GM Blood's Way of the Wicked (Inactive)

Game Master David James Olsen

Current Map
Map of Branderscar

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Campaign Summary:
The Kingdom of Talingarde is perhaps the noblest, most virtuous and peaceful nation yet founded. The royalty of this dominion has rescued a dispirited people from the brink of despair and darkness. They dealt with their enemies honorably and their allies faithfully. Talingarde is a paragon of the age, a bright shining city upon a hill.

They condemned you for your wicked deeds. They branded you. They shipped you to the worst prison in the kingdom. In three days, you die.

There is a player's guide located HERE that is free to download.

Campaign Notes

Talingarde is a virtuous kingdom that has all but rooted out the worship of Asmodeus more than 20 years ago. For this campaign the only two gods of note are Mitra and Asmodeus. There are minor deities and outsiders that serve both gods and are worshiped by some.

Mitra, the Shining Lord, is the god of the sun, bravery, honor, justice, charity. The Church of Mitra is the preeminent religion of Talingarde these days. The Knights of the Alerion, the elite warriors of Talingarde, are a Mitran order. The monks of St. Macarius, who travel the land healing the sick and the helping the needy, are also a Mitran order. The House of Darius, the royal family of Talingarde, are devout followers of Mitra.

Asmodeus is the most powerful creature in all of Hell; his origins are lost in the first moments of time, and those who may have glimpsed the truth in such heretical texts as the Book of the Damned are loath to speak of them. He is the unquestioned lord of Hell, one of the oldest and strongest beings in existence. His schemes are intricate and myriad, and his patience spans eons. He is the keeper of cold order, a dark and lawful majesty who has no need to exaggerate his pedigree.

Talingarde has on its border to the north a savage region they have been unable to tame. Instead they have built a series of watchtowers that defend the south from any trouble coming from the north. So far this has been successful.

Posting Requirements:

The typical, at least 1/day. Weekends will usually be slower. I usually have access to the Paizo boards most days and check in often so I will update as much as I can to keep things moving.

Character Creation

Level: Everyone will begin at 1st level

Ability Scores: Ability Scores will be chosen using a 25 point buy.

Races: All Paizo races from the ARG be allowed, but Talingarde is predominantly human with some elves, dwarves, and half-elfs so any other races are rare and will stick out in Talingarde. You will have options to hide who are are no matter what race as time goes on so don't let that scare you off, but be aware of it.

Alignment Restrictions: You can be either Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil. Certain classes may have restrictions beyond this.

Gestalt Characters: You will all be Asmodeus followers. Everyone will be Gesalt characters, however one of the classes has to be either a cleric, Inquisitor, or Anti-Paladin of Asmodeus. This will be a fixed class and will be taken every level and cannot be changed. The other class can be any allowed class listed below and could change from level to level if you would choose to multi-class or take a prestige class.

Gestalt Rules:

Hit Dice: Every Level gained, choose the larger Hit Die between your fixed class and your other class.

Base Attack Bonus: Choose the better progression between your fixed class and your other class or combination of classes. For example, a cleric|Fighter at second level would have a BAB of 2, but a Cleric|Rogue/Sorcerer at level 2 would have BAB of +1.

Base Saving Throw Bonuses: For each save bonus, choose the better progression between your fixed class and your other class or combination of classes. Using the example above, the Cleric|Fighter at second level would have +3/0/+3 while the Cleric|Rogue/Sorcerer would have +3/+2/+3

Class Skills: Consider any skill on either class list as a class skill for the gestalt character. For every level, you take the higher number of skills gained between your fixed class and the other class taken.

Class Features: You gain the class features of both classes. Class and ability based restrictions (such as arcane spell failure chance and a druid’s prohibition on wearing metal armor) apply normally to a gestalt character, no matter what the other class is.

Class features that two classes share (such as uncanny dodge) accrue at the rate of the faster class.

Gestalt characters with more than one spell-casting class keep track of their spells per day separately.

Classes: No Paladins, Summoners, Gunslingers, Ninjas or Samurais. All other classes, prestige classes and archetypes from any Paizo source is allowed. Also in the campaign tab there are prestige classes and archetypes that will fit the theme for this campaign. (as well as a path to become a lich or vampire)

The Anti-paladin has to be a follower of Asmodeus and is Lawful Evil. Further, the anti-paladin may have cohorts, followers and henchmen who are of any evil alignment. Also, an anti-paladin uses their fiendish boon to add the ‘axiomatic’ property to a weapon.

Assassins can be a great choice for this campaign. Subtle killing can potentially be useful again and again.

Barbarians can be a good choice, but have to be neutral evil. Barbarians have the challenge of coming up with a good reason why a class as chaotic and rebellious as this one would cooperate with a group of lawful evil followers of Asmodeus. Perhaps a cleric of Asmodeus (another PC?) saved your life and now you owe that priest your service.

Cavaliers must be careful about their Order selection. Orders that defend the common folk (The Order of the Shield) or pledge allegiance to the king of Talingarde (The Order of the Lion) are probably not appropriate. Self-serving orders (for example the Order of the Cockatrice) are very appropriate.

Clerics and inquisitors must worship Asmodeus. All clerics of Asmodeus can spontaneously cast Infernal Healing (Spell Levels 1-3) and Greater Infernal healing. (Spell Level 4 and 5). Each Spell level of infernal healing adds a minute to its duration A third level Infernal healing would heal 1 hp/round for 3 minutes

Druids must be neutral evil but you must decide why such a character would ever join an organization that honors a lawful evil god.

Monks have to be lawful evil.

Rangers will find that Humanoid (Human) and Outsider (Good) are solid choices for their favored enemy.

Sorcerers of any bloodline are permitted. Infernal blooded sorcerers are a particularly good choice.

Skills: Each character will receive two additional Skill Points at each level.

Feats: Each character will receive an additional non-combat feat at first level. Approval of such feats are subject to GM approval.

Traits: You get two traits, one will be your crime (see below) the other can be any Paizo trait. The fluff of a trait can be changed to something more appropriate as long as the mechanics are the same

Crimes of the Forsaken:

Every character must choose a crime that landed in them in Branderscar. They were not wrongly imprisoned -- they are guilty of their charge. You may have done it for what seemed like noble reasons. You may have gotten entangled in this criminal enterprise unwillingly. But there is no doubt that you are guilty. You have not been sentenced to the worse prison in Talingarde unjustly. You are in Branderscar because you deserve to be.

Each character chooses one heinous crime that has earned them a place in Branderscar Prison. Each crime grants a different benefit, similar to a trait. You may have committed many crimes during your lifetime, but this is the crime that finally got you branded and condemned.

