Fraternity of DOOM!!!

Game Master Xabulba

Since mythic times tales of Heroes appearing from obscurity and shadows to fight the machinations of evil monsters, dictators and kings.
Over the long centuries these heroes have been given many titles like gods and magicians and holy crusaders. Evil is again rising in the world, will new heros step forward to fight? Stay tuned to find out in the Fraternity of Doom.

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Capt Cosmos messes the RF transmissions to the "guard-dogs" and corrals them to the NE portion of the property away from the main building.

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

Sorry all been a bit hectic at work because of the holiday and of course the actual holiday itself has kept me busy I'll be back together tomorrow!

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

"Alright we've got the 'dogs' penned up so I suppose we head down there now and start checking things out" Jo says casting a few more glances back at the strange creatures "those things were not making any sort of sound no matter what they did so keep that in mind we need to keep our eyes open for anything else that can do that" Jo suggests and with that she awaits the rest of the group to be ready to transmat down.

-0 to resistance

Chris turns away from the window and walks to the transmat pad, letting his biomass boil over and encase his body in a hard shell once more.

Right, actual work. Let's get on with it then. Qnetic teleports down to the LZ, ready for action.

Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal

"ATHENA, Keep an eye out for trouble and let us know while we are investigating. Cosmos transmats the team, and then transmats himself down.

The team trans-mats down to the ruined facility near the stationary RF transmitter/receiver. What's left of the building is covered in blast and fire damage but the RF unit is new and must have been placed after the original explosions. It also looks like the guard animals make their lair/nest here as well.
Spreading out the team explores the remains of the building casual observation reveals nothing unexpected until perseverance and sharp senses reveals a industrial inclined lift big enough to fit 3 semi's and their trailers hidden behind a 3D holographic projection. There's nothing on the lift now and you estimate the lift goes down at least 180 feet below the surface.

QNetic make a perception check please.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

@QNetic - Dr. QNetic feels a bit queasy when you look down the elevator shaft. It as if you are seeing double, you see one shaft suffering from neglect overlaid on another that is in pristine working order. Your consensus is whatever is down there is slightly out of phase of this world.

Huh, a dimensionally overlayed chamber, maybe? QNetic frowns. He clears his throat. Best tread lightly, folks, whatever is down there is not entirely of this world.

-0 to resistance

"That is odd. Do you have an idea of what we could expect?"

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

"Wonderful" Jo mutters sarcastically " it's not going to tear us apart or anything just by heading down there will it?" Jo asks with a heavy sigh as she takes a look down the elevator shaft at least vaguely curios of trying to see if any of her tech could pick up what Qnetic could see.

Unless you change your quantum phase to match the out-of-phase one nothing would happen, you couldn't even interact with the out of phase stuff. The only reason QNetic even noticed it is because he is always a little bit out of phase with this quantum universe.

Cat could whip up a gadget, with equipment from the Zephyr's trans-mat, that would align your phase state with the hidden lift shaft. It would allow you to see and interact with whatever's in the out of phase pocket. Downside is it would temporarily disable the trans-mat.

Well, unless there's something there that can cross the dimensional boundaries, I doubt it's anything for us to worry about. Still, it's a bit unusual to run across something like this. Perhaps there's an I who knows more, but I doubt we have time to ask all of me about it. Still I'll check with familiar Is. QNetic's eyes glaze over.

Anything useful in the QNetic Awareness-verse about this place?

As your awareness expands to encompass 100's of realities you feel more than see a twisting between our reality and another, everything encompassed by the twisting is inverted to the other reality.
Whatever is down there is hiding an entire base in the ultimate hiding place, an alternate reality.

@Cat - DC20 tech roll to cobble together a phase key.

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

"So I think I might be able to whip something up that would let us match up with the phased out reality that QNetic found... the only problem is that in order for me to do so I would need to use some of the parts of the Zephyr and I'm pretty sure most of them are from the transmat, so it's mostly up to you and Athena if I do this Zed. I can put everything back where it belongs after we investigate."

Tech if Zed gives the OK: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal

"Sure." then Zed speaks into his communicator, "ATHENA, land the ship, Cat needs to do some hacking."

Moments later the Zephyr is on the ground with the airlock and cargo bay open.

After fifteen minutes of struggling with the transmat coils and another ten of welding, soldering, splicing and a quick bit of coding Cat whips up a quantum door knocker (of sorts).

When Cat turns it on and points it at the lift everyone begins to see a double vision of the pristine lift superimposed over the ruined one. A few adjustments creates a 2 meter "doorway" onto pristine lift allowing entrance to the real base.

As I mentioned the lift is a industrial inclined lift capable of holding 3 semi trucks. Using it will be noticed but the real base has, behind a locked door, a set of stairs running along side the lift.
Cat easily bypasses the security and lock allowing you access down.

