Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk [3.5 D&D]
Game Master
3.5 Edition D&D campaign set in the environs of the City of Greyhawk.
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
I'm on vacation and won't be able to post as regularly. Will be back home Sunday.
M Whisper Gnome Beguiler 9 Ruathar 1 Shadowcraft Mage 1 | HP:68/68 | AC:21/T:13 /FF:19 | Init:+2 BAB:+4 | W:+13,R:+10,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-8/8-8/8-7/7-7/7-5/5 | Spot +21 Listen +16
Ok, I am going to be travelling until the 23ed (inclusive). I should be able to still post, but things may be sparse. Feel free to bot me if necessary...
Male Half-orc Fighter 7
Hello all,
I'm an old friend of West and Morrow from another game board. I'll be joining you shortly once West and I hash out which PC I'll be returning to life from our old board.
I'm looking forward to new adventures with an old character and new friends.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Cora Tosscobble, Summoner, at your service. Let me throw lots of meat between the party and our opponents. I have a solution to most situations, typically summoning something to help out.
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Thank you. It would appear I need to learn the configurations of the board. You all have more information at the top of your posts.
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
It concatenates starting with the text in Gender, then Race, then Classes/Levels. If you need more information in the top line I'm not sure how to do that....
The lines are compiled in sequence and then wrap, so the first line simply runs out of space and becomes the 2nd.
Best example is actually to look at Morrow's profile.
The initial info is the GENDER field:
Race & Class
Init & MAB
Next field is RACE:
Quick Cast
Next field is CLASSES/LEVELS:
(looks like some role info or botting info)
The main point is, you can put pretty much as much text as you want in those fields, the are compiled in the order of GENDER - RACE - CLASSES, and also valuable to note that standard BBCode tags apply, like in case you want to bold or italicise something (like I just did with Sylph & Detect Magic)
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Thanks, I was able to start loading the info in those slots
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
I have been reading the last few pages of your adventure and that was one challenging battle with the demons and cleric!
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
West, how much information do you want in the header section of my character posts?
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
HP and AC are good to have, just as you did. Saves can be helpful as well, maybe most-often used skill modifiers or favorite weapon attack/damage modifiers. Whatever you think is referenced more often than not for your character build.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
hmmmm, I haven't used a weapon since level 3, so that's pointless LOL
I can't list my memorized spells, it's too big, but perhaps fiery burst and a few of my skills could be added.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
How does that look for relevant information?
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Looks good! Don't forget to level up to 11 though, and double check those HP. The first page of the Recruitment tab has the relevant info for stats and level-up information - it might impact your total.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Evindyl? Still interested in the game? I want to get the adventure moving again this weekend, but haven't seen a character submission yet.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
I do not have any HP rolls from you for level 10 and 11, assuming its the same as on WoG and the GM rolls and we get half is less than half.
Oddly I just read those rules in the 3.5 DMG (I'm running a 3.5 version of ToEE for my regular Saturday group) and every odd level you get an extra HP. Wizard is to get 2 HP on even levels and 3 on odd levels.
Cora is actually doing well at 28 HP for 9 levels on 1d4 alone!!
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Does this board have built in dice rollers?
If so, how are they used?
Male Half-orc Fighter 7
West, my friend, I spend more on framing for my Elmore prints I bought when we went to GenCon, than the prints themselves cost. However, they are great additions to the game room!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Cora wrote: Does this board have built in dice rollers?
If so, how are they used?
If you click the 'show' button below by "How to format your text" it shows.
[dice=whatever]1d20 +3 +2d7 +99[remove this text/dice]
Works in any of the threads I think.
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Can do multiple dice in one statement if you separate with ;
Example: [dice=To hit and damage]1d20+1;1d6+1[Remove/dice]
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Example: To hit and damage: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 181d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Thanks, I'll try that out:
Fiery Burst damage: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 3) = 11
That works, perfect!
Bluff check for Deceptive Summons vs Sense motive: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (15) + 24 = 39
Fiendish Giant Crocodile #1 attack and damage: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 152d8 + 16 ⇒ (3, 8) + 16 = 27
Grapple check if attack is successful: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (12) + 23 = 35
Fiendish Giant Crocodile #2 flank attack and damage: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 332d8 + 16 ⇒ (8, 2) + 16 = 26
Grapple check if attack is successful: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
I will need to build out stat and dice roll profiles for my most common summons to make this work smoothly.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
level 10 HPs: 1d4 ⇒ 3
level 11 HPs: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Very interesting, I like this dice roll system. Its very similar to the roll 20 system
M Human (Baklunish) Barb 1/DS 10; Init +3; HP 132/132 ; AC 23, T 14, FF 20; Fort +13 (15), Ref +7, Will +6 (8); Rage 3/3 (12 rounds); Current Aura= Energy Shield[6 Fire damage each time an enemy hits a friendly character within 30 ft.]
