
Adept of Agamotto's page

68 posts. Alias of Tenro.


Incanter 6 // Mageknight (Doomblade, Kinetic Scourge) 6


HP 43/56; SP 14/20

Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Adept of Agamotto

HP: 56 (10+5d10[min half]+CON*6)
AC: 22 =10 + 3 DEX + 6 ARMOR + 3 SHIELD
Init: +3
Speed: 30 (1 SP for Fly 25 (perfect) for 6min)

F: 8 = 5 base + 1 CON + 2 RESIST
R: 7 = 2 base + 3 DEX + 2 RESIST
W: 8 = 5 base + 1 WIS + 2 RESIST

Doomblade: +9/+3 melee touch, 4d6 bludgeoning, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, 10ft reach, can change TYPE but not SHAPE, cannot augment to 1d/CL
Destructive Blast: +9 melee touch, 4d6 bludgeoning, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 6
Crystal Blast: +9 melee touch, 5d4 piercing+entangle, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 8
Force Blast: +9 melee touch, 4d6 force, DC 17 REF or prone, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 6

Destructive Blast: +9 melee touch, 4d6 bludgeoning, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 6
Crystal Blast: +9 melee touch, 5d4 piercing+entangle, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 8
Force Blast: +9 melee touch, 4d6 force, DC 17 REF or prone, overcomes DR/magic, crit x2, Close range, CL 6

Close Range: 25ft + 5ft/2 CL
Medium Range: 100ft + 10ft/CL
Long Range: 400ft + 40ft/CL


not calculated (conditional):
- If last in INIT order, use INT (+4) vice DEX (+2) for attack rolls.
+1 SP: Increase damage to d6*CL+1 dice
+0 SP: Tether Shape: Deals blast damage each round, Close Range, HP: 10 + 2/CL, Hardness = 1/2 CL, Break DC 17
+0 SP: Crystal Type: +2 CL, uses d4s instead of d6 (so use 5d4), piercing type, REF DC 17 or entangled + unable to move + square is difficult terrain. Move action STR or Esc Art. DC 17 or deal CL*3 damage to crystal to get free. Crystal disappears after 1min.
+1 SP: Force Type: Change damage type to Force, enemy makes REF DC 17 or fall prone

Swift Actions:
Destructive Blade (class ability)

Immediate Actions:

BAB: +6
CMB: +8
CMD: 19
MSB: +6
MSD: 17

Racial Traits:

  • Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
  • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
  • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
  • Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
  • Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

  • Favored Class:
    +6/6 of a magic talent

Class Abilities:

  • Weapon/Armor Combined Proficiencies: Simple, Martial, Light


  • Casting: An incanter may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. An incanter is considered a High-Caster. He may use either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as his casting ability modifier and must make this choice at 1st level. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

  • Spell Pool: An incanter gains a small reservoir of energy he can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to his class level + his casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

  • Magic Talents: An incanter gains 2 magic talents at every odd level and 1 at every even level, according to Table: Incanter.

  • Bonus Feat: At 1st, 2nd, and every 2 levels thereafter, an incanter gains a bonus feat. This may be spent to gain an extra magic talent, or any feat which has casting as a prerequisite (Craft Item feats, metamagic feats, sphere focus, Circle Casting, etc.).

  • Incanter Specializations:
    none chosen

    MAGEKNIGHT (Doomblade, Kinetic Scourge)

  • Casting: A mageknight may combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. A mageknight is considered a Low-Caster. She may use either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as her casting ability modifier and must make this choice at 1st level. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. (Note: All casters gain 2 bonus talents and may select a casting tradition the first time they gain the casting class feature.)

  • Spell Pool: A mageknight gains a small reservoir of energy she can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to her level + her casting ability modifier (minimum: 1). This pool replenishes once per day after roughly 8 hours of rest.

  • Magic Talents: A mageknight gains a magic talent at 1st level, 2nd level, and again at every even level thereafter, according to Table: Mageknight.

