GMBobJones PFS 3-10 Haunting of Hinojai (Inactive)

Game Master TheBobJones

Where in Golarion | PreGens | 1st Floor | 2nd Floor | Basement

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Dice Rolls | Tactical

Feel free to discuss and talk about your pregens. So this is tier 5-6 or 8-9 how does that work with the Pregens beings Level 4 or 7?

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

We play pregens at level 7, which means we play up a tier with the 4 player adjustment.

Damien here by the way. Check out the alias! Guess that means I'm playing the occultist.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Well I decided to read as I should do in the first place.

Field Guide wrote:

Determining Subtiers

In order to determine which subtier a mixed-level group
of PCs must play in, calculate the group’s average party
level (APL). Divide the total number of character levels by
the number of characters in the party. You should always
round to the nearest whole number. If you are exactly at
0.5, let the group decide which subtier they wish to play.
Starting with Season 4, scenarios are designed for six
characters and contain instructions on how to adjust the
scenario for four-character parties. When the APL of a table
is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario),
a party of four characters must play the lower tier without
any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven
characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play
the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
For scenarios written in Seasons 0 to 3, when the APL is
in between subtiers, a party of six or seven characters must
play the higher subtier.
Parties with four or five characters
must play the lower subtier. In the fringe case where there
are no players that are high enough to have reached the
subtier level (such as a party of six 3rd level characters),
the group may decide to play down to the lower subtier.

Sp you are APL 7, and can play up to Tier 8-9 with no adjustment (Because there was none in this season), or down to Tier 5-6. If you go up, it will be hard as hell, but if your PC makes it, you get 5,385.

Any objections if I PM Jason (Sun) to get a 7th PC, you might need it?

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Wow. Didn't realize this was an earlier season than that - or remember that earlier seasons had no adjustments (despite just running one). All Occult Adventures pre-gens playing up a tier and no 4 character adjustment? Eep!

More treasure if we succeed, though, right? Or wrong? Do they still have out-of-subtier gold? Can't recall.

Would love a 7th PC! Bring Jason on! I foresee great things.

Halfling Mesmerist 7, HP 54/59 | AC 20, Touch 14, FF 18 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +14 |Perc +10 | Init: +2 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16 | Speed: 20 | Spells 1st: 5/6 2nd: 3/4 3rd: 2/2| Tricks: 8/10 | Touch Treatment 8/8 | Wand of Slow 13/13 | Active conditions: Invisible (7 minutes)

(Jyri here...)

I believe we get the same out-of-subtier gold, regardless which subtier we play. If we get to choose, I think we ought to play down. Well, because pregens...

Or if John feels the scenario is easy enough, he can persuade us to play up :) But in general, playing up with pregens is pretty bad idea.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Well, good news bad news.

Bad news

  • This is a bugger of a scenario, a few save or suck
  • Moderate to decent chance for a PreGen death
  • Can only apply the credit once your reporting PC reaches 8th

Good news

  • This should be fun with rich storytelling and great interactions
  • if a PreGen dies, so what, create a new number for that character to die
  • I want to get a 7th PreGen in so it'd be 7 instead of 6 characters
  • Might be fun to play without worrying about anything
  • I can always load up another scenario if you are scared :)

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Reporting PC reaches 7th, right? I thought it was the level of the pregen, and nothing to do with the scenario.

I love the idea of a challenge. I'm not scared. The spirits align with us on this mission.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Ugh, reading rules.

Field Guide again wrote:
If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated character, you apply the credit to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated character played. You may not apply a Chronicle sheet earned with a pregenerated character to a character that was already at the level of the pregenerated character or higher, as you should have used this character for the scenario instead. The one exception is if you have multiple Chronicle sheets from pregenerated characters, they are applied to your character’s Chronicle sheet stack all at once when your character reaches the appropriate level, even if this would advance your character several levels. You may also opt instead to apply the Chronicle sheets earned with a non-1stlevel pregenerated character to a 1st-level character with the amount of gp gained reduced to 500 gp (or 250 gp for characters using the slow advancement track). You do not lose access to any of the Prestige Points, or items listed on the Chronicle sheets that were earned during the adventure. However, any boons must wait to be utilized until the character is of the same level as the subtier on the Chronicle sheet unless otherwise noted. Any equipment that’s listed on the pregenerated character sheet may only be sold to clear conditions such as death during the play of a sanctioned event, and any remaining gold does not carry over at the end of the adventure.

So if you are level 7, you cannot apply the Pregen credit to your PC, but you can assign it to lower character and once they reach they can get the credit.