For what its worth, you can put the code for rolling your Fire Burst into your lines. I tend to put them behind spoilers. But if that will be your primary attack you can put it in and then just copy and paste it into the chat box at the bottom when you post. If the code is in the character sheet it won't run it, instead it just saves the code and it can make it a lot easier to deal with large attack sequences instead of having to re-type it each time.
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
Thanks for the advice. I just put Fiery burst in the top line as an attack. I don't remember the last time I used that ability, I have too many other spells and monsters to keep track of.
To that end, I'll need to create a document with all the relevant stats for my summons and their attacks so I do not have to recreate them every round. That would be too much work with every post, given I summon two or more monsters with every summon spell now.
M Human (Baklunish) Barb 1/DS 10; Init +3; HP 132/132 ; AC 23, T 14, FF 20; Fort +13 (15), Ref +7, Will +6 (8); Rage 3/3 (12 rounds); Current Aura= Energy Shield[6 Fire damage each time an enemy hits a friendly character within 30 ft.]
The spoiler code is really useful for that. You can title the spoiler for each creature and just have it hidden until you need it to keep your character sheet clean and easy to go through.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
OK folks, I've kept you on pins and needles long enough, I'm picking up the adventure on Saturday afternoon EST, whoever is with us at that point.
Are you leaning toward re-visiting the drow/succubus and dealing with her once and for all? Or headed back to the ruined temple of Nerull for Round 3 with the archer demons and the cleric?
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Unless somebody has a way to bring her to the ground I think another attempt would just be another fail....
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
I think we managed to score a couple of bows for Sobok to use here to target the succubus. That plus Reonnyn's Eldritch Blasts should do the trick. Plus I know Cora can summon some minions to distract/drag her down to the rest of the party.
M Whisper Gnome Beguiler 9 Ruathar 1 Shadowcraft Mage 1 | HP:68/68 | AC:21/T:13 /FF:19 | Init:+2 BAB:+4 | W:+13,R:+10,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-8/8-8/8-7/7-7/7-5/5 | Spot +21 Listen +16
I think we should go for another kick at the succubus can.
I think I got too clever last time around, and gave her a chance to see through the trick...
New plan: disguise us as a different party ( using Seeming ). She'll try to run her kidnapped princess con, and we'll close and jump her...
With respect to her flying, Cora's a wizard. With prep, she can probably chuck a fly spell on Morrow and Sobok... (Alternatively, our cleric, whomever that is, could probably do Air Walk). Not to mention any number of other options to contain flight, eg. wall of X (stone is a good one) to make a ceiling that's only 9 ft high in that grotto...
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Can you create a wall of stone as a dome, not connected to anything, just over top of the demon to bring it down and crush/contain it?
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
On one of you I can cast fly and then polymorph them into a 10 headed hydra before the fight and then summon flying minions once the fight begins. That will give the succubus something to worry about
As for the archer demons and cleric, I'm sure a few giant crocs to grapple and then some bearded demons to flank would help deal with them.
Wall of force I have, but not wall of stone. I could likely get that spell before we leave Greyhawk.
I am much more than a Wizard, I am a Malconvoker. I can summon a legion of monsters to deal with most situations, with just my standard memorized spells, then there is always the option of preparing to combat a specific situation. Also, I can bluff and lie better than anyone, LOL
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Cora and Fash need to have a bluff-off! :)
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
"I am selling a lovely house in the free city of Greyhawk with a fabulous ocean front view. Sleeping to the rolling waves is something very peaceful, anyone interested?" Bluff Roll: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (11) + 24 = 35 hehehe
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
West, I still need HP rolls for level 10 and 11, or will you take the rolls I made earlier.
M Whisper Gnome Beguiler 9 Ruathar 1 Shadowcraft Mage 1 | HP:68/68 | AC:21/T:13 /FF:19 | Init:+2 BAB:+4 | W:+13,R:+10,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-8/8-8/8-7/7-7/7-5/5 | Spot +21 Listen +16
GM West wrote: Cora and Fash need to have a bluff-off! :) Of course I'm going to cheat...
