DM Jelani |

Oooh, GM Blood is a good GM. I'm in a WotW game right now, but it's going reaaaaaaaallllly slow and the GM doesn't describe things very well. I've been thinking about trying to get into another one for a while now.
How is the group for a ranged character? I wouldn't mind playing a Zen Archer/Inquisitor. My character in the other game is an aasimar noble's daughter who hates being a woman and murdered her father and husband-to-be after being forced into the marriage.

Artorius Pavo |

GM Blood, I would like to repropose my original idea during the initial recruitment to you. Naturally I would re-adjust up to 2nd level.
“In your self-righteous ignorance you condemn me, because you fear the truth I represent. I went into your churches and when the young asked for enlightenment, I supplied them with truth instead of dogma. It is for this crime you sentence me. You can hide behind your scriptures and prayers, but it cannot change the simple truth – Your faith is flawed, broken, and only by embracing the truth can you be saved.”—Artorius Pavo on his sentencing for crimes of heresy, blasphemy, and treason.
The tale of Artorius Pavo begins with his parents and Prince Hallen of the house of Darius during those brief few months when the Prince ruled as King Markadian III. It is common knowledge today that King Markadian III was insane and believed himself to be a divine agent of Mitra. It was a lie fabricated by his successors and the Church that his madness was caused by a conspiracy orchestrated by the followers of Asmodeus, but while the followers of Asmodeus may not have been the cause of the King’s madness, some still tried to take advantage of it.
One such man was Tarquin Cordus. Tarquin was a scheming and ambitious man who was born with nothing in the gutters of Daveryn. He had to claw, scrape, and connive his way to power – seizing every straw or opportunity that presented itself to him. In his desire for power and respect he entered into a dark pact with a twisted bat-winged familiar. The creature promised him much and each whisper fueled the lowly man’s own dark lusts and hungers. In time he learned the sorceries of enchantment, compulsions, summoning and binding. He changed his name and invented for himself a false title becoming lord Tarquin Cordus. Through a combination of charm and magic he married into one of the cadet branches of house Barca, then the counts of Pavo. His wife was the summer haired Olivia Pavo, a courtier and aspiring harpist in the court of King Markadian II.
Not long after the marriage of Tarquin and Olivia, Prince Hallen slew his brother the King and seized the crown for himself. Many in court were banished or fled of their own choice when the madness of the new King became evident, but not Tarquin. Tarquin was bid by his sinister ally and his own lust for power and prestige to ingratiate himself with King Markadian III. With the King’s blessing, Tarquin began a scheme to bring the very blood of the heavens into service of the King. Searching through the tomes of the former King, Tarquin came upon the true name of a Legion Archon known previously only as Alaqiel. Using the Archon’s true name, he bound with heavenly creature with mystic chains and forced it obey. He presented the archon and it’s flaming sword to the King and court as proof that Markadian III was truly heavenly blessed. (Prince Hallen had slain his brother with a similar flaming sword) The enslavement of the Archon was plain for all the court to see. It was not long after this spectacle that King Markadian III fell and with him the majority of his ‘loyal’ courtiers. No longer protected from the Knights of Alarion by the made King Tarquin was defeated, seized, and quickly convicted of witchcraft and high treason. He was branded as an cultist of Asmodeus and was among the first executed in the Asmodean Purges. His power over Alaqiel was broken and the Archon quickly abandoned the material plane, scarred by its experience.
Yet prior to the King’s fall and Tarquin’s execution, the warlock utilized his black magic on both his wife and the Archon. He forced the two to copulate nightly, a scheme suggested by his bat-winged familiar. This binding and compulsion drained Tarquin greatly, which may have explained why he was able to put up so little resistance with his magic when the Paladins came for him.
The purges soon spread out from Tarquin and his wife and her family were not spared. As a cadet branch of house Barca, the Counts of Pavo paid homage to all the gods, not just Mitra and this proved to be their undoing. Many of the proud Pavo’s perished by fire. Those that were spared death found themselves robbed of their once prosperous estates, forced into destitution and shunned by those who had once been their peers. Olivia herself was locked up in a nunnery. Her experience at the hands of her husband left her a broken shell, but a pregnant one. The nun’s of Mitra cared for her as best they could and brought the birth to conclusion. It was plain to them and the rest of the Priesthood that the madness of her husband had seeped into Olivia. While she was not sentenced to death, she was confined to her quarters and her infant child taken from her.
