Malak Jaedoom |

@ DM Blood - would you mind reviewing the editor's note for Archivist and give me a ruling before I get too far into crunch?

LichdomCome |

Okay! So, here is my character overview. Not a traditional format, sure - but one that helps in keeping track of the character's complexities and the homebrew rules for the campaign setting.
Let me know what you think!!
*All content used here can be referenced online at http://www.d20pfsrd.com/
Arawn Mare
Gestalt Dhampir Female LE Necromancer
Cleric 1 (Undead Lord) / Sorcerer 1 (Sanguine Bloodline))
Languages: Common, Infernal, Necril
Villain Points: 1 Deity: Mahathallah
Senses: Perception +2; Darkvision, Low Light Vision
Campaign Traits:
Grave Robbery (Crime, +1 to confirm crits)
Deathspeaker (Religion, +2 to Diplomacy and other Cha checks to influence undead)
BAB +0
Melee: bite attack, 1d3
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
HD d8 HP 8
AC 11 Touch 11 Flat-footed 10
Speed: 30 feet
Strength 10
Dexterity 12 (10+2, Dhampir)
Constitution 11 (13-2, Dhampir)
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 15
Charisma 18 (16+2, Dhampir)
Favored Class Bonuses:
Level 1: +1 Skill Rank (Sorcerer), +1 caster level to channel (Cleric)
Domain (Death, Undead Sub) Power(s):
-Death's Kiss [3+Wis/day]
Domain Bonus Spells:
-Cause Fear
Cleric Spells Per Day
-3 orisons
-1+1 1st level (from Cleric spell list)
Sorcerer Spells Per Day
-Cantrips (4 known)
*Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Penumbra, Touch of Fatigue
-3 1st level per day (2 known)
*Ray of Enfeeblement, Vanish
-Aura of Evil
-Bloodline Arcana (when casting Necromancy spells, caster level is increased by 1)
-Channel Negative Energy 1d6
-Corpse Companion (Su)
-The Blood is the Life [3+Cha/day] (Bloodline Power)
-Spontaneous Inflict Casting
-Undead Resistance (+2 to saves against disease or mind affects)
-Resist Level Drain (Ex) (Immune to effects of negative levels, all healed within 24 hours)
-Manipulative (+2 on Bluff and Perception)
-Fangs (bite attack, 1d3)
-Negative Energy Affinity (as Undead)
-Light Sensitivity (dazzled by bright lights, or the effect of a daylight spell)
-Command Undead
-Eschew Materials
-Blood Drinker (Humans)
-Careful Speaker (extra, non-combat, per GM. +2 Bluff to fool or pass secret messages, and to Will saves against scrying or mind reading)
-Weapon Proficiency (simple)
Class Skill Ranks:
(+2 extra ranks/level, per GM, 7 ranks total [2+INT+GM+Favored Class])
-Bluff (1)
-Diplomacy (1)
-Intimidate (1)
-Knowledge: Arcana (1)
-Knowledge: History
-Knowledge: Nobility
-Knowledge: Planes
-Knowledge: Religion (1)
-Sense Motive (1)
-Spellcraft (1)
-Use Magic Device
Arawn Mare is the true legacy of Geb, a hybrid creature of both the Quick and the Dead. Born a Dhampir into a society that did not shun them, Arawn was left to hone the sorcerous gifts of her blood. Her vile power yearned to escape, becoming ever more potent over the course of Arawn's obsessive practice.
As her might grew, so did her arrogance, and the (very) few who cared quickly took notice of just how far she overestimated her abilities. Though gifted, death magic in Geb was the status quo, and there resided ruthless undead lords who Arawn was hardly half a threat to; she was, after all, only half a vampire. This, of course, was regarded as but a "temporary impediment," as Arawn fully intended to inherit the full virtue of her lineage - True Vampirism.
In order to teach her order and discipline (two crucial aspects to thriving in such a dangerous culture), Arawn was "encouraged" to join a faction of local clergy, where she would learn the proper respect for authority. She also would learn to wield her power for a purpose, adapting her natural gifts to those of a divine vessel. As a devotee of Mahathallah, the propagation of undead in Geb (and certainly realms over) became her duty. Arawn's vow, though solemn, was not sad, as she took profound joy in her wretched work.
Inevitably, Arawn's capabilities overqualified her for the (un)life of a simple priestess. At the behest of Mahathallah and the rest of her parish, Arawn was dispatched to the greater world as a minstrel and diplomat, spreading her abominable faith and serving as a liaison between Geb and her foreign allies. Eventually, her journey - and perhaps fate - led her to the kingdom of Talingarde, like an artery to a heart...
Though considered "pious" in the context of her faith, Arawn is power hungry (as Evil beings are) and wicked to the core. Though her soul is not bound to the Pit as many of Asmodeus' followers, she understands the need for Law and Order, inside - and outside - the mortal realm. Arawn is beautiful, charismatic and persuasive, but also cautious and methodical, owing to the more rigid influence of the Church.
This is not to say she is dispassionate - Arawn fancies herself of more of a vampire than not, and loves more than anything to sink her fangs into her foes. Never will one witness a creature more ravenous than she, consumed by blood frenzy. Those moments, indeed, are few, in comparison to those spent upholding the poise and brooding sobriety of her office. This dichotomy, of course, is not only permitted, but endorsed - Mahathallah herself knows all too well the rending of light and dark, rotting each day from a seraph into a skeleton.
Ambitious but reasonable, Arawn does not scheme against the darkest powers that be (read: deities), as some do, hoping to cheat them or unrightfully gain her just due. Political maneuvering and ascendancy are in her blood; blasphemy and heresy (according to her culture)are not. She is content to consort with Mahathallah and execute her will, while preferring to avoid any direct confrontations with Asmodeus. Though the Dark Prince is surely her God, she doesn't trust him, unwilling to chance her soul's binding to Hell through some deceit or suspicious folly. This, Arawn knows, is necessary. Fear enforces Order, brandished by those who wield power.
Arawn hopes that Mahathallah will someday reward her fealty by "purifying" her blood, granting her True Vampirism. Perhaps, she muses, the Whore Queen will anoint her Champion personally - or perhaps she'll simply open the door.

