About Tamara Hart[Numbers in square brackets show eidolon values]
Female Half-elf Alchemist (Vivisectionist / Ectoplasm Master / Wasteland Blighter) // Summoner (Synthesist) 1
CE Medium Humanoid (Human, Elf) Init +2[+3]; Senses Perception +7, Low-light vision, [darkvision] -------------------------------=DEFENSE=------------------------------- AC: 12[17], Touch: 10[11], Flat-Footed: 12[14] (+2 armor, +0[+1]Dex, +0 shield,+0[4] NA) HP: 9[10] {+1d8,+0[1]Con,+1FC} Temp HP:: [6] Fort: +3[4], {+2Base,+1trait,+0[1]Con} Reflex: +2[3], {+2Base,+0[1]Dex} Will: +3*,{+2Base,+1Wis} *+2 vs mind-affecting CMD 11[16] {+0[1]Base +1[3]Str +0[1]Dex + size} -------------------------------=OFFENSE=------------------------------- Speed: 30 ft. CMB: +0; {+0[1]Base +1[+3]Str + size + misc} Base Atk: +0; Melee:+1[4]{+0[1]Base,+1[3]Str} Ranged:+0[1]{+0Base,+0[1]Dex} --Melee:+1[4] {Str Mutagen}
Ancestral Weapon (region): Select either cold iron or silver. You begin play with a masterwork melee weapon made of the material of your choice. You must be proficient with this weapon, and its combined cost cannot exceed 500 gp. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with weapons made of the selected material. ----------------=Drawbacks=-----------------
----------------=Race Traits=-------------------
-=Languages=- Common, elven, infernal, celestial, terran ---===Skills===---:
---------------=Adventuring Skills=- (7 points; 4 class, 3 INT)--------------- Acrobatics*(Dex)____-1[+1]{+0rank,+0[+1]Dex,-1[0]ACP} ^Bluff(Cha)____+4{+0rank,+4Cha} Climb*(Str)____+0[3]{+0rank,+1[+3]Str,-1[0]ACP} ^Diplomacy(Cha)____+8|10|{+1rank,+4Cha,+3class} |+2 vs citizen of cheliax| ^Disable Device*(Dex)____+5[7]{+1rank,+0[+1]Dex,+3class,+2tools,-1[0]ACP} Disguise (Cha)____+4{+0rank,+4Cha} Escape Artist*(Dex)____-1[+1]{+0rank,+0[+1]Dex,-1[0]ACP} ^Fly*(Dex)____-1[+1]{+0rank,+0[+1]Dex,-1[0]ACP} ^Heal(Wis)____+1{+0rank,+1Wis} Intimidate(Cha)____+4|6|{+0rank,+4Cha} |+2 vs citizen of cheliax| ^Knowledge (Arcana)(Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int,+3class} ^Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(Int)____+3{+0rank,+3Int} ^Knowledge (Local)(Int)____+0{+0rank,+3Int} ^Knowledge (Nature)(Int)____+3{+0rank,+3Int} ^Knowledge (Planes) (Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int,+3class} ^Knowledge (Religion) (Int)____+3{+0rank,+3Int} ^Perception(Wis)____+7{+1rank,+1Wis,+2race,+3class} ^Ride*(Dex)____-1[+1]{+0rank,+0[+1]Dex,-1[0]ACP} ^Sense Motive(Wis)____+1{+0rank,+1Wis} ^Spellcraft(Int)____+7{+1rank,+3Int,+3class} ^Stealth*(Dex)____+3[13]{+1rank,+0[+1]Dex,+3class,[+8evolution],-1[0]ACP} ^Survival(Wis)____+1{+0rank,+1Wis} Swim*(Str)____+0[3]{+0rank,+1[+3]Str,-1[0]ACP} ^Use Magic Device(Cha)____+4{+0rank,+4Cha} ---------------=Background Skills=- (0 points)---------------
ACP -1[0] *ACP applies to these skills
---===Special Abilities===---:
-------------------------------=SPECIAL/CLASS ABILITIES=------------------------------- Alchemist (Vivisectionist / Ectoplasm Master / Wasteland Blighter): Sneak Attack At 1st level, a vivisectionist gains the sneak attack ability as a rogue of the same level. If a character already has sneak attack from another class, the levels from the classes that grant sneak attack stack to determine the effective rogue level for the sneak attack’s extra damage dice (so an alchemist 1/rogue 1 has a +1d6 sneak attack like a 2nd-level rogue, an alchemist 2/rogue 1 has a +2d6 sneak attack like a 3rd-level rogue, and so on). Ectoplasmic Extracts (Su) As a result of his eccentric techniques and use of odd alchemical components, an ectoplasm master has an expanded formula list. He adds all sorcerer/wizard spells of 6th level or lower from the necromancy school to his alchemist formula list (but must still learn each of these spells normally). If a spell appears on both the alchemist formula list and the sorcerer/wizard spell list, the ectoplasm master uses the lower of the two spell levels listed for the spell. Alchemy (Su) Can create extracts that work like spells. When using Craft (alchemy) to create an alchemical item, an alchemist gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the Craft (alchemy) check. In addition, an alchemist can use Craft (alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. Throw Anything (Ex) All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature. Summoner (Synthesist):
Summon Monster I (Sp):
Favored Class: (+¼ evolution point, +1 HP)
------------------------------=1st (2/day)=------------------------------ Prepared: Open 2/2 Known[5]: Cure Lesser Wounds, Shield, Enlarge Person, Blend, Monkey Fish ---===Summoner Spells===---:
-----------------------------=0th (at will) 4 known=-------------------------------- Guidance, Message, Detect Magic, Mage Hand ------------------------------=1st (2/day) 2 known=------------------------------ Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon ---===Gear/Possessions===---:
-------------------------------=GEAR/POSSESSIONS=-------------------------- ----- Silver Lucerne hammer (trait) Cheliax Parade Armor (25 GP) Strength Mutagen Flint & Steel (1GP) Waterskin (1 GP) Charcoal (5 SP) 4Travel Rations (2 GP) 8 Candle (8 CP) 2 Chalk (2 CP) Parchment (2 SP) Sack (1 SP) MW Thieves Tools (100 GP) Inkpen (1 SP) Ink (8 GP) Formulae Book 3 Acid Flasks (crafted by taing 10 at 3,33 each 10 GP) alchemy crafting kit (25 gp) Spell component pouch 5 gp 178 GP spent -=Money=- 2 GP 0 SP 0 CP ---===Background===---:
There aren’t many elves in Cheliax overall, however there are a significant number of magic users gathered at Chelaxian Academy of Magical Arts in Westcrown. Naturally they do what they can there to fit in to society, which includes catering to the whims of the Chelish nobles. Specialising in conjuring was a sure way for an enterprising Wizard to gain recognition. That's what Elvuriella Hart did to gain influence outside the academy. But soon she found herself tied to house Arvanxi, balancing between loosing her life to the nobles or her very soul to the creatures she summoned. Things didn't get better when the master of the house forced himself on her repeatedly, getting her pregnant and making her cry herself to sleep more often than not. When little Tamara was born, she was certainly not acknowledged and Elvuriella was barely given enough time to care for her between her other duties. Thankfully one of the house cooks, Aliena a half-elf herself, took pity and helped with Tamara when Elvuriella couldn't be there for her. Tamara probably wouldn't have survived otherwise. It was rough growing up under those circumstances, scorned by nobles and the servant kids afraid to get close to her. She did have one close friend, Tilly, an ugly boy with a misshapen face that might have had tiefling blood in his veins. They drew kinship from both being ostracized from the rest of the household and found games to play together in between chores as servants. The friendship didn't last very long however. Tamara was only eight years old when she was brutally introduced to the harsh realities of life and death when Tilly mistakenly stumbled and upended a whole bowl of soup right in the lap of her father. The noble Aberani reacted with rage and stabbed the kid twice with his rapier before anyone could react. At least it was quick. The boy didn't even have time to scream. He just fell over in a bloody heap. People rushed over to help their lord, to get him clean and soothe the burns. No one cared about the dead kid, no one except Tamara who just looked on in shock and the boy’s mother that did her best to hold back her tears. Instead of continuing with her chores, she went over to the guard dragging away the dead boy and studied him. She felt oddly calm looking at him. He had been her friend, and she knew she should be sad, but all she could think is that it was interesting. How he so quickly turned from a living being into this pile of flesh and blood. It was impressive what her father had done. One bleeding hole in the chest and one eye pierced and Tilly was dead. She resolved to learn more about this for herself, how people were put together and what their weak points were. Anatomy wasn’t her only interest though. Tamara also found the books from her mother on conjuration very interesting. She could hardly understand half of it, but she knew this was the source of her mother’s power, why she had her position in the household. Whenever her mother was out of their quarters and she didn’t have other duties, she would study. Time passed and Tamara focused more and more on her own interest rather than what the other children in the household were interested in. Some of them started picking on her, in particular the baker’s boy, Aldred. He would hurl insults, push her or straight up punch her. Of course Aldred’s interest coincided with Tamara’s development. She was turning into an very attractive young woman, with perfect skin, long dark blonde hair and lush curves, making her seem way older than what she actually was. The boy was interested, but had no clue how to show it. Another that noticed her beauty was Tamara’s mother. Elvuriella knew what happened to beautiful young women in this household. She had experienced it herself. Instead of letting her daughter face that fate, she resolved to send her away. Her brother was a travelling alchemist and while they hadn’t spoken in years, nor really gotten along all that great growing up, he was still