If the child had shown more evidence of his origins it is possible his fate would have been entirely different, but the babe appeared nothing more than a child of the house of Pavo. When the child no longer required the attention of a wet-nurse he was given the name Artorius after some respected bishop of the distant past and shipped off to Mitra supported orphanage in Ghastenhall. Artorius found himself shunned by many of the other children and even his keepers. They knew he was different, but none knew quite how. Artorius quickly learned the wisdom of keeping his abilities secret. He spoke little and kept to himself, watching the children fight and squabble amongst themselves. Poorly organized and understaffed, chaos reigned in the orphanage. Artorius often found himself devoid of a meal, his supper having been given to another child by accident. At first Artorius tried to ignore these mistakes, focusing his efforts on being selected for adoption. Yet all his best efforts were never enough. There was something in his eyes and manner that kept potential parents from adopting him. When it became clear to Artorius that the wretched Ghastenhall orphanage would be his home, he set about bringing order to the chaos. He imposed his will upon the other children, using force where necessary to instill in them obedience to the rules. In short order he had established in the other children a conformity to the previously disobeyed rules. Every child got a supper, strict curfews were enforced, sleeping locations became fixed and bedtime became a routine time. Soon Artorius began adding additional rules, all which favored him. For several years he reigned as King orphan. It wasn’t a grand existence, but it was better than what he experienced previously. Eventually Artorius wanted more and overestimated his strength when he tried to place the caretakers of the orphanage under his sway. Rather than obey, they cast him out into the streets to fend for himself. Artorius was twelve years old when he was found himself homeless on the streets of Ghastenhall. For twelve years the Asmodean Purges had raged led by the forceful conviction of King Markadian IV “The Zealous”, yet prosperity had not reached all parts of Ghastenhall and citizens remained wary of strangers. By a quirk of fate, the same day that Artorius found himself on the streets the King died of the illness that plagued him.
Whereas many who had fallen into a similar situation have turned to crime or gangs, Artorius was wise enough to see that ordinary criminal enterprises in Talingarde would not survive long. With the majority of the Purges completed, it seemed logical that those bloated enforcement organizations would turn to rooting out more common place crimes. Instead Artorius used his understanding of what drives men, both small and great, to act. Long a hub of high culture, Artorius was soon able to find a small acting troupe and sign on. He found his fellow actors to be individuals of formidable personalities and rather than try to bend them to his will, he merely hid his true nature from them, considering the face he presented to them but another role he was playing. Innately Artorius knew he was meant for greater things, he just didn’t know what or why.
The next four years were a mix of performances and drudgery of troupe life for Artorius. Occasionally he would lose himself in worldly pleasures or even momentary complacency, but eventually the feeling of discontentment would claim him. He found himself longing for something more than the life of an actor. He was not meant to play men with power like Kings and Archbishops, he was meant to be one. He knew it to the very core of his being. It was confirmed for him when he was visited by a stranger after the last performance of the comedy “The Sins of Orlo of Asmodeus” a particularly droll play in which the villain Orlo Darca makes one nefarious blunder after another, ultimately ending in his death by the hand of his virtuous Paladin sister and the Male protagonist.
The visitor was a man who appeared old before his time. There was something off about the stranger and it wasn’t just the smell of brine which clung to him. He claimed to be Esus Pavo and the brother of Artorius’ true mother. A skillful reader of lies even at this young age, Artorius sensed no falsehood in the man’s claim. Finding a quiet corner of a tavern, Esus wove a intricate tale of betrayal and loss. He spoke long into the night and for safety they reached to a room. He began with the destruction of the house of Pavo at the hands of the Priesthood of Mitra and the enforcers of the last King’s peace. How innocents were put to the sword or burned alive. He wove in the falsehoods of the Mitran faith and the unjust subjugation of Asmodeus. If there were lies in the story, Artorius did not pick them out, for he wanted to believe. He needed to believe. Esus concluded with the harsh fate of his sister Olivia, how her child was stolen from her so that a noble count of Pavo could grow up to be a common orphan and how she was left to madness locked away in a nunnery of Mitra. Finally, when Esus realized he had the full sympathy of the man before him he told how Asmodeus had guided Esus to Artorius. That his God saw vast potential in Artorius and that his birth had been engineered with greatness in mind. But the church of Mitra feared the truth and the natural order, and so had attacked the faith of Asmodeus and sabotaged Artorius destiny. Esus needed to say no more. It was at this moment that Asmodeus had captured the heart of Artorius. Artorius left the troupe the next day and journeyed with Esus to Matharyn.