Besides choosing a crime, you should also consider how the crime was done. Was this a well planned criminal enterprise or a crime of passion? Did you do it alone or did you have accomplices? Was this the first time you did this crime or are you a repeat offender? Answering these questions will help flesh out your character’s background.

Arson: You have willfully started a fire that destroyed property. To be sent to Branderscar, you didn’t start just a minor little trash fire. Your act of arson threatened a major town, city, church or castle and likely cost someone their life. You’ll be punished for your crime by facing the fire yourself.

Punishment: Death by burning

Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll. This bonus is a trait bonus.

Attempted Murder: You tried to kill someone and botched the job. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you did not try to kill just anyone. You likely assaulted someone of great importance and prominence.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Blasphemy: Either you have defamed the great god Mitra and have been found guilty of worshiping Asmodeus.

Punishment: Death by burning

Benefit: +2 trait bonus to Knowledge (religion) and Knowledge (religion) is always a class skill for you.

Consorting with the Dark Powers (Witchcraft): You have been found guilty of summoning an evil outsider. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was, “May Mitra have mercy upon your wretched, damned soul.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!

Punishment: Death by burning

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (arcana) checks, and one of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Desecration: You have violated one of the churches, cathedrals or holy shrines of the great god Mitra. To be sent to Branderscar this was no minor act of vandalism. Instead you have done something flagrant and spectacular to dishonor the Shining Lord.

Punishment: Death by burning

Benefit: You receive +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

Desertion: You have deserted from the Talirean military and been recaptured. To get sent to Branderscar this was not some minor or routine dereliction of duty. Instead, you abandoned your post during a time of crisis -- perhaps battle or while defending the Watch Wall. Regardless of the exact circumstances, your laziness and cowardliness must have caused loss of life.

Punishment: Death by hanging

Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Profession (Soldier) skill. Profession (Soldier) is always a class skill for you.

Dueling unto Death: You have engaged in a duel to the death and mortally wounded an opponent. The opponent was honorable enough to say nothing before he expired. Alas that his family or companions was nowhere near so honorable. Dueling was once common in Talingarde before the House of Darius came to power. The House of Barca all but encouraged duels of honor. Now, dueling of any sort is punished severely. Dueling to the death is a sure way to be sent to Branderscar Prison.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Fortitude saves

Extortion: You have defrauded money from someone by holding information of their wrongdoing over their heads. To end up in Branderscar, this was no minor act of merely threatening to expose someone. Instead you ave attempted extortion against someone of great prominence and for exorbitant stakes.

Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines

Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Forgery: You have forged documents issued either by the crown or by the Church of Mitra. Alas, that your forgery while competent was not entirely undetectable. To be sent to Branderscar, this was no minor finagling of paperwork. This forged document could have cost lives, undermined the reputation of the Church or endangered the security of the realm.

Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines

Benefit: You gain a +3 trait bonus to Linguistics skill checks to commit forgery and Linguistics is always a class skill for you.

Fraud: You tried to bilk someone out of their cash. To end up in Brandescar Prison, this was no petty con job or penny ante racket. Instead, you brazenly tried to defraud someone important of a huge sum of money. And it almost worked too!

Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines

Benefit: You receive a +2 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class kill for you.

Grave Robbery: It is forbidden by sacred law to dishonor a corpse after it is been sealed in its tomb by a clergy of the Mitran faith. Some may not honor this ban: necromancers, golem crafters, self-styled scientists, and alchemists delving into the forbidden secrets of life and death. These ghouls can expect no mercy from the Talirean Magistrates. And by sending you to Branderscar Prison, you have received none.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to confirm critical hits

Heresy: You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!

Punishment: Death by burning.

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

High Theft: You had a foolproof plan to steal some great treasure. Alas, the scheme had a fatal flaw and went horribly awry. To be sent to Branderscar prison, this was no ordinary robbery attempt. You tried to steal something of great value or religious significance.

Punishment: Life at hard labor in the salt mines

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Reflex saves.

High Treason: You have willfully worked to bring down the current Monarch of Talingarde -- the beloved King Markadian V called the Brave of House Darius. To be successfully tried for High Treason you have done more than merely dislike the king, you did something tangible to undermine his rule. Alas, that you failed at your plot and are now headed to Branderscar Prison. Treason is the only crime that is still punished by the gruesome ritual of being drawn and quartered. Your stay at Branderscar will be brief.

Punishment: Death by drawing and quartering

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Will saves.

Kidnapping: You have abducted someone perhaps to ransom them or do unspeakable things to them. Unfortunately, you were caught and your victim was rescued (if they weren’t rescued -- you would be guilty of murder instead). To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you must have abducted someone of great importance or in a particularly gruesome manner.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.

Murder: You have killed without just cause and been condemned for it. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, this was no typical killing but a particularly savage and unforgivable act. You may also have killed someone with powerful friends.

Note: You are not allowed to have killed someone in the royal family of Talingarde. You may have tried (his would instead be High Treason -- see above) but ultimately they are too well protected.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You deal 1 additional point of damage when flanking a foe. This additional damage is a trait bonus.

Piracy: You have been caught in the act of piracy on the high seas. This is a rare crime these days since Markadian I called the Victorious burned the last major pirate fleet to threaten these isles. Still the crime is punished harshly. Likely you are the sole survivor of your ship.

Punishment: Death by hanging

Benefit: You may select either Bluff or Intimidate. The selected skill receives a +2 trait bonus and is always a class skill for you.

Sedition: You have attempted to covertly stir up rebellion against your rightful sovereign. This differs from high treason in that you attempted to convince others to make war against Talingarde instead of taking direct action yourself. A subtle difference to be sure. But it is the difference between receiving the swift justice of the axe instead of the slow suffering upon the rack.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to Bluff checks and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Further if you ever take the Leadership feat, you gain a +1 trait bonus to your Leadership score.

Slave-Taking: Slavery is illegal in Talingarde and a very rare crime. Still, once in a great while, slavers from the mainland will foolishly make an incursion into Talirean protected territories. When they are captured alive they are always made an example of.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus to both Disarm and Grapple attempts.

Slave Trading: Slavery is legal in other parts of the world and it can be tempting to the most decadent of Talingarde’s nobility to acquire a “souvenir” when traveling abroad or to purchase the object of their desire from a less reputable merchant. However you ended up trading slaves in Talingarde, you were caught red handed and now you will lose more than simply your freedom.

Punishment: Death by beheading

Benefit: You receive one bonus skill point per level that must be spent on the Appraise skill. The Appraise skill is always a class skill for you.

