
Andru Cardei's page

97 posts. Alias of Dread.

Full Name

Andru Cardei


Human (Varisian)


8/8| AC:14 (FF12/T12)| FO:+1 RE:+4 WL:+2|Initiative: +2| Perc:+4| Stealth: +3


LN| Male| Human | 1st Gearhead| Conditions:

Strength 13
Dexterity 14
Constitution 13
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 11
Charisma 8

About Andru Cardei

Human (Varisian) Gearhead {Physicist} 1
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2, Perception +4

AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12(+2 Armor; +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+1con+1fc)
Fort:+1, Ref:+4, Will:+2


Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20/x2 R80' Piercing
20 bolts within 30'+1 damage
Dagger +1 (+2 if thrown) 1d4+1 19-20/x2 R10' Piercing/Slashing

Gadgets Activations: Unlimited
1.(Line Scald) Fire Spray 2.5lbs Range 30' 1d4 damage Save:RE DC 12
2.(Selective Lift) Gravity Beam 2.5lbs Range: 25' lift 5lbs SPD 15'R lasts 1R
3.(Cone Illumination) flashlight 2.5lbs Range 15'Torchlight for 10Minutes.

1st Activations: 4 used-1
1.(Personal Alacrity) Boots of Time Dilation worn-5lbs +20'speed for 1 min

Draft Book:

Targetting Schematics
1. Burst/Emanation Level 1+ Augment I- 3rd/Augment II- 5th
Range-25' 10'Burst Area
2. Cone Level 0+ Augment I-2nd/Augment II-4th
3. Line Level 1+ Augment I-2nd/Augment II-3rd
4. Personal Level 0+ No Augmentation
Must Be a worn Contraption
5. Projected Level 0+ No Augmentation
Range-25' Melee or ranged touch attack. no save.
6. Selective Level 0+ Augmentation I-3rd
Range 25'

0 level Effect Schematics
1.Beacon: pinpoints direction and distance of beacon
Science-Electromagnetic. Duration-1 hour Targetting-Personal
2.Chemical Burn: d3 acid damage Ranged touch splash 1pt to adjacent
Science-Hydrology Duration Instant. Reflex halves.
3.Chill: d4 cold
Science-Cyrogenics Duration Instant. Reflex halves. no selective target
4.Hydrate: creates 1 Gallon of water. (8lbs)
Science: Hydrology Durantion: instant. personal worn or hand held.
5.Illuminate: torchlight can be ended immediately. augment I- 1st
Science: Optics. Duration: 10Min target-personal, cone, burst (emanation)
6.Lift- moves 5lbs at speed of 15' round
Science: Electromagnetics. Durantion-1R (concentration) Target-Selective. Range:25'
7.Scald: d4 fire damage
Science:Combustion Instant.Reflex halves. not selective targeting
8.Soak:Extinguishes normal fires.
Science: Hydrology. Reflex negates. Target-Projected (range) 5'square, Burst,Cone,line
9.Spark: d4 electricity damage
Science: Electromagnetics Reflex halves

1st Effect Schematics
1.Acid Burn: 1d4 acid damage Increases per level to max 5d4
Science:Hyrology. Reflex halves Target-Not selective. if ranged touch splash 1pt adjacent.
2.Alacrity: +20' speed.
Science: Relativity Duration:1Min targetting-personal.
3.Attraction: Become trusted friend. must be humanoid
Science: Psychology, duration 10min. Will negates. +4 if augmented to more than 1.
4.Burn: 1d4 increases +d4 per level to 5d4. ignites combustibles. Augment I-2nd
Science: Combustion. reflex halves. Target-not selective.
5.Electromagetic Deflection: +2 Deflection Bonus increases +2 more if attack is mostly of metal. Augment I-3rd
Science:Electromagnetic Duration:1min personal targetting
6.Fade: Invisible Augment I-2nd
Science:Optics Duration:1R Targetting-Personal.
7.Shock: 1d6 electricity damage increases d6 per level to 5d6
Science:Electromagnetic Reflex halves.


Str 13(+1), Dex 14(+2), Con 13(+1), Int 18(+4), Wis 11(+0), Cha 08(-1)
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats: Gunsmithing, Point Blank Shot

[4 (Gearhead) +4 (Int) +1 (Human)= 9]
{class skills}
Appraise (Int) +4
Craft Firearms & ammunition (Int)R1 +8
Disable Device (Int)R1 +9
Fly (Dex)
Knowledge (engineering) (Int)R1 +9
Perception (Wis)R1 +4
Profession (Wis)
Sleight of Hand (Dex)
Use Magic Device (Cha)

{Non Class skills}:
Acrobatics(Dex) +2
Bluff(Cha) -1
Climb(str)R1 +3
Diplomacy(Int)R1 +5
Disguise(Cha) -1
Escape Artist(Dex) +2
Knowledge-HistoryR1 +5
Knowledge-LocalR1 +5
Sense Motive(Wis)+0
Stealth(Dex)R1 +3
Survival(Wis) +0
Swim(Str) +1

Languages: Common (Taldan), Goblin, Dwarf, Gnome, Draconic
Current Load: [Light Load]

