons and learned a lot about them. At one point the church of Calistria approached him and recruited him to learn more about his patrons. He felt like a fish in the water and quickly learned how to earn the favor of the Savored Sting. For reasons unknown to him the higher clergy instructed him to earn the favor of the Sczarni family and that the best way to approach them would be in Absolom, with the Pathfinder Society.

Male human (Varisian) cleric of Calistria 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; +2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulson
Speed 30 ft.
Melee whip +2 (1d3 nonlethal)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (15 ft. with whip)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 6/day (DC 13, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 6/day—bit of luck, copycat (1 round)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—bless (2), disguise self[D]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, purify food and drink (DC 13)
. . D Domain spell; Domains Luck, Trickery
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Selective Channeling, Weapon Finesse
Traits birthmark, bully
Skills Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +8, Sense Motive +7
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear whip, 149 gp
Special Abilities
Bit of Luck (6/day) (Sp) Target takes the higher of 2d20 for a d20 roll.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (6/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Luck) Granted Powers: You are infused with luck, and your mere presence can spread good fortune.
Cleric Domain (Trickery) Granted Powers: You are a master of illusions and deceptions. Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth are class skills.
Copycat (6/day) (Sp) Create a single mirror image duplicate
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.

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To all the interested players: I know it's kinda unusual for PFS, but I'm really looking for an well-structured background for the character that I'm going to recruit. I'd also appreaciate a brief description of the character's personality and appearance. As you can see by reading our posts, we are very focused on roleplay, and I fear that a character without a proper background and personality could turn out to be a tad too genering and hard to create interesting RP hooks. Please reference this recruitment's first post for a few questions that I think might be useful in order to create a well-structured background for this PFS Campaign.

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