GM Foxy's Carrion Crown

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Gameplay for the Carrion Crown AP
Stairs of the Moon

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Applications for gameplay go here.

Character builds are with:
25 point buy.
No attributes over 18 after racial modifiers.
No attributes < 10 before racial modifiers.
Two traits. One campaign, one free.

Common races are a given others maybe.
There is no need to create the character completely with all stats and stuff. I'm more interested in a draft of the character concept.

Please be aware that this adventure path is a lot about undead.

The format of the posts in gameplay should be the following:

"Howdy." Carl says as he enters the saloon and looks around. He walks up to the bar and puts a gold on it. "Give me a shot of whiskey." he says and thinks 'Hopefully it is not my last drink.'.
(What shall I roll to check if the guy wanting me dead is here. Sense Motive?)

- Tell from the perspective of the narrator.
- Write in present tense.
- use bold for direct speech
- use italics for thoughts

Applications please...

P.S. I'm on time zone CET.

how do you feel about Ifrit? i have an idea for a Ifrit Wishcrafter sorceress who pretends to be a genie. She was adopted into a noble family but left to go find her birth parents... i have more detail if needed but that's the long story short

I'm not opposed to that. I'm not exactly sure how big the bonuses like the +2 Cha, +1 CL on fire will end up, but if you go Wishcrafter and not fire elemental sorcerer I guess it's mostly about flavour.

That would be fine with me.

Interested. Let me pull together a character concept and get something out over the next 24 hours.

I might be interested, but I've played through book 1 twice-what can I say, I'm a sucker for punishment. Also did book 2 a few years ago, but I don't remember very much at all about it. Would that be a problem? It's totally cool if you want people to go into it fresh, just wanted to be upfront about it.

oh don't worry bout the fire thing i don't actually plan on doing evocation or damage build though i might end up having a few spells to attack with. it's mostly going to focus on buffing, maybe enchantments, illusions, things like that, that would help her continue to trick people into believing she's a genie. as for bloodline keeping it simple and going arcane.

As for wishcrafter...the plus 1 on caster level form that has it's limit...I Wish is needed.... that actually makes me laugh a bit. Though yea i love the flavor on it despite the fact that it kind of sucks

@GM Foxy: What sort of posting rate are you expecting from players?

I might cook up a fighter. Never played this AP. Probably a human. Just need to think of a background.

alexgndl wrote:
I might be interested, but I've played through book 1 twice-what can I say, I'm a sucker for punishment. Also did book 2 a few years ago, but I don't remember very much at all about it. Would that be a problem? It's totally cool if you want people to go into it fresh, just wanted to be upfront about it.

I'm fine with that. Just make sure you're not like 'I know, I know.' when you remember something.

Profession Smith 6 ranks wrote:
@GM Foxy: What sort of posting rate are you expecting from players?

I guess that depends on the group we get together. But I'm aiming at a post or two per player per day. If we're lucky and multiple players are at their keyboard simultaneously there might be occasions to get some more.

Ammon Knight of Ragathiel wrote:

oh don't worry bout the fire ...

As for wishcrafter...the plus 1 on caster level form that has it's limit...I Wish is needed.... that actually makes me laugh a bit. Though yea i love the flavor on it despite the fact that it kind of sucks

I quite like that. I'm really curious to see that fleshed out.

I'm interested. Maybe as a magus that specializes in force effects? That might be fun.

Scarab Sages

Oh yeah! I've been wanting to play this AP for a long time. I'm thinking a human, tambourine-playing dirge bard might be my choice.

Would you allow combining the spirit guide and dual cursed archtypes (obviously gaining no class skills from mysteries)?

I guess I have to adjust Tamara's charisma down. Your restrictions on ability distribution really put a gimp on characters heavily reliant on one stat.

Except for the stat adjustment and potentially adding the other archtype Tamara is pretty much done (though if I did get the other archetype I would want to swap her feat to extra revelation).

Tamara is an oracle with the life mystery.

