GM Choon Presents: The (Gestalt) War of Dragonfires (Inactive)

Game Master Choon

Current Battle Map

Current Characters

Cam James

(254 posts)

M Human
(337 posts)
Artemis Entreri

Male Troll Lvl 1
(129 posts)
Adept of Agamotto

HP 43/56; SP 14/20 Incanter 6 // Mageknight (Doomblade, Kinetic Scourge) 6

played by Tenro (68 posts)

N Oracle (Lunar) / Sorcerer (Arcane) | HP 16/57| AC: 19(15Tch, 14Fl) | CMB: +7, CMD: 17 | F:+ 4, R: +7, W: +5; | Init: +5| Perc: +9, SM: +4 | Speed 30 ft| |Oracle Spells: 1st 5/7| 2nd 6/6| 3rd 4/4||Sorcerer Spells: 1st 3/7| 2nd 5/6| 3rd 3/4|Active conditions: Mage Armor 6h, See invisibility 1h6

played by Just a Mort (51 posts)
Angels Dragonfire

Dreig(Giant) Celeste | HP 73/33 | AC 27 T 24 FF 19 | CMB +15 CMD 32 | Fort +11 Ref + 18 Will +13| Init +7 | Rage 8/14 | Ki Pool: 9/9 | Perception +17 | Evasion | Spd 50ft | NA | Drkvsn 60ft | +2 saves vs spells/psionics/complsn/mind | Stance: Battle Dragon | Focus: Y | Buff: mistsight 5/rds

played by Angelpalm (90 posts)
Holy Guide
Areth Stormwind

HP: 40/40 | AC: 19 | Touch 15 | FF 14 | Fort +5 Refl +8 Will +9 | Perception +13 | Init +9 Human

played by Grovo (51 posts)
Priestess of Pharasma
Baroness_Annara Utoxier-Lee

Diplomat [Psionic0/Noble3/Marines2] Human [Zhodani lineage]
| Stamina 27/27 | Lifeblood 11/11 | AC 15/11/14 | F+4 R+2 W+6 | Init +1 | Per: +6 | PSI 14/14

played by Johnny_Panic (17 posts)
Jamus Hainard
Canaan Fodda

Human Fighter 17/Guardian 5: HP 182/182, Fort +17, Ref +18, Will +19, AC 52 (T 21, FF 47), CMD 53 (Grapple , Overrun 70), Perception +2, Init +8

played by drbuzzard (168 posts)
The Craving

Yaksha master of forms 6//rakshasa paragon 6 | HP: 24/53 | AC/T/FF: 22/18/19 | F/R/W: +7/+8/+6 | Init: +1; Perception +11 | CMB: +9; CMD: 27 | Defense: Evasion, DR 2/-
Focus: 0/4 | Pool of Predation: 3/9 per day | Sorcerer Lvl 1 - 4/6 per day | Deep Focus: 0/1 per day | Thunder Spear: 0/1 per day | Active Stance: Lightning
Status Effects:
Hungerborn: +1 to attacks, skill check, ability checks, and CL checks for 1 hour. | IH: Fast Heal 1 (3 rds) | GL: +20 ft. speed (5 rds) [ooc]| EP: Large Size (17 rds)

played by B S 207 (80 posts)

Male Dwarf Gestalt Soulknife (Nimble, Gifted) & Vitalist 6 | PP: 34/58 | HP: 61/76 THP:0 NLD: 5| AC: 20; T:13; FF:17 | Fort: +10; Ref: +9; Will: +10

played by DeviousDevious (40 posts)
Davor Modius

**INACTIVE(Adapt)***Ophiduan Male Adult Monk (Unchained, Zen Archer)/Incanter/Gestalt 6 - HP: 71/71, AC:21/T:20/FF:17, F:+8/R:+10/W:+8, Init:+3, Perc:+10, CMB:+6, CMD:26, Speed:50/80', Ki:8/8, SP:11/11, Ammo:60/60
Acrobatics:+10/+18 to Jump, Climb:+5, Escape Artist:+10, Fly:+3, Heal:+5, Kn.(Arcana):+6, Ride:+3, Sense Motive:+5, Spellcraft:+6, Stealth:+10, Survival:+5, Swim:+5

played by Anderlorn (82 posts)
Friar the Fatling

Male Halfling, HP: 32/83, PP: 26/59, CP: 7/9, CMD: +18, DR: 4/-, Fast Healing 2 (2 rounds) 8 temp hps
AC: 18, T: 12, F: 17. Saves: F: 9, R: 4, W: 7, CMB +7, CMD +18, Init +1, per +9, sense +1
Autohyp +10, Escape Artist +7, Heal +11, Intimidate +6, K (Religion) +9, K (Psionics) +7, Perception +9, Prof (Cook) +7, Ride +6, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft 12, UMD +10

played by Cam James (34 posts)
Gigantos Mutatus

HP [89/90] | AC 19, T 10, FF 19, CMD 19, DR 4/- | Fort +9, Ref +2, Will +7 | Low-Light Vision, Perception +7 | Bloodrage [17/17] |
Astral Suit Modifications:
Fortification 25%, Hardy, Stalwart, Flexible Suit, Improved Armor, Quickened Attacks, Psionic Attack, Psionic Damage, Augmented Weapon
Aegis 6/Bloodrager 6

played by DekoTheBarbarian (65 posts)
Mask Golem
GM Choon

The Man. The Myth. The Mask!

played by Choon (8,846 posts)
Griffon Cavalry

Sharptalon | HP 77/78 + 14 Temp | AC 22 T 11 FF 18 | CMB +14 CMD 26 | Ref + 10 Fort +12 Will +7 | Rage 6/9 Martial Flex 6/6

played by Almonihah (29 posts)
Marcos Farabellus
Ken N. Fudder

played by chuffster (3 posts)
Satinder Morne
Lady Incendia Anisha Rosala

NPC Intelligence Officer

played by Johnny_Panic (87 posts)

Onyx (AC: 21/25*[T: 16/20 FF: 17/21 | HP: 32/53(THP-)(0NL) | F+6, R+9, W+7) Init: +4; Perception +12 | CMB: +6; CMD: 22 | SP 7/11 SP 6/11 | Defense: Blindsense 60* Darkvision 60/ Resistance:Electricity/Sonic. [10]

played by Johnny_Panic (98 posts)
Blast Shadow
War of Dragonfires Alias

Darkweaver, Owb Rogue; AC 22/19/14 20% miss chance; HP 106/106; F11, R13e, W8

played by Philo Pharynx (31 posts)
Seneka Volstadt
Ynja Eva Ragnavold

Ynja Eva Ragnavold Half-Atlantean, HP[32/32] MP[30/32]Luck[16/16]Sanity92] ]Luck[16]Dodge [75/36/15] Privet investigator

played by Johnny_Panic (563 posts)