  • Destructive Blade (Sp): As a swift action, rather than expelling a destructive blast as a simple attack, a doomblade can wrap destructive energies around his hand for a number of round equal to his Casting Ability Modifier (minimum 1), surrounding it with power. This wrapping can take any visual form the doomblade desires, from a blade, to a hammer, to a simple ball of swirling energy, but the form is merely cosmetic. The doomblade is considered armed with his destructive blast, and can make touch attacks in place of regular attacks. Rather than having its power determined by the doomblade’s caster level, the destructive blade always treats the doomblade’s level as its caster level.
    The destructive blade cannot be augmented by blast shape talents or have its damage increased to one die per caster level, but otherwise can be augmented like any other destructive blast.
    If another destructive blade is summoned, any previously summoned destructive blades immediately disappear.
    This replaces resist magic.

  • Destructive Focus: At 1st level, the doomblade must choose the Destruction sphere as one of his starting talents. If the Destruction sphere is already possessed, then any talents gained at 1st level may be chosen as usual

  • Tethered: At 1st level, the kinetic scourge gains the Destruction sphere and the Energy Tether talent, as well as the Focused Shape drawback. This drawback does not grant an additional talent and may be bought off as normal. If he already possesses the Destruction sphere, then the Energy Tether shape is gained with no drawback. If both are possessed, any destruction talent may be chosen. The kinetic scourge may concentrate on destructive blasts with the Energy Tether blast shape as a move action. The kinetic scourge may also use his energy tether to retrieve small unattended items within range as a swift action. Additional spell point costs of certain blast types are not incurred when retrieving items.
    This replaces the talent gained at first level.

  • Mobile Combatant: At first level, the kinetic scourge gains Tether Adept as a bonus feat.

  • Tethered Maneuvers (Ex): At 2nd level, the kinetic scourge may perform the dirty trick, disarm, steal, and trip combat maneuvers using his Energy Tether, and may perform a drag or reposition on the target without having to move himself. This replaces the mystic combat gained at 2nd level, but counts as having the mystic combat class feature.

  • Kinetic Scourge Mystic Combats: The following mystic combats are available exclusively to the kinetic scourge:
    - Bounding Tether: As a full-round action, you may anchor your tether and move as per the Tether Adept feat, making a single attack against a target within movement range.
    Special: If the kinetic scourge possesses the Energy Blade talent, he may use it in place of this single attack.
    - Tethered Assault (Requires: Bounding Tether, Kinetic Scourge level 6): As a full-round action, you may anchor your tether and take a full-attack action while moving per the Tether Adept feat. If you do, you can move up to the normal distance allowed by Tether Adept, dividing the movement into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must move at least 5 feet each time you move.
    - Dual-Tether: You may maintain two Energy Tethers simultaneously, concentrating on them in one action.
    - Quick concentration: You may concentrate on your Energy Tether (or tethers) as a swift action.

  • Mystic Combat (Su): At 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a mageknight gains a new way to enhance her physical abilities through magic.
    Each time she gains mystic combat, she chooses and gains one of the following abilities.
    - (replaced by Kinetic Scourge Archetype)
    - Bounding Tether

  • Stalwart (Ex): At 3rd level, a mageknight can use mental and physical resiliency to avoid certain attacks. If she makes a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, she instead avoids the effect entirely. A helpless mageknight does not gain the benefit of the stalwart ability.

  • Combat Feat: At 4th level and every four levels thereafter, the mageknight gains a bonus combat feat of her choice, chosen from those for which she qualifies.
    - Augur of Combat

Spheres and Talents:

Spell Points: = 12+(INT*2)
CL: 6
DC: 13+MOD (+1 destruction)

Destruction Sphere
0 SP: Destructive Blast: 4d6 dmg close range melee/range touch attack.
As a standard action, you may deliver a burst of blunt magical force as a melee touch attack or a ranged touch attack within Close range. A destructive blast deals bludgeoning damage as indicated on the table below. This damage bypasses DR/magic, but being bludgeoning in nature, does not automatically bypass other forms of damage resistance. A ranged destructive blast counts as a ray attack.
+1 SP: Increase damage to d6*CL+1 dice
+0 SP: Tether Shape: Deals blast damage each round, Close Range, HP: 10 + 2/CL, Hardness = 1/2 CL, Break DC 17
+0 SP: Crystal Type: +2 CL, uses d4s instead of d6 (so use 5d4), piercing type, REF DC 17 or entangled + unable to move + square is difficult terrain. Move action STR or Esc Art. DC 17 or deal CL*3 damage to crystal to get free. Crystal disappears after 1min.
+1 SP: Force Type: Change damage type to Force, enemy makes REF DC 17 or fall prone
+1 SP: Wall Shape: line 20ft/CL or hemisphere radius 5ft/2CL, 20ft high, lasts 1*CL rnds.

