About Fiametta the KantarianDetails:
Female Human Wizard 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init: +1; Senses: normal; Perception +3 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 dexterity) hp 8 (1d6+2) Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +4 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 30 ft. Melee:
Arcane Bond: Amulet (Pentacle). Must wear it to cast without concentration checks. 1/day may cast one spell in spellbook without using a spell slot or needing to have it memorized.
School Powers:
Spellbook Contains:
Carried: Dagger 2gp 1# Cold Iron Dagger 4gp 1# Silver Dagger 24gp 1# Spellbook 0gp 3# Backpack 2gp 2# Silver Holy Symbol 25gp 1# 2 belt pouches 2gp 1# Vial Ink 1gp 0# 100 sheets paper 40gp 0# Hooded Lantern 7gp 2# Oil Flask 0.1gp 1# Alchemist's Fire(x3) 60gp 3# Scroll of CLW 25gp Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) Thunderstone 30gp 1# Acid Flask (x3) 30gp 3# 50' Rope (silk) 10gp 5# At Lodge
164gp 17sp 10cp Intro:
A slim woman in black robes approaches the desk. Her blonde hair is pinned up in an elaborate fashion, and the large red pentacle around her neck sways gently with her gait. She smiles perfunctorily and pulls a sheaf of papers from her satchel. "I have an appointment with Master Aram Zey. For Fiametta, Fiametta from Kantar. He will want this," she hands the attendant a folder, "it's my application packet. It has everything you will need to get me enrolled in your Pathfinder...organization. My resume, my examination results, a very thorough recommendation from my sponsor, Paracountess Dralneen." A flush of color passes over Fiametta's cheeks, and is gone. "So if you could just sign this document here," Fiametta proffers a sheet of parchment and a quill, "indicating that you received this packet in its entirety. You can verify it against my copy, and initial each page if you prefer. No? Then just sign here, and here, and, yes here. Thank you." Fiametta looks around the entry area of the Grand Lodge, until she finds a suitable divan. "I'll wait over there until I am summoned, yes? If you could bring me a pot of tea, with lemon and honey, while I am waiting I would be most appreciative." She smiles again, then settles herself for her interview. Background:
In Kantar, there are Asmodeans, and the unimportant, and Fiametta had no desire to be as unimportant as her parents. She attended chapel regularly, and incessently studied the Asmodean Monograph, utterly transfixed by the laws it described. She lived scrupulously by the commandments, and confessed the sins of all around her who did not. When she informed on her family to the Hellknights, it was not out of malice, or jealousy, but simply because she knew that it was blasphemy for them to escape the punishment of the Scourge. She lived as a lay sister then, and had every expectation that upon reaching the age of majority that she would take vows and enter the clergy, but a routine test revealed her immense magical aptitude. She enrolled in the Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts on a religious scholarship, continuing to study Hell's strictures as she began to master magic. However, it quickly became clear to her that as a commoner from the outer provinces, she lacked the connections to advance in the usual ways -- she needed to find an unconventional path to power. She found this path one day when she was invited to a party at the Dralneen household, and became aware of the Pathfinder Society. She made an impression on Paracountess Zarta, and spent a year of self-directed study under her tutelage, until the Paracountess felt she was ready to become a Pathfinder herself. Recommendation and application in hand, Fiametta set sale for Absalom. Personality:
Fiametta is certain that she is meant for greatness, though she is less certain with exactly how that greatness will be expressed. Prideful and resolute, she is a paragon of Asmodean virtues. She enjoys people almost as much as she enjoys magic, and enjoys magic almost as much as she enjoys the law. She is fair with her allies, if not generous, and she only betrays those who she finds scheming against her. |