Hawktitan |

Presenting - Daimon Pyre for consideration. If there is anything in the back story that you don't like we can change it as I don't know much about Way of the Wicked beyond the introduction on these threads you made and the PDF.
Please note again I'd like to flavor the dragon bloodline as fiendish but mechanically work the same.

![]() |

Here's the full workup for Hugh of Karfeld. I bumped his INT a point and gave him Fast Learner as his bonus noncombat feat, if that's OK with you.
Current XP 0/?
Male Talingarde human gestalt inquisitor of Asmodeus/Empyreal bloodline sorcerer 1
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2 Perception +1
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+1+1)
Current hp
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks Fire Bolt, 1d6, ranged touch attack, 6x/day
Str 10, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Spells Known
Inquisitor First Level: divine favor, inflict light wounds
Inquisitor Zero Level: bleed, brand, daze, guidance
Sorcerer First Level: mage armor, color spray
Sorcerer Zero Level: detect magic, read magic, mage hand, touch of fatigue
Eschew Materials (Sorcerer bonus)
Fast Learner (Noncombat bonus)
Point-Blank Shot (Human bonus)
Precise Shot (L1)
Intimidate +7 (+1 rank, +2 CHA, +3 class skill, +1 stern gaze)
Knowledge (Arcana) +5/+8 (+1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill, +3 to identify monsters)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5/+8 (+1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill, +3 to identify monsters)
Knowledge (Planes) +5/+8 (+1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill, +3 to identify monsters)
Knowledge (Religion) +5/+8 (+1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill, +3 to identify monsters)
Perception +7 (+1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 class skill)
Sense Motive +8 (+1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 class skill, +1 stern gaze)
Spellcraft +5 (+1 rank, +1 INT, +3 class skill)
Survival +7 (+1 rank, +3 WIS, +3 class skill)
Use Magical Device +6 (+1 rank, +2 CHA, +3 class skill)
Racial Modifiers +1 skill point/level
Heresy You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!
Punishment: Death by burning.
Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
Charming Blessed with good looks, you've come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures.
Languages Common, Infernal
Empyreal Bloodline
Combat Gear None, 0 pp, 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
Favored Class: Inquisitor +1 HP at L1