Warp Sphere
1 SP: Teleport: You can spend a standard action to teleport yourself and up to a heavy load to any place within Close range. Alternately, you may teleport a touched willing creature and their carried equipment instead of yourself. You may spend a spell point to increase your teleport range to Medium instead of Close. You must have line of sight to your destination.
+0 SP: Distant Teleport: When you spend a spell point to increase the range of your teleport, the range increases to Long instead of Medium.
Bend Space: Talents marked (space) grant you ways of bending and folding space. Bending space requires a standard action, and you must be touching the target or location to be affected.
Extradimensional Room (space): You may create a small pocket dimension, accessible through a shimmering portal that either appears in the air before you or on a touched, reasonably flat surface. This pocket dimension measures one 10-foot cube per caster level, arranged as you wish so long as the space is continuous. You can make the entrance as small as 5 ft square or as large as 10 ft square. You can select its light level and temperature (from -40° F to 120° F), but otherwise it is a featureless location.
This space does not exist until you enter the portal, and continues to exists as long as you are inside. However, you may spend a spell point to create the space without entering, and allow it to remain for up to 1 round per caster level regardless of whether or not you are inside it. If the portal is placed on the ground or in some other way an unwilling creature might fall in, the creature is allowed a Reflex save to evade. Climbing the walls of this room requires a DC 20 Climb check. When this ability expires or is dispelled, all objects and creatures within this space are harmlessly ejected through the portal.

Life Sphere
0 SP: Invigorate: As a standard action, you may invigorate a touched creature, granting them temporary hit points equal to your caster level (minimum: 1). Unlike normal temporary hit points, this ability can only be used on an injured target and cannot raise a target’s current hit points plus their temporary hit points to be higher than their total hit points. This benefit lasts for 1 hour. Temporary hit points, even from different sources, do not stack; only the highest bonus applies.
1 SP: Cure (1d8+12): As a standard action, you may spend a spell point to touch a target and heal it an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + your caster level. This is a positive energy effect, and as such may be used to harm undead (Will half).
+0 SP: Greater Healing: Your cure effect heals 2 points per caster level instead of 1 point per caster level. You may take this talent a total of 4 times. Each time this talent is taken, increase the amount healed by 1 hit point per caster level, to a maximum of 5 hit points per caster level.
+1 SP: Mass Healing You may spend an additional spell point when using a cure or invigorate to affect an additional creature per 2 caster levels (minimum: 1). All targets must be within range.
1 SP: Restore: As a standard action, you may touch a target and spend a spell point to restore their physical and mental health.
This accomplishes all of the following:
- Heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score of your choice.
- Removes the fatigued condition or lessens exhaustion to fatigued.
- Removes the sickened condition or lessens nauseated to sickened.
- Removes the shaken condition or lessens frightened to shaken, or panicked to frightened.
- Removes the staggered condition.
- Removes the dazzled condition.
If the condition targeted is part of an on-going effect, this suppresses the effect for a number of round equal to your caster level. This cannot be used to remove curses or instantaneous effects.

