About Rytara Sumpfkrot___________________________________________________________
+5 CMB (+2 BAB, +3 Str)
+6 Greatclub, Masterwork [+2 BAB, +3 Str, +1 Masterwork] Damage: 1d10+4 (+4 Str)
Max hp: 25 (+8+7+7, +0 Con, +3 FC)
+3 Fort (+3 base, +0 Con) (+3 Inquisitor, +0 Druid, +0 Monk)
Special Abilities
Villain Points - 1 Inquisitor Spells
Druid Spells Memorized:
0th Level - 4
1st Level - 3+1
2nd Level - 2+1
* - domain spell
+1 Acrobatics (Dex +1, Ranks 0)
-1 Appraise (Int -1, Ranks 0) +5 Bluff (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) +3 Climb (Str +3, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +* Craft() (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +1 Diplomacy (Cha +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +* Disable Device (Dex +1, Ranks 0) +8 Disguise (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Skill Focus +3) +1 Escape Artist (Dex +1, Ranks 0) +* Fly (Dex +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +5 Handle Animal (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) +8 Heal (Wis +4, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) +6 Intimidate (Cha +1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Stern Gaze +1) +3/+7 Knowledge, Arcana (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore) +* Knowledge, Dungeoneering (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore) +* Knowledge, Engineering (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Wis/Monster Lore) +3/+7 Knowledge, Geography (Int -1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore) +* Knowledge, History (Int -1, Ranks 0, Trait +1, Class(trait) Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore) +* Knowledge, Local (Int -1, Ranks 0) (+4 Monster Lore) +5/+9 Knowledge, Nature (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Nature Sense +2) (+4 Monster Lore) +4/+8 Knowledge, Nobility (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class(trait) Skill +3, Trait +1) (+4 Monster Lore) +3/+7/+9 Knowledge, Planes (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) (+4 Monster Lore, +2 trait vs celestials) +4/+8 Knowledge, Religion (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Trait +1) (+4 Monster Lore) +0 Linguistics (Int -1, Ranks 1) +14 Perception (Wis +4, Ranks 3, Class Skill +3, Alertness +2, Race(vampire) +2) +4 Profession(farmer) (Wis +4, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +1 Ride (Dex +1, Ranks 0, Class Skill +3) +12 Sense Motive (Wis +4, Ranks 2, Class Skill +3, Alertness +2, Stern Gaze +1) +* Slight of Hand (Dex +1, Ranks 0) +3 Spellcraft (Int -1, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) +7 Stealth (Dex +1, Ranks 3, Class Skill +3) +10/+11 Survival (Wis +4, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3, Nature Sense +2) (+1 Track if tracking) +7 Swim (Str +3, Ranks 1, Class Skill +3) +* Use Magic Device (Cha +1, Ranks 0) Each level skill points gained = 8+FC, +6 Inquisitor -1 Int +2 Campaign Bonus +1 Race +FC Traits:
• Child of the Temple - +1 Knowledge(Nobility, Religion), Know(Nobility) is a class skill
• Desecration - +1 saving vs. Divine Spells • You shall be my angel slayer - +2 Know(planes) & +1 damage vs. good outsiders Feats:
The Bitten - campaign non-combat bonus --> Gain Alertness + Darkvision 30' The Dying - (Level 3 Feat)
Alertness - bonus from The Bitten
Spell Focus(conjuration) - level 1 feat
Teamwork Feats:
Weapon/Armor Feats:
Weapon Proficiency - Inquisitor: Simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of her deity (greatclub). Armor Proficiency - Druid: Light and Medium Armor, Shields (not Tower) <-- if metal, then penalized. Armor Proficiency - Inquisitor: Light and Medium Armor, Shields (not Tower)
Human Abilities: +2 Wis
Favored Class/Leveling:
Favored Class: Inquisitor Lvl 1 Inquisitor 1/Blight Druid 1 - (Skill +1)
Ability Modifiers:
Domain - Darkness Domain -->Granted Power:
-->Touch of Darkness (Sp):
-->Eyes of Darkness (Su):
-->Domain Spells:
Spontaneous Casting:
Bonus Languages:
Nature Bond (Ex):
Nature Sense (Ex):
Vermin Empathy (Su):
Woodland Stride (Ex):
Miasma (Ex):
Wild Shape (Su):
Blightblooded (Ex):
Plaguebearer (Su):
Timeless Body (Ex):
Domain: Scalykind
--->Serpent Companion (Ex):
Judgment (Su):
Uses: 1/day + 1 per 3 levels - 4/7/10/13/16/19 Judgment bonus may be changed as a swift action. Destruction: +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage per 3 levels. Healing: Fast Healing 1 per 3 levels Justice: +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls per 3 levels. Bonus doubles on crit confirmation rolls at 10th level. Piercing: +1 sacred bonus on all concentration and CL checks to overcome SR per 3 levels. Protection: +1 sacred bonus on AC per 3 levels. Bonus doubles versus crit confirmation rolls at 10th level. Purity: +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws per 5 levels. Bonus doubles vs disease, poison and curses at 10th level. Resiliency: DR 1/magic, increases by 1 for every five levels she possesses. At 10th level, this DR changes from magic to an alignment (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) that is opposite the inquisitor’s. If she is neutral, the inquisitor does not receive this increase.
Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor’s weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor’s weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. At 6th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as one alignment type (chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The type selected must match one of the inquisitor’s alignments. If the inquisitor is neutral, she does not receive this bonus. At 10th level, the inquisitor’s weapons also count as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction (but not for reducing hardness). Monster Lore (Ex):
Stern Gaze (Ex):
Cunning Initiative (Ex):
Detect Alignment (Sp):
Track (Ex):
Solo Tactics (Ex):
Teamwork Feat:
As a standard action, the inquisitor can choose to learn a new bonus teamwork feat in place of the most recent bonus teamwork feat she has already learned. In effect, the inquisitor loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. She can only change the most recent teamwork feat gained. Whenever she gains a new teamwork feat, the previous teamwork feat becomes set and cannot be changed again. An inquisitor can change her most recent teamwork feat a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. Bane (Su):
Discern Lies (Sp):
Second Judgment (Ex):
Stalwart (Ex):
Greater Bane (Su):
Exploit Weakness (Ex):
Third Judgment (Ex):
Slayer (Ex):
True Judgment (Su):
Inquisitor Spells:
0th Level: Daze Detect Magic Detect Poison Acid Splash Guidance Sift 1st Level:
Arms, Armor, and Clothing
Backpack, Masterwork - 4 lbs In Backpack
Belt Pouch Carrying Capacity Current Weight: 45 + 24(Backpack) + 8(waterskins) lbs = 0 lbs. Light Load: x < 76 lbs.
UNFINISHED Background:
Rytara sat on the stump before her hut and stared at the algae covered lake. It would only be minutes now, ten, perhaps fifteen at the most before the Mitran troops arrived. That she was sure of. But, how had she come to this point? To the point of sitting solemnly while the great Sir Balin tracked her down? _______ She recalled the plan, it had been such a masterful idea. The summer solstice, the Festival of the Solstice. And with it the great feast of Mitra, a feast all attended. A feast during which whole pigs and freshly slaughtered lambs were roasted over open pits. The plan progressed perfectly. A week earlier she had snuck into the Churches fields during the night and carefully hidden the corpse of the long dead sheep beneath the feeding troughs of the swine and sheep. The corpse was infected with Athrakitis, the wasting disease. She knew the disease would quickly spread through the herd, and then infect the farmers and the Mitran faithful as they gorged themselves on the meat during their annual festival. Her master had provided her with several potions that had made her immune to the horrid affects of the disease. She had attended the festival, as all were expected to, and had eaten with the rest knowing that the magic in her system would keep her safe. When the festival had ended with a great firework show, she had smile inwardly and headed back to her home, her small hut near the fields. She had then waited, watching and listening for news that the dying had begun. It did not take long. On the eighth day, a soldier took ill. The next day an infant had died and several children were rushed to the church with difficulty breathing and nausea. At the same time, the flocks of sheep began to fall ill one by one. A few days later the swine had followed. A masterful plan performed to perfection. Then, then the witchhunter had arrived. She did not know how he had gotten to this distant part of the country so fast, or why he had come, but arrive he did with his retinue of Mitran priests and knights. Sir Balin’s clerics had quickly diagnosed the disease and began to cure people. The next day, farm workers in masks had removed the sick from the herd. These animals were quickly slaughtered and burned. The next day several mages had arrived, diviners. She did not know what these old men had done, but she had seen the horses leaving the local barracks with several trackers. They had almost immediately begun to head in her direction. As there was nothing but swamp from where she sat for many miles, she knew why they came. There was no reason to run, she knew that the famous witchhunter would catch her, that was without doubt. The only question was how she would be killed. Would she