GM Blood |

Here is what I have for everyone so far. If I have missed anyone let me know!
Digger Chandler - Wizard/Cleric
Tirion Jörðhár
Hawktitan - sorcerer (draconic)/Anti-Paladin (To Dragon Disciple)
Joshua Hirtz - Anti-Paladin (Lord of Darkness)/Rogue (Thug)
BigOM - Male Human Fighte | Cleric 1
LichdomCome - Arawn Mare - Female Dhampir Gestalt LE Necromancer Cleric 1 (Undead Lord) / Sorcerer 1 (Sanguine Bloodline) No Character Sheet
John Woodford - Hugh of Karfeld - Male human gestalt inquisitor of Asmodeus/Empyreal bloodline sorcerer 1 No Character Sheet
Malak Jaedoom - Male Human Gestalt Cleric 1 - Unholy Barrister / Bard 1 - Archivist Still has background/appearance left
Ready to Review:
Tearyn Seslina - Female Human Gestalt Rogue 1/Cleric 1
Urtar Vasaam - - Male Human Gestalt Ranger 1 - Inquisitor (infiltrator) 1
Drogan, The Huntsman - Male Tiefling (Motherless) Gestalt Ranger Falconer/Shapeshifter, Cleric Fiendish Vessel 1
Carlos Rexach - Male Human Gestalt Anti-Paladin/Wizard(Universalist) 1
Arzazel - Male Aasimar Gestalt Ranger 1 / Cleric of Asmodeus 1
Vladst Grey - Male Fetchling Gestalt Rogue 1/Anti-Paladin 1
Vysin Blynde - Female Aasimar (Peri-blood) Gestalt Wizard 1 / Anti-paladin 1
Leonir Kandiri - Male Tiefling (Hellspawn) Gestalt Cavalier(Huntmaster) 1 | Inquisitor 1
Zadock Redarrum - Male Human Gestalt Cleric/Evoker
Lyrysa Shadowhisper - Female Elf Gestalt Wizard (Manipulator) 1 / Inquisitor 1 Gestalt
Gimlet Bravo - Male small aasimar (angelkin) Gestalt Sorcerer 1 (Crossblooded - draconic bloodline(gold))/Anti-Paladin (Lord of Darkness)

Tirion Jörðhár |

The witchhunter finally arrived and Rytara rose from the stump on which she sat and walked forward with her hands before her as her hut and the few possessions she owned burned behind. As the witchhunter dismounted and strode toward her, she smiled:
You have captured me, but this is just the beginning. It may not be I, but soon, you and your petty Mitrans shall face true justice when the Dark Prince renders judgment on this land.
She did not even see the strike it was so fast. Then next thing she recalls was awaking with her hands bound as she bounced along in the back of the dark prison wagon, blood slowly seeping from the wound in her cheek where she had been struck. Despite the pain, she smiled. Yes, the First is eternal. I may be but a pawn, but even a pawn can start a gambit to fell a king.
May I present Rytara Sumpfkrot, Gestalt Inquisitor/Blight Druid.

GM Blood |

Lich, if you get picked for sure I will need a character sheet. Look at some of the others to see different styles. I generally spoiler all the different sections, others post from Hero Lab.
The note I made in the list of submissions is for me as much as everyone else who posted. I post that so people know I have seen and acknowledged their entry and when I review later it helps me find their profile for easier use. You posted a character without a profile so I will need to track that down when reviewing everyone's sheet. Obviously making a sheet is easier for me get to when that time comes, but you don't need to.