Equipment: The characters begin with nothing. They have no money, no weapons or armor, no gear, no animal companions of any sort and no material possessions besides tattered, dirty prison clothes. Equipment will be acquired in game.

Alchemists begin without their formulae book, extracts, bombs or mutagens. They must have access to an alchemical lab or chemicals to have any of these abilities restored.

Bards begin without their instruments.

Cavaliers have lost their mount. Presumably their mount was slain or given to another during their capture. It can be presumed that their week of mourning is already in the past.

Clerics begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not have their holy symbol or any material components however.

Druids also begin having chosen all their spells for the day. They do not have their animal companion with them as it was slain during their capture.

Inquisitors and Oracles lack their holy symbol if they need one.

Witches, Wizards and Magi do not have their spell books, material components, familiars or bonded objects. They do however begin with a full selection of memorized spells from before their incarceration.

HP: Max to start. At each level you roll 1/2 your classes HD, and add the other half. So a 1d6 will roll 1d3+3, a 1d10 will roll 1d5+5.

Villain Points: You will each get one villain point per level including first as well as villain points for completing major points in the story. I may also give out villain points individually for unique ideas or amazing feats.

The feats, spells and magic items listed for Hero Points in the APG are also available.

You can do the following with villain points:

Villain Points:

Maximum Villain Points: Characters can have no more than 3 villain points at any one time. Excess hero points are lost.

Villain points can be spent at any time and do not require an action to use (although the actions they modify consume part of your character's turn as normal). You cannot spend more than 1 villain point during a single round of combat. Whenever a villain point is spent, it can have any one of the following effects.

Act Out of Turn: You can spend a villain point to take your turn immediately. Treat this as a readied action, moving your initiative to just before the currently acting creature. You may only take a move or a standard action on this turn.

Bonus: If used before a roll is made, a villain point grants you a +8 luck bonus to any one d20 roll. If used after a roll is made, this bonus is reduced to +4. You can use a villain point to grant this bonus to another character, as long as you are in the same location and your character can reasonably affect the outcome of the roll (such as distracting a monster, shouting words of encouragement, or otherwise aiding another with the check). villain points spent to aid another character grant only half the listed bonus (+4 before the roll, +2 after the roll).

Extra Action: You can spend a villain point on your turn to gain an additional standard or move action this turn.

Recall: You can spend a villain point to recall a spell you have already cast or to gain another use of a special ability that is otherwise limited. This should only be used on spells and abilities possessed by your character that recharge on a daily basis.

Re-roll: You may spend a villain point to re-roll any one d20 roll you just made. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.

Cheat Death: A character can spend 2 villain points to cheat death. The character is left alive, with maximum negative hit points but stable. Cheating death is the only way for a character to spend more than 1 villain point in a turn. The character can spend villain points in this way to prevent the death of a familiar, animal companion, or special mount, but not another character or NPC.


All of you had belonged to one of the remaining Asmodeus cells before getting captured and everyone else wiped out. Though others that have been chosen could be from your cell. Make sure to weave your traits, personality and motivations into your background. I would also like to see some personal goals and why you would want Talingarde brought to its knees.

After the group has been chosen there can be some re-writes for fitting in with the others or I may make some suggestions.

At some point in this adventure path every character is going to have the chance to join an evil organization and swear allegiance to the master of that organization and its patron – the lawful evil god Asmodeus. The adventure path assumes you say yes to this chance. Therefore, you should make a character who can say yes.

Recruitment Timeline:

Recruitment will last at least until Sunday March 3rd. From now until then I may send out questions about current submissions

Liberty's Edge

Id sure like to jump in to this. dotting for interest. Ill read this in depth tonight and get a character back to you quick as I can.

This sounds awesome. Going to tool around with a couple of ideas I have before I see which one I want to submit for this. Sweet.

I almost wish I were not in another WotW campaign. I vote two thumbs up on this campaign and DM. Should be a fun campaign.


I am interested.

You all sense you are being watched.

And special thanks to David for running "Way of the Wicked"!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Dotting for interest.

thanks Gary! Everyone interested in doing this make sure to check out the campaign tab as well.

Liking what I'm seeing in the campaign tab. So far this Wizard/Cleric specializing in necromancy and evocation ...pretty classic evil mage.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You know, I think by the time this starts another PFS PbP I'm in will have ended. (At least that's what I'm telling myself.) So here's a first cut at a character submission. A lot of the crunch remains to be completed, but there should be enough there to give an idea of what he's like.

Hugh of Karfeld: Fluff:
Heir to arcane powers borne of the Empyreal Lords! A fine figure of a man; blond hair like a halo about his head, bright blue eyes the color of the morning sky, tanned skin, perfect teeth frequently shown in a smile that could charm an angel...all wrapped around a heart as black as the pit. For years he fumed, hidden in the shadow cast by his far more illustrious cousin, malice festering and turning in on itself, until he could take no more. In secret rites he forsook the source of his magical power and bound himself to Asmodeus. Unfortunately, he found too late that his cousin actually deserved some of his reputation. The coterie of fellow devil worshipers Hugh had gathered around himself contained at least one spy for the wretched Sir Balin, and the rest of them either died when the cell was raided or turned to save themselves from the stake. Hugh was not given the chance at either fate, for his cousin insisted on seeing him face justice..just to show how committed he was to the rule of law (Hugh secretly approved, though Sir Balin's public breastbeating about it was unacceptable). In three days' time, he goes to the fires his patron claims. He hasn't bothered to pray for aid or plead for mercy, for he knows such things are for the weak. But he watches, for any chance at all of escape. And revenge--revenge on his sanctimonious cousin, on the spy who turned him in, and on the cowards who fell away from the true faith. And then...then the church of Mitra will fall before the fires of Hell, and all of Talingarde will turn or burn.

These are the thoughts that keep him warm through the cold prison nights.

Hugh of Karfeld: Initial Crunch:
Gestalt inquisitor/wildblooded Empyreal bloodline sorcerer 1

S 12 D 15 C 12 I 12 W 17 C 14

Traits: Heresy, TBD
Feats: Eschew Materials, TBD
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Spellcraft, Survival, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Perception, UMD

This sounds very cool, working up a concept now. How hard will it be to get equipment. Was thinking of using an exotic weapon large weapon, but if it can't be gained then well the build will suck :) Still going to wright it up though. thanks.

If we do the vampire path can we start with the bitten feat if we work being bittign into our background?

I will be taking The bitten as my free non combat feat if that is acceptable

Ashe, yes you can start with it and it should be included in your background and appearance. eventually you well be able to get the equipment you want, but for awhile everyone will have to make use of what they find



Crime is Arson and equipment removed.