family. Family took care of each other, right? She sent word for her brother to come to Westcrown to ask him if Tamara could travel with him, away from the perils the Chelish nobility offered. Tamara took the news well. She figured she could learn as much from her uncle as she could from her mother’s books. Besides, she could always bring a few. This also allowed her another unique opportunity… Elvuriella’s brother Cirdan arrived and they arranged to leave early next morning. On the eve before they left Tamara took the opportunity to carry out an experiment. She went to visit Aldred’s room after everyone was asleep. Inspired by her father’s actions against Tilly, she wanted to examine human anatomy closer. A dagger to the eye proved just as useful as the rapier had been. A hand over his mouth muffled any further sounds and let her continue. Cutting up his corpse, she got to see the position and make up his internal organs. She couldn’t hide her excited smile as she was working. Finally she got to do some actual practical work, not just theory. The next morning, bright and early, the two left before the dead boy was noticed. Though it’s unclear how much ruckus a dead servant boy would have caused anyway, Tamara was glad that she didn’t cause more problems for herself than necessary. Her wish had been to gain insight, knowledge and skill, not to cause mayhem. Tamara did indeed learn a great deal from Cirdan. He was an exceptionally skilled alchemist and she quickly picked up the craft. On their travels she also got to see his unique fighting style. He would use preserved monsters to keep the enemies at bay and beat down anyone who got too close with his huge silver hammer. She figured she could do something similar by using the summons she had learned from her mother. They travelled far and wide, going as far away as the river kingdoms before coming back to Cheliax. On their travels they got more and more friendly. Tamara started feeling like Cirdan was the father figure she had never had growing up. Cirdan developed very different emotions for the gorgeous young lady he was travelling with. One evening under the influence of several of his many extracts, he finally found the courage to do something about it. Tamara was shocked at what he wanted, but was powerless to fight off the bigger, stronger and far more experienced elf. He got what he wanted and then some. It was just painful for her in the start, but that little problem he solved with alchemy as well… Turns out sending Tamara with her uncle had put her in exactly the position her mother wanted to avoid. Their relationship was never the same afterwards. They still travelled, studied alchemy, did various tasks and trades. But at night the same situation kept popping up again and again. Tamara was desperate for a solution. Thankfully she had managed to bring with her some of her mother’s books. In one of them was a ritual that could both solve her problem and make her more powerful at the same time. With the sacrifice of a lover, one could call forth a powerful outsider. The nice thing about the ritual was that it completely paralyzed the sacrifice. After making completely sure she knew how to do it, Tamara set her plan into motion. One evening on the floor of their wagon, she somehow managed to get on top of her uncle to start the ritual. The arcane paralysis worked and she could slowly work at cutting arcane glyphs into his body, causing his eyes to twitch due to the excruciating pain. For several hours she worked, cutting him up, burning parts and consuming what was necessary. As a final malevolent twist she got the idea to use the same trick he had used on her to bring him to completion right as he expired. This made the entity manifest, but not but not beside her as she had planned. Instead she was enveloped in the burning hot flesh of the female devil Alezzex. Turns out her twist had some unplanned consequences. The deviless was elated at no longer being relegated to the lower planes, but instead being free to walk the mortal plane. At the same time she was upset at being bound in this manner. The two girls didn’t have much time to discuss the issue right away however as the body of Cirdan had erupted in flame at Alezzex’ appearance. Grabbing just the most valuable things she could reach, Tamara took the hammer and her formulae book before escaping the wagon. Eventually the girl and the deviless worked out a contract for cooperation, Alezzex would get to consume the souls of their victims. Both quickly realized that neither of them were amazingly powerful, but that they could work together to change that. With that goal in mind, the two of them set out for Longacre, which just happened to be the closest town.