Artorius spent years learning two faiths – in secret he was instructed by a hidden cell of Asmodeus, while publically he entered the seminary of Mitra and learned their dogma of body and soul. Here he revealed his extraordinary birthright, demonstrating his ability to call forth light as proof of his worthiness. Some of the older priests wondered at the gifts Artorius displayed, but the truth of his own birth had long been obscured and buried during the purges. Most merely believed Artorius to be a young star who would rise high in the church. Once he tried to get permission to visit the nunnery where his mother was supposedly being held, ostensibly for scholastic reasons, but was denied. He did not inquire again. He spent years learning their words, but holding true to Asmodeus in his heart and mind. Though he honed his body and martial skills, it was not a militant arm of the Church that Artorius sought to join. That was not the plan. Instead, Artorius turned down several offers, preferring instead the humble position of an instructor in the youth seminary. While other agents of his cell and others infiltrated the cathedrals and countryside, Artorius spent fourteen months teaching impressionable young minds the truth. He warped his lessons subtly, outlining hypocrisy in the tenants of the Mitran faith. His instruction replaced the dogma of Mitra with the truth of Asmodeus. He encouraged strength over compassion, order over freedom of choice. Those promising young students who grasped the inner meaning of his lectures he identified to Esus in letters for future recruitment.
Without warning it all came crashing down around him. It was not a slip up he caused. Up until the day they came for him he was sure that no one suspected a thing. Someone else had leaked his identity and true purpose. He never discovered whether it was a traitor in the cell or merely a weak link who broke under questioning. In a short seven hours his entire cell was either captured or killed. They came for him in the midst of one of his lectures, rooting out his blasphemy by cloaking two of their number in the guise of young students. It was too late by the time Artorius realized he had imposters in his lecture. The knights overpowered him and locked him in chains. A grand trial was held in Matharyn, an attempt to show that the Church was strong and once more the evil of Asmodeus had risen only to be brought low. In the beginning Artorius lied and professed his innocence, but when he saw the weight of evidence against him his tone changed. Unwilling to beg those he viewed his lesser for mercy, he spoke the truth. They did not like his version of the truth. The court found him guilty of the crimes of heresy, blasphemy, and treason. Sentenced to death by fire, with the caveat of being drawn and quartered should the flames not be hot enough – Artorius now spends the last of his days at the infamous Branderscar prison.
The tale of Artorius Pavo begins with his parents and Prince Hallen of the house of Darius during those brief few months when the Prince ruled as King Markadian III. It is common knowledge today that King Markadian III was insane and believed himself to be a divine agent of Mitra. It was a lie fabricated by his successors and the Church that his madness was caused by a conspiracy orchestrated by the followers of Asmodeus, but while the followers of Asmodeus may not have been the cause of the King’s madness, some still tried to take advantage of it.
One such man was Tarquin Cordus. Tarquin was a scheming and ambitious man who was born with nothing in the gutters of Daveryn. He had to claw, scrape, and connive his way to power – seizing every straw or opportunity that presented itself to him. In his desire for power and respect he entered into a dark pact with a twisted bat-winged familiar. The creature promised him much and each whisper fueled the lowly man’s own dark lusts and hungers. In time he learned the sorceries of enchantment, compulsions, summoning and binding. He changed his name and invented for himself a false title becoming lord Tarquin Cordus. Through a combination of charm and magic he married into one of the cadet branches of house Barca, then the counts of Pavo. His wife was the summer haired Olivia Pavo, a courtier and aspiring harpist in the court of King Markadian II.
