Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Hey everyone, sorry for my absence. I'm attending a conference and there's no wi-fi available in my hotel, unfortunately. I will be back in a two days in the worst case.
In the meantime, please bot me as needed if I'm a player, or keep roleplaying among yourselves (if you wish so) if I'm the GM.
GM Euan |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Level up!
I do believe you should now be level 5.
First Synopsis - 1 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Second Synopsis - 5 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Third Synopsis - 6 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Moonday, 9 Sarenith, 4714
- The party rises late and meets with Abdur briefly to plan their next moves.
- They spend the morning sorting through their grave goods with Abdur.
- That afternoon they see the widow Panhet and make a quick trip to the Necropolis that evening to obtain her husbands body.
Toilday, 10 Sarentih, 4714
- The group heads to the Necropolis once more to collect as much of the library as they can saving it for posterity… and the auction.
- Collecting much, they retire to the Tooth and Hookah for an evening repast before turning in, early and excited for the next days events.
Wealday, 11 Sarenith, 4714
- The sun rises hot and early on the morning of the auction, and excitement is high - just how much money will the party earn?
- The group whiles away the day quickly enough and heads to the auction early.
- The auction is a spirited affair, with lots of vigorous buying and selling both within the Canny Jackal and in the marketplace just outside.
- Selling most of what they came to sell, and buying some exceptional items themselves, it is after midnight before things begin to wind down.
- A frantic pounding at the door disturbs the revelry as a small zombie hoard admits itself to the party!
- The night quickly degenerates as the party rushes to save their families and protect them. Undead are walking the streets of Wati!
Oathday, 12 Sarenith, 4714
- The party rises at Nidhi’s and though a little cramped in the small space, are comfortable enough and ready to face a new day.
- They head to see what can be done to save Ptemenib, but encounter a half dozen zombies surrounding a cart.
- They reach the brickworks, and drive off a pair of watchers, or poor guards before heading inside and down the stairs.
- They have little luck underground as most of the party finds themselves in a pit, but they push on fighting some intestines for a bit.
- Next they face another pair of guards, but they stumble through the alchemical lab where clearly something has gone wrong.
- When the air is fresher, they gather up the loot and head into the next large chamber where they discover Ptemenib!
- They also meet Ekram, who offers to pay them for information leading to the mask - a deal they take, in a way.
- It is mid-day when they return Ptemenib to the church, report to Qasin, and head to the gates of the necropolis, after a little hiccup on the way.
- They meet Bal, and help her defend the Necropolis gates against a shadow, intent on their life-force.
- The party eventually returns to Abdur’s for the night.
Fireday, 13 Sarenith, 4714
- The party agrees to help Abdur ship some much need supplies from the docks to Milki.
- The first trip is uneventful, though the ship’s Captain is clearly uneasy and looking to pull out.
- The protect a merchant from a pair of Psychopomp’s, discovering they were summoned.
- After a great cheer for Zilchus by the refugees at Milki, the party visits Bal at the Necropolis once again.
- Visiting Ptemenib that afternoon, the party discusses heading into the Necropolis.
- They also visit with Sebti the crocodile, and meet Nakht Shepses, the Pharasman inquisitor.
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Last level Aug 5, 2017.
+7 hp
+moar spells
+sekrit feat
+3 adventuring skills:
+1 Perception
+1 Know (Rel)
+1 Know (Local)
+2 adventuring skills:
+1 Know (Eng)
+1 Know (Hist)
Smite: not yet
Grit: not yet
Panache: nah, more like painintheass
Ki: not yet
Rage: some, mostly at mosquitos
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Hey everyone, my level up is a little bit complex and it will take me another day or so to complete it. Thanks for the patience!
Florence Corvina |
Florence still has just over 1,000 gp that she's not spent that we can use if need be!
Also I *finally* have a free day today and so I will get Florence leveled up a bit later once I've caught up on all mah games!
On a slightly different note, we're trying to get a PFS lodge started up in my area again. We had our first game on Sunday! We were goblins and it was a blast :)
Florence Corvina |
FCB: +1 Spell in Familiar
Gained 3rd Level Spellcasting (2/day)
Gained Spells: Sleet Storm (3rd), Remove Curse (3rd), Lipstitch (2nd)
Gained Feat: Extra Hex (Fortune Hex)
+6 Skill Points (Fly, Heal, Kn. Arcana, Kn. Nature, Kn. Planes, UMD)
+2 Background Skill Points (Craft: Alchemy, Profession: Herbalist)
Fly Hex Upgrade (Can now fly per the spell)
Healing Hex Upgrade (Now acts as Cure Moderate Wounds)
Bynx: Gain Speak W/Master
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ben will suggest to buy a few potions of darkvision!