Tirion Jörðhár |

Lich - usually any format is fine. As GM Blood said, there are two fairly common formats. I personally like the one I use where each part of the character sheet is in different spoilers.
This is part of my submission for this campaign using tabs:
0th Level - 4
- Guidance
- Read Magic
- Purify Food and Drink
1st Level - 3+1
- Entangle
- Produce Flame
- * Obscuring Mist
* - domain spell
-1 Appraise (Int -1, Ranks 0)
+2 Bluff (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3)
+3 Climb (Str +3, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+* Craft() (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+1 Diplomacy (Cha +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+* Disable Device (Dex +1, Ranks 0)
+1 Disguise (Cha +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+1 Escape Artist (Dex +1, Ranks 0)
+* Fly (Dex +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+5 Handle Animal (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3)
+4 Heal (Wis +4, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+2 Intimidate (Cha +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3, Stern Gaze +1)
+* Knowledge, Arcana (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Dungeoneering (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Engineering (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Wis/Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Geography (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, History (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Local (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Monster Lore)
+5/+9 Knowledge, Nature (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Nature Sense +2) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Nobility (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Monster Lore)
+* Knowledge, Planes (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore)
+3/+7 Knowledge, Religion (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore)
+1 Linguistics (Int -1, Ranks 1, Trait +1)
+10 Perception (Wis +4, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Alertness +2)
+4 Profession(farmer) (Wis +4, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+1 Ride (Dex +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+11 Sense Motive (Wis +4, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Alertness +2, Stern Gaze +1)
+* Slight of Hand (Dex +1, Ranks 0)
+* Spellcraft (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+5 Stealth (Dex +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3)
+6 Survival (Wis +4, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3, Nature Sense +2)
+3 Swim (Str +3, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3)
+* Use Magic Device (Cha +1, Ranks 0)
Each level skill points gained = 8+FC, +6 Inquisitor -1 Int +2 Campaign Bonus +1 Race +FC
• Desecration - +1 saving vs. Divine Spells
The Bitten - campaign non-combat bonus
--> Gain Alertness + Darkvision 30'
Alertness - bonus from The Bitten
Blind-Fight - bonus from Darkness Domain
Spell Focus(conjuration) - level 1 feat
Augment Summoning - human bonus
Weapon Proficiency - Druid: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. Any natural attack (claw, bite, etc) from wild shape.
Weapon Proficiency - Inquisitor: Simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of her deity (greatclub).
Armor Proficiency - Druid: Light and Medium Armor, Shields (not Tower) <-- if metal, then penalized.
Armor Proficiency - Inquisitor: Light and Medium Armor, Shields (not Tower)
Abilities: +2 Wis
Skilled +1 Skill/level
Bonus Feat: Augment Summoning
Size: Medium
Speed: 30'
Favored Class: Inquisitor
Lvl 1 Inquisitor/Blight Druid - (Skill +1)
Lvl 2 ()
Ability Modifiers:
+2 Wis - Racial @ Level 1
-2 Con - The Bitten Feat
Click below for my full character/submission for this campaign:
Using Spoiler's as I do keeps the character sheet quite short and allows one to quickly find the information one is looking for whereas typing it all out can result in an extremely lengthy sheet that has to be surfed through to find what is being sought.
As GM Blood also mentioned, many people simply cut and paste from Herolab. Personally I do not like this as it is a lot more work for me, and I assume the DM, to figure out what bonuses are applied and what your bonus is on some skills and what you have ranks in and the like.
As far as the avatars/alias' go. My advice is to make a new alias for each campaign, even the first. That way you can keep your main account separate from your aliases/pbp characters. It may seem minor, but I wish that I had not made my main account name, Tirion, as my default way back when since he is also in a campaign.

Lueck |

Here's the submission for markofbane, though I still need to finish the background and description.
Lueck is a halfling rogue (knife master)/ antipaladin. His bonus feat is Childlike, which I expect will help with blending in with the population of Talingarde. I'll post again when the background/description are complete.

GM Blood |

Most likely not Drogan, at least before the deadline.
Looking at my timeline for the rest of the week, I am going to be gone most of the weekend and maybe even during the day Friday. So reviewing won't take place until next week at least Tuesday as I have a home game on Monday night. After I review all the characters I will see how the ones that I like the best could fit as a 4 person party.
If I am torn between a couple I may have a few questions, but any further feedback will be done in the discussion thread or pms to adjust crunch or fluff.
I know some GMs on pbps will sometimes have a stream of questions, but I kind of go with my instincts. This is my 4th pbp and so far that has worked for me!