Not long after the marriage of Tarquin and Olivia, Prince Hallen slew his brother the King and seized the crown for himself. Many in court were banished or fled of their own choice when the madness of the new King became evident, but not Tarquin. Tarquin was bid by his sinister ally and his own lust for power and prestige to ingratiate himself with King Markadian III. With the King’s blessing, Tarquin began a scheme to bring the very blood of the heavens into service of the King. Searching through the tomes of the former King, Tarquin came upon the true name of a Legion Archon known previously only as Alaqiel. Using the Archon’s true name, he bound with heavenly creature with mystic chains and forced it obey. He presented the archon and it’s flaming sword to the King and court as proof that Markadian III was truly heavenly blessed. (Prince Hallen had slain his brother with a similar flaming sword) The enslavement of the Archon was plain for all the court to see. It was not long after this spectacle that King Markadian III fell and with him the majority of his ‘loyal’ courtiers. No longer protected from the Knights of Alarion by the made King Tarquin was defeated, seized, and quickly convicted of witchcraft and high treason. He was branded as an cultist of Asmodeus and was among the first executed in the Asmodean Purges. His power over Alaqiel was broken and the Archon quickly abandoned the material plane, scarred by its experience.
Yet prior to the King’s fall and Tarquin’s execution, the warlock utilized his black magic on both his wife and the Archon. He forced the two to copulate nightly, a scheme suggested by his bat-winged familiar. This binding and compulsion drained Tarquin greatly, which may have explained why he was able to put up so little resistance with his magic when the Paladins came for him.
The purges soon spread out from Tarquin and his wife and her family were not spared. As a cadet branch of house Barca, the Counts of Pavo paid homage to all the gods, not just Mitra and this proved to be their undoing. Many of the proud Pavo’s perished by fire. Those that were spared death found themselves robbed of their once prosperous estates, forced into destitution and shunned by those who had once been their peers. Olivia herself was locked up in a nunnery. Her experience at the hands of her husband left her a broken shell, but a pregnant one. The nun’s of Mitra cared for her as best they could and brought the birth to conclusion. It was plain to them and the rest of the Priesthood that the madness of her husband had seeped into Olivia. While she was not sentenced to death, she was confined to her quarters and her infant child taken from her.
If the child had shown more evidence of his origins it is possible his fate would have been entirely different, but the babe appeared nothing more than a child of the house of Pavo. When the child no longer required the attention of a wet-nurse he was given the name Artorius after some respected bishop of the distant past and shipped off to Mitra supported orphanage in Ghastenhall. Artorius found himself shunned by many of the other children and even his keepers. They knew he was different, but none knew quite how. Artorius quickly learned the wisdom of keeping his abilities secret. He spoke little and kept to himself, watching the children fight and squabble amongst themselves. Poorly organized and understaffed, chaos reigned in the orphanage. Artorius often found himself devoid of a meal, his supper having been given to another child by accident. At first Artorius tried to ignore these mistakes, focusing his efforts on being selected for adoption. Yet all his best efforts were never enough. There was something in his eyes and manner that kept potential parents from adopting him. When it became clear to Artorius that the wretched Ghastenhall orphanage would be his home, he set about bringing order to the chaos. He imposed his will upon the other children, using force where necessary to instill in them obedience to the rules. In short order he had established in the other children a conformity to the previously disobeyed rules. Every child got a supper, strict curfews were enforced, sleeping locations became fixed and bedtime became a routine time. Soon Artorius began adding additional rules, all which favored him. For several years he reigned as King orphan. It wasn’t a grand existence, but it was better than what he experienced previously. Eventually Artorius wanted more and overestimated his strength when he tried to place the caretakers of the orphanage under his sway. Rather than obey, they cast him out into the streets to fend for himself. Artorius was twelve years old when he was found himself homeless on the streets of Ghastenhall. For twelve years the Asmodean Purges had raged led by the forceful conviction of King Markadian IV “The Zealous”, yet prosperity had not reached all parts of Ghastenhall and citizens remained wary of strangers. By a quirk of fate, the same day that Artorius found himself on the streets the King died of the illness that plagued him.
Whereas many who had fallen into a similar situation have turned to crime or gangs, Artorius was wise enough to see that ordinary criminal enterprises in Talingarde would not survive long. With the majority of the Purges completed, it seemed logical that those bloated enforcement organizations would turn to rooting out more common place crimes. Instead Artorius used his understanding of what drives men, both small and great, to act. Long a hub of high culture, Artorius was soon able to find a small acting troupe and sign on. He found his fellow actors to be individuals of formidable personalities and rather than try to bend them to his will, he merely hid his true nature from them, considering the face he presented to them but another role he was playing. Innately Artorius knew he was meant for greater things, he just didn’t know what or why.