CLW: 0 charges left (0 wands), CMW: 43 charges left (2 wands) | Tactical | Portraits | Loot | Wiki

Yep. Sucks. In other news, got my tagline updated! It assumes a certain focus power allocation, but since this aspect of the occultist differs from the playtest, I can't figure out what on Earth this means. Waiting for Occult Adventures to be released (PDF and Hero Lab!) before I can figure out more.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Yeah the PDF is in my downloads. Waiting ... Waiting ... Waiting ....

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

You got a subscription? Nice. I have to wait for the 29th.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

In my downloads, metaphorically speaking Too cheap for subscription

Dice Rolls | Tactical

So after some contemplation, with I think we have here is the spirit and the letter of the law. The spirit of the law is such that they Organized Play members are dissuading munchkins from playing pregens to avoid difficult scenarios or build up lots of gp without fear of reprisal.

Now considering this situation, where we are beginning when everyone is level 6, and we are playing pregens with the intent to learn about the new classes, I am buying the playbook, I think that if we asked for permission, we would be given a green light.

Having said that, what happens in the zedroom, ....

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.
GM_TheBobJones wrote:
Having said that, what happens in the zedroom, ....

... can be read by everyone, as we have discovered. :-)

Also, asking for a ruling on something specific is generally a bad idea. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission and all that. Besides, those who need this chronicle WILL be level 6 at the time. No problems, so far as I can see.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

I know not what you refer to my good sir. :)

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Okay, time to toot my own horn* (*TOOT TOOT*). Mavaro has been causing me issues when trying to add him to Hero Lab. So much complexity in the class with the occultist and his implements, focus powers, mental foci, etc. Most were resolved when I bought the new (post playtest) data package. So many changes from the playtest! But some weren't. The one I couldn't get past for a while was that Hero Lab won't let me choose "Extra Mental Focus" twice, when the feat list has it twice. This actually seems to be Paizo's fault for either muffing the pregen or neglecting to add the standard "this feat may be selected multiple times..." special text.

* Yep, more Australianisms coming right to ya. In Australian, "toot" = "beep" or "honk". I am also a fan of farting, but would never call it "tooting" unless quoting Bart Simpson in song.

Anyway, time for the *TOOT TOOT*... I went in to the hero lab data package editor, added a custom user package and manually replicated the Extra Mental Focus feat (calling it "More Extra Mental Focus") to smooth it all out. If you need help doing similar things for your pregens, just let me know. I've got it sussed.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Finally finished reading the Occultist class in Occult Adventures. I have to say, I'm really loving it. As something that was a random choice based upon the first name that I tried which wasn't taken for an Alias, it has worked out quite well. There are indeed a vast number of options, but if you keep them fairly constant they can be manageable (with the option of flexibility should the situation allow when assigning focus in the morning). I will need to make quite a complicated tagline, and I'm not 100% sure how to do it, but I'm definitely wrapping my head around it.

I highly recommend reading through the Occult Adventures class entry in addition to just your pregen sheet. Without it, you'll probably just be flailing in the dark! Let me know if you want a class extract (and don't have $10 to shell out for the PDF) and I'll email it to you (I have my copy of the "lite PDF" without art, and I think the class description is okay to share, because of the OGL). It should match whatever they end up putting on the PRD when they get around to it. Anyway, essential reading before starting this!

Oh, and keep in mind that the d20pfsrd still seems to have the playtest versions up (either that, or it's nowhere near as legible or easy to understand as the real document).

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Yoon here! Gotta get a dot on this thread so it shows up when new posts arrive. I'll be getting my pdf this week, tonight or tomorrow. I was hoping to find some actual Yoon artwork, but alas, that is probably the last thing on Paizo's list to do. So this avatar will have to suffice for a small child who can burn the world down with her mind.

I will hopefully have the profile typed up by tomorrow night too... Once I get home and read up on the haunt link I will let you know what questions I have. This will be the first time I have played anything that resembles an adventure with haunts, so I am not even sure where to start. I'll get an idea though...

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Wow... the psychic pregen is messed up. I'll have to report some of that (and an apparent Hero Lab defect) this week.

I haven't crossed check the pre-Gens with the book yet. Just on the light reading of it. I did build all my table so if there are any modifications if you could let me know so I can adjust that. Also take a look at the tables and see if anything seems wonky

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

I corrected a couple of things in the way I had it set up, but I am still not 100% sure hero lab has it right. However, what I have matches the characte sheet now. So, it is probably more of a hero lab thin (though she is possibly 1 attribute point short)

Male Halfling Bard/1

I will get Estra up and rolling some time today, guys. The spiritualist seems kind of neat.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Personally, I liked Estra a lot when I did a read through.