Tamara Hart wrote:

Would you allow combining the spirit guide and dual cursed archtypes (obviously gaining no class skills from mysteries)?

I guess I have to adjust Tamara's charisma down. Your restrictions on ability distribution really put a gimp on characters heavily reliant on one stat.

I disagree, you don't need a 20 at level 1 to be good, a serious gimp is when your casting stat is 15 or something.

I don't plant on focusing solely on enchantment, going with a more versatile build.

Dirge bard matches the theme. Thumbs up!

A Magus has a fair chance to do some damage to all these incorporeal undead. Also nice.

I'm not opposed to fighters but a fighter might have a hard time to be useful at the harrowstone. A good played fighter getting more and more frustrated might have it's charme. But it would be a shame if the player gets bored.

Grand Lodge

Background skills?

Tamara Hart wrote:

Would you allow combining the spirit guide and dual cursed archtypes (obviously gaining no class skills from mysteries)?


As far as I can see they don't replace the same things so that is fine by the rules and by me.

As for the attribute limitation. I like to be generous that no one has to dump stats to get the wanted 18. But I limit it on 18 that no one does the dump anyway. And the only characters that would really need that high stats would be the ones going for spells that have no effect if the enemy saves. For a life oracle 18 should be more than enough.

Raltus wrote:
Background skills?

If you do things on a regular basis that would be considered background skills I might throw in a bonus skill point here and there just for flavor (Like the gnome who always presses to have a camp fire to cook a warm meal gets a point in profession (cook) or the like). But I'm not using the background skill system.

Thanks for letting me combine the archtypes. Hopefully I won't run out of channels/spells too often with the lower cha.

I totally forgot to ask, but paizo recently nerfed the elven racial favored class bonus for oracle enormously. It used to let one relevation function at 1/2 level higher, but now it's down to 1/6. Would you let me use the old version?

@Ammon Knight of Ragathiel: Unless you go undead bloodline you will find that a lot of the enemies in this AP will be immune to enchantments.

Tamara Hart wrote:
It used to let one relevation function at 1/2 level higher, but now it's down to 1/6. Would you let me use the old version?

What book is this favoured level bonus from? I want to lok it up before deciding.

@Tamara Hart
You're trying to get extra dice on your channel?

I'm thinking...

?G or N Human Magus 1
...Longsword +4, 1d8+4
Spells(Cl 1, Conc +6)
0 - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1 - Magic Missile, Shield
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 10 cha 10
Feats Dodge
Traits Focused Mind, <campaign trait>
Skills Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge(history) +4, Knowledge (planes) +7, Spellcrat +7
Special Dual Talent(Int & Str), Spell Combat, Arcane Pool

Gear: Longsword, chain shirt & spellbook.

Now to work on some backstory.

Mechanically alright.
A little thin on the normal gear, but you might get away with that as you're in a village in this first book of the AP.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

GM Foxy wrote:
Tamara Hart wrote:
It used to let one relevation function at 1/2 level higher, but now it's down to 1/6. Would you let me use the old version?
What book is this favoured level bonus from? I want to lok it up before deciding.

It is from the Advanced Race Guide, and that change was over a year ago, so not exactly 'recently'.

Here is the character I would like to play in Carrion Crown. This assumes I can take a drawback for an extra trait. If you allow the background skill rules from Pathfinder Unchained (which basically give you two extra skill points each level to spend on non-adventuring skills) I'd get some more skills as well. I think that this character was built with average starting wealth, so let me know if you want to give more or less gold. I created this character to apply for another Carrion Crown game but have never played the adventure path.

Well, the first time I built this character was indeed more than a year ago, so it feels recent to me.

GreySector is correct about the book.

I'm indeed trying to get extra dice on channel. The normal scaling on channel energy is worse than most other options for damage, this would let it be somewhat more competitive. It's a bit frustrating when the damage an enemy wizard dish out takes two of your channels to get back up. Allowing this bonus would change the scaling from 1/2 level to 3/4 level, still behind the normal 1 per level that you get on for example fireball.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

FWIW a popular opinion I have seen is that the favored class option should have been changed to from +1/2 to +1/4, instead of +1/6.