The next four years were a mix of performances and drudgery of troupe life for Artorius. Occasionally he would lose himself in worldly pleasures or even momentary complacency, but eventually the feeling of discontentment would claim him. He found himself longing for something more than the life of an actor. He was not meant to play men with power like Kings and Archbishops, he was meant to be one. He knew it to the very core of his being. It was confirmed for him when he was visited by a stranger after the last performance of the comedy “The Sins of Orlo of Asmodeus” a particularly droll play in which the villain Orlo Darca makes one nefarious blunder after another, ultimately ending in his death by the hand of his virtuous Paladin sister and the Male protagonist.
The visitor was a man who appeared old before his time. There was something off about the stranger and it wasn’t just the smell of brine which clung to him. He claimed to be Esus Pavo and the brother of Artorius’ true mother. A skillful reader of lies even at this young age, Artorius sensed no falsehood in the man’s claim. Finding a quiet corner of a tavern, Esus wove a intricate tale of betrayal and loss. He spoke long into the night and for safety they reached to a room. He began with the destruction of the house of Pavo at the hands of the Priesthood of Mitra and the enforcers of the last King’s peace. How innocents were put to the sword or burned alive. He wove in the falsehoods of the Mitran faith and the unjust subjugation of Asmodeus. If there were lies in the story, Artorius did not pick them out, for he wanted to believe. He needed to believe. Esus concluded with the harsh fate of his sister Olivia, how her child was stolen from her so that a noble count of Pavo could grow up to be a common orphan and how she was left to madness locked away in a nunnery of Mitra. Finally, when Esus realized he had the full sympathy of the man before him he told how Asmodeus had guided Esus to Artorius. That his God saw vast potential in Artorius and that his birth had been engineered with greatness in mind. But the church of Mitra feared the truth and the natural order, and so had attacked the faith of Asmodeus and sabotaged Artorius destiny. Esus needed to say no more. It was at this moment that Asmodeus had captured the heart of Artorius. Artorius left the troupe the next day and journeyed with Esus to Matharyn.
Artorius spent years learning two faiths – in secret he was instructed by a hidden cell of Asmodeus, while publically he entered the seminary of Mitra and learned their dogma of body and soul. Here he revealed his extraordinary birthright, demonstrating his ability to call forth light as proof of his worthiness. Some of the older priests wondered at the gifts Artorius displayed, but the truth of his own birth had long been obscured and buried during the purges. Most merely believed Artorius to be a young star who would rise high in the church. Once he tried to get permission to visit the nunnery where his mother was supposedly being held, ostensibly for scholastic reasons, but was denied. He did not inquire again. He spent years learning their words, but holding true to Asmodeus in his heart and mind. Though he honed his body and martial skills, it was not a militant arm of the Church that Artorius sought to join. That was not the plan. Instead, Artorius turned down several offers, preferring instead the humble position of an instructor in the youth seminary. While other agents of his cell and others infiltrated the cathedrals and countryside, Artorius spent fourteen months teaching impressionable young minds the truth. He warped his lessons subtly, outlining hypocrisy in the tenants of the Mitran faith. His instruction replaced the dogma of Mitra with the truth of Asmodeus. He encouraged strength over compassion, order over freedom of choice. Those promising young students who grasped the inner meaning of his lectures he identified to Esus in letters for future recruitment.
Without warning it all came crashing down around him. It was not a slip up he caused. Up until the day they came for him he was sure that no one suspected a thing. Someone else had leaked his identity and true purpose. He never discovered whether it was a traitor in the cell or merely a weak link who broke under questioning. In a short seven hours his entire cell was either captured or killed. They came for him in the midst of one of his lectures, rooting out his blasphemy by cloaking two of their number in the guise of young students. It was too late by the time Artorius realized he had imposters in his lecture. The knights overpowered him and locked him in chains. A grand trial was held in Matharyn, an attempt to show that the Church was strong and once more the evil of Asmodeus had risen only to be brought low. In the beginning Artorius lied and professed his innocence, but when he saw the weight of evidence against him his tone changed. Unwilling to beg those he viewed his lesser for mercy, he spoke the truth. They did not like his version of the truth. The court found him guilty of the crimes of heresy, blasphemy, and treason. Sentenced to death by fire, with the caveat of being drawn and quartered should the flames not be hot enough – Artorius now spends the last of his days at the infamous Branderscar prison.