Tearyn Seslina
Female Human Fighter 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +1
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +0; +1 trait bonus vs. enchantment spells & effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +0 / 1d3 non-lethal.
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Combat Expertise
Traits Indomitable, Killer, Arsonist
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +4, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Perception +1, Ride +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4, Swim +5
Languages Common, Infernal

Special Abilities
Indomitable +1 to saves vs. enchantment spells and effects.
Killer Add weapon's critical modifier to its critical bonus damage.
Arsonist +2 fire damage bonus to critical hits made with fire attacks.


The long, raven-black hair covers half the face of this beauty, her dark eyes staring with a fevered light. A lithe, dancer's body cannot hide the natural grace and athleticism of this striking woman. Then she moves he head, and her raven hair falls back revealing the sharp burn-scar that mars the right side of her face, spoiling the otherwise delicate beauty. The scars that mar her face fit her dark eyes, however. The jagged glint within those eyes reflect the burning cold of a dark, zealous purpose.


They should be dead. They should have felt the pain of the flames as it consumed them. The pain she has had to live with, searing her heart with their betrayal. Now she was stuck in this black hell, not a flame for light. Nothing but cold darkness.

She was not sorry though. The cold emptiness of this prison was better than the shame she felt when she saw them laughing as lovers, taunting her. Telina knew. She had confided her love for Restin with Telina long before Telina even knew who Restin was. Her own sister betraying her in such a way. Her litle sister who Tearyn had protected and helped raise. And Restin who had taken Tearyn's virtue willingly, used her body. Who had promised to marry her, raise her up from her hard life to be a prominent wealthy merchant's wife. But after Tearyn gave herself to him and sacrificed herself to save Telina, Restin asked Telina to be his wife instead - both betraying Tearyn's love for them.

Tearyn had considered just using her blade, silencing them quietly with a quick and deadly cut. Looking back, if she had gone that route she would likely be free. But as good as she is with a blade, Tearyn knew that such an easy death was too easy for her betrayers. Death by flame, agonizing... burning... flesh crisping on the bone while they screamed. That is what she wanted. What she needed. What they deserved. When she soaked the doors and windows of Restin's apartment with oil, she was sure that they would not escape. They would feel the searing pain of betrayal...

But when the cries of Fire went up too quickly, and the guards were too close... and that damnable priest of the Shining Lord was there to heal their minor burns and use his magics to douse the flames. So Telina and Restin played the victims at her trial, when they had victimized her. They told of how she was unbalanced, she cut herself for pleasure, she was obsessed and delusional. And the so called justice of Talingarde imprisoned her for seeking true justice. Leaving her tormentors free while she rots in this cell. Now they all must pay... They must burn...

Burn like she did, when the thugs who were harassing her sister turned to her instead. Tearyn had trained with the blades and knew she was quick. There were only three of them and a little blood would sour their aggression. Her sister was weak and innocent. Tearyn cut the leader, but it didn't frighten them. While Telina fled, they turned on Tearyn. With spilt blood, their desire changed and they beat her pinned her with face up to metal casing of the street lamp - hot like a branding iron, marring her beauty forever. For her altrusim and sacrifice, Telina and Restin betrayed her. But the corrupt court cared not for her sacrifice, they held Tearyn to blame when Tearyn simply sought justice. Put Tearyn in prison, while her betrayers are wed in bliss. Now they all must pay... They must burn...

Tearyn breathed... focused. All she had been taught since she was a child of the greatness of Mitra and House Darius was a lie. Justice served the strong and was without compassion and mercy. Altruism is a lie that supports the weak over the strong. Only by taking care of ones self, overcoming the weakness of others can greatness be attained. The hypocracy of her childhood burned away. Calmness and focus remained. Three days she had. Three days to think of a way out of here. To rededicate herself to a greater purpose. Her prior efforts at revenge were flawed and petty. She must grow in strenght, overcome her imprisonment. Then she could have a revenge against all the liars who convinced her that self-sacrifice was the greatest virtue, then stripped away all of her hopes and dreams. The teachings of Mitra were lies, it is the blasphemies of Asmodeaus that were truth. Not blasphemies. She must not think that way.

The lessons of Asmodean would strengthen her, allow her to overcome, to free herself, to avenge herself not only on Telina and Restin but on House Darius and their false deity Mitra. That is a vengeance worth living for. Asmodean a Lord worth dedicating herself to. Now if only she could free her body as her mind and vision were freed from her early delusion. The burning desire for vengence would be the flame to temper her as steel is tempered. The burning energy that would fuel her quest for freedom and domination.

Count me interested! Malak here is willing to sacrifice someone in Asmodeus's name to get into a Way of the Wicked game. Gonna start statting him up now.

Awesome thanks for the response. will post alian in a few but will probably work on background over the weekend so I can delve into the evil corrupt parts of my brain to do hime justice :)

take your time, plenty of time before the deadline

Here is Urtar Wasaam : half heretic, half insurgent (I chose sedition), born a cultist, trained by devils.

Here is Drogan, Devout Cleric of Asmodeus, Bounty hunter. Will try and work up a sweet back story for this guy He would be so great to play.

Dotting for interest.

Any chance that you will allow Oracle in addition to Cleric/Inquisiter/Anti-Paladin as one side of the gestalt classes?

No only those three. An oracle is granted their power beyond their choice and I definitely want that side of the Gestalt being their choice of dedication to Asmodeus.

A few questions before I come with a character:

How strict is the "follow Asmodeus" part? Could one for instance be devoted to Dispater, Asmodeus' most loyal subject and ally or divide his/her attention between those two?

How limited is the Cleric/Inquisitor/Ant-Paladin slot? Could one take something like Divine Scion or Diabolist (or either Hellknight variant if they exist in this world) since they fulfil the same function?

Good Questions:

You could be devoted to Dispater or another of Asmodeus's subjects. Your character would still serve Asmodeus ultimately.

That slot is unchangeable once chosen up to 20 level. If you want a prestige class it must come from the other side.


I'll build this guy up tonight, but I've always loved the image of Lord Soth, and I'll be building up an Anti-paladin Wizard.

I am assuming you will allow antipaladins to be lawful evil rather than CE correct?

Also are there any good write ups you could message me about asmodeus himself?

Basic part of the background is a angry middle child that became a follower and then anti-paladin of Asmodeus, eventually hating in particular self righetous paladins (his older brother desired to be one, and may have become one he doesn't know because he pretends he has no family) and now as he's reaching middle age he feels the limits of the human life span, and the doom he has pledged himself in Asmodeus's hell and is desperately seeking a way to live forever (Lich) and doesn't care what it takes to get there.