be tried for murder? Treason? Desecration? All were possible and all led to the same result, imprisonment at Branderscar followed by a swift death. She looked up again and could see the horses and men making their way nearer, it would be but minutes now as Rytara thought back on how it had begun. ___________ Never the prettiest of the girls, Rytara had spent her youth working in the fields, harvesting grain for the priests and tenting the flocks. Her father had been a soldier, but had been killed fighting bugbears far to the north. Her mother had worked in the barracks cleaning and mending the soldier’s equipment. One day, when Rytara was twelve, her mother had not come home. She was found the next day lying in the swamp just west of the town. No search for a killer was done, no research to determine what had happened. But, Rytara knew in her heart that it had been a commander of the army or a noble. People of such import were above the law, Rytara had seen this on more than one occasion when she had been abused by the better children. The children of nobles and the clergy. These children could do no wrong in the eyes of their parents, and since it was their parents who were in charge, well, that meant that it was always someone else, such as Rytara, who was at fault. After Rytara’s mother was killed, she was taken into the orphanage, but at the age of twelve, there was little place for her there. One of the requirements to stay in the orphanage for the older children was that they work in the fields each day to earn their keep. While in the fields, she found salvation in the form of an old man who lived in the forest near where her mother had been found. He was a druid, one of the old faith and not a strict follower of Mitra. He saw her working with the churches animals one day decided that she had a green finger that showed a strength for the teachings of the druidic faith. For several years, Rytara patiently worked in the fields and tended the flocks while training under the caring hand of the druid. Then one day, as though she were living a horrible nightmare, she came to the druid’s hut just as a group of local youths were leaving. When she walked in, she found the old man lying bloody on the ground with his lifeblood slowly seeping from a bloody gouge in his side. Try as she would, Rytara simply did not have the skills or power to save the old man. As he took his last breath, Rtyara sat back and took a vow that she would obtain vengeance for this crime. First, she went and reported the crime to the town constable and even named several of the youths who were but a year or two younger than her as having been seen running from the druid’s hut. Following her report, an investigation was done. The result was a finding by the magistrate that there was no proof of wrongdoing. And with that, the murder was simply forgotten. This was something that Rytara simply could not accept. As soon as she learned that those responsible were being allowed to walk free simply because they were the offspring of nobles and members of the military elite, Rytara began to seek answers. It was clear to her that the teachings of Mitra were simply a tool which allowed the elite to gain power at the expense of the people of the land. Yet, despite this, the people of the land seemed to simply accept it without question. And questions were exactly what Rytara had. The old druid had taught her well and she knew how to work with animals and care for plants. But, she knew that there was a darker side to the power of nature. She had read of the great storms that occurred at sea and the power of volcanos that could swallow a town in minutes. Following this line of though, she began to spend more and more time in the swamp near her hut, the swamp where her mother had been found murdered a decade earlier. She learned about the life in the swamp, the snakes and the toads. The insects and the vines. All the wonderful life that others looked down upon. One day as she was moving through the swamp watching frogs and fish move in the stagnant water, strange fish that one never saw in a normal pond, Rytara found a cave of sorts on a small island in the swamp. The island was covered in swarms of insects which Rytara spoke to and convinced her to move through. In the island, beneath a fallen rotting tree she found an opening, sort of a cave. Something that her natural senses knew was wrong and unnatural. Nonetheless, she moved the vines and earth away from the entry. As she did so, the stench of rotting vegetation and dead animals wafted forth in an almost overwhelming wave. After pausing and accustoming herself to the stench pouring from the cave, she crawled down into the entry. It was dark within with only the barest speck of sunlight sneaking in from the entry she had just