GM Foxy wrote:
I'm not opposed to fighters but a fighter might have a hard time to be useful at the harrowstone. A good played fighter getting more and more frustrated might have it's charme. But it would be a shame if the player gets bored.

Really.... I was considering a Paladin... Would that also fall under the fighter being hard to be useful category? Or are you talking specifically about fighters only?

I'm talking about fighter specifically. Pally is a rather good choice in that setting.

Are occult classes ok? I've never used them before, but this campaign seems like it's perfect for them.

alexgndl wrote:
Are occult classes ok? I've never used them before, but this campaign seems like it's perfect for them.

I only have insight in the kineticist.

And I read once about the mesmerist I think. Which has some issues as you're meddling with the minds of your companions. So I'm not sure about that.

if your worried about balance most of the occult classes aren't too powerful. the only one you'd really have to tread carefully around is the psychic. on the other hand mesmerist is hard to flavor in any way as good,i mean mind control in general is

On a side note for my build, i'm looking at transmutation, i figure altering things using that would work better for my concept...i forgot it existed honestly. making people appear younger, larger, stronger. all falls under it

Tairan Avel wrote:
Here is the character I would like to play in Carrion Crown...

To be honest. I don't know. I've never played a character from OA and never read a play by post here with one. That makes it a bit hard for me to decide what I think of your character.

To me it looks like a special kind of sorcerer. Mind to tell me what are the differences that made you choose the psychic?

Psyhcics, mediums, occultists and spiritualists work great for this, especially when you consider the phantom the spiritualist gets can go incorporeal and beat up ghosts. All of those classes also have spells to communicate, lock down, and destroy or contain spirits/haunts. They are tailor made for this campaign.

My suggestion for a character is this, since I assume it's only Paizo and not 3PP. I've played up to book 2 with a cleric, so no need to repeat. My idea:

A samsaran spiritualist/medium/inquisitor of Phasrama with the exorcist or vampire hunter archetype(if the psychic classes don't work) who has come to Harrowstone to both review the last will and testament of the professor, and also to quiet the spirits of the undead. The grave warden slayer archetype is also an interesting choice. If you have read the Anita Blake books or are familiar with your psychic/divine ghost hunters, that is the base for such a character. Death is only the beginning, as the Mummy says. The samsaran are beings who have tapped into their constant reincarnation and travels on the wheel, from the Advanced Races book. If the samsaran is out, then a dhampir is the next logical choice.

I've got a couple of Paladins sitting idle, different archetypes/races, think I might tweak one of them and submit it. Probably the Tempered Champion/Hospitaler; the extra uses of Channel Positive Energy could come in handy vs "zombie hordes" of low-level undead. He's an Ifrit now, but I'm not averse to changing that. It's a little off the beaten path, but Catfolk would actually go really well with some elements of that character. Hmm...

Actually in retrospect I may just make a dwarven grave digger. Still a fighter though.

I have long wanted to plaý...

Spoilers for Carrion Crown's early on NPCs:
...Petros Lorrimor's ex-wife and Kendra Lorrimor's mother. I've made one crunch sheet for an Occultist, but honestly, I could play any class and be happy. It's the dynamic that I'd find interesting. Sniping back and forth with her daughter.

"Oh, *now* she comes back after all these years. Gold-digging for inheritance, mother?"
"Ah, the venom I endure from the one I fed from my bosom. I suppose it is the lot of a mother."
"A deadbeat mother, you mean."
"I'll show you beat, you little brat."
"Mother, no! Ow! That hurt, you b--"
"I'll wash your mouth with soap, you know I still can."

Anyway I've got a sheet up on this alias and I'll officially throw it in for consideration. It'd need some adjustments for point buy and such if accepted, but the basic concept is there. And I'd be happy to alter the class to a non-Occult one if desired. Maybe just a base Fighter. I'd have to think about which class. She's a bit of a physical brute in nature.