At this point I need some stealth and perception checks please. +5 if you have some kind of vision/hearing augmentation. If you're not trying to be stealthy then ignore the rolls.

Female Human PL10 Heroine | Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 4 Dex 4 Fgt 6 Int 4 Awr 3 Pre 6 | Dodge 4 Parry 6 Fortitude 2 Tough 6/2 Will 3 | Init +4 Grab +6 (DC 14) Throw +4 (DC 17) Unarmed +8 (DC 17)

Liberteen Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Liberteen Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal

stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

Stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (11) + 20 = 31
Not sure if the vidion/hearing augmentation also effects the Sealth roll and if so thats a 36
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (20) + 15 = 35

QNetic a Chris 114, I still need rolls from you two.

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25 Stealth
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Perception

-0 to resistance

If the task comes to sneaking, Chris 114 will drop the biomass. While sneaking comes naturally to him from a few years' practice, rarely was he the lookout.

stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Liberteen and Capt. Cosmos's clumsy decent triggers an auto defense system. Only Capt. Cosmos and Cat see an orb pop out of the floor and shoot Liberteen and Capt.Cosmos with a blinding white light. When the rest of you regain your sight Liberteen and Capt. Cosmos are nowhere to be seen.

Because of your head gear you actually see Liberteen and Capt. Cosmos get atomized and pulled into the orb. Your impression is they were teleported somewhere rather than vaporized.

@Liberteen and Capt. Cosmos:
A couple of seconds pass as your sight returns and heads clear and the first thing you notice is you're not where you were. You are now in a large room that looks suspiciously like the inside of terrarium. Moist soil covers the floor and large exotic plants and trees are everywhere. The second thing you notice is the 4 sets of glowing green eyes staring at you from the under brush. Roll init and keep spoilered so the others don't know whats going on.

Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal

Secret GM/Liberteen stuff:
Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Female Human PL10 Heroine | Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 4 Dex 4 Fgt 6 Int 4 Awr 3 Pre 6 | Dodge 4 Parry 6 Fortitude 2 Tough 6/2 Will 3 | Init +4 Grab +6 (DC 14) Throw +4 (DC 17) Unarmed +8 (DC 17)

Secrety Stuff:
Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

"It's teleported Zed and Liberteen, take it down but don't destroy it, if I can get my hands on ti I might be able to do something about it." Cat said gritting her teeth as she darted forward at the orb intending to find some way to safely disable it without destroying it completely.

Tech roll perhaps to spot some means of disableing it?

@Cat, Chris 114 and QNetic, an outright attack will trigger the security. Using stealth you could position yourselves in a way when it is triggered you can act first. Cat could also use stealth to get to the device and then use technology to disable it with out using force.

Capt. Cosmos @ Liberteen:

From the under brush emerge 4 house cat sized shadows, the only features you can see are the glowing green eyes everything else is blacker than black. The largest shadow aches it's back and hisses at you before leaping to attack.

Shadow 2
Shadow 3
Shadow 4
Shadow 1

Capt, Cosmos is up.

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat
GM Xabulba wrote:

@Cat, Chris 114 and QNetic, an outright attack will trigger the security. Using stealth you could position yourselves in a way when it is triggered you can act first. Cat could also use stealth to get to the device and then use technology to disable it with out using force.

** spoiler omitted **

Gonna give the sneaking and disableing a try then

Stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (19) + 20 = 39

Technology: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

-0 to resistance

stealth: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Cat And Chris sneak up on the hidden trap then spring their own trap, Chris's claws quickly pry the orb from the floor as Cat deftly disables it's sensors.

A Tech check to get a detailed analysis of it's functions.

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

tech: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal

Secret stuff for GM and Liberteen:
"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Liberteen." mutters to his comrade.

If the room is smaller than 60' and Cosmos can catch all the green eyed monsters in a single blast, Cosmos will wide angle stun the "glowing green eyes".
Monster's need to make a fort save vs. DC 20:1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated

QNetic follows once Cat has disabled the sensors. I could do a Quantum scan to see if they're in a neighboring dimension. he suggests while Cat examines the device. If you think that's what happened.

Female Human PL10 Heroine | Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 4 Dex 4 Fgt 6 Int 4 Awr 3 Pre 6 | Dodge 4 Parry 6 Fortitude 2 Tough 6/2 Will 3 | Init +4 Grab +6 (DC 14) Throw +4 (DC 17) Unarmed +8 (DC 17)

Captain Cosmos and GM:
Liberteen nods to the Captain and braces herself for the coming fight, should his attack fail. She is in hyperstrength mode.

Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat

"Do it, I'll keep trying to crack this thing to see if I can figure out how or if you're wrong what it did." Cat said gritting her teeth as she poked and pried at the machine.

QNetic expands his dimensional senses to sense if the others have been transported to another dimension.

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