---===Appearance and Personality===---:
Picture Eyes: Golden Hair: Blonde Skin: Fair and flawless Height:5’ 10” Weight: 150 lbs Tamara is extremely beautiful, turning heads where she walks. Her skin is pale and flawless and her curves are exceptional compared to the size of the body, which is actually rather slim. The reputation of half-elves as courtesans in cheliax doesn’t detract from that beauty, but it might attract certain attention. No matter what she’s wearing, she’s beautiful to be one. The twisted head on her shoulders is not really all that interested in such dalliances though. She’s interested in becoming more powerful, learning more secrets and gaining more knowledge. She has focused her studies on anatomy, arcane and planar matters, but there are plenty of practical skills, like the art of sneaking and persuasion among the things she’s studying. The young half-elf just wants to use the best tool for the job. Sometimes that is magic or slicing people apart and other times it simply involves talking or slipping in unseen. She doesn’t have anything against Thrune and would be more than happy to work with them to further her goals. She realizes that she’ll be better able to progress with help than alone and what better help to have than Thrune? ---===Meeting Cimri===---:
Tamara looked down at her shining new parade armor. It was dyed black and red and proudly presenting the symbol of Cheliax on the chest. I don't think they normally sell these things to random people... But not all men think with their brains. She could feel the smirk from the figure at the back of her mind. Too bad we didn’t get him to sell his soul as well. He sure seemed willing for anything. Tamara shook her head with a smile. She wouldn’t mind giving Alezzex more souls if it meant they became more powerful, but she doubted persuading a merchant to sell his was the best way to go about it. The young half-elf looked over at the tavern. With flaky paint, it had seen better days, but the sounds coming out of the place revealed it was operating well enough. Let’s go. We should try to find some work. The fire unfortunately consumed most of Cirdan’s belongings. She checked herself over one more time before entering. Upon entering she studied the interior and the people in it while heading confidently over to the bar. Even if she didn’t know what to do next, she knew that acting like she did would set the right impression for what she wanted here. Taking a stool she glanced over at the barkeep. A bright smile split her face as she asked in a melodic voice. “What’s the word on the street? I’m new in town and got some time to spend. If it’s profitable enough, I’ll be open for any job.” The barkeep didn’t answer, just nodded at another woman sitting at a table nearby. Tamara turned with interest to see Cimri twirling a dagger in the air. “Looking for work? What the hell are you good for? You need more than a pretty face for serious business, I ain’t interested in some half-elf harlot.” Tamara’s smile didn’t wane as she waved at the dagger and chanted. “F͎̣͈̯̮l҉̙̩̦̪y̫̪͘t͉͍͍ o͔̦͢pp̺͕̹̲̘͘ͅ ͕̭̜͖̖͘ọ͝ͅg̱̰͔̜͔̩̮ ͖̙̙̪k̥̤͙ó̟̥͇̮̣m̥͉̖ ̱͖̟͓̫t̺̺͝i̕l̸̮̝̞̦ ̹̱m҉̪̻̮̰e̝̞̻̣̘g̨.̘̖̲͖͕́ ͏̳̫S̖na̬͚̯͞p͖͕̭̱̜͘p͈̦̗ ̜͕̰̮̲̥̀de̻̮͙̝̦ͅn̻̥̬͕̙̻ ̹͈̫̘b̶̹̳̫̙͈̠̙ọ͇͡r͎̜̗̮̝t̵ ̙̫͇̖͇m̜̜͕èd̙͍̹͍͠ͅ ̸̣̯̩͙͓͙ͅh̙̲̣̻̹ͅå̝̫̬̺͖͖͍n͉͕̣͖̤̬d͏̯̟̹̫ ̹̺͝ḁ͍v ̶̝k̘̱̺ra̺͕ͅf҉͖̥̳͚̮̖t̰͖̗̮͈̩. Suddenly the dagger Cimri had been playing with floated over to Tamara as if snatched out of thin air by a hand of magic. The half-elf girl snatched it and struck it against her hammer, a metallic clang resonating of the hit. “This dagger is a bit too small for me. They size doesn’t matter, but it sure doesn’t hurt to have a large weapon. Of course this magic is just a trick.” She handed the dagger back over. “But I don’t need to summon a bunch of wild beasts in here to prove a point. So, what’s the job?” --- Tamara nodded as she heard about the job. “Not paying taxes is not good. I don’t really care though.” She shrugged. “If the job needs doing and pays well, I’m up for it. What about any people we encounter? Do we have to leave them alive?” The voice in her mind commented then. [i]I sure hope not. If we can have his soul too, that’s all the better...[/b] Still keeping her mind focused on the task at hand Tamara continued the conversation. “I like to be prepared. What do we know about this Louslik Tannery? Who’s there, what skills do they have? Anything that might be dangerous?”