Erasmus might be a mod breaker though, playing up a tier with pregens you need it. Lockwood, make sure you read the haunt spoiler.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

To all those weaklings who do not wish to muddy up their profiles with aliases they'll only use once...

... please do put your pregen's name in your tagline (where Jack and I have our real names). It would be really handy when reading over the posts.

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

One Step closer, got the profile updated. Will get the tagline next time I have some available time. At least I got the name in there...

THE VENGEFUL Marnarius Male Slayer 7 HP: 12/67 | AC: 20 (12 Tch, 18 Fl) | CMB: +12, CMD: 24 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +7 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Posion, (slow & haste), fly, studied target

I have been taught well ... just saying

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Sorry, my GM for Haunting of Harrowstone used item, but he called it a haunt cage and it gets me confused (with the actual name of the item). What I meant was I'd like to buy some haunt siphons. Mavaro has only 60gp, but if we can pool our cash, these would be awesome to have along. I didn't get a chance to post about it before our characters left, but if we are allowed a slight retro or if the town's purchase limit is below 400gp, we definitely would benefit from one or more of these.

Oh, and by the way, the character I will be applying this credit to has the item on his chronicle sheet, but if that doesn't cut it then I'll have to consider whether I buy the Haunting of Harrowstone or not (great adventure). First, I'd like to know if it's viable!

Also, some scrolls of detect undead would be an outstanding investment, unless someone already has it on their list.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

NG small town
Purchase Limit 5,000 gp

I know that it is not your money, so feel free to buy what you want, but take a look at Erasmus. He has

OA wrote:

Haunt Channeler (Su): At 3rd level, a medium can

use his familiarity with spirits to assist him when
dealing with haunts. He can always act on the
surprise round against a haunt, and his touch funnels a portion of the haunt into himself, dealing
1d6 points of damage to the haunt per 2 medium levels he
possesses as if via positive energy and allowing the medium
to ask the haunt a single question. The haunt can answer the
question however it chooses. Additionally, the medium can
forgo his saving throw against a haunt’s effects to funnel
the haunt entirely into himself. If he does so, the medium
suffers the haunt’s full effect, but the haunt doesn’t affect
anyone else (even if it normally would). The haunt then
gains control of the medium’s body for 24 hours. Once per
minute, the medium can attempt to end this possession
early by succeeding at a Will save (DC = 20 + 1/2 the medium’s
class level).

So anytime you see a haunt, Erasmus can act in the surprise round, and deal 3d6.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Do we have a marching order?

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Occult classes at the back?

Mavaro is arrogant enough to go in the front... he also has decent melee abilities (for this group).

Okay, I may sell some equipment... but first, does anyone have a wad of spare cash on their sheet? One of the Aspis pregens had over 1,000gp!!!

Grand Lodge

(Jack) Female LN Human (Vudrani) Psychic 7 | HP: 50/51 | AC: 20 (12 tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F: +8, R: +7, W: +9 | Init: +1 | Perc: +12, SM: +11 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 4/8, 2nd 6/7, 3rd 3/5, SLA 1/1, Phrenic Pool 3/5 || Active conditions: Mage Armor (7 hours), message 70 min, Shield 7 mins, Elect. Resist 10 (25 mins)

Spare cash? Ha!

58gp is not spare cash :(

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Thanks Jack for the secondary success condition, I will retcon that. Can you link me to that for my future references?

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

I'm sitting on 876, I believe. More than willing to spend it on party resources.

I can materialize Honaire and put him up front once we get there.

Halfling Mesmerist 7, HP 54/59 | AC 20, Touch 14, FF 18 | Fort: +7 Ref: +10 Will: +14 |Perc +10 | Init: +2 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 16 | Speed: 20 | Spells 1st: 5/6 2nd: 3/4 3rd: 2/2| Tricks: 8/10 | Touch Treatment 8/8 | Wand of Slow 13/13 | Active conditions: Invisible (7 minutes)

Perhaps Mavaro and surprisingly Yoon are the best frontliners. No one is traditional tank quality, but Meligaster can give the melee guys and gals some extra defences with his tricks.

BTW, I agree with Jack that Galt is the closest thing to France. But I think people in Galt speak Taldan? Whereas Varisia is bit more difficult to place. Many Varisians are described as gypsies, but are the townsfolk as well? Besides, French is an excellent 'accent language' so I'm fine using that as Varisian :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

Secondary Success Document

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Thanks Jack.

So a few requests to move to the house, but once you get in the house, no retcon buying materials. I will move you tonight to the house, and then you can tweak the marching order. Make sure to post your purchases, in or out of character.

It would be cool to use Honaire as the front liner, good idea.

