GM Foxy's Carrion Crown

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Gameplay for the Carrion Crown AP
Stairs of the Moon

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Tamara Hart wrote:
... I'm surprised you already like characters without submitted sheets/backgrounds, but I guess different GMs do things differently.

I think the Messageboards are a great place to do roleplaying. A lot better than at the table. Therefore I'm looking for players interested in that. I don't need statted out characters to see that. And you don't need maxed out characters to play that ;)

Tamara Hart wrote:
I'm still wondering about the favored class bonus, but I guess that doesn't actually affect anything before level 2, so I guess it's not urgent to answer.

I thinks they nerfeed it for a reason. But I'm going to do some calculations. With 1/6th you would need to spend 6HP/SkP to get 1d6 one level earlier at 6th level. That's useless. I need to do some Excel to see how that goes through the levels with 1/2.

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GM Foxy, I submit my take on the classic paladin for your review.

Here is a quick sketch for a Sound Striker / Dirge Bard. I still have a lot of work to do on Carmine, especially figuring out the specifics of his build, but here is a little bit about background and personality.

Carmine's family has been in the coffin making and funeral business in Lepidstadt for several generations. Among the sons and daughters of each generation of Jolankas there can usually be found a member of Pharasma's clergy, a coffin builder or two, an accountant, and an expert in planning and organization.

Carmine is a rarer breed for the family. He has always had a song in his heart. Adding funerary performances to the services the family offers has been good for business, and Carmine's relative eccentricity is well received by the rest of his family.

Professor Larrimor approached Carmine as a subject of study after a very unfortunate funeral Carmine had worked. Only Carmine and the corpse walked, or in Carmine's case ran, away from the service by the time the chaos had ended. Professor Larrimor was quite curious about Carmine's surprising survival, and interviewed him extensively about the experience. ("Subject of Study" Trait)

Carmine is rather extroverted and buoyant compared to the average in Ustalav. His gallows-oriented sense of humor typically makes him the life of the party among the dour folk around him. He loves his work. He provides a community service that also puts money in his pocket, what's not to like? He does believe deeply in the value of the family's service to people, and does his utmost to meet the needs of grieving wives and daughters. Carmine is not a particularly brave young man, but he does believe in his luck. While he thinks it is holding out that can be enough of a substitute for actual courage.

Is this full up already or can I submit summin?
First time play by post player here :)

By the way, tamara, the new way of getting +½ lvl to your channel progression is to go for Variant Multiclassing, selecting the Cavalier and the Order of the Star.

I'd love to play this game. I've seen several CC games start but they rarely get very far.

I have several different ideas for this game, haven't settled on any just yet. They are, in no particular order.

A Mesmerist using the Spiritwalker archetype. This character would have been an apparent stillborn, with it's mother dying during labour and the midwife having to cut it out of it's dead mother. If allowed I'd love to make this one a Daemon Spawn Tiefling but that isn't a must.

An Unchained Rogue using the Phantom Thief and Relic Raider archetypes. This one would work best as Skinwalker of the Bloodmarked type (there are several families active in Caliphas, Ustalav's capital). It would have been part of a family gang that stole/recovered relics and similar things and then sold them to the highest bidder. It is the only survivor after the whole family got killed by a curse placed on a relic.

A Ranger using the Guild Breaker archetype with a particular hatred of the Whispering Way. It's mother would have been a secret cultist of the Way and would have killed it's father and little sister in a grotesque ritual to help her own transcendence into undeath. It failed as the character interrupted her and she simply died as she botched the ritual suicide that was involved. Since then the character would have been working to figure out what exactly had transpired and why.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

GM Foxy wrote:
Tairan Avel wrote:
Here is the character I would like to play in Carrion Crown...

To be honest. I don't know. I've never played a character from OA and never read a play by post here with one. That makes it a bit hard for me to decide what I think of your character.

To me it looks like a special kind of sorcerer. Mind to tell me what are the differences that made you choose the psychic?

The previous Carrion Crown game I applied for requested Occult classes, which is why I built a psychic. No real reason beyond that. I do like how the character turned out however. Essentially you are correct, it is a psychic magic sorcerer.

The major difference is that they use the psychic magic rules, and their phrenic pool acts a lot like an arcanist's arcane reservoir (spending points to use various class abilities).

I have updated another section in to the profile, a Drive/Deal section. Just fleshing him out a bit more.

Scarab Sages

Just to add on a bit to the above submission (I can also throw together a character sheet pretty quickly for him):

A Varisian Skald and traveling storyteller. The man would be your typical traveling entertainer, making a living wandering between towns. He's getting a bit older, perhaps his mid-thirties, and wondering what exactly he'll do with his life. Up until now, traveling and making enough money to get to the next town has been enough, but eventually it won't be. It's a nagging thing in the back of his mind that with a few drinks, and a good meal, he pushes out of his thoughts. But, every time it comes up, he's a little bit older, doing the same thing he was doing the last time he thought about it.

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Thank you very much for applying to this campaign. There are now about double the number of players than cold participate. Therefore no new players need to apply now.

The following characters are invited to offer their condolences to Kendra Lorrimor in gameplay:

Amira Ravenheart - (Ammon Knight of Ragathiel's Wishcrafter)
Carmine Jolanka - (rdknight's Dirge Bard)
Tamara Hart - (Dual Cursed Oracle)
Herm Dunlaven - (Raltus' Paladin)
Tairan Avel - (Grey Sector's Psychic)

There might be one more addition. But the player of that potential character is already informed about that maybe.

I'm sorry that I can not make everyone happy here.

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