The Exchange

Is there room for one more?
This sounds like a rather enjoyable wicked romp.

How do you feel about the Divine Hunter Paladin archetype turned into an Anti-Paladin version? Assuming anti-paladins here are LE the cooperative aspects of the archetype actually remain thematic. Beyond that it's simply a matter of replacing Lay on Hands with Touch of Corruption, mercy with cruelty, good with evil and evil with good. That and the names would need some refluffing.

Looking at making a Halfling with one half Cavalier(Huntmaster) and the other either Anti-paladin or Cleric, but likely an archer build either way.

Basically the guy was the kennelmaster of a noble but eventually got fed up with him as he wasted his position according to the character. He set the dogs on his lord and watched as they tore him to pieces. He then managed to run the lord's lands for a while before the man's death and the character's deeds were discovered. Now he sits in jail, his dogs already executed because they attacked the soldiers that came to arrest him.

The Exchange

LE Aasimar Cleric/Monk of Asmodeus,

Always admired by the humans who raised him, held to impossibly high standards and always told "you're better than your siblings, you must set an example...". The pressure on him building until he agreed, he WAS better then them...and they should learn their place.

The young aasimar now awaits the axeman, for he was careless in his dealings to show how inferior and unfit the rulers of Talingarde are. His loud mouth and gleaming hair all too recognizable among the rabble surrounding him as he spread his contempt and lies. He dared risk a coup in his home town and his conspirators scattered when the local guard charged back by a pair of knights. As it fell apart around him, the guards clapped him in chains and dragged him to justice for his sedition.

(Lantzkev's entry) I've got his background up, feel free to critique it and provide any inputs. I've purposefully left some of it vague, and the connection to Asmodeus ready to be set up, but not quite there.

I'm working on the stats now, but it'll be certainly human, Anti-Paladin with Wizard necromancy (focused on undead) school.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Please consider me interested. I'm reading through everything now.

Liberty's Edge

LE Cleric of Asmodeus (Domains- Magic with subdomain of Divine & Fire) Combined with A Wizard Specialist- Evoker (Forbidden Scools: Enchantment, Illusion)

He's just beginning to Gel in my head. Ill do more tomorrow night after work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is a character I submitted for the Avatar of Mitra's Way of the Wicked game. The idea for the character was that he was raised in secret by a member of the Mitran clergy for use against the man's competitors and has only recently become introduced to other faiths. I wanted him to become a follower of the Asmodean faith as part of the gameplay. I'm curious if there's a way to work this into what you've outlined or if I'll have to either submit another character or wait for another Way of the Wicked game to open up.

Ten Minute Background:

Six Important Things about the Character
1. Arash was raised in secret by one of the bishops of Mitra’s clergy, Bishop Buram Landrhew. Bishop Buram had him raised as a secret “inquisitor”, whose goal was to strike at evil in the very heart of the country without raising suspicion. Arash’s seclusion allowed Buram to tightly control Arash’s development as a person and to easily manipulate Arash’s worldview.
2. The tales of Arash’s parentage are that he was born to a devil-worshipping mother and a cambion father who had aided the hidden cell of Asmodean worshippers. He was taken by the Bishop when he was but a child and secreted away from the inquisitors so that he might have a chance at redemption.
3. Arash was trained by Moran, an archer with an unorthodox approach, but one that worked well. As Arash was trained in the bow, Moran also provided lessons in stealth, traps, and more esoteric ways of killing and manipulating others. He took to the lessons well, but the more spiritual pieces have evaded him for the time being.
4. After being confined for so long, Arash longed for the outdoors. He kept to himself outside, but occasionally had close calls with others. On a few instances, he was spotted by hunters, trappers, and others that travelled in the wilds. He ambushed them, determined to keep his existence a secret and praying that Mitra would forgive this as all other things would eventually be.
5. Arash wanted to know more about his past, so that he could hunt down his father, who had supposedly escaped. He investigated it from time to time, but during the reports he read over for another mission, he came across something overlooked in the archives. One of the inquisitors had looked into a report of a mother who had given birth to a fiendish child, but the child had disappeared before the inquisitor could arrive. This occurred in the town that Bishop Buram, then just a Father, served and the vague reports of the baby seemed similar to that of Arash. He was intrigued, but thought nothing of it until recently.
6. He truly believed that what he was doing was striking down opponents of the faith, but in reality it was those that prevented Bishop Buram’s rise in the ranks of the clergy. Even when pursuing the king, he had been convinced that the king was corrupted, much like Markadian III had been.
7. This came crashing down around him when he was taken. He’s spent the time since going over the events of his life again and again. Everything has been a lie. The salvation he sought has been ripped from his grasp, his own actions taking it further from him. In this state, he’ll probably lash out at things that remind him of what was done to him, but eventually he’ll stabilize and channel that hatred and rage into a new goal.

Four Goals:
1. Short Term: Arash wants to see Bishop Buram, Moran, and the others in Buram’s employ die slowly for what they did to him
2. Long Term: Arash will want to find a new purpose, particularly salvation through something. That salvation doesn’t need to be a removal of his “sins” but rather a justification of his life and actions. It is likely that the Church of Asmodeus will provide that for him, but another faith, such as Norgorber or even a cause may lend him that.
3. Long Term: Find out the truth surrounding his mother and father. The seed of doubt was sown long ago, but now it has taken root and he wishes to find out more about his parentage.
4. Long Term: Arash wants a last name. He long ago thought about using Bishop Buram’s, but that was too dangerous. Now, it is a reviled thing to him. He wants a last name that shows his purpose and carries meaning. It is important that he earn it rather than simply decide on one.

Two Secrets, One Known and One Unknown:
1. Arash deeply believed in the power of Mitra and salvation brought by faith in him. He followed the twisted doctrine that Bishop Buram taught him. This now shames him that he believed in such a lie.
2. Although his father was indeed a cambion, his mother was far from a devil-worshipper. She was a faithful Mitran and young woman, Lucasta Torvine, who was seduced by a passing dark stranger, the cambion Theribus Vordeth. Theribus had been working as a mercenary at the time in Talingarde, using magic to keep his identity secret.