Artorius has perfected the art of seeming to be what he is not. He can take on the guise of a servile pawn, or the a humble minister but at his core he believes himself a ruler of men. His understanding of human nature has made him believe that anyone can be corrupted so long as you use proper goads. He firmly believes in order, to the point of tyranny, so long as he is at the top. In his mind, true power is something you are born with and it is his divine right to rule.
He appears quite human, save a slight pointing at the tip of his ears. Standing just over six feet in height, he has an lean and athletic build. His wavy blonde hair is the color of burnished gold and is usually kept at shoulder length. He has little in the way of facial hair and a rounded, amiable face. His eyes are a hazel blue-green, shifting depending on his garb. He dresses for the occasion and the role and has been known to alter his features drastically through both magical and mundane means.
Immediate: Escape Branderscar Prison and take on a new identity.
Primary: To corrupt the church of Mitra from within and twist it toward the service of Asmodeus. In doing so, assume a mantle of power be it high inquisitor, Pontiff, or Theocratic Monarch.
Secondary: Take on a position of power, either through force or manipulation. Marriage to the King's only heir the Princess is a possibility, though other means are also available.
Tertiary: Find out who betrayed him. Bring revenge upon all who contributed in his capture and sentencing.
Would not mind: Revive the house of Pavo and uplift those of his former family who still live... so long as they realize they are at Artorius command.
Immediate: Escape Branderscar Prison and take on a new identity.
Primary: To corrupt the church of Mitra from within and twist it toward the service of Asmodeus. In doing so, assume a mantle of power be it high inquisitor, Pontiff, or Theocratic Monarch.
Secondary: Take on a position of power, either through force or manipulation. Marriage to the King's only heir the Princess is a possibility, though other means are also available.
Tertiary: Find out who betrayed him. Bring revenge upon all who contributed in his capture and sentencing.
Would not mind: Revive the house of Pavo and uplift those of his former family who still live... so long as they realize they are at Artorius command.
Male Aasimar Monk (Hand of Tyranny) Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 1
LE Medium Aasimar (Native Outsider / Humanoid Human)
Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 60', Perception +10
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+4 Wis Monk, +2 Dex)
hp: 9
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed Strike (+3) 1d6+3 damage plus 1d4 bleed and Scorpion strike;
Flurry of blows (+2/+2) 1d6+3 damage plus 1d4 bleed;
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 13
Base Atk +0 ; CMB +13 ; CMD+ 19
Feats: *Persuasive: +2 Diplomacy & Intimidate (+4 with 10 ranks), Bleeding Attack: Unarmed strikes do an addition 1d4 bleed damage, Scorpion Style: Make a single unarmed attack as a standard action. If this unarmed attack hits, you deal damage normally, and the target's base land speed is reduced to 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier).
Traits: Heresy: You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Punishment: Death by burning. Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
Practiced Deception:You have practiced the art of taking on a guise and hiding who you truly are. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disguise checks, and you can apply and remove a disguise in half the normal time.
Skills: Bluff (1) +12, Diplomacy (1) +16, Disguise (1) +6, Escape Artist (1)+6, Intimidate (1) +10, Knowledge Religion (1) +4, Perception(1) +10, Perform Act (1)+5, Sense Motive (1) +8,
Languages: Talingarde,
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Scion of Humanity: An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Daylight (Sp): Aasimars can use daylight once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)
Villain Points 1
Unholy Command (Su): At 1st level, whenever a hand of tyranny makes an unarmed strike, he can decide to add an unholy command to the attack. If the attack hits, the target must make Will save, with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the hand of tyranny’s character level + the hand of tyranny’s Wisdom modifier. If the saving throw fails, the target must obey the order, as if a command spell was cast upon the target. The hand of tyranny can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his level. Using this ability is a free action. At 8th level, this order instead works like the spell suggestion . This ability replaces stunning fist.
Monk AC (Ex):When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed.
Flurry of Blows (Ex): -1/-1 Starting at 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action.