Telekinesis Sphere
As a standard action you can use telekinesis to lift one unattended object or willing creature within Close range and move it up to 20 ft, + 5 ft per 5 caster levels. The object levitates as long as you concentrate, have line of sight, and the object remains within Close range.
The objects and creatures you may lift are restricted by size; the largest object you can lift is given in the chart below. This assumes the object is made from a dense material, such as stone. Objects made of lighter materials, mostly open space, or reduced to 1/2 weight with the lighten talent of the enhancement sphere count as being one size category smaller, while weightless objects count as being 2 size categories smaller for this purpose.
Table: Object Size
CL - Object Size - Sample Object
1st - Dmn - Dagger
3rd - Tny - Candelabra
5th - Sml - Heavy Shield
8th - Med - Cage Powerful Telekinesis
11th - Lrg - Statue
15th - Hge - Wagon
20th - Grg - Catapult
25th - Col - Ship
Your telekinesis is simple and cannot perform dexterous actions (tying a knot, opening a book, turning a key, etc.). Any object you control with telekinesis has a touch AC of 10 + your casting ability modifier + any size modifier, and a CMD of 10 + your caster level + your casting ability modifier + the object’s size modifier.
You gain the following special uses of telekinesis when you gain this sphere:
+0 SP: Powerful Telekinesis: Increase the maximum sized object or creature you may affect with telekinesis by 1 size category.
1 SP: Sustained Force: You may, as a free action, spend a spell point to no longer need to concentrate to maintain lifting a particular object for up to 1 minute per caster level. You may give a sustained force simple orders (float in the air, go north, follow a target) that it obeys to the best of its ability. Changing a sustained force’s orders is a move action. You cannot sustain combat-related uses of telekinesis (combat maneuvers, bludgeons, etc.), nor complicated tasks (make a wagon load itself with stones and move them to another location, etc.).
+0 SP: Flight: When using telekinesis to lift a creature or creatures and spending a spell point to create a Sustained Force on them, you may grant that creature the ability to control their own movement for the duration of the Sustained Force. They gain a fly speed equal to your telekinesis speed, with maneuverability (perfect).
An affected creature does not need to remain within your telekinesis range while flying in this manner.
1 SP: Hostile Lift: You may spend a spell point to lift an unwilling creature with telekinesis. The target is allowed a Will save to negate this effect, plus an additional Will save each round the effect is maintained.
If a hostile lift is sustained with Sustained Force, it only lasts until the target succeeds at its save. A creature may suffer falling damage if they successfully save while floating high in the air.
0 SP: Bludgeon: Once per turn when lifting an object with telekinesis, you can spend its remaining movement to strike a creature or object within its square. When you use a lifted creature or object to strike another creature or object (moving the object into the target’s square and ramming them), you must succeed at an attack roll using your base attack bonus plus your casting ability modifier against the target. On a successful hit, the target and the bludgeon take damage depending on the bludgeon’s size. If the bludgeon is a weapon, the attack deals appropriate damage for that weapon (bolts and arrows are treated as daggers for this purpose). Since weapons are designed to deal damage, they do not suffer damage if used as a bludgeon.
Table: Object Damage
Object Size - Damage Dealt
Fne - 1
Dmn - 1d2
Tny - 1d3
Sml - 1d4
Med - 1d6
Lrg - 1d8
Hge - 2d6
Grg - 3d6
Col - 4d6
0 SP: Catch: If using telekinesis on a projectile or thrown object within your size limit (often as a readied action), you may stop the attack from dealing damage. The originator of the attack (the creature who threw the projectile, etc.) is allowed a Will save to negate this ability. After catching an object, you may move it as normal for your telekinesis.

Mageknight Spheres/Talents
Stat: INT

  • Destruction Sphere w/Focused Shape Drawback bought off w/Incanter
  • Destruction: Energy Tether (Shape)(bonus)
  • Warp Sphere
  • Warp: Extradimensional Room
  • Warp: Distant Teleport
  • Life Sphere
  • Life: Restore Mind

    Incanter Talents
    Stat: INT

  • Destruction Sphere (purchased twice to remove Focused Shape drawback)
  • Destruction: Crystal Blast (Type)
  • Destruction: Energy Sphere (Shape)
  • Destruction: Force Blast (Type)
  • Destruction: Energy Wall (Shape)
  • Destruction: Epicenter: Immune to my own destructive blasts
  • Life: Mass Healing
  • Life: Greater Healing
  • Telekinesis Sphere
  • Telekinesis: Flight
  • Telekinesis: Powerful Telekinesis
  • Destruction: Greater Blast

  • Feats and Traits:

  • h: Combat Casting: +4 concentration when grappled or to avoid AoO.
  • 1: Melee Blaster: When using a destructive blast as (or as part of) a melee attack or melee touch attack, your destructive blast does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
  • 1b: Weapon Finesse: use DEX vise STR for melee attacks with light weapons.
  • 2b: Sphere Focus: Destruction; +1 bonus to saving throw DCs for all abilities from that sphere.
  • 2b: Tether Adept: When using the Energy Tether blast shape, instead of targeting a creature, you can anchor it to a solid surface within its range such as a wall or ceiling (but not floor) as a standard action. Once the tether is anchored, you may, as a move action, attempt to move to any other legal square within the tether’s reach (as determined from the anchor point) without provoking an attack of opportunity, regardless of your normal move speed, by making an Acrobatics check and comparing the result to the CMD of each creature adjacent to the start and destination points; success on this check allows you to complete the movement, and failure causes you to fall prone in a square adjacent to the creature whose CMD you failed to beat. This movement can include squares on elevated or recessed surfaces, or even walls. If you have a climb speed, you may even end this movement on a wall or ceiling. You must have a clear path towards the destination (this ability does not allow you to pass through solid obstacles or opponents, though it may allow you to circumvent an enemy if you have a clear path around them within the tether’s reach). You must have a free hand to use this ability. Blast types that carry a spell point cost do not incur that cost when using this feat. The anchoring object receives no damage nor other effects of your destructive blast.
  • 3: Extra Mystic Combat: Dual Tether
  • 4b: Augur of Combat: As long as you are last in the initiative count, use your intelligence modifier for attack rolls in place of the ability modifier that you would normally use.
  • 4b: Reach Blade: Your Destructive Blade may be shaped with the reach property. This property can be added or removed each time you shape the blade.
  • 5: Extra Mystic Combat: Quick Concentration
  • 6b: Energy Specialization: Destruction (Crystal Type); Your destructive blasts using blast types from that group gain a +2 insight bonus to caster level.

    Campaign not currently using Traits

  • Skills:

    Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + 1 + Int modifier
    54 pts
    Acrobatics +11 =6+3 +2 DEX
    Appraise +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Autohypnosis +1 =r +1 WIS
    Bluff +0 =r +0 CHA
    Climb +4 =1+3 +0 STR
    Craft Alchemy +4 =c +4 INT
    Craft Armor +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Craft Scripture +4 =c +4 INT
    Craft Jewelry +4 =c +4 INT
    Craft Mechanical +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Craft Weapons +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Concentration +(+10) (+4 defensive/grappled)
    Diplomacy +4 =1+3 +0 CHA
    Disable Device +4 =r +4 INT
    Disguise +0 =r +0 CHA
    Escape Artist +2 =r +2 DEX
    Fly +10 =5+3 +2 DEX
    Handle Animal +0 =c +0 CHA
    Heal +1 =r +1 WIS
    Intimidate +0 =r +0 CHA
    Know: Arcana: +13 =6+3 +4 INT
    Know: Dungeon: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Engineer: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Geography: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: History: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Local: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Nature: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Nobility: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Planes: +13 =6+3 +4 INT
    Know: Religion: +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Know: Psionics +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Linguistics +8 =1+3 +4 INT
    Perception +7 =6+cc +1 WIS
    Perform +0 =r +0 CHA
    Profession +4 =c +4 INT
    Ride +6 =1+3 +2 DEX
    Sense Motive +4 =r +4 INT
    Sleight of Hand +2 =r +2 DEX
    Stealth +2 =r +2 DEX
    Spellcraft +13 =6+3 +4 INT
    Survival +5 =1+3 +1 WIS
    Swim +4 =1+3 +0 STR
    Use Magic Device +0 =r +0 CHA



    Armor: +1 Mithral Kikko Armor
    Belt: Belt of DEX +2
    Chest: Mushroom Vest
    Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance +2
    Slotless: +1 Heavy Mithral Shield
    Ioun Torch

    16k gp

    5400gp +1 Mithral Kikko Armor (+6 AC, -0 ACP, 30ft)
    2020gp +1 Heavy Mithral shield (+3 AC, -0 ACP)
    4000gp Belt of DEX +2
    75gp Ioun Torch
    4000gp Cloak of Resistance +2
    500gp Mushroom Vest (-20ft fall dmg)

    5hp left

    Player Notes:

    wanted talents:
    energy blade (shape)?? kinda overlaps with doomblade, just allows boosting to full CL dmg
    greater blast x1 more