Five People that are tied to Arash, Three Friends and Two Enemies:
1. Rana Edelvin: A young human girl that worked in the church that Arash was kept at. She was Arash’s handler and surrogate mother. He wants to hate her for everything, but can’t bring himself to. Little known to him and to Bishop Buram, she is a follower of Asmodeus who has been whispering in the bishop’s ear and provoking him to further atrocities.
2. Tunivel Sorish: Tunivel is a scoundrel and information broker that has helped Arash in the past in accomplishing the missions that were given to him. He seems to be only interested in coin, but seems to have taken a liking to the naïve tiefling.
3. Theribus Vordeth: A cambion who fathered Arash and then left. Whether or not he knows about Arash, he seems to have little interest in the tiefling he created.
4. Cardinal Buram Landrhew: The bishop that raised Arash, used him as a tool to rise in power, and then discarded him when it was convenient. His activities were close to being discovered, but in a twist of fate and a cunning maneuver, Bishop Buram managed to elevate himself and implicate a few of his opponents by sacrificing a pawn and forging some documents.
5. Moran: The harsh instructor of Arash. The tiefling has little love for the man, but seeks to apply his lessons as best he can. Arash suspects he had a hand to play in all of it beyond molding the tiefling as a tool, but Arash is not sure how much of one.

Four Mannerisms:
1. Arash is extremely uncomfortable being away from his weapon. It holds significance to him, including a feeling of safety and power, but also, he feels incomplete when he is separated from his bow. The weapon he wielded previously reminds him too much of the shattered delusions he believed in before, so he will seek to find a new one.
2. Arash stares at people in a manner that leaves them feeling a bit uncomfortable. If asked, most people say that it reminds them of being watched by a predator.
3. He hates the indoors and will often seek to be outside rather than stay inside. Nature appeals to him and outside lets him feel free. These feelings will deepen after he escapes.
4. Arash has had to lie numerous times about unusual things about him, even though he tries to avoid social encounters with others. This has led him to embracing the well-known silver-tongue of tieflings. He does this mostly to avoid problems and to try and compensate for his utter lack of socialization otherwise.

Writing Sample/Background:

"The bow and you are one. Think not of it as a tool, but as an extension of yourself." Moran examined Arash’s form, nodding slightly and mumbling to himself all while adjusting Arash’s posture with slight pushes and slaps.

"What does that mean, teacher? I don’t understand it." Arash asked, careful to keep his eyes straight, focused on the target. Avoiding a beating was almost as important as learning the lessons taught. His volatile teacher ensured that he learned quickly or earned a new scar to remind the boy.

"You will, Arash, or you will suffer, but this is a lesson best grasped over time." He looked once more at the boy, giving a final examination. “Perfect form… Now release. Let the arrow take flight and follow it. Never let it leave your sight.”

The arrow flew straight, striking the target perfectly, nearly a hundred feet from where student and teacher stood. He followed the arrow the entire time in its flight, letting his arms sink as the arrow flew. Yes, Arash thought, that’s sure to please. He turned to look at his master, but found Moran staring at the target, a frown on his face.

Moran lashed out at Arash, striking the boy in the face. "When did I say let your weapon fall?! Always be ready for the next shot! Learning new lessons is no excuse to forget the old!" Moran sighed and shook his head, "You may never be ready to receive the grace of Mitra, Arash, so foolish are you. Your heritage will never be forgiven." Moran smirked slightly, just out of sight of his young pupil.

Arash righted himself and with grim determination he nocked another arrow. I am a faithful believer. I will one day be worthy. Focus. Concentrate. Follow the arrow. Remember your lessons. I will be ready. I will serve. My place in the light will be secured.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

The king sat in this throne surrounded by shining kinghts. The palace itself was a testament to the glory of Mitra, and the opulence of the aristocracy. Arash kept his eyes low, not out of shame, but a distaste for the décor around him. It reminded him so of his tainted heritage. His tail lashed back and forth wildly, his frustration evident. How was I caught? Arash asked himself. I followed the plan outlined by Moran. The king stood up from his throne and stepped forward a couple of steps.

"Did you think you could take my family and I here in the palace, devil spawn?" Markadian shook his head. "Fortunately, I was forewarned about your plan."

Forewarned? Arash raised his head to meet the boots of the king. Who? Moran, Tunivel, Rana, and maybe a few others knew the plan, but... He kept his eyes low as he swept his gaze about the room. "Looking for your co-conspirators? They’re being rounded up as we speak." Arash lowered his eyes to the floor again, confused and searching for possibilities. It was all he had now. He had failed and the tainted king had him. He would never see Mitra’s glory.

Markadian’s boots appeared in front of him. "Lift him up. I wish to look him in the eye as I tell him his fate." Arash felt the cold, sharp metal of the knights’ gauntlets as they roughly lifted him to his feet. I will at least deny him this. He kept his gaze at the king’s feet. "Lift his head! Make him look at me!" More metal, enclosing grasping fingers, was on his head and his face now. They forced him to look the king in the face.

"There, spawn of evil. You now know the face of the man who orders your execution. You will die for your sins, for they are many. Extortion, kidnapping, and murder, but the most recent is high treason. You will die for all of these, and I wish that you had multiple lives so that I could take them all, but for the charge of high treason you will be drawn and quartered. May the pain give you clarity of the magnitude of your damnation as you die." The king gestured to the guards, looking away from Arash. "Take him away. I wish him to taint this room no longer."

The only clarity that I need is th- The thought died in his head as the guards spun him about and he saw Bishop Buram. Why is father here? The guards pulled him on, taking the bishop and the king out of his sight. The king spoke as Arash was being dragged from the chamber. "Bishop Buram Landrhew, I thank you for your aid in this matter. It was fortunate that your men discovered this plot in time."

The world became muted for Arash. Assistance? But father was the one that I aided. I... He... We... destroyed evil. He set me on the road to redemption... right? I...

The bishop’s words broke through his malign reverie, "Of course, my king. I am only too glad to serve. It was through the guidance of Mitra that I and my men were able to discover that foul creature’s plans before they could come any closer to fruition. His punishment is just."

Pain flooded Arash’s world, drowning out everything else. The palace was filled his screams, unholy rage given voice for moments before the knights dragging him gagged the tiefling. He raged and sobbed as he was thrown in the wagon. Death. Death to them all. It was all he had left.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am considering Sir Garrett Valcin the Rake. An Anti-Paladin(Lord of Darkness)/Rogue(Rake) who has been imprisoned for a multitude of reasons including blasphemy, heresy, and treason. However the crime they managed to pin him with was the extortion of a nobleman.

Going to copy and past it here for all to read easily.


Carlos was raised a noble, his father a liege to the noble house Barca. The glory of the house was once immense, and his family the Rexachs had been comfortable in their alliance. His family were far from religious and pious before the sweeping changes to Talingrade. It was only a few centuries ago where religion prospered and the strong were encouraged to thrive.

Of course that was the old way, a whispered tale of a bygone time. A time where men were allowed to be men. Where only the strong could truly rule, because they were the only ones who could survive. His family had of course done what all nobility do when the winds of politics change, they changed or they perished.