I'm going to call it a day now.
So far the characters I'm most interested in are
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel' Wishcrafter
rdknight's Dirge bard.

Close second
Tamara Hart's life oracle

I'm torn at the moment if I take in some occult classes or if I take what I know.
But I'd probably take a pally in any case.

Good night. See you tomorrow.

I think I'll be applying for this with a Hallowed Necromancer (if you don't have Horror Adventures yet Foxy, it's a wizard with the necromancy subschool that specializes in wiping out the undead).

On a related note to Horror Adventures, will you be using any of the alternate rules from that book, like alternate fear?

Interested in applying with Spugnoir, hunchbacked alchemist who was aided by the professor and placed into a quality orphanage before being given an education. Think Igor having gotten away from Frankenstein. Will plan on giving Infusions and lobbing anti-undead bombs

Scarab Sages

I'm interested. I'm thinking of a Varisian Skald. A very typical Ustalavian traveling storyteller. A little bit charming, a lot of luck, and a keen interest in anything adventurous.

Having once saved the life of Professor Lorrimor, he's very sad to hear of the man's passing.

I updated Tamara to fit the requirements. I hope you like her and that her background isn't too massive. I'm surprised you already like characters without submitted sheets/backgrounds, but I guess different GMs do things differently.

I'm still wondering about the favored class bonus, but I guess that doesn't actually affect anything before level 2, so I guess it's not urgent to answer.

Good night :). Nice to see someone else in CET timezone.

I am submitting Herm, he is a Paladin of Iomedae, not quite your standard Paladin.

My last Carrion Crown AP went dead with a missing GM almost right out of the gate. I'll put my hat in the ring with this psychic that I am rebuilding. She was possessed when she was young and grew to have strange psychic powers. She feels sometimes not like herself and that there is something off about her psyche.

Think I'm going to go ahead and build a spiritualist-they're basically a non-broken summoner with a spoopy ghost friend instead of an Eidolon. If you don't allow occult classes, I'll probably make some sort of alchemist-someone who looks at all the ghosts and monsters of Ustalav and declares that SCIENCE! is still superior to them.

I might try to see if I can get my elven magus with the bladebound archetype redone and submitted in time. She'll start out as a magus but then I'll multiclass as an oracle of the heavens. I might redo her as a half-elf. I'll have to see if I can get things together in time.

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Alright, a bit different than what I was thinking earlier, but largely similar. My character will be an Aasimar (Musetouched) Paladin (Ghost Hunter*, Hospitaler, Tempered Champion) of Eritrice. He grew up in the Mana Wastes, in an area where magic was largely non-functional. Drawn to Eritrice, a goddess of knowledge, truth, and debate, he became a paladin. Never wishing to fiddle with unreliable magic, he studied philosophy, history, religion, and the law, all the while honing his combat abilities with Eritrice's sacred daggers and working on his supernatural healing abilities (which he never thought of as "magic" for whatever reason). Having once studied history under Dr. Lorrimor, he is devastated to learn of his passing and immediately departs for Ustalav.

Tempered Champion gives up spells, so he won't have healing spells per se. What he will have is extra uses of Channel Energy, from Hospitaler, so he should still be capable of healing some. Or annihilating low-level undead en masse. Ghost Hunter will make his smite pretty fearsome against corporeal and incorporeal undead alike, and provide some other benefits.

What do you think?

*This archetype is from Occult Adventures. If that isn't ok, I can delete it no problem)

So Foxy, here's my pitch: Hallowed Necromancer Dhampir. Opposes the undead not for the obvious reasons but because her adoptive family was slaughtered by them. Found religion to be uncomforting, so while she pays lip service to Pharasma she could never muster the faith required to become a divine caster. So instead she turned to academic study, the arcane and whatnot, and learned how to turn a necromancer's magic against them and remove undead from the face of the earth.

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