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Varisian. Parisian. Coincidence? In a pig's eye!

With 876 gold + other "change", I think two haunt siphons and three scrolls of detect undead would be an outstanding move. Agreed?

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Sounds good to me! Yoon has no money on her character sheet... She does have a wand of haste with 2 charges though!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

Ok, I did done reading because I feel a little lost with haunts. There is a way to destroy the haunts written into each one, but you have to figure out what it is.

The hint we have is that the waitress, (or someone who looks just like her) just ordered the death of some innocent people. The effect on Erasmus is exhaustion. We also know that the haunt that had taken control of Erasmus wants to leave. Maybe there is a body or bodies in the area that can be taken away and it will eliminate the haunt? Sorry if this should have been done in character, mostly wanted to start a brainstorm/discussion. If you want me to put it in the gameplay thread I will!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Thanks Paizo for having the worst servers in history, lost a huge post. Oh well.

As for the Haunt Channeler ability, Erasmus did not make a touch attack, but did allow the haunt to take control of him.

Occult wrote:

Haunt Channeler (Su): At 3rd level, a medium can

use his familiarity with spirits to assist him when
dealing with haunts. He can always act on the
surprise round against a haunt, and his touch funnels a portion of the haunt into himself, dealing
1d6 points of damage to the haunt per 2 medium levels he
possesses as if via positive energy and allowing the medium
to ask the haunt a single question. The haunt can answer the
question however it chooses. Additionally, the medium can
forgo his saving throw against a haunt’s effects to funnel
the haunt entirely into himself. If he does so, the medium
suffers the haunt’s full effect, but the haunt doesn’t affect
anyone else (even if it normally would). The haunt then
gains control of the medium’s body for 24 hours. Once per
minute, the medium can attempt to end this possession
early by succeeding at a Will save (DC = 20 + 1/2 the medium’s
class level).

Also, only spells that effect a haunt will have an effect, so Charm Person is out.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Rivani - are you attempting a Command/Mindlink with the Haunt or Erasmus. Remember that the haunt is controlling him, so if you are controlling him, he is already being controlled and is superseded by the haunt. At least that is how I'd rule it unless you can point out something that shows me wrong.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Sorry this is grinding to a halt a bit, but this kind of thing is exactly why I wanted to play with these PreGens - weird rules and abilities that are freaking cool. Once we resolve this, then I will move it along.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

Much like we have done with previous crawls, fell free to move into rooms, delete the spoiler, and I will describe what happened. I will make all GM rolls like perception for you, so don't worry about that. Also, if we have any 'standard operating procedures' post that here, and I will take that into account.

Onward and upward, I am so excited for this!!!

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Hey guys, I kinda feel like I'm thread-blasting here. Please let me know if you feel the same way. I posted with Mavaro because it looked like he could be helpful and it had been a whole half day since I last posted. Totally happy to cool my jets if you prefer.

GM, happy for you to direct my "mind's eye" for me.

Dice Rolls | Tactical

I have updated the tactical to include the 2nd floor. Am I correct in assuming that it cannot open or go through doors?

Dice Rolls | Tactical

I also added Honarie to the map(s)

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.
GM_TheBobJones wrote:
I have updated the tactical to include the 2nd floor. Am I correct in assuming that it cannot open or go through doors?

Correct! The main idea (for now) is that we won't be surprised from behind.

Grand Lodge

Yoon, Female CG Human Pyrokineticist 7 | HP: 81/87 Burn/NL: 4/28 | AC: 21 (16 Tch, 17 Fl) | CMB: 3, CMD: 17 | F: +11, R: +10, W: +5 | Init: +4 | Perc: +11, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: Elemental Overflow (4)

What? Thread blasting? I wouldn't even know what that is...

*whistles innocently*

Seriously though... no issues here. (right, because that would be the pot calling the kettle black...)

/big grin

Dice Rolls | Tactical

You seem to be in consensus in moving forward on the first floor. Please indicate a door, I put numbers on the map. If you can't decide, you can always roll it. :)

(Damien) | Male N Human Occultist 7 | HP: 53[+10]/53 | AC: [24]19 ([13]12 Tch, [22]18 Fl) | CMD: [22]21, CMB: +9 | F: +10, R: [+7] +6, W: +10 (+2 vs emotions) | Init: +1 | Perc: +14, SM +0 | Spells: 3rd: 2/2, 2nd: 1/4, 1st: 5/6 | Focus: Abj 2/2, Div 3/9, Nec 1/1, Tra 1/3 | Active conditions: Shield (7 minutes), False Life (15 hp), Haste.

Was waiting for others to chime in, but I'm happy to choose a room. I'll get right onto it.

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