Now his family was filled with piety and simpering to this holy god of Mitra. Even his older brother, that weak and sniveling man was given pre-emminance over him due to his age. How laughable is that, he was far from weak, but not near as strong as Carlos, and yet all glory was due him. The old ways of dueling had gone, sure duels were still performed, and he relished in them, but they were clandestine affairs, kept secret for fear of the judgement of those pure crusaders of Mitra.

As adolescence came, he became a squire like all unimportant noble youths do. Some worthless knight whose name he can scarce remember now, how happy he was when he his saddle came undone during a hunting trip, and that dolt flew from his saddle, forever crippled he no longer could perform as a knight and Carlos was relieved of that worthless man, and as luck would have it given to a knight of the Brakas house.

This knight taught him to seize opportunity, to conquer his fear, and to be brave in front of any obstacle. The man some whispered had dark alligiences, an alliance with gods not spoken of for decades in polite company. Carlos pressed him for details, but got nothing more than a smirk and offhand comments about Carlos being too weak to worry about the concerns of real men, let alone weighty issues of religion.

As his training as a squire to the knight came to a close, he was given a list of books to read. Arcane books that talked nothing of religion, but spoke to the natural order of the world. The creation of things and the common threads in all creation. All things were truly the same, all people were equal, it was their ambitions and desires that made them stand out. That let them alter the world to their whim, and let them rule.

Devouring the books there, the knight eventually relented some of his own personal books. The most interesting one was a small molded tome that had notes, an apprentices book to magic. In it was the true name of a small demon. It took no times for him to work out the lessons in the book and from there he was soon talking to a small imp. This imp would be the key to his salvation, and also the cause of his current situation.

The knight he had been serving was found out years later to be consorting with demons, and the great witch hunter Sir Balen of Karfield eventually tracked him down through a small cult he had rooted out. This was a few years ago, Carlos knew he'd be investigated. He hid the books that were innocent enough in his eyes. He had no idea, the history books themselves would trigger the pompous Balen to investigate further.

His father shielded him from inquiry as best he was able, and it seemed the witch hunter had stopped his investigations and was satisfied that Carlos had no taint. Eventually he resumed his studies of the book, and the very first day he summoned the imp, of course that self righteous bastard was waiting. The witch hunter captured the imp, burned the book, and imprisoned Carlos. The ease at which he had stalked Carlos without his awareness still burns him... and assuming he can get out of this mess and not be literally burned, he plans on taking his revenge on the Witch hunter and all those related to him, and to restore the balance and order of the world, with any luck it will be him at the head of it... if he can be strong enough, if the inevitable tide of time doesn't wash him out first or the goody two shoe paladins and knights of this land don't end him.

Human Gestalt Anti-Paladin/Wizard(Universalist) 1
LE Medium Human
Init +0; Senses ; Perception +0

AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike -1 (1d3+2/20)
Special Attacks

Str 14, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Arcane Strike, Skill focus(Knowledge: Arcana), Endurance, Scribe Scroll
Traits Consorting with Dark Powers +1 Planes, History of Heresy +1 sv vs divine
Skills Intimidate +6, Knowledge(Arcana) +11, Knowledge(Planes) +8, Linguistics +8, Spell craft +8, Sense Motive +4, Ride +4, Profession(Soldier) +4
Languages Common, Abyssal, Aklo, Infernal, Undercommon, Celestial

Spells Spells per day 1st-3.
Spells Known 0 - Message, Prestidigation, Acid Splash
1-Protection from Evil, Summon Monster 1, Magic Missile
Aura of Evil, Detect Good, Smite Good 1/day


Liberty's Edge

got up this am and figured Id knock a bit out before work.

Work in Progress

Human Male

Cleric of Asmodeus (Domains- Magic with subdomain of Divine & Fire) Wizard Specialist- Evoker (Forbidden Scools: Enchantment, Illusion)

St- 12 (2) = 12
Dx- 14 (5) = 14
Cn- 12 (2) = 12
In- 15 (7) +2(Race) = 17
Ws- 15 (7) = 15
Ch- 12 (2) = 12

1) Heresy (Campaign)
You have denied the supremacy of Mitra and been condemned for it. For this to be a crime, you were not content to keep your heresy to yourself. You tried to sway others. Likely you were captured by the famed witch hunter Sir Balin of Karfeld. The last thing he said to you was: “Mitra may forgive you yet for your lies. Talingarde will not.” If only you could get a chance at revenge!

Punishment: Death by burning.

Benefit: You receive a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against divine spells.

2. Indomitable Faith (Faith)
You were born in a region where your faith was not popular, yet you never abandoned it. Your constant struggle to maintain your own faith has bolstered your drive.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.

Very interested.

I am interested in creating a baby-faced hobbit or gnome anti-paladin/sorceror with celestial blood that has completely went to the dark side.

This angelic looking figure of small stature will house a remarkable amount of bitterness and evil.


I updated Tearyn significantly. She is now a rogue/cleric of Asmodeus Gestalt and I updated her background to show her psychotic break from her old life into the new life as a priestess of Asmodeus. I tweaked the Birthmark trait a bit as a scar on her face that awakened her new faith if that is OK.


Tearyn Seslina
Female Human Rogue 1/Cleric (Asmodean) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +7
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +5; ++2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulson
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks sneak attack +1d6
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse
Traits Birthmark, Arsonist
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +6, Intimidate +7, Perception +7 (+8 to locate traps), Sense Motive +7, Stealth +7, Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ trapfinding +1 ura, cleric channel negative energy 1d6 (3/day) (dc 10), domains (conversion inquisition, fire), fire bolt (6/day), spontaneous casting
Other Gear None
Special Abilities
Trait: Birthmark +2 save vs. charm & compulsion;
Crime: Arsonist: Whenever you score a critical hit with a fire attack, you receive a +2 fire damage bonus to your damage roll.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Negative Energy 1d6 (3/day) (DC 10) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Conversion Inquisition) Granted Powers: You are a powerful persuader. A honeyed tongue empowered by divine argumentation sways the indifferent and adversarial to your side.
Cleric Domain (Fire) Granted Powers: You can call forth fire, command creatures of the inferno, and your flesh does not burn. Fire Bolt (1d6+0) (6/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+0 Fire damage.
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Infernal Healing spells.
Sneak Attack +1d6 +1d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Shield of Faith, Burning Hands (DC 14), Magic Stone
0 (at will) Spark (DC 13), Purify Food and Drink (DC 13), Guidance


The long, raven-black hair covers half the face of this beauty, her dark eyes staring with a fevered light. A lithe, dancer's body cannot hide the natural grace and athleticism of this striking woman. Then she moves he head, and her raven hair falls back revealing the sharp burn-scar that mars the right side of her face, spoiling the otherwise delicate beauty. The scars that mar her face fit her dark eyes, however. The jagged glint within those eyes reflect the burning cold of a dark, zealous purpose.


