Fraternity of DOOM!!!
Game Master
Since mythic times tales of Heroes appearing from obscurity and shadows to fight the machinations of evil monsters, dictators and kings.
Over the long centuries these heroes have been given many titles like gods and magicians and holy crusaders. Evil is again rising in the world, will new heros step forward to fight? Stay tuned to find out in the Fraternity of Doom.
Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal
GM Xabulba wrote:
2) You do not to roll to hit with area effect powers, if a character is in the area effect of a power they can (if able) roll a dodge check to avoid some of the attacks power, DC equals 10+PL of the attack. If the dodge DC is made the PL of the attacks is reduced by half (minimum of one) for the resistance check.
I want to clarify that as I understand it, the Dodge DC only applies to 'Damage' powers. Other, 'non-damage' affliction powers just use the appropriate save for the affliction. It's the equivalent of a "reflex save" in PF.
Are we on the same page there too?
Captain Cosmos wrote: GM Xabulba wrote:
2) You do not to roll to hit with area effect powers, if a character is in the area effect of a power they can (if able) roll a dodge check to avoid some of the attacks power, DC equals 10+PL of the attack. If the dodge DC is made the PL of the attacks is reduced by half (minimum of one) for the resistance check.
I want to clarify that as I understand it, the Dodge DC only applies to 'Damage' powers. Other, 'non-damage' affliction powers just use the appropriate save for the affliction. It's the equivalent of a "reflex save" in PF.
Are we on the same page there too? That is correct.
Str 7 Sta 8 Agi 6 Dex 4 Fighting 10 Int 1 Awareness 4 Presence 4
hehehe by way of trivia, Ogami should have been using "Aku Soku Zan" as a battle cry, which means "Slay Evil Immediately", something used during the Meiji Era in Japan.
-0 to resistance
for some reason i cant post in the main thread. Chris will attack the barge to try to keep goods from being transported with it
M Humanborn
Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal
@Tenro - I see you in the main thread.
-0 to resistance
weird it was not showing my post after i posted it. i guess it was a suuuuper delay
Female Human PL10 Heroine | Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 4 Dex 4 Fgt 6 Int 4 Awr 3 Pre 6 | Dodge 4 Parry 6 Fortitude 2 Tough 6/2 Will 3 | Init +4 Grab +6 (DC 14) Throw +4 (DC 17) Unarmed +8 (DC 17)
Going on vacation from tomorrow (Nov 3) to Nov 16. May be able to post, may not. Please ghost me as necessary.
Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal
@Cat - We can throw you in the Vita-pod and speed up your reflexes or toughen you up if you are looking for a macguffin to spend character points on dodge or toughness beyond human norms.
3 power points for each of you and 2 Hero points. Cat gets an extra hero point for ingenuity.
Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat
Female Human PL10 Heroine | Str 2 Sta 2 Agl 4 Dex 4 Fgt 6 Int 4 Awr 3 Pre 6 | Dodge 4 Parry 6 Fortitude 2 Tough 6/2 Will 3 | Init +4 Grab +6 (DC 14) Throw +4 (DC 17) Unarmed +8 (DC 17)
I'm home. Wish I could say that vacation was enjoyable, but it was a bit stressful. Without going into too much detail, it seems that my brother-in-law screwed up and landed himself in jail. Exactly what he did will remain private, but it was severe enough that the end result will be a divorce. In addition, I visited my grandmother's old house (in which I spent many happy years), only to find that the current owners have completely gutted it and changed everything. The garage where I whiled away many an hour in my "secret" fort is falling in. The inside of the house is completely changed, with walls removed, rooms rearranged, etc. Even the town has changed so much as to be nearly unrecognizable (this was my first visit in 25 years). Very disheartening.
-0 to resistance
ooh, rough. hopefully things end up better for you and yours.
Sorry for the slow posting I have not been feeling well, no energy and always tired, for the last week or so. When to the Doctor's today and underwent a lot of tests, I will find out in a couple of days if it's anything serious.
Female Hero Points: 3 The Cat
Hope you feel better Bulba and hopefully it is not anything serious >.<!
Status: Normal | Dodge 12(22), Parry 12(22), Fortitude 2, Toughness 2(8), Will 2 | ATHENA Status: Normal
Happy New Year everyone. Im giving up play by post. Have fun!
-0 to resistance
abrupt! had to read it twice! but have fun!
M Humanborn
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