Cora Tosscobble wrote: "I am selling a lovely house in the free city of Greyhawk with a fabulous ocean front view. Sleeping to the rolling waves is something very peaceful, anyone interested?" Bluff Roll: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (11) + 24 = 35 hehehe Fash hides behind Morrow and casts Glibness, then
"Sounds like a real good deal, I've got a bank draft here from the Irongate Artificer's Union for 12000 gp, that enough for you?"
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 + 30 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 30 = 46
8 ranks +30 glibness
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
He ain't called a Beguiler for nuthin'! Cora can use Spellcraft to identify the spell, but I think Fash has an ability where he can hide his spellcasting or something...
And Cora, feel free to use those rolls - I can't remember where I saw them, but I'm sure they're just fine!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
That gives me a grand total of 35 HPs! Woo!
Female High Elf Wizard (Conjuress) 3 / Master Specialist 3 / Malconvoker 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 18/T:14/FF:14 | DR: 3/- for 30 HPs| F:4 R:8 W:12 | Skills: Bluff +24, K Arcana +12 (+17 Monsters), K Religion +11 (+16 Monsters), K planes +15 (+20 Monsters), Spellcraft +19 (+21 Conjuration) | Search +11, Spot +1, Listen +2
GM West wrote: He ain't called a Beguiler for nuthin'! Cora can use Spellcraft to identify the spell, but I think Fash has an ability where he can hide his spellcasting or something...
And Cora, feel free to use those rolls - I can't remember where I saw them, but I'm sure they're just fine!
If he had to use Bluff as often as I do, he would run out of spells quickly. LOOL We Malconvokers make bluff rolls with each and every summon of evil monsters, which is all we summon
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Darn it, not sure why I had Level 11 stuck in my head! I was gonna have everyone level up after you defeated the cleric and the demons, but go ahead and take your level up now, if you'd like. This goes for everyone. Thanks!
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
I can't recall who is playing Glorb now... was thinking someone kindly picked him up as a second character to round out your party. Feel free to continue playing him as you've been, or we'll have him stay behind in Greyhawk when you head back to the ruins.
Male halfling Swashbuckler 4/Warlock 7 Init: +3 | AC: 20 / FF: 17 / Touch 14 [+4 vs giants] | Fort: +8 / Ref: +10 / Will: +9 [+2 vs fear] | Speed: 30' | DR 2/cold iron | Attacks: +2 rapier +15/+10 to hit (1d4+3 damage); Eldritch Blast +14 to hit ranged touch (4d6+2 damage, range 250', x2)
I am currently playing Glorb as a backup PC. Let me know if you want him to tag along or whether he can stay behind.
Keep in mind he does have a scroll of Wish that he can use to whisk you guys out of danger, so he would be a good person to leave behind.
Edit: HP roll 1d6 ⇒ 6
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Let's go ahead and leave him behind then, your current party is very well-balanced at this point I think, and six characters is a bit less crowded than seven.
M Whisper Gnome Beguiler 9 Ruathar 1 Shadowcraft Mage 1 | HP:68/68 | AC:21/T:13 /FF:19 | Init:+2 BAB:+4 | W:+13,R:+10,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-8/8-8/8-7/7-7/7-5/5 | Spot +21 Listen +16
HP: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Edit: So that becomes a 2 with the minimum 1/2 rule.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)
Correct! Minimum half hit die when you roll it!
M Human Duskblade 7/Abjurant Champion 4 | HP: 84/84 | Add 1 for Haste ** AC:20/T:13 /FF:16 | Init:+1, MAB:+14/+9/+4 Power Attack | W:+8,R:+4,F:+8 | Spellslots:6/6-9/9-8/8-4/5 | Arcane Attunement: 5/5 | Quick Cast:1 | Arcane Boost | Skills: Climb+16,Jump+12,Spellcraft+16,Swim+10 | Corner Perch/Leaping Climber/Speedy Ascent/Quick Swimmer
HP: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
M Suloise Ftr 1/Cleric 10 (HP 106/119 | AC:22/24 vs evil | T:10/12 | FF:22/24 | Fort:+13/15 | Ref:+6/8 | Will:+10/12 | Init:+0 | Speed 20)
Did Qstor pick up the Pelor cleric? Because Gear is a melee dude, he's not going to fill a heal/turn slot if you still need it. I can change him if you need that instead.
Fash, do you mind if Kelviernan was a friend to Gear's family? As long as GM West doesn't mind I'm just going to write his family like the Harpell wizards from Forgotten Realms and say Longsaddle is a small town in the Principality of Ulek. Maybe Fash and Kelviernan had to retreat there once or twice during the war when they couldn't get back to Celene?