crawled through. Despite her inability to see, she knew this was more than just a cave on an island. She waited in the room for a few minutes and her eyes adjusted, but she could not see much other than that the cave was several arm spans across. After spending nearly and hour in the cave just smelling the stagnant odor and wondering what could have made it, she left and returned to her hut. The next day, she returned. This time she brought a torch and when she lit it, she was amazed. The cave was a room of sorts, a very old, one might say ancient, room. She could see shards of rotted furniture that had once stood here, the silver bindings that once held several chairs and a table together. The lock from a rotted and decomposed chest. Even a wire chain with the shreds of a once valuable tapestry hanging on one wall. But what she found most interesting was a small plain lead box. It had hinges, but no apparent way to open it. After searching the room and finding nothing else, Rytara left the cave and returned to her hut. For several days Rytara examined the box and on several occasions returned to the cave without determining how to open the container. On the ninth day after finding the box, after returning from a day of caring for the churches animals, Rytara returned to her hut cursing the church and the conceited believers of Mitra. Sitting down as the sun slowly fell behind the hills to the west, Rytara picked up the box for what seemed like the thousandth time. As she picked up the box, she felt something with her thumb. Taking the box out by the fire she had lit to cook her dinner, she carefully looked at it one more time and saw what was clearly an emblem of five barbs forming a star. Looking more carefully, she saw on the opposite side the emblem of a wickedly spiked toad. Unsure what this meant, she placed a thumb on either emblem and spoke the name that she knew was tied to the barbed star: Asmodeus. With a quiet click, the box suddenly opened and within she saw a simple book with the same barbed star and spiked toad on the cover. She opened the book, but found that sadly the words were in a tongue she had never seen, or at least never expected to see in the land of the celestials. Nonetheless, she kept the book and that night did something she never imagined she would do, she whispered a prayer to the Dark Prince asking to learn how to read the tome she had found. Amazingly, the next day she found that she could do just that. And read the tome she did, from cover to cover absorbing every word. The tome, The Poison of the Swamp, taught her of the First and his lieutenant Vois, the Lord of Swamps. For nearly two years she consumed the tome, cover to cover, over and over. Finally, knowing that if this tome had lain in the cave, then something else must also lay there, she returned to the cave on the island and searched the room. She did this diligently for a week sure that something else was to be found. Then, on the ninth day of searching she found an outline on the wall. Further searching and she discovered a release on the wall. When pressed, the door released and the stagnant air of a tomb untouched for eons seeped forth. Rytara hesitantly entered the tomb and found there a single stone burial crypt, sealed for centuries without a doubt. Yet, she sensed something within, something with great power waiting be be released. She pushed the lid of the tomb, but could not make it budge. She then left the tomb to find a lever with which to move the lid. Eventually after several days, she managed to slide the cover aside, and when she did, a moldering almost skeletal hand shot up and grabbed her by the neck and a old and whispery voice sounded forth. Who disturbs my rest? Not knowing what this creature was, or if her existence was to end here, Rytara whispered in the Infernal tongue she had been gifted with: A servant of the First. Moments later, a form sat up in the stone coffin. An old clearly human face, but moldering with yellow cracked teeth and flesh hanging from its face. The the whispering ancient voice spoke again, a voice with an archaic accent from a time long long ago. Does the First rule this land? Realizing that she was not to die immediately, Rytara hesitantly responded: No . . . he . . . he has been b . . . b . . . banned. Worshippers are . . . are executed. The creature paused for what seemed forever, finally he spoke again. Not as though he was speaking to her, but rather as though speaking to some other person or power. The Dark Prince is forever. He rules eternal. The creature then turned and looked at Rytara. If you serve the Dark Lord, then you serve me. I have hunger, go now and return with one for me to feed. Confused, yet simultaneously intrigued and empowered, Rytara backed away staring at the clearly dead yet