They should be dead. They should have felt the pain of the flames as it consumed them. The pain she has had to live with, searing her heart with their betrayal. Now she was stuck in this black hell, not a flame for light. Nothing but cold darkness.

She was not sorry though. The cold emptiness of this prison was better than the shame she felt when she saw them laughing as lovers, taunting her. Telina knew. She had confided her love for Restin with Telina long before Telina even knew who Restin was. Her own sister betraying her in such a way. Her little sister who Tearyn had protected and helped raise. And Restin who had taken Tearyn's virtue willingly, used her body. Who had promised to marry her, raise her up from her hard life to be a prominent wealthy merchant's wife. But after Tearyn gave herself to him and sacrificed herself to save Telina, Restin asked Telina to be his wife instead - both betraying Tearyn's love for them.

Tearyn had considered just using her blade, silencing them quietly with a quick and deadly cut. Looking back, if she had gone that route she would likely be free. But as good as she is with a blade, Tearyn knew that such an easy death was too easy for her betrayers. Death by flame, agonizing... burning... flesh crisping on the bone while they screamed. That is what she wanted. What she needed. What they deserved. When she soaked the doors and windows of Restin's apartment with oil, she was sure that they would not escape. They would feel the searing pain of betrayal...

But when the cries of Fire went up too quickly, and the guards were too close... and that damnable priest of the Shining Lord was there to heal their minor burns and use his magics to douse the flames. So Telina and Restin played the victims at her trial, when they had victimized her. They told of how she was unbalanced, she cut herself for pleasure, she was obsessed and delusional. And the so called justice of Talingarde imprisoned her for seeking true justice. Leaving her tormentors free while she rots in this cell. Now they all must pay... They must burn...

Burn like she did, when the thugs who were harassing her sister turned to her instead. Tearyn had trained with the blades and knew she was quick. There were only three of them and a little blood would sour their aggression. Her sister was weak and innocent. Tearyn cut the leader, but it didn't frighten them. While Telina fled, they turned on Tearyn. With spilt blood, their desire changed and they beat her pinned her with face up to metal casing of the street lamp - hot like a branding iron, marring her beauty forever. For her altruism and sacrifice, Telina and Restin betrayed her. But the corrupt court cared not for her sacrifice, they held Tearyn to blame when Tearyn simply sought justice. Put Tearyn in prison, while her betrayers are wed in bliss. Now they all must pay... They must burn...

Tearyn breathed... focused. All she had been taught since she was a child of the greatness of Mitra and House Darius was a lie. Justice served the strong and was without compassion and mercy. Altruism is a lie that supports the weak over the strong. Only by taking care of ones self, overcoming the weakness of others can greatness be attained. The hypocracy of her childhood burned away. Calmness and focus remained. Three days she had. Three days to think of a way out of here. To rededicate herself to a greater purpose. Her prior efforts at revenge were flawed and petty. She must grow in strength, overcome her imprisonment. Then she could have a revenge against all the liars who convinced her that self-sacrifice was the greatest virtue, then stripped away all of her hopes and dreams. The teachings of Mitra were lies, it is the blasphemies of Asmodeus that were truth. Not blasphemies. She must not think that way.

The lessons of Asmodeus would strengthen her, allow her to overcome, to free herself, to avenge herself not only on Telina and Restin but on House Darius and their false deity Mitra. That is a vengeance worth living for. Asmodeus a Lord worth dedicating herself to had blessed her in her transformation. The scar that spoiled her beauty had faded into an image of His blessed pentagram, (birthmark trait) emblazoned on her face, showing that Tearyn was called to Him as a priestess. Now if only she could free her body as her mind and vision were freed from her early delusion. The burning desire for vengeance would be the flame to temper her into Asmodeus's tool as steel is tempered into a blade. The burning energy that would fuel her quest for freedom and domination.

Nevermind my anti-paladin question.

I've settled on a Cavalier(Huntmaster)|Inquisitor. He'll be Order of the Lion but his sovereign isn't the king of Talingarde but the one true king, the first king Dispater. He sees it as his job to remove unworthy sovereigns.

An added benefit is that he can state he serves the king when questioned, rare are the simpletons who have heard of the First King's glorious name. That and he's buddies with Asmodeus.

Actually a excellent choice could be made for Order of the Lion for House Barca.

Only eighty years ago, the kingdom weathered a bitter war of succession fought between the largely half elven nobility of House Barca and the human dynasty of House Darius. Both had claim to the throne and their supporters.

Well, if house Barca has Asmodeus on their side that also means they have Dispater on their side which in turn would mean they are the true sovereigns of the land, not the holier than thou fools.

In response to Cuàn's earlier question (even though he doesn't need it answered I will answer it in case others have a similar question)

I am willing to re-skin things a bit to make things work for anti-paladin archetypes or even a prestige class. (In my home game one of my players will play a low templar of Asmodeus).

Ashe wrote:
If we do the vampire path can we start with the bitten feat if we work being bittign into our background?

Just being curious (well, for now at least) : What is that feat ? Or rather, where can I find it ?


@Urtar - look at the campaign infor tab.

BTW- this is my first experience with Gestalt so let me know if I did it wrong.

Thanks. I can't understand how I didn't think of that myself... :o

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tearyn Seslina wrote:

@Urtar - look at the campaign infor tab.

BTW- this is my first experience with Gestalt so let me know if I did it wrong.

After a quick glance, you seem to have grasped the concept of Gestalt just fine. However I did pick up on a few others things.

First, you built a 20 point character when its a 25 point build system.

Second, you should have 2 more skill points as GM Blood ruled that everyone will receive an extra 2 skill points per level.

Third, did you choose a Favored Class option?


@Joshua Hirtz

Thanks! I think I fixed those issues.

Thanks to everyone so far who has had an interest in this! Remember the recruitment will go through at least next weekend so don't feel in a rush to get your guy done instantly. I will review them all at the end and pick the ones I like best or think go together the best.

There is a lot of information in the campaign tab (Alternate archetypes, vampire and lich choices, history of Talinagrde, etc)
and a few changes/restrictions in the primary post so do your best to comb through it all. You may find something to tweak in your crunch or fluff!

Please find Arzazel ready to take over Talingarde.


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