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
hp +6 (+4 class, +1 Con, +1 FCB)
New feats to be decided
Spells/day upgrades +2 3rd level
New spells added to the spellbook 3rd – fly, haste
Skill ranks (+11 new ranks [+1 human, +6 Int, +2 class, +2 background]) +1 Craft (alchemy) [BACKGROUND SKILL], +1 Diplomacy, +1 Knowledge (arcana), +1 Knowledge (history) [BACKGROUND SKILL], +1 Knowledge (religion), +1 Knowledge (nature), +1 Knowledge (planes), +1 Fly, +1 Perception, +1 Spellcraft
Cahal ud'Din |
Sorry for the threadjack :(
A game I'm in is missing a few players. The DM prefers to ask people we know before opening recruitment.
Zeitgeist is a great AP with a rich and complex plot lines. It takes a bit of time to feel comfortable in the story.
PM me if you'd be interested. I'll put you in touch with the GM.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Hey guys, for reasons of time zone, I might not be able to post after Nidhi if she doesn't post between an hour or so. As such, I would like to say that Ben will step back, draw an alchemist's fire and throw it at the swarms (both if possibile, otherwise only one will do).
Florence Corvina |
Sorry folks, between work and my GMed games and other RL stuff I know I've slacked off a bit on 'pushing' with my posts - and not just here but in some of my other long-term games as well. Things should improve in a few weeks once my PFS commitments are wrapped up but I'll still try and do better in the meantime.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Paizo website has been down for most of the day, by which I mean "european" day. I'll try to make a post before going off to bed, but posting in the evening is usually not easy for me due to RL impedements. I'll do my best, otherwise I'll post tomorrow morning.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Ok, I managed to post. If someone answers within two hours or so, I should be able to post again before going to bed.
Also, I would like to second the GM's spur (I know I'm included in it, of course, so I'm addressing to everyone including me). I just want to say that I feel personally very lucky to be in this game, because trust me, there's no better GM than Euan on the boards, and no campaign that has better chances to see his conclusion. As such, I think that we should all try as best as we can to repay the constant work the GM puts into this game by trying to stall less or not at all.
(This speech is thought more as a personal motivator than anything else, but I thought it could be useful for everyone.)
GM Euan |
Yeah, today was not the best day to suggest more posting. Paizo was down this morning and has been a little flaky during the day. :)
We shall overcome this minor obstacle to our enjoyment however and press on into the tomb....
GM Euan |
Paizo, in their infinite wisdom, upgraded some element of their site a couple days ago. It has caused mass outages and a variety of bugs, including the need to login every few hours - or so it seems.
They claim they'll fix it on Monday.
Here's the known bug list (some of which might be fixed):
- Unable to page through results on user profile pages
- Some people having trouble viewing their campaigns page
- Reported problems with "x new" becoming out of date or not updating at all
- Website feedback forum occasionally redirecting to its parent forum
- Paging through flattened forums is not working properly, and the page you do get is full of sticky threads
- Unsticky preferences on My Downloads page
- Last download dates incorrect on My Downloads page
- Random logouts still occurring
Florence Corvina |
Yeah, the site was totally down yesterday from just past midnight/1am CST until nearly lunchtime which meant that most Euro posters weren't able to post at all yesterday (or not until rather late, for them). And what with the random logouts and other bugs I've been having to check and double-check games to see if I need to post or if my post actually posted, etc. etc.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
This login issue is very annoying, hope they fix it soon.
GM Euan |
If you look at the treasure sheet, it's pretty clear.
The only thing you haven't sold or claimed is the ushabti of the willing servant, but at a value higher than you likely want to spend I suspect...
GM Euan |
But on this point we might use a clarification from the GM, the whole light/darkness matter being rather obscure in Pathfinder...Does daylight dispel and counter deeper darkness? What if we bring a magical source of light and when they cast deeper darkness, the level of light in the area is high enough not to being lowered to supernatural darkness?
Well light and dark look scary from the outside, but it's really not too bad if you take it slowly...
Daylight is level 3. Deeper Darkness is level 3. Therefor the two cancel each other out leaving the background light as the prevailing light source (likely dim light or darkness given who you're going to fight).
However, and this is the kicker, each spell also cancels any lesser spells. So you can't simply cancel the Deeper Darkness with Daylight and cast a Light cantrip. The Light cantrip still won't work.