27 Gold 28 silver 79 Copper
Gunsmiths Kit 15 gold weight 2lbs
Artisans Tools: 5 Gold weight 5lbs
Thieves tools: 30 Gold weight 1lb
Lamellar cuirass 15 Gold weight 8lbs
Light Crossbow 35 Gold weight 4lbs
20 bolts cost: 2Gold 2lbs
Dagger 2 Gold 1lb
Travelers Outfit Free 5lbs
- boots, wool breeches, a sturdy belt, a shirt with a vest , and an ample cloak with a hood.
Belt Pouches x2 Cost:2gp weight:1lb
Waterskin Cost:1Gold weight: 4lbs
Trail Rations 3 days Cost:1Gold 5 Silver Weight 3lbs

3 gadgets: 2.5 lbs each = 7.5lbs
1 contraption (worn) 5lbs

Current 48.5

13 50 lbs. or less 51–100 lbs. 101–150

Class Features:

Armor Proficiency: Light
Weapon Proficiency: simple weapons, firearms, double crossbow, hand crossbow, repeating crossbows, Furthermore, a gearhead becomes proficient with any weapon he personally crafts.
Engineering: When making a Knowledge (engineering) check, a Disable Device check, or any Craft skill check, the gearhead gains a competence bonus equal to one-half his class level on the check (minimum of 1). Furthermore, the gearhead can make Knowledge (engineering) and Disable Device checks untrained. In addition, a gearhead can use Knowledge (engineering) to identify revolutionary technological items as if using detect magic or the Spellcraft skill. He must hold and examine the item for 1 minute to make such a check.
Gadgets: Gearheads usually possess several 0-level contraptions, known as gadgets, at any one time. These contraptions are constructed, activated, and require maintenance just like any other contraption, but they contain unlimited activation charges. Gadgets can be constructed as either a worn item sized for the gearhead or a one-handed item sized for the gearhead (requiring only one hand to activate). A gadget weighs 2.5 lbs. and requires 5 minutes of work to construct.
Scientific Specialty:Physicist-
Fundamentals: Anytime the gearhead uses a contraption or weapon (that he personally crafted) that deals energy damage, he deals an additional amount of energy damage of the same type equal to his Intelligence modifier. This bonus damage is not increased by calibration feats or similar effects, and applies only once per contraption activation, not once per effect schematic

Racial Traits:

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 racial bonus Intelligence
Size: Humans are Medium creatures.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Common, Goblin, Gnome, Dwarf, Draconic
Bonus Feat: Gunsmithing
Skilled:+1 Rank per level

Character Traits:

Black Powder Fortune: (Combat)-As long as you are wielding a firearm, you gain a +2 trait bonus on all saving throws against curse, fear, and emotion effects.
Clever Wordplay:(Social)- Choose one Charisma-based skill. You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier. {Diplomacy}

Andru was born to a Varisian Couple who travelled with a Circus. His Mother Ireenae was a Tarot Reading Fortune Teller and his father Jorge a Juggler who had a penchant for liberating customers from their purses.

The circus on its way to Almas, stopped at a Logging Camp in west Andoran, near Olfden, and The Loggers caught Jorge, and cut his hand off with an axe as punishment, leaving him to bleed out. Jorge managed to stop the bleeding and rejoin his wife and son.

They left the circus when they arrived in Olfden because after all, what good is a 1 handed Juggler?!. Sinking into depression, Jorge turned to drinking to ease his ego. Ireenae worked as a server ina tavern and a seamstress and earned some extra coin reading the cards for folks.

Andru had watched a performer in the circus use pistols and rifles to perform trickshots and he had watched him work on his guns for hours as a young boy and became entranced with the idea of gaining himself weapons like this ...they were near magical. He had even had the performer teach him how to use them...He has a goal to get his own guns., even if he has to make them himself.

As a teen in Olfden his desire to learn how machinery worked...from mills to crossbows to siege weapons to locks, put him at odds with the boys who were more interested in the physical side of things. He was smaller and slighter and ...smarter, which they didnt like. He was ridiculed and picked on and gained a reputation as someone who was different. strange. but he also learned to talk his way out of things using his intellect to prove his point.

Growing up, one of the boys though, an Ulfen son of barbarian, took a liking to Andru because they were both...different. The boy blonde and hulking was not terribly smart but he could defend himself. His name was Erik Jorgenson. Andru helped him with 'problems' of the intellectual side, while Erik helped Andru with the physical ones. When Andru left to go to Almas to learn, Erik joined the Diamond Regiment

In Almas Andru spent long days teaching himself how machinery worked and learning to tinker and build. But home was with his mother and father in Olfden. The live in a small shanty on the outskits of the town, but inside of its protective walls. His room was still available when he recently returned.

One of Andru's most prize possessions is the steel ammo pliers he picked up off the performer in the circus. He frequently gets it out to look at it and play with it to learn techniques for making musket balls. So once he has a gun.....

The Problem is, hes realized, guns cost lots of coin. He has to find a way to gain that coin...and his skills as a locksmith or siege engineer have limited potential for gain.

On his way back to Olfden from Almas a few months ago, The Caravan Andru was travelling with was attacked by bandits and one of the guards helped defend the caravan turned into a werewolf in front of Andru to defend the young man, slaying several bandits. His name is Graydon . Graydon swore Andru to secrecy, and Andru feels he owes Graydon his life. Can a werewolf be good? a morale dilemma for certain.

This simple example of self sacrifice has led Andru to remember Eriks standing up for Andru and he is beginning to wonder if theres a point to standing up for others....