Unarmed Strike: 1d6 Damage
Misdirection (Sp):At 1st level, each day when the infiltrator prepares spells, she may choose an alignment. She detects as that alignment as if she had used misdirection on a creature with that alignment (this does not change any divination results about her other than her alignment). This power replaces stern gaze.
Guileful Lore (Ex):At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers. This ability replaces monster lore.
Domain/Inquisition: Conversion Inquisition -
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Swaying Word (Sp): At 8th level, once per day you may speak a word of divinely inspired wisdom that causes a single creature to switch its alliance to you. The target must be within line of sight and able to hear you. If he fails his Will save, he is affected by dominate person, except the duration is only 1 minute.
Judgement (Su): 1/Per day - As a swift action.
Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor.
Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness).
Spells Per day: 2 1st,
0th: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Create Water, Bleed
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self
Male Aasimar Monk (Hand of Tyranny) Inquisitor (Infiltrator) 1
LE Medium Aasimar (Native Outsider / Humanoid Human)
Init +2; Senses: Darkvision 60', Perception +10
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+4 Wis Monk, +2 Dex)
hp: 9
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Spd 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed Strike (+3) 1d6+3 damage plus 1d4 bleed and Scorpion strike;
Flurry of blows (+2/+2) 1d6+3 damage plus 1d4 bleed;
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 13
Base Atk +0 ; CMB +13 ; CMD+ 19
Feats: *Persuasive: +2 Diplomacy & Intimidate (+4 with 10 ranks), Bleeding Attack: Unarmed strikes do an addition 1d4 bleed damage, Scorpion Style: Make a single unarmed attack as a standard action. If this unarmed attack hits, you deal damage normally, and the target's base land speed is reduced to 5 feet for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier unless it makes a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wis modifier).
Traits: Heresy: You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Punishment: Death by burning. Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.
Practiced Deception:You have practiced the art of taking on a guise and hiding who you truly are. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disguise checks, and you can apply and remove a disguise in half the normal time.
Skills: Bluff (1) +12, Diplomacy (1) +16, Disguise (1) +6, Escape Artist (1)+6, Intimidate (1) +10, Knowledge Religion (1) +4, Perception(1) +10, Perform Act (1)+5, Sense Motive (1) +8,
Languages: Talingarde,
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Scion of Humanity: An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Daylight (Sp): Aasimars can use daylight once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)
Villain Points 1
Unholy Command (Su): At 1st level, whenever a hand of tyranny makes an unarmed strike, he can decide to add an unholy command to the attack. If the attack hits, the target must make Will save, with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the hand of tyranny’s character level + the hand of tyranny’s Wisdom modifier. If the saving throw fails, the target must obey the order, as if a command spell was cast upon the target. The hand of tyranny can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his level. Using this ability is a free action. At 8th level, this order instead works like the spell suggestion . This ability replaces stunning fist.
Monk AC (Ex):When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed.
Flurry of Blows (Ex): -1/-1 Starting at 1st level, a monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action.
Unarmed Strike: 1d6 Damage
Misdirection (Sp):At 1st level, each day when the infiltrator prepares spells, she may choose an alignment. She detects as that alignment as if she had used misdirection on a creature with that alignment (this does not change any divination results about her other than her alignment). This power replaces stern gaze.
Guileful Lore (Ex):At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers. This ability replaces monster lore.
Domain/Inquisition: Conversion Inquisition -
Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
Swaying Word (Sp): At 8th level, once per day you may speak a word of divinely inspired wisdom that causes a single creature to switch its alliance to you. The target must be within line of sight and able to hear you. If he fails his Will save, he is affected by dominate person, except the duration is only 1 minute.
Judgement (Su): 1/Per day - As a swift action.
Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. The amount of healing increases by 1 point for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled on all attack rolls made to confirm critical hits.
Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target’s spell resistance. This bonus increases by +1 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, this bonus is doubled against attack rolls made to confirm critical hits against the inquisitor.
Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. This bonus increases by +1 for every five inquisitor levels she possesses. At 10th level, the bonus is doubled against curses, diseases, and poisons.
Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. This DR increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. The protection increases by 2 for every three inquisitor levels she possesses.
Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness).
Spells Per day: 2 1st,
0th: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Create Water, Bleed
1st: Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self