living monster. Before she left the crypt, she responded simply: I shall my lord. The next day, Rytara brought a young lamb she had stolen from the churches pens. When the monster saw what she had brought, it glared at her with its sunken dead eyes. This is not what I desire, I require the warm blood of a person. Now, go and get me what I need, or you shall be my first meal. I hunger and cannot resist again should you come empty handed. Rytara left, but she knew what the monster asked for, something that she was unsure she could produce, but something she knew she would have to give him if she was to survive. Thus, Rytara returned to the fields she tended and found a young man, not much older than a boy, and gave him her prettiest smile. As the sun was beginning to fade, she turned to the boy and whispered in his ear. If you should wish to gain your manhood, meet me by the swamp when the sun goes down. She then left him and hurried home, shaking and uncertain if she could go forth as the monster had demanded. When the sun was but a sliver above the hills to the west, she went to where the swamp met the fields. She then led the youth to the island promising him a reward like no other. When they arrived at the swamp, the youth suddenly stood straight up and a strange confused look crossed his face. All he said was: Yes Master. The youth then climbed down into the crypt. Rytara followed moments later and stared aghast as the monster in the crypt sunk its yellowed fangs into the youth’s throat quickly draining the boys life blood. When the creature finished, it turned to Rytara. You have much to learn about the Dark Prince, but for those who serve, the rewards are great . . . and eternal. As had happened with her mother and her mentor, the magistrate investigated the disappearance of the youth, but as he was a servant, the investigation was minimal and ended without finding the body which lay at the bottom of the swamp slowly being consumed by the fish and insects. The next night, the creature appeared at Rytara’s hut and made another request of her, a request that she steal another of the churches flock. The following day it was another request. Some days the creature would speak with her and teach her of the First. On others it would demand service from her. Some days it would disappear for days on end, only to return. As she listened and learned, she found that she was gaining powers and could sense and understand far better than she could before. Finally, several weeks ago, the monster had told her that the First had given it of a service that required her assistance. The creature told her that she was to bring disease and death to those who denied the First, and that this was to occur when all were celebrating the Festival of the Solstice. The creature provided her with the diseased corpse of a lamb, the same lamb she had brought it two years earlier. It also provided her with several potions which would make her immune to the disease the lamb carried. Finally, the night after she had hidden the plague ridden corpse where it would infect the herds of the church, the creature appeared before her.
Assuming that this creature meant acquiring the taint of undeath, and also knowing that she hated this Mitra worshipping mockery of a land and desired any power she could gain to bring about the destruction of all that these people who had allowed the murders of her mother and her mentor to go unpunished, Rytara nodded in acquiescence. Yes, I accept your boon that I may serve the Dark Lord for eternity. The creature, the nosferatu, then pushed back her hair and she cringed as it sunk its yellow fangs into her neck. She could feel her life blood pulsing out and at the same time could feel something cold seeping in through the puncture wounds in her neck. Rytara does not recall what happened next, but the following day she found she could see farther, hear things better, and smell smells she would not have noticed before. More interesting, she found that she could see at night nearly as well as during the day. However, she felt sickly, as though she was weaker, tireder.
Yes, the journey she had taken had been a strange one. But now the horses were almost to her and in the front the witchhunter himself. He would take her, but, she smiled, at least she had succeeded in part. Many were ill, much of the flock had died. And, soon, soon she would be rid of this horrid land. With that, Rytara stood up, turned, and tossed a burning log into her home and watched as it burst into flames. She would no longer need the home. The Poison of the Swamp had been returned to the crypt to be found by some other chosen. Now, it was time to be taken to Branderscar, to be burned at the stake. Little did these fools know that the Lord of Hell would find this most fitting.