GM Blood |

Digger Chandler - Wizard/Cleric
Joshua Hirtz - Anti-Paladin (Lord of Darkness)/Rogue (Thug)
BigOM - Male Human Fighte | Cleric 1
Lucendar - monk of 4 winds/cleric
Ready to Review:
Carlos Rexach - Male Human Gestalt Anti-Paladin/Wizard(Universalist) 1
Vladst Grey - Male Fetchling Gestalt Rogue 1/Anti-Paladin 1
Vysin Blynde - Female Aasimar (Peri-blood) Gestalt Wizard 1 / Anti-paladin 1
Gimlet Bravo - Male small aasimar (angelkin) Gestalt Sorcerer 1 (Crossblooded - draconic bloodline(gold))/Anti-Paladin (Lord of Darkness)
Oziel Kain - Male Human Gestalt Anti-Paladin (Lord of Darkness) 1 | Rogue (Rake/Scout) 1
Daimon Pyre - Male Human Gestalt Sorcerer 1 (Draconic) / Antipaladin 1 (Lord of Darkness)
Lueck - Male Halfling Gestalt Rogue (Knife Master) 1/Antipaladin 1
Tearyn Seslina - Female Human Gestalt Rogue 1/Cleric 1
Drogan, The Huntsman - Male Tiefling (Motherless) Gestalt Ranger Falconer/Shapeshifter, Cleric Fiendish Vessel 1
Arzazel - Male Aasimar Gestalt Ranger 1 / Cleric of Asmodeus 1
Zadock Redarrum - Male Human Gestalt Cleric/Evoker
LichdomCome - Arawn Mare - Female Dhampir Gestalt LE Necromancer Cleric 1 (Undead Lord) / Sorcerer 1 (Sanguine Bloodline) No Character Sheet
Malak Jaedoom - Male Human Gestalt Cleric 1 - Unholy Barrister / Bard 1 - Archivist Still has background/appearance left
Urtar Vasaam - - Male Human Gestalt Ranger 1 - Inquisitor (infiltrator) 1
Leonir Kandiri - Male Tiefling (Hellspawn) Gestalt Cavalier(Huntmaster) 1 | Inquisitor 1
Lyrysa Shadowhisper - Female Elf Gestalt Wizard (Manipulator) 1 / Inquisitor 1 Gestalt
John Woodford - Hugh of Karfeld - Male human gestalt inquisitor of Asmodeus/Empyreal bloodline sorcerer 1 No Character Sheet
Rytara Sumpfkrot - Female Human Gestalt Inquisitor/1 - Blight Druid/1

Andru Cardei |

Moving quickly through the alley, Zadock stifled a laugh as the Church to Mitra burned in the pre dawn hours of the small village. Asmodeus would be pleased. Part of his Dark Pact with the Prince of Darkness was to perform this action.
Suddenly a cry out in the darkness There he is! He Started the fire!
His heart raced as he tried to outrun the pursuit. Unfortunately within minuted he was surrounded by The Watch.
The last thing he remembered before being awaken in jail was the Watch Captain, a Mitran with bright blue eyes saying You'll pay for your actions Darkling. May Mitra have mercy on your soul! Then he was clubbed across the head.
The jail cell had been spartan. His hands were bound. His mouth muzzled. He had been stripped of everything but his small clothes.
He tried to reach out mentally to contact his Rat Familiar...and found nothing but a mental static that brought a taste of bile up in his mouth...
'They killed Coal' He thought. Coal had been his Familiar...his compaion. But he was no more.
They would pay....

GM Blood |

Here is a better link for Asmodeus
I don't know where that goes, but if Malak is in here before the 1 hour time limit, please edit your post and remove that link

Daimon Pyre |

A note to anyone who may use HeroLab to assist with tracking thier character(s).
I wasn't able to find the Way of the Wicked traits availible online anywhere so I made them. If anyone wants the file to use for themselves let me know and I'll send it to you (unless I'm notified that violates copywrite for some reason). The only thing I wasn't able to get working 100% is Slavery - it grants a skill point but I can't find a way to automatically place the point in the appraise skill (as placing a point is different from granting a bonus to a skill).
The next thing I'm working on is getting gestalt classes functional. It's not something I've done before so it will probably take some time as I figure it out. Also note that each class will have to be done on an individual basis.

Daimon Pyre |

The link is nothing bad (I've seen it's like before many times) and I have no idea why it would have killed someone's system. It's 'Let me google that for you' - admittingly a little arrogant but it should be harmless. I did click it to make sure (and would like to state for the record I'm NOT the one who posted it).
Back on topic - I did have one additional question about the lore. Does the lore of Asmodeus match that of Way of the Wicked (at least in the campaign you are running)? For example- did Sarenrae and Asmodeus work together to defeat Rovagug?

Malak Jaedoom |

Malak - I don't know what that link you posted is, but it killed my system... very uncool, whatever it is.
If it killed your system how did you post?
it was just as Daimon Pyre said "let me google that for you" and yes, perhaps a bit arrogant but what else do you expect from an Acolyte of the Prince?
and I checked it several times and had no problems with the link but apologies to any who did.

GM Blood |

Daimon, for the sake of this Campaign, Talingarde is in a bubble and the only gods are only Mitra and Asmodeus. (And their underlings minor deities).
However I don't mind keeping something like that in play, I kind of like the idea that there are only 2 gods left out of all of them, battling over control of Talingarde. Like Highlander only for Gods
However that might be out of scope for this.
Lurking, He ruled for 5 months after he slew his brother and become Markadian III. At that point he fell from a tower.