That's why all my characters have a sunrod or two. It's non-magical light. So in our example, Daylight cancels Deeper Darkness and a sunrod shines normally, giving you the light you need to fight your enemies...
Florence Corvina |
As a heads up, I'll be working again tonight and may not have much/any time to post as I'll actually have someone with me for training purposes. So if I don't get a post up before work then it might be Monday afternoon before I'll get another chance! Bot Florence as needed :)
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Thanks for the clarification GM.
So...Anyone is able to cast daylight?
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Thanks for the clarification GM. So...Anyone is able to cast daylight?
This would have been good to think about when Zilchus asked about it before we left town.
Zilchus can't cast daylight.
Anyone else have any shopping ideas before we go into an area known for its undead, dark folk, & lamias?
* * *
Maybe we avoid the dark folk for a bit, explore the other compasses and then circle back if we need to? After all, we just need three working compasses to triangulate and if we can't get one of them, then there isn't much use worrying about the dark folk at all.
It's not as if they have any tangible offer or benefits to us yet. Ms. Harmony suggests that killing those other folk will stop the undead, but not sure how things work.
That's my two coppers.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
Prof. Benedictus Dickens wrote:Thanks for the clarification GM. So...Anyone is able to cast daylight?This would have been good to think about when Zilchus asked about it before we left town.
Zilchus can't cast daylight.
That's not as easy as you think to do some meta-reasoning. In my experience, it gives the GM a huge burden, because he forces him to gather a lot of information and convey them.
For example, if I start asking about which type of undead could fly and pass over the gates, well...a Knowledge (religion) check would do the trick, but do I really want to force the GM to spend two hours or so perusing through all the bestiaries just for that question? No. It's quite a compromise with realism. Ben would know, but I dare not ask.
The same goes, and went, for the counters to undead, dark folk and lamias. What if I rolled three separate rolls and asked the GM: now, what would be a good equipment to fight them? That would take days for the GM to research. That's not something I usually do, and that's definitely something I'm not going to do, unless the GM explicitly tells me he's fine with that.
Florence Corvina |
Sorry, Florence can't cast Daylight either. And that's probably my bad (OOC) for not making a Knowledge check about Dark Folk but IC I can reason it as Florence expecting to possibly tangle with lamias (which she *did* do a check for) and not the Dark Folk since Ptemenib indicated that they would be friendly.
And thus Flo learns a lesson about preparing for the unexpected.
(Seriously though, apologies for slacking on stuff like this. I promise I'll do better about buying/suggesting supplies going forward. Also I'll get caught up on Gameplay a bit later tonight!)
GM Euan |
Level up!
I do believe you should now be level 6.
First Synopsis - 1 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Second Synopsis - 5 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Third Synopsis - 6 Sarenith, 4714 AR
Fourth Synopsis - 9 Sarentith, 4714 AR
Starday, 14 Sarenith, 4714
- The group rises and collects another wand from the church before heading into the Necropolis.
- They head into the Veins district and back underground. After a time they surface, fighting off a pair of snake swarms, in the Necropolis.
- The first elegiac compass is broken, so the party moves on to the second. Which is missing its core as they discover after slaying a skeleton in the wall.
- The party descends into the crevasse to discover a dragon! Shardizhad proves more interested in trade then second breakfast.
- Marid's Caress is the next stop, a bathhouse whose partial collapse destroyed the compass there.
- Heading up Vizier’s Hill, the party encounter the Dark Folk, who eventually offer them a deal, even though no one drank the water.
- Unsure how to battle darkness, the party decides to wait to help the Dark Folk, and instead turn on the tomb of Menket Maatya.
- One brief fireball later, and the party grabs a phoenix coprolite and trades it with the dragon Shardizhad
- Now with a working elegiac compass, they draw a line on their map and begin searching buildings.
- The first building in the line is an old observatory of Truth and Wisdom, with some strange Pharasmic symbology.
- A secret floor is found, and opened by the party.
Prof. Benedictus Dickens |
GM, does the level up applies immediately or should we wait until our PCs get to rest?
Zilchus Lyghtlode |
Last level Oct 15, 2017.
+8 hp
+moar spells
+bonus feat: Dodge
+3 adventuring skills:
+1 Perception
+1 Know (Rel)
+1 Know (Local)
+2 adventuring skills:
+1 Know (Eng)
+1 Know (Hist)
Smite: not yet
Grit: not yet
Panache: nah, more like painintheass
Ki: